You're mine, right?-Levi Acke...

By TelescopicTurtle

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My name is Mia and I have spent most of my life around a boy with black hair and grey eyes. After joining the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

Chapter 16

10 0 0
By TelescopicTurtle

It was the morning after the expedition and I woke up aching and to a bare room. I was the only other person there; Levi was in his chair no longer. Nothing happened to him, he is just going to the toilet or something. He'll be back soon.

After about half an hour of sitting in silence and stillness, I saw a shadow on the other side of the curtain divider. Annabelle popped her head into my room and greeted me with the brightest smile.

"Good morning Mia! How did you sleep?" She inquired.

"Yeah it was okay. Have you seen Levi?" I asked.

"If by Levi you mean the short boy with the black hair, then yes I have." She said.

"Do you know where he is?" I questioned.

"He is in Erwin's office because Erwin wanted a word with him." She replied.

"Thank you; do you know how long he is going to be?" I asked.

"Well he has been gone for an hour already, so I don't think he will be too much longer. Give him twenty minutes at the most. Also, I'm going to be pulling a cast around your leg today to make sure that it heals properly. Unfortunately, I can't put a cast on your ribs, so I'll have to strap you up the best I can." She said.

I nodded and she walked out. I looked onto the wall and took note of the time. Eight-thirty. He should be back by around eight-fifty.

Sure enough, Levi came walking into the room at eight-forty five with the most bored and disinterested expression I had ever seen.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. How are you holding up, with your leg and stuff?" He said.

"I'm better than yesterday. The nurse said she is going to put a cast on me and strap me up, so I can heal. Why were you in Erwin's office?" I asked as my curiosity was starting to get the better of me.

"He wanted to promote me to Corporal due to my killings yesterday and saving your life. He said I was brave and all that shit." Levi said.

"You were brave. Did you agree to it?" I said.

"Well I couldn't exactly turn him down as he practically forced me to say yes." He said.

"That's awesome! Do you get your own squad?" I asked.

"Yeah, and I made sure that you were part of it. I also think Petra, a guy named Auruo, a guy named Eld, and another one named Gunther are part of it as well. We are called the special operations squad." He said.

"That's great." I told him with a weak smile.

My side was still sore, but I didn't want to worry anyone. They all had other things to spend their time thinking about that wasn't me and my purple torso and twisted leg. At that thought, the nurse came back into sight with a box and a bucket. The bucket was filled with wet plaster and the box seemed to be a first aid kit. She kneeled down to the ground a pulled a plastic sheet out of the box. She gently lifted my right leg and slipped the sheet under it. This was so that the plaster wouldn't get all over the bedding. She then dipped a long and wide bandage into the bucked, so that it was wet, and began wrapping it around my leg. She started at my thigh and worked her way down to my middle calf. When that dried, she applied a thicker bandage that had been dipped in plaster as the hard casing of the cast. When it was dry, I thanked her and she left the room to go and get more bandages as she used all of the ones in the box on my leg. Once she came back, I lifted my shirt and she wrapped my up tightly. I was finding it hard to breathe before, but once she was done, I thought I was going to pass out from lack of oxygen.

"Now, you can't move for a while so don't try getting out of bed." She said.

"Thank you and I won't." I smiled at her before she left the room with the bucket, plastic sheet and first aid box.

After some silence, Levi stood up.

"I'm going to go and get some breakfast; I haven't eaten in a while. Do you want me to get you anything?" He said.

Once Levi said this, I realised how hungry I was.

"Yes please" I said.

With that, he walked out of the room and down the hall.

My days for the three months that followed were all the same. Annabelle would come into my room in the mornings and ask how I was. I was getting better every day, despite the fact that I couldn't move. Then Levi would go to breakfast and come back with a tray of water, and a small, buttered loaf of bread. I would eat that and then sit still for the rest of the day until it was time for dinner. I wasn't as hungry as usual because I wasn't burning any of what I was eating. It was very boring, but Hanji frequently visited me and Levi never left my side unless he was at the dining hall or the bathroom. Annabelle had to help me out of the bed and take me to the bathroom, as embarrassing as it was, I couldn't do it on my own.

It had been three months and one week since I was admitted to the infirmary and I was mostly recovered. Annabelle said that I wasn't allowed to fight any titans until I was out of my crotches, but I could now go to the dining hall myself and eat with Levi and Hanji. It was so strange not seeing Farlan's smiling face every morning, but I was learning to cope, so was Levi.

Today was the day that the surviving of the Survey Corps was to head back to the walls. Many horses had gone rouge, so people had to double up. I sat on the back of Levi's black house on our journey back to the wall. The formation was smaller, but didn't break as badly as the first time. We only encountered five titans, two four metres and three seven metres. They were killed quickly and we kept riding. We were also now with our new squads, as Levi and I's old one was no more. Eld, Gunther, Auruo and Petra were a good team, as they had known each other for a long time before, and I had obviously met Petra and Levi before, so we weren't complete strangers. We took a different route that time, the path we took was titan infested and we were surrounded by too many trees, so we couldn't see approaching titan's before it was too late.

We arrived at the wall and the gates were opened. We rode through the main streets and passed many of the town's people. Some were angry and most were crying, most likely because they hadn't seen their loved ones come back in the crowd and suspected the worst.

Once we arrived at the Survey Corps headquarters, we were ordered to wash up and come back to the dining hall for dinner and a name call, to see how many we had lost that day.

I arrived back in my dorm and sat down on my bed after dinner. I was keen to sleep as I hadn't done too much of that in a while. Slumber took over my body and I was out like a light.

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