The Alpha (BoyxBoy) (Book Two)

By Lownder

250K 11.2K 508

River is getting ready to step into his fathers shoes and take over as the Alpha of the Riverstone pack, all... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 6

8.5K 374 5
By Lownder

*Jamie's PoV*

I was so caught up in the movie I almost didn't notice River laying against Jinx. Almost. But as soon as I saw it I could feel myself smiling at how cute they looked curled up together like that. River had tried so hard to play it off like this stuff didn't scare him, but I knew him better than that. I don't know who he was trying to fool saying he could handle it, but I just hoped he was comfortable.

"Austin!" We all jumped as Keyon appeared in the room and I watched River try to scramble away from Jinx who just looked confused as all hell. Keyon turned towards the two and just rolled his eyes. "I'm a wizard here River, I knew you two were mates long before either of you did." His eyes fell to me now, "I know about all the mate related things going on with your pack."

My mind went straight to Corey and I think that's exactly what he was getting at. Why else would he have looked towards me for it, I was the only one here who knew about Corey. It wasn't like his situation was normal, but Keyon was a wizard, maybe he could help the two communicated better. Maybe he wanted me to come forward with it to him.

"What are you doing?" He asked now staring at Austin, who clearly wanted nothing to do with the wizard.

Austin just glared at him before snapping off "I think it's pretty obvious I'm trying to enjoy a movie night with my boyfriend."

Keyon took a step forward his eyes glowing with anger. "You're training tomorrow so your ass better be back at the pack place."

Austin groaned and threw his head back. "What time?"

"6 in the morning." Keyon instructed only causing another groan. "Keep that up and I'll make it 5:30." I hated the way the two of them interacted. Keyon always seemed to be on his case about everything, and Austin just almost seemed to not understand the gravity of all that was happening.

"Whatever," Austin grumbled, "can you just go we're trying to enjoy the movie."

Keyon rolled his eyes before raising his hands to snap his fingers, but I quickly sat up. "Wait!" His expression softened as he looked at me, just as it usually did. "Can we talk?"

Austin groaned next to me but I just shot him a glare and whatever he was gonna say he decided against. I quickly got up and left the room with Keyon right behind me.

"What's up buttercup?" He asked as he turned towards me a small smile on his lips. I needed to figure out what he knew about Corey, and I wanted to know if he could help.

I waited a moment trying to figure out exactly how I wanted to ask what I was going to ask. "You know about Corey's mate right?"

He chuckled a little and nodded. "I used to be good friends with Val before my dad cut off my ability to travel back and forth."

I smiled thinking about Valentine and the way he was with Corey, I wondered how he was when he was with Keyon. Had he been just as similey and bubbly, or did he act more like Keyon did with the snarky comments. I quickly put myself back on track though as I remembered what I asked him out here for. "Is there something you could do to help them?"

He looked me up and down once before sighing. "I might be able to whip up a potion to make the connection strong enough that they can talk." I could feel my smile growing "But it'd be pretty dangerous for me. If my dad got wind of it he'd be pissed." and just like that no more smile.

"What if I did something for you too?" I asked slowly.

He gave me a questioning look. "What could you do for me?"

I bit my lip and glanced towards Austin's room before returning my gaze towards the wizard in front of me. "What if I shifted for you tomorrow?"

He smiled brightly and looked a little excited but quickly composed himself again. "Would you be comfortable doing that?"

I thought it over for a second weighing my options. I might not be exactly comfortable doing it, but it would help Corey out so much. It would also help further Austin's training, and a little discomfort was worth that. It seemed selfish not to, there seemed like a million reasons could be listed for me to do it, and the only one to not do it was simply that I didn't want to. "As long as when I shift back you turn around till I'm dressed."

"That's fair, I would have done it anyway, I know how sensitive you are about it." He said with a nod. "Was there anything else you needed to talk to me about?"

"Why do you hate Austin?" I don't know where the words came from, I really don't. It just bothered me a little when he got so tough on him I guess.

He chuckled and shook his head a little. "I don't hate him little one, I'm just training him." I looked at him confused. "Everyone needs something different in their life when they're training. Look at you, you'd need someone who's going to be gentle with you and assure you every step of the way that things are fine." I nodded softly. "River just needs someone he trusts wants what's best for him, at that point he's not going to question anything. Your mate however, questions everything and needs someone who's going to constantly have their foot up his ass, or he's not gonna do anything." He chuckled again. "I don't hate him, I just want him to do his best."

"Oh." Was all I could say. He nodded smiling again.

"So I'll throw the potion together tonight, and give it to you after we're finished training. Have you seen Corey at all? I heard he disappeared last night."

I nodded quickly. "He stayed the night at a friends house, he didn't wanna go back into the sea of emotions radiating off of everyone there."

Keyon just nodded before reaching out and hugging me. "See you tomorrow cutie." And with a snap of his fingers, he was gone. I smiled to myself again before turning and walking back into the room to see River snuggled back up against Jinx, who wasn't even watching the movie at this point, he was just staring down at my cousin with this content look on his face.

"Are you gonna come back over here and let me cuddle you, or are you leaving to go talk to more people who hate me?" Austin asked from the bed.

I walked over and crawled back on top of him resuming my position from earlier. "He doesn't hate you." I mumbled before letting my eyes wonder back to the TV.

"Like hell he doesn't." Austin scoffed as he held me tightly.

I rolled my eyes once before letting them trail back down to Jinx and River. I really hoped tonight would be the start of something great. We heard the front door downstairs and I felt Austin shift under me and then the movie paused.

"Mom's home." He announced. "She brought pizza."

And as if on queue Cherry started calling up the stairs. "Boys, pizza's downstairs."

I got up and started walking towards the door but stopped when I felt Austin's hand on my shoulder. He pointed towards the other two and I looked over to see River asleep on Jinx. I could feel myself smiling. "We'll bring some up." I promised. He nodded and me and Austin went downstairs.

"What all did you get?" Austin asked his mother as we entered the kitchen.

"The usual." She told him in a 'duh' sort of voice.

"You don't have to get an attitude," He joked, "I was just making sure." She chuckled a little as she went to the cabinet to get a cup. "Also we have another friend over." He told her as he started filling a plate with meat-lovers. "He's River's mate."

"That's nice." She said brightly.

"I'm grabbing some for River in case he wakes up." I told Austin as I started piling pizza onto a plate. He just nodded and continued filling his and Jinx's. I grabbed another plate and threw some pepperoni on it for myself, and after thanking Cherry we headed back upstairs to see River and Jinx in the exact same position we had left them in.

Austin handed a plate to Jinx, and I set Rivers down on the nightstand before sitting down again on the bed and started nibbling on the piece I had grabbed. Austin pressed play and I could feel the weight of fear increasing in my stomach again.

"What Nightmare are we on?" I asked.

"Five" Austin answered in between bites.

"We're watching Disney movies when we're done." I told him.

"Why?" He groaned.

I chuckled softly before leaning over to kiss him. "Because I like them and just sat through this for you."

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