Lady Alpha To You! Ok?

By LounyCamacho

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He is one of the most disgraceful Alphas in the continent. One who doesn't give mercy to nobody, one who's fa... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen (2)
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eleven

92 2 1
By LounyCamacho

(Ladies and gentleman, this is Leslie's mother. Heidi Klum)
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Leslie's Point Of View

As soon as my dad entered the room, everyone went silent.

His face was stoic of expression. Walking towards me, until he was by my side. He lowered his lips to my cheek giving the a little kiss.

'We will talk about this now', he said through our mind link, giving me a pointed look.

'Dad I had this under control, you know I always do', I ushered as he looked at me with a pointed look.

"Jack, Marius, everyone please go out. Alpha Dayton, I suggest your acompanies go outside too. We three need to talk this without no turns or twists", dad said with a calm and serious expression, but his Alpha aura was strong enough to make us drown in it.

Dayton looked at my dad with a blank face with questioning eyes, but nodded with his head to his members to go. They were the first ones to go.

"We will be outside just in case Lesley" said Jack as Dustin nodded too, looking at my eyes. Once we had enough contact I broke it looking at another way. Jack and him leaving, after looking at Dayton quickly with a low sight.

"You sure you don't want me to stay?" Said Marius as he looked at my dad.

"Don't worry Marius, this will be over soon", dad gave him an assurance nod. Making Marius and Mimmi walk outside the door.

He pushed a rolling chair out and seated himself in the middle of the table, looking deeo in thought before he started to talk.

"You know, you're a good Alpha Leslie. You always had that mental capacity of handling things that are far more superior than you. You didn't disappoint when I gave you the tittle, but. . . Things have changed now that I wished it didn't happen but it did", he looked in thought as he talked to me, a crease in the center of his forehead.

"Sadly though, this is something that I can't and won't let it under my nose".

"Dad but why won't you let me control this, its not I'm gonna forget my duties as Alpha just because I found my mate. Just be-" I was cut off.

"Yes you will Leslie. Now you say those things like 'Yeah, even though I have a great attraction to my mate, I won't forget my duties. Oh no I won't'. Yes you will Leslie", he looked at me straightly. I just scoffed.

"Oh for real? Like meeting my mother was a problem for you and your reign, or was it?" I defended myself, my rage getting out of me, little by little.

"Do not put your mother into this Leslie. Besides I met your mother once I was six years, six damn years as Alpha of the pack. How many have you been? Eight months? Does that gives you the maturity to deal with this situation?"

"What are you implying, that I'm not good enough? That in this four years of Alpha, I hadn't been enough? Like what the hell dad! You know I wouldn't be rash about this situation between me and Dayton", I put my right hand in the arm of my chair as I kept talking, him looking at me with a raised brow.

"Oh so its Dayton uh? You're quite advancing into this aren't you?" He said watching us both. Dayton was keeping a low mind, but I could see from the hard stern in its eyes that this was getring to him.

"What do you mean advancing into this? His is bound to be my mate. Like wha-".

"A mate that happens to be rival of our pack, no scratch that, the ALPHA of the pack, I blame the Moon Goddess for doing this. Do you know what situations and problems we had in years? And you think that I would let my daughter, accept this?" He growled the 'Alpha' quite harshly as he pushed back into the chair, still on his seat.

"Do you think I haven't forgot about this fucked up feud between us two? You think I must be fucking damn blind!" I growled as I immediately stood up, the Alpha blood in me growing and getting out.

"Don't you dare talk to me like that Leslie" he said cool under his breath like he still wanted to habe control over this, but at this point if he exoloded, I would not even care.

"I will talk like this because I'm damn angry at this fucking situation. Everything has to do with you trying to control everything that I do. Even at my fucking job, and now that this has happened (I said signalling to me and Dayton) you had gone out of you're own mind. I'm damn Alpha of this pack and I know what decisions to make and those to not even think about it. Why can't you understand this? I'm good enough as I am, I'm made for the tittle".

He stood up fuming.

"THEN ACT LIKE ONE! I'm tired of you acting like a CHILD about this" he growled, his eyes changing into his wolf's. I was looking at him blankly. As if I didn't knew who was talking to me at this point, instantly feeling the tears swelling up inside me.

Suddenly I felt a growing aura inside the room, suffocating us for a moment. Dayton was getting pissed off.

"Would you stop talking to my mate like that? And also your daughter who is in front of you?" Dayton asked looking at my dad, with a serious, stone, expression that surely meant that if he had somebody right now in front of him, he would kill him in that pace.

"Well you look at that? Who is talking right now? Haha, nobody gave you a hand to speak, Mr. Stone" my dad said gleefully as he looked at Dayton with malice.

"I don't need the permission of a overly protective, lying, compulsive, blind father, that clearly doesn't see what her daughter is capable of, and let alone that her daughter is my mate. The one I have and always will have my eyes on fire and my heart on edge. Of what I can see, Leslie is capable and more of handling her position, and even better than she is doing right now. And if it wasn't that I didn't had an important meeting with her, I wouldn't even get to know her", he said as he stood up, leveling up to my father, dad being a little inches taller but that didn't stop Dayton from looking intimidating.

"Oh yeah, that excuse of a myth about the Four Lycan Kings ain't it? Well you know what? That ain't in my picture. So you can take your precious little fairy tale away from my pack" he growled the last part. Dayton was trying his hard not to attack him, cause if he did it will end badly for him.

Not that my father was the current Alpha of our pack, but he was in enemy territory.

"Dad why can't you accept that he's here for a important reason?" I was stressed right now, and this was the end of it.

"Oh so you believe him? You know what, I'm done with you handling this whatever you call it. Leslie you're now revoke from your tittle until I consider it. Even though it isn't the normal procedure, I, current Alpha Vandal now take the Alpha charge" he looked at me with angry eyes. I was paralyzed in my position. Like a hundred needles were now piercing through my soul, body and my wolf.

"Aagh" I grunted as I fell on the floor on my knees, my Alpha mark on my right shoulder burned and it wasn't the good kind.

"What did you do!?" Dayton growled as he lowered himself down, hugging me to his warm, tight body.

I looked into his wolf's eyes shaking and light headed with burned sensation. Once his eyes looked at my hazel ones, his turned into normal, showing great feelings behind it.

"Isn't it obvious, until she learns what she faces at hand with you, she won't get the tittle back" he said as he spitted venom from his eyes to Dayton.

"And to think you have twisted all of what happened to us, you know it was your fathers fault and now you're taking all of it from your personal ego and problems, shoving it to your daughter" he growled back, anger in his eyes, madness on his face.

His hands were around my shoulders, and definitely I could feel them getting colder and colder by the second, leaving me shiverring from the cold.

He noticed and started to breath evenly, the cold subsiding but not completely.

"What is he talking about?" I looked at Dayton, cause I couldn't even face my father at this moment. He was not my father, he was something else.

"Right now is not the time, mi Cielo, right now you have to charge some strength ok?" He said to me lovingly with his charming accent in the way he speaked.

Standing up, now feeling a little better, and with the help from Dayton, I looked at my father straight into the eye with all the remorse and hate I could muster in it.

"Here I thought I would have the support from my father, my super hero image, in all the decisions I made. Bad or not. Doing this proves me that you tried to control my movements and ideas for the pack. Here I thought you saw in me what you glanced in yourself when you were younger. This proves me all wrong, but no matter, is this what you want then be it. I don't want nothing to be involved in the pack then, since its your own playground", I decided to walk out of the room since it was toxic to me right now. Once I was near the room my dad caught by the arm.

"Don't you dare walk away from this right now" he looked at me blankly. At that moment I felt the bruning desire to shred someone, but not in a wolf kind of matter, but to burn things to the ground with all my might.

"Let. Me. Go!" I said as my wolf and I speaked at the same time. My arm mustering a the strenght that it had.

"Ouch!" My father grunted as he let me go, waving his hand rapidly as if he got a burn. Looking at my arm I saw nothing out of normal, but Dayton looked at me with a weird and recognizible expression.

I decided to walk out of the room. Once I was out, Dayton's members where at the far right of the wide hall, talking to each other, Tadeo glancing at me respectfully. The others were on the left side. Jack and Dustin coming at me instantly, almost running.

"Leslie you're ok?" Dustin asked in doubt and worry, and I just raised my hands to the air, wanting some space. Jack spoke later then.

"We could hear, screams and all of your auras out, it was quite scary and powerful, you ok right?" He said also in a hault.

"I just want to be alone right now ok", I didnt want to talk to nobody right now.

I walked beside them, ingnoring their concern looks. Marius and Mimmi, saw my facial expression and they respected me by only nodding with their heads.

'We'll talk to him, don't worrg', Marius said as I walked beside them.

"Good luck, sinking reason into his fucking brain"I said as a whisper, but he clearly could hear it. Walking past the warriors, I was in the stairs quickly. Once I walked to the bottom floor, my mother was at the counter talking with one of the wolves, once she saw me, her expression went out of it. Quickly running to me instantly, I could feel my tears starting to spill from me.

Instantly she hugged me in the most warmest embrace ever, her heart and body heat taking me in.

"I'm so sorry, my love" she said as she passed her hand through my hair, exact same as hers. My hands around her neck, as I sobbed. The tears flowing.

"Its just, I can't understand why he does this. I haven't been doing anything wrong to the pack" my words were muffled by her shoulder but I could feel her nodding.

"He is just scared and I'm as well mad as you are, my love. He is just scared about Dayton being here that is all" she said as she raisef my head with her hands, gracefully.

"And it is a dick move what he made to you right now". We made eye contact at that moment.

"I mean, its not like I will, run over heels fast enough for Dayton, so that I can loose control of the pack" I said as I lowered my voice feeling cornered and shy. But this was my mom right here, she knew as the palm of her hand.

"I know it isn't, as you have demonstrated it this time. But you will fall in love with Dayton and later by later we'll, well he, would have to accept it. Just know that he is scared".

"And Dayton said something about this, war between us, all started because of my grandfather", she looking at me warmly but I could tell she was taken back of what I said. she looked lost for a moment until she shook her head giving me a light smile.

"Let Dayton tell you his version, and since your father won't do it, I will tell you how I saw it, ok? Now you need to clear your head, and don't worry I will handle your position into your job, since it was my idea and little company first" she laughed a little since it was true, I started the publishing house because she was a librarian and it was her idea.

"Think I'll call Gianna and Tommy, I need to space my head a bit" I said as I looked around.

"You will do that, and I shall talk some meaning into your father. But not now maybe later, it will get pretty heavy if I talk to him right now" she laughed as she wiggled her eyebrows.

"Mom, I really don't want mental images please" I laughed as she faked as if I didn't knew ehat I was talking about.

"Anyways, where is Milan?" I asked, until I felt his warm in a hug from behind me, first scaring me, but it wasn't something I couldn't handle.

"I'm sorry about what happened, I could hear it" he said as he detached himself and looked ay my eyes.

"Its ok, it will get better. But anyways need to get some clean air, probabky go take a shower" I said as I ruffled his hair.

"Bye mom, and thank you" I said giving her a peck on the cheeks.

She instantly slipping her hands around Milan's body. He was getting higher than her, but still she passed him.

"You're welcome love", she said as soon as I was out. Feeling the now middle day sun I started to walk to my jeep. Once inside I texted Gianna. Taking notice that it was three in the afternoon.

-"Are you free tonight? Need to get some alcohol on my system and fast"- I messaged her, and I knew she was at her free hour since she instantly responded.

-"Of course I'm free. Besides Dustin told me and I'm nkt leabing you alone in this alcohohic mission. You gonna ask Tommy?"-

-"Of course, I need my girls with me tonight"-

-"Then its settled, meet you at eight, pick me up?"-


Now it was Tommy's turn.

-"Babe, you have permission to when you get out of work, at eight be ready to have some drinking with 'muah' and Gianna, k?"-

-"OMG, totally count me in. I need alcohol too"-

-"Ok, babe, pick you up at that hour. Be ready"-

I put my cellphone in the middle compartment and instantly turning on the Jeep, I headed out to my house.

I arrived fastly enough. Once I put the jeep on the driveway, I climbed out. Walking to the door, I could definitely feel a body behind me.

"It is nice to know that you're concerned, but I really want to be alone right now Dayton" I said turning around and facing Dayton who looked at me, only inches away from me. His unique scent, startling me at its finest.

It always does.

"I know that you're ok and probably want some time to your own, but I just needed to be sure that you were", he smiled at me warmly, making my heart flutter briefly. He is captivating.

"And also to tell you that I'm staying till, Wednesday. Since your father wants me as soon as posible out of here" he shrugged like ot was something a child would do, and he is right in every way.

"I know, and I'm sorry he behaved like thay. Normally he doesn't, sorry if he pushed you over", I said as sympathetic as I could, also a bit ashamed of it.

"Nah, it takes more than that, trust me" he said giving me a handsome smirk with his lovely lips.

"Oh aren't we confident enough?" I said as I rised my left brow, crossing my arms.

"Yeah, a bit. You know there is nothing wrong about that, and even better when your soul is in front of you", he said looking at me, his voice dropping into a low tone that made my insides quiver.

The intense was growing steadily and consuming my thoughts. I really need to take a shower.

"Hehe even though you are welcome to stay another day and you high confidence is pretty big, I really want to be alone at this moment. If you could respect that decision it would be amazing" I smiled as he acknowledge with a slight nod, his eyes looking even brighter. Like amber incrusted in dark gold.

"Claro que si mi amada, descanza" he said in Spanish as he raised a hand to my cheek, his thumb slowly brushing my cheekbone. I felt myself wanting to lean to him, but I knew that I had to be strong to not fall for him completely.

"You know, I can never understand what you're saying, but it sounds so good" I said level above a whisper. Dayton smilling like a little kid.

"Oh well, you're in definitely a need for a private session" he joked and I smiled at that. A genuine smile.

"You know", I started to say as I opened the door, "we will have to see about that tough guy", I finished with wink before going inside and closing the door.

Once inside I put my back pushing it to the door and letting a big exhale out lf my breath. I could feel his presence at the other side.

"What are you doing to me?" I whispered only to my self. As I looked up.

I need a shower and a nap before I go out. It's three twenty seven. I have plenty of time.

After taking a long needed cold shower and napping a nice four hours, now seven a clock, I started to get ready.

I took a quick shower, and once I was out I looked for my outfit of tonight. Searching in my closet, I chose for simple black skinny jeans, a Forever 21 grey tank top, my black leather jacket and my grey heel boots.

Deciding into a simple cute underwear pair, I started applying make up in the mirror. Only blue lipstick, foundation, a nice black eye liner and mascara and a bit of blush. Deciding on hair blowing my hair, I put my clothes on.

Grabbing my already charged phone and hand purse, sprinkling sweet scented perfume and just a silver hearted necklace, I was out. Tonight I need a time out and I was deciding to have fun, no doubt.

-"I'm ready, I'll be looking for you guys"- I texted Tommy and Gianna, once I was out of my room. The house was lightly lited. I could feel the energy of my brother and my mother, dad was still at the pack house.

In the afternoon when I was taking my shower, Dustin and Jack mind linked me that they were staying at night covering all of my safety procedures and new ones just in case. They both told me that they're with me in this. I loved them so much, and felt grateful.

I walked down the stairs and headed out of the house grabbing mg keys, from the key holder. Once I walked to the driveway I decided to pick my black Audi instead of my blue Jeep. Thankfully my Jeep was given to me as a gift from the company of my dad, being a branch out but allied with it, and my car well, expenses that are worth with sacrifice. As I entered the car, I received two messages.

-"I'm almost ready, but definitely in time"- said Gianna.

-"My Gawd, I am looking so hot, arrive bitch"- said Tommy, and knowing him, he definitely said it as a bad bitch. Well he likes Rihanna so.

I turned the car on and instantly headed out. Putting my Ipod's music, instantly Kesha's 'We R Who We R' blasts through the speakers.

Signing the lyrics mutely I arrived the Gamma house. I could feel Gianna's and Dustin's parents in the house.

'Gianna get your ass out', I mental messaged her. Once I send it, only seconds later she came out. She wore red boots, blue skinny jeans, a red blouse with a bit of cleavage, white leather jacket and her hair was in curls. She was looking beautiful.

"Girl you look dashing!" I said as she opened the door and jumped in, quickly wrapping her in my arms for a tight hug.

"I know, and look at yourself, you look top. Well you're my bae, you definitely look hot" she said as she put her seatbelt on, her red lip gloss, tempting.

Someone would look at us and say we were a couple. It has happened before.

"So, only us or Tommy is coming?" She asked as she turned up the music a little bit louder.

"Yeah he is coming, he said he looked hot" I laughed as I remembered him one time whenwe were going to a club. He looked steaming HOT, sadly he was fucking gay. Damn humanity making hot guys taking them to the rainbow side.

Well I couldn't argue cause, thanks to that we can see and touch, without no remorse.

"He wants to get laid tonight, I can totally assume it", Gianna laughed as she clapped her hands once, as I passed through the packs town, going to Tommy's house at the entry plains of the town.

Heading out of the houses in the plains of the town we would arrive to the city.

"My God, I needed to have this night out. Work has been stressful, and don't worry I won't talk about what happened with your dad. Dustin told me when he arrived before you got me.

"It's ok, don't worry and thanks, I would like to remember. I just don't know what has gotten into him", I said shrugging slightly, Gianna nodding her head in agreement.

"The only thing I know is that involves your sexy, hunky, mate", she said wiggling her eyebrows.

"That is also one of the strongest and fearest Alphas in the North American territory" I said looking at her with a type of voice of remembrance.

"Well you got a point there, but you can handle him. Definitely, you're a tough girl" she said poking me with her left shoulder. That took me to this morning's moment between me and Dayton.

"Well you have a point there" I said as I arrived to Tommy's house. His brother outside the house. No shirt and with his jeans low his hips.

"Now that is a hunk and sexy beast there" she said as she nibbled on her nail. Tommy walked out of his house and he never disappoints when he says he is coming sexy.

Black, very skinny jeans, a white long tank top with the sides opened, showing his nice lean and built body, his blonde hair styled nicely to the back and black coat jacket.

Gianna lowered the crystal window, me and her whistling to him.

"Damn, you do not lower my imagination. You literally break them up" Gianna said as he walked to us with a laughing smirk.

"Hey Brice" I acknowledge Tommy's brother as he leaned beside a column of the house.

"Hey ladies" he said to us but definitely staring at Gianna a bit more. Once Tommy was inside of the car, Gianna raised the window and we headed out to the street.

"My God, Tommy I missed you" Gianna said turningback to fave Tommy as they quickly kissed each other on the cheeks.

"I know love is that work with this girl hasn't been easy, but I don't argue I like it. Btw Brice has definitely a crush for you" said Tommy as he also kissed my cheek and leaning to our middle.

"What? When and how did you know?" She said gasping a bit in shock.

"Well he send me a mental message right now that says you have a body to be banged till exhaustion" he laughed, while Gianna had a devil smirk.

"Well, he does has that body to bang to. I shall go to your house tonight, maybe flirt or something".

"You little bitch" said Tommy as he laughed.

This was the good time that I was missing. Just distracting myself with these two is just amazing.

Gianna rised the volume of the misic again and in no time we started to sing and move to the beat as I drived to the city. Us singing to Xtina's 'Candyman'.

An hour after we were inside the city, like if it welcomed us inside. The atmosphere and the people was out and having a good time in restaurants and bars. I was looking for 'Commands' Club.

It was a club recognized in the city and it was a really good one. Today its Monday so it won't be that crowded, and besides the first floor its the dance floor and a little bar, in the second floor the main bar was at.

"There it is, like finally" Tommy hooted as the club bar was at our right.

"Ok, I need to look for a parking spot", I said as I entered the building in front of it. Being the parking lot for the club. Finding a space in the fourth floor.

"Ok guys, lets get some alcahol" Gianna giggled as she climbed out, Tommy and myself following her.

Once we were out, I hugged them both.

"I really appreciate you guys being here" I said as I had my arms around their shoulders, Tommy's left hand and Gianna's right hand around my waist.

"Of courae baby boo, we're here to have a good time and also thay you can clear your head bae" said Tommy with a smirk.

Suddenly I felt a strong quake around my body, shivering instantly. I could feel a presence behind us, my wolf could feel it too. Something deep in the shadows watching.

"Guys" I whispered instantly, they already knew about it. Their auras completely changing.

"I know" said Gianna her eyes changing into her wolf black eyes. I detached my hands around them turning back, but I couldn't see no one.

"Well, I definitely can see you again. But I didn't knew that you would be here in a day like this" a recognizable voice boombed in front of us. His annoyence and arrogant humor instantly. I looked to my front to see him fully alive. Norman.

"Hello, Lady Alpha" he said with a smirk his dark brown eyes going dark.

"Norman, I thought you were dead" I instantly shot back.

"Well a good trick, and a magician never tells his secret".

"Norman!" A strong, deep, raspy voice shouted in the floor and it echoed around us. His vouce spilled darkness, and venom.

Behind him appeared a man with chocolate skin, a strong build and his black hair short with a scruff in his chin.

"Fuck Mason, what is it? Don't you see that I have Alessandra's successor in front of me?" He said with a smirk and a blank face.

"Oh. Don't we know" the guy called Mason smiled. His smile evil with every inch of it.

"Well Hello, Lady Alpha" he said as his eyes glinted instantly.

Why can't I have a normal night dammit.

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Another confrontation!!! Will Mason be as annoying as Norman or is he more dangerous? Will Leslie get out of this? WILL TOMMY GET LAID? WILL GIANNA GET LAID WITH BRICE?

I'm so exited! Anyways tell me how you guys liking it?

Btw next chapter, there will be a good interrogation. Trust me about that ;)

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