By thedarkling

333K 17.6K 929

-Book ONE of the Lusus Naturae Trilogy- |C O M P L E T E D| Electra Volcov is addicted. She's addicted to tha... More

Introduction to Electra
Summary of Electra
Chapter One~Bad Beginnings
Chapter Two~Lips of A Monster
Chapter Three~ The Take Down
Chapter Four~Welcome To The Darkside
Chapter Five~ The Letter
Chapter Six~ And So It Begins...
Chapter Seven~Witch Brew
Chapter Eight~ Her Bed
Chapter Nine~ Dark Angel
Chapter Ten~Back Home
Chapter Eleven~ Changing
Chapter Twelve~A Warning
Chapter Thirteen~Explosive Emotions
Chapter Fourteen~A Helping Hand
Chapter Fifteen~ Kitten
Chapter Sixteen~ I'll Stay If You Want Me To Stay
Chapter Seventeen~ A Quick Way Out
Chapter Eighteen~ One Shitty Morning
Chapter Nineteen~Pig and a Dream
Chapter Twenty~Unexpected Visitors
Chapter Twenty One~Nightmare
Chapter Twenty Two~Drowning
Chapter Twenty~Three Heated Emotions
Chapter Twenty~Four New Player In Town
Chapter Twenty~Five Mr. Fantastic
Chapter Twenty~Six Poison
Chapter Twenty~Seven Need
Chapter Twenty~Eight Rattus Norvegicus
Chapter Twenty~Nine Rise of Electra
Chapter~Thirty Disturbing Revelation
Chapter Thirty~One Montoya's Hideout
Chapter Thirty~Two Jealous?
Chapter Thirty~Three Three Questions
Chapter Thirty~Four Prized Pet
Chapter Thirty~Five Losing Game
Chapter Thirty~ Six Giant Minion
Chapter Thirty~Seven I Can't Stop Myself
Chapter Thirty~Eight His Addiction
Chapter Forty~The Viking
Chapter Forty~One Lay Claim
Chapter Forty~Two Bald Men Need Love Too
Chapter Forty~Three What Is This?
Chapter Forty~Four The Promise
Chapter Forty~ Five Cut Too Deep
Chapter Forty~Six Wrong Snake
Chapter Forty~Seven You're Not Even Human Anymore
Chapter Forty~Eight You Don't Know What You've Done
Chapter Forty~ Nine Ghost of the Past
Chapter Fifty~ Old Friend
Chapter Fifty~One A Helping Hand?
Chapter Fifty~Two A Battle of Monster Proportions
Chapter Fifty~Three The Aftermath
~E P I L O G U E~
❤D E D I C A T I O N S❤

Chapter Thirty~Nine Miz Boss

5K 243 9
By thedarkling

He began washing my body to rid it off our activity while I held myself upright by placing my hand on the glass door to steady myself. He squirted a small amount of body wash into his palm then lowered his hand to begin lathering up the inside of my thigh, dangerously close to the spot he had just been inside.
I looked up at him with a raised brow just as he glanced down at me, a mischievous, lusting look in his eyes. His fingers grazed my lower lips, our eyes still locked together, and so began our second round in the shower.


My heels clicked along the floor as I entered the living room area where Braden was sitting in front of a flat screen that I had recently had installed. He was watching the local news that showed footage of an aftermath of a dispute between two drug dealing gangs. Blood stains had dried into the cement where bodies had been and cars filled with bullet holes where brought into view as well.
I rolled my eyes as the reporter woman spoke about the how the governor should do something about the crime that was destroying the city and taking lives. All his pompous ass worried about was getting his d!ck wet by underage girls and coating his nose with cocaine. He wasn't about to stop that dirty business from happening because he was getting a small percentage of the income from the drugs. The small percentage he received was enough for him to keep his nose out of people's business, including mine.
"You're seriously watching that garbage?" I made my presence known causing Braden to turn his head and face me.
"It let's me know what's going on out there." He replied.
"You make it sound like I'm forcing you to stay here. If that's how you feel then by all means, you know where the door is. I won't stop you." I took a few steps closer, my eyes never leaving his. Despite what came from my mouth, I found a part of me, a larger part of me than I wanted to, not wanting him to leave.
"That's not what I meant and you know it." Braden stated and stood from the leather loveseat to walk closer to me. He stood directly in front of me, the close proximity causing my entire body to heat up, however I didn't show it.
"I'm going into the city for business. I suggest you stay here unless you want to come along." I brushed off his comment.
"I'm coming with you." Braden replied rather quickly.
"I still suggest you stay here, for your safety of course." I added and saw Braden's jaw tighten.
"I'm a grown man, Electra. I know how to handle myself, you and I both know that well now." I raised one of my brows at his remark.
"Alright then, come along." I swiftly turned on my heel and walked out of the living room. Over the sound of my heels moving along the marble flooring, I could hear his shoes close behind me.


"What is this place?" I asked when the bald guy pulled the black Range Rover to a stop and turned off the vehicle. Electra opened the right passenger side door to step out and I did the same. All three of us closed the doors to the vehicle, my eyes moved to look at the old fishery building in front of us that had faded paint on the side that was too far eroded to read. The smell of salt water overpowered my nose and the sound of seagulls screeching could be heard.
"This is where I receive some of my shipments." Electra answered and began walking towards the building with the bald guy at her side. He was too close for my liking and I quickly caught up to the two so that I could take her other side.
I couldn't shake the feeling that these two weren't just work buddies. I had a feeling they were something more or were something more at one point. This guy was always with her, more than anyone else she had working for her. I couldn't deny the sparks of jealousy I felt.
"What kind of shipments?" I dared to ask.
"Ingredients for Bliss." She casually answered. Drugs. I should have known. The bald guy opened the door for her and they both stepped inside. I followed closely behind and was instantly hit by a gust of cold air from a working A/C. The place looked to be barely standing, but they somehow managed to have working A/C.
"Aye, el jefe está aquí!" My head swiveling around to find a round Mexican man stand from a chair he had been sitting at that was placed in front of a long desk. Screen monitors sat all along the desk, but what stood out to me the most was the .12 gauge shotgun that sat propped up against the desk. "Tatar de no actuar como burros!" The man yelled at the more than dozen men who were unpacking crates labeled fine beef on them. No wonder it was f.ucking freezing in here.
I watched one man carelessly toss a packaged rack of ribs behind him and into a pile of discarded meats. He reached back inside the crate and pulled out a black plastic case that I could only assume contained the 'ingredients' Electra was talking about. He handed it to another man who walked towards a taco truck and placed it inside the back. That sure as hell wasn't f.ucking tacos.
"Hey, Miz Boss." The big man, who I assumed ran things here, walked towards Electra and greeted her in a heavily weighed down accent.
"Good morning Padeo, how is your wife and boys?" Electra smiled warmly taking me by suprise at how polite she was being towards this man.
"Bien, muy bien. Austin made the soccer team and Christian is graduating next week." The man, Padeo, beamed with pride.
"Oh, that's wonderful. I bet that makes you feel old." Electra continued to converse with the man as if we weren't in a building filled with drugs.
"Si, very old. My wife keep begging me saying I getting to old and fat. She say I need to retire." He explained with a wave of his hand.
"Although you will be hard to replace, I agree with her. I'll have Bullseye send you a card to give to Christian. Now, let's see where we're at." Electra and the bald guy followed Padeo over to the workers.
"Everything went smoothly, I hope?" Electra asked as she opened one of the cases that a worker held out to her. Inside, where small viles of red liquid that didn't look anything like Bliss. I was curious to ask what the hell it was, but decided not to.
"Smooth, very smooth. There was worry that the Viking hombre would get the balls to try something, but he no try." Padeo explained. I waited intently for Electra to say something so I could learn more about this 'Viking'. Electra scoffed and closed the lid to the case.
"He's still around?" Electra asked, irritation clear in her voice.
"Si, he too afraid to do anything though. No worry about him, no worry." Padeo quickly assured her.
"Hmm. I hope you're right. How soon can you get these to the lab?" Electra turned her attention to the taco truck where the men continued to pile ths cases inside. That shit must be worth millions, no billions.
"Uh, one hour." Padeo answered and Electra gave a nod of understanding. "Aye Miz Boss, who's the new gringo?" My spine grew stiff when I realized that all three of them were now looking at me. Was I the gringo they were talking about? What the f.uck was a gringo?
"This is Agent Cross." Electra gestured to me and Padeo's eyes nearly popped out of his skull. "He works for me, sort of." The man relaxed only slightly, but still looked at me with uneasiness in his eyes.
"I'm going to get going now. I want you to call Bullseye when the shipment leaves and also when it arrives at the facility. Notify him if anything goes wrong or if you think anything is off. Send my congratulations to both of your sons for me, Padeo." Electra spoke up.
"I will, Miz Boss. Thank you." Padeo said and Electra and the bald guy started walking back towards the exit. I followed them both out of the building and over to the gleaming Ranger Rover.
"Do you want me to line up a hit on The Viking?" The bald guy's gruff voice spoke up.
"No, Bull. He hasn't given me a reason to, yet. From what I've heard, he's a sensible man. He should be smart enough not to prod around at a snake." With that being said, Electra got into the vehicle. I did the same then closed the door behind me.
"Who's The Viking?" I boldly asked Electra when the bald guy did a U-Turn.
"The bastard child of an Italian druglord and German harlot. He's trying to fill daddy's shoes and has been taking out competition to do so." Electra turned to face me.
"If this guy's so big, why haven't I heard of him? Why don't we have files on him?" He asked. Maybe I was prying too much, but there was so much I didn't know.
"You hear what they want you to hear. You know what they want you to know." Electra gave a knowing smirk. "The world is a far larger and much darker and frightening place then they allowed you to believe. You're just now finding that out." I looked away from her and out the window where we were passing small fisheries and businesses. How much has been hidden from me? How corrupt was the system? More importantly, where the hell did I stand in all of this mess?


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