Abandoned Cars (On the Outsid...

Od elmozcookie

118 3 0

**On the Outside REWRITTEN** "At the end of the day, I'm that old, beat up car on the side of the road... Viac

Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five

Chapter Two

20 1 0
Od elmozcookie

Slight trigger warning at beginning of chapter, sorry, but it's important to the plot! There's some sexual offense in the chapter, but I promise that the bad guys DO NOT RAPE HER. I want that to be clear, she is beaten and undressed, but then I cut it off because I hate stories that get really serious like that, and I don't think I can really capture a rape scene yet, plus this is here for your enjoyment! At the end of the trigger I'll say so, kay? Read on, lovelies!!!


I slowly opened my eyes, shaking my head gently, trying to shake off the dizziness.

     It did the opposite, actually, as my head began to pound with every beat my heart made. My entire body was aching, and I could tell there was a bump on my forehead.

     Mark stood tall, smiling at me, wearing a worn pair of khaki's.

     "Is this really how pack wolves dress?" I murmured, staring at his evident beer belly. I was surprised he was put on patrol, by his looks he appeared weak, but in reality, he was strong.

     "The bitch is awake," Tim sneered, staring down at me in disgust.

     "Let me go, I'm just passing thriugh, perverts." I said, glaring at them. I tried to move my hands, but they were tied behind my back with rusty, enchanted chains.

     These were enchanted with sharpness. Each time I tried to free them it cut into my wrists painfully, stinging my wrist as it sliced them open.

     I could feel my own blood in-between my fingers, and it felt disgusting. I knew blood, I had practically bathed in it before, but I still despised how it felt when it got between your fingers. It squished and reminded you that we are still human, and not as invincible as we like to pretend we are.

     "Aw, how cute. She thinks we'll let her go!" Mark let out a short laugh, his thumbs in his belt loops as his head was thrown back in laughter.

      The bastards were laughing at me. 

     "Don't worry, when we're done with you, you'll feel really, really good. You'll be screaming out my name, sugar tits." Tim knelt down to my level, eyes looking down my shirt as he tapped underneath my boob, making it jiggle. He took his other hand and gripped my chin, pushing my face up toward his, forcing me to look him in the eye.

     I gathered my spit in my mouth, before letting out a big glob, right on his face.

     His smirk turned into a frown, as he raised his hand, and slapped me, right on the cheek. Hard.

    Blood filled my mouth as the skin on my lips broke, the metallic taste all I could smell. I hate blood. 

      "This one needs a whipping, don't you think, Mark?" Tim asked, starting to unbuckle his belt.

     "Oh yeah, she definitely needs to be put in her sorry," Mark kicked me in the stomach, "no good," another kick, "rogue," I felt my ribs crack, "place!" 

      I definitely had a few broken ribs, and all I wanted at this point was to curl up in a ball and cry. God damn it, this was exactly why I had left my pack in the first place, to get away from this torture.

     Tim whipped the belt in his hand, laughing like a maniac as Mark ripped open my shirt and pushed me onto my stomach. 

     I felt the belt land on my back as Mark shoved down his own pants, I could hear the button pop and the zipper come down.

      This was the end of me. I was going to be raped and beaten, brought to their Alpha as nothing but a corpse. I would never get out of here, I was trapped.

      I refused to cry out from the pain, instead I bit my damaged lip, silent tears escaping my eyes. They couldn't break me, my body was exactly that, a body. My soul was still a free wolf, and in my mind, I escaped to the field that Granmomma Mavis's cottage was in, running around as my dusty, dark brown wolf, chasing butterflies as Granmomma Mavis laughed, and Granpoppa Tom told stories of how he used to be just like me.

      The beating stopped, as Tim pulled me onto my knees. Mark began to rip away at my dirty jeans, lust clear in his eyes.

**Trigger Warning stops here**

      I heard a rustling in the woods, and it seemed that Tim heard it too as he pulled back Mark from going any further. Mark was in his white tighty-whiteys, his excitement poking through the thin fabric.

     Sniffing the air, a soft, gentle smell smell invaded my nose. I could feel my pupils dilate, and my wolf howled with joy.

     My body felt replenished as the smell got stronger, and I sat up, my back protesting but my wolf telling me to breathe through it, that I would be okay.

     The feeling felt strange to me, the strong scent of honey fully filling my nose. It was mixed with the refreshing scent of the leaves burning in the woods, clear and strong, sure of itself. 

     It made my body feel woozy as I swayed from side to side, my mind swirling with all the ideas of what could come out of the brush.

     His skin reminded me of a rich, golden wheat field with cool, brown undertones, evening out the bright, goldy-bronze. His hair was beautiful, gentle swirls, waves and curls that reached just below his ear, to his jawline. It wasn't just a simple shade of brown, no, it was the color of hardened clay with beautiful, gold strands that contrasted perfectly.

     He had a defined jaw, a chiseled nose that was slightly crooked from years of being broken. He had a scar on his right eyebrow, cutting it in half, but other then that, I could see no clear faults in his face.

     His eyes, were really what drew me in. They were gorgeous, a beautiful, brownish-swampy green that pulled me in immediately. 

     Looking down his body, I saw he was shirtless, showing his clear abs and strong, muscled arms. He didn't miss an arm or leg day, I see.

     He had a swirling tattoo along his left arm, covering the scars he had gotten from battles. It looked as if vines were crawling up his arm, gentle pink flowers blooming from the vines elegantly. On anyone else, it would've looked feminine, but on him, it described masculinity.

     Instantly, I fell in love. My mind and body felt as peace, the pain fading away the longer I looked at those beautiful green eyes.

     They reminded me of the Louisiana swamps Granmomma Mavis used to talk about. I could practically see it in his eyes, the tall trees, beautiful, reflective water. I saw something in him that I didn't see in anyone else, and that was a future. I could picture myself with him in twenty years, kids running around the front yard as we laughed, just like what Granmomma Mavis and Granpoppa Tom used to do with me in their cottage.

     As quickly as it came, I snapped myself out of the trance, ignoring my wolf chanting one word in my head--mate.

     He couldn't be my mate. His stance, his look, everything about him screamed power. He was an Alpha, and a pack wolf, and I was a lowly, exiled wolf.

      Besides, I was tainted. Peter had tainted me. I had been marked at fourteen, right as I tried to run away from the gruesome scene. His mark sat on my right shoulder, a disgusting thing that tingled when I got too close to Northwestern Territory.

     I know that he could sense me, too, but he never made a move to find me, which I was thankful for. It seemed strange to feel thankful to a monster and dictator, but I was, because he didn't want me back, yet.

     "Mark, Timothy, what's going on here?" The man growled, his voice authoritative, but not as much as it could be.

     His fists were clenched, jaw tight as he glared at the two lower wolves.

     "A-Alpha, we found this rogue, trespassing. She put up a fight, so we taught her a lesson!" Mark sputtered out, his face as pale as a white piece of paper.

     "Did I give you orders to beat a rogue?" The Alpha asked, his brow raising slightly.

     Tim knew better then to say something, standing straight, dropping the belt in his hand that was covered in blood.

     Our blood!  My wolf snarled. He will die, our mate will take care of him!

     Disgust traveled through my body. A mate? No, I didn't deserve one. I would have to reject him, he could find someone better. Besides, Luna? Me? No Red wolf had ever been paired with a Grey wolf, not ever in history.

     Granmomma Mavis did say that I had a big destiny, though. But she never elaborated on that, just that I would change things.

     I had written it off as her reading the cards wrong, the spirits telling her the wrong thing, but she was sure. She said I may not see it now, but I will someday.

     Maybe it was time to believe her?

Tim almost seemed to relax, Mark's lie finally  setting in.

     "Yes, Alpha. We were just teaching her a lesson!" Tim boosted, his shoulder's loosening.

     Mark stared at Tim, as if telling him to be quiet with his eyes.

     "She's a pretty one, too, isn't she? Mark found her first. She bleeds so nicely, too," Tim laughed at that, and I stared at him, in total awe as to how someone could be so cruel. I thought Peter was the only one.

      But no, they were everywhere. It was just harder to find them.

"Timothy, stop talking, I didn't ask you to speak, did I?" The Alpha puffed out his chest, looking down on the lower wolf.

     The Alpha was tall, towering over everyone, a good six-foot-three-inches.

      Tim shook his head, laughing. "You want a go at her, Alpha? She hasn't screamed yet, but I can't wait to hear her pretty voice beg me to stop. It really gets me going."

     The Alpha finally lost his top, it seems, as he brought his fist back before releasing it--at full force--into Tim's face.

     There was a sickening crunch as his nose broke, and he fell on his ass to the ground, moaning in pain.

     "What the hell, man?" He screeched. "Picking a rogue over your friend?" 

     "Don't you dare talk about her like that again, do I make myself clear? If you touch a fucking hair on her head I will not hesitate to rip your head off of your body, understood?" The Alpha's voice was authoritative, raspy yet smooth, and sent shivers all through my body.

        "And Mark," he turned to the older wolf. "You will be off of patrol and in the dungeon for two weeks, got it? You have permanently lost your spot, you waste of space. I do not tolerate anyone not obeying my orders, especially when I gave them to you in person! Now take the bloody oof, and get out of my site."

     Mark nodded his head, picking up the bleeding Tim and running as fast as his stubby legs could carry him.  

     As soon as the two left, the Alpha's demeanor shifted. He was no longer mean and harsh, but appeared soft and loving.

    In the blink of an eye, he was by my side, ripping-that's right, ripping-the chains from my wrists, not even caring about the cuts on his hands that healed almost instantly.

     "Are you okay?" He asked, looking into my eyes, his hands cupping my face.

     "I'm fine," I mumbled, standing up. I had no pants, a half-ripped-off shirt with my boob poking out, and my shoes were caked with mud. The hood I kept over my head was long gone, and I looked a complete mess in front of my mate.

      The inner girl in me was coming out, and I tried my hardest to push it back.

     "You don't seem okay, let me see your back." He whispered, his hands reaching my shoulders as he pushed me around.

     I heard him suck in a breath, his hands on my shoulders still sending tingles through my body.

      "What, does it not look pretty?" I asked, pushing out a humorless laugh. "Or are you looking at the old scars?"

      My voice sounded bitter, my eyes were drooping shut but I refused to show weakness. He may be an Alpha, but I was raised to take over the Northwestern Pack, and I was not one to back down from a fight.

     "Who did this to you?" He growled, barely containing his temper.

     "Good ol' Timmy boy gave me the new ones, but the old one's are from my dearest brother, Peter," I spat out his name. It left a bitter taste, making my shoulder throb. God, I hated him. I hated him so much.

     All the sudden, my shirt was gone, exposing the front side of my body to his knowing eye.

     He could see all the scrapes along my arms from running and getting snagged on branches, the flat stomach I had managed to acquire with soft abs poking through, my tits popping out of my bra, even the scars that I had left on my arms from the years of abuse that somehow managed to become an internal struggle.

     "Why can I smell his scent of you?" He growled, staring at the mark on my shoulder.

      It was swelling and had began to drip blood. It almost felt as if Peter's power over me was slipping. I know Peter could feel it too, the connection was loosening. 

     "Peter," I muttered, trying to cover up my naked body.

     I didn't want a mate, no, not a pack-wolf mate. I was better off alone and running. Perhaps I could start a life in the human world, if I could just manage to leave these damned woods.

     "I'll kill him," Alpha murmured, nuzzling into my neck.

     "Hey, big, bad Alpha, I don't even know your name." I said, pushing him away with what little strength I had.

    "Teodoro Montrel, at your service, mate." He grinned, fake bowing at me, his eyes filled with joy.

     At least one of us is happy about getting their mate, I thought to myself. The first chance I got, I was out of here, it didn't even matter that he was probably stronger and faster then me, I would not put him through the hell of having me as a mate, a broken girl with a scarred past.

     "Eulalie," I stuck out my hand, expecting a handshake, but instead getting a light peck that sent fireworks throughout my entire body.

    "What a pretty name," he purred--yes, purred--at me, pulling me closer to his body.

     "Can you like, let me go?" I asked, shaking my head no as he pulled me closer.

    "Why would I do that?" He asked.

    "My back is bleeding like a bitch," I muttered, and for the second time that day, I passed out.


YO! It's Sj up in da house! Sorry if it feels fast paced, it'll slow down in the next chapter. A lot happened, god, I feel emotionally not ready for this. But some cool stuff is going to happen, and I got bored of having Eulalie by herself. This story does have a strong female character, please know that, but right now she's broken and busted and this is a romance so he helps fix her. But I promise, it won't be too sappy and stupid, it'll be good! 

Much love <33

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