Blind Love

By HarmonizetheHeart

27.1K 873 94

Hello my name is Lauren Jauregui and I'm blind. This is my story on how I found my true love with Camila Cabe... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: The Meeting
Chapter 3: Go On A Date With Me?
Chapter 4: Date Night
Chapter 5: She's Perfect
Chapter 6: Second Date
Chapter 7: Crazy Fun
Chapter 8: Jauregui Charm
Chapter 9: Mine
Chapter 10: Dinner with the Parents
Chapter 11: Defend & Protect
Chapter 12: Mind Fucked
Chapter 13:What the future holds
Chapter 15: double date
Chapter 16: tight Schedule
Chapter 17: new times
Chapter 18:Happy Anniversary
Chapter 19: The Call
Chapter 20: The Surgery
Chapter 21: Seeing for the first time
Chapter 22: Tricking and loving
Chapter 23: New Year
Chapter 24: Love is the thing
Chapter 25: Blind date & Blind Love
Chapter 26: In love & Walking in Paris
Chapter 27:New life
Chapter 28: Bachelorette parties
Chapter 29:Wedding Day
Chapter 30: The Future Ahead of Us

Chapter 14: Jealousy kills

836 25 3
By HarmonizetheHeart

I wake up with Camz in my arms. I quickly smile.

"Hey babe you up?" I ask

"Yeah I've just been staring like the creep I am." She says and I smile.

"Kiss?" I ask.

"We haven't even brushed our teeth." She informs me.

"Why am I dating a hygiene is life girl?" I ask.

"Why am I dating a pig like you." She jokes.

"Maybe we should break up." I say.

"Maybe we should." She says.

"On to call all my hoes." I say and feel Camila get up and leave.

"BABE??" I ask, sitting up.

No response

"BABE? CAMZ??" I ask again still getting no response.


A few seconds later I hear laughing.

"Yes Lauren?" She says.

"I was kidding." I state.

"Oh I wasn't. How does it feel to be my ex?" She asked.

"Um I wouldn't know since you are still very much mine." I say.

"Oh I'm yours?" She says and I feel her straddle my waist.

"Very much MINE." I say as I grab her ass.

"That's mine too." I state.

"Oh really what else is yours?" She asked.

I begin to leave open mouthed kisses on her neck.

"Pretty much every inch of your body babe." I say.

"Good." She says and takes my lips in hers.

Before our make out session can go further I get a call.

"Babe your mom's calling." She says and I inwardly groan.

"Put it on speaker." I tell her and she does.
(A/n Lauren Clara)
"Hi Ma."

"Lauren hey, what are you and Camila doing today?"

"I doubt anything exciting, probably be in bed all day."

"Oh my god! Are you and Camila having sex?Mija don't tell me these things I would still like to believe you are a vir-"

"MAMI! No that is not what I was implying. And mom YOU'RE ON SPEAKER! Say hello to Camila."

"OH Lord. Hello Camila. Well let me get back to the task at hand. Are you two really busy today?"

"Not really." Camila says

"Good. I want you to go to Miami Live at the kids center. It's one of my new organization, basically a free daycare/babysitting thing."

"Why do we have to go?" I say.

"Well one reason is that this is really your charity Lauren and I think it would be wonderful for you and Camila to go public."

"Of course you put my name on this charity. But mom um me and Camz have been 'public' for quite a while."

"I know sweetie. This is just you putting a front with your girlfriend. I hope one day she will become your wife and you two together will become the head of Jauregui Industries."

"I guess."

"I will see you both at 10."

She hangs up.
"So how do you feel about what my mom said?" I ask.

"Which part? The one she implied we were having sex or the one where she basically said I have to marry you?" She asked.

"Um, give me your opinion on both." I say slightly nervous about the latter.

"The sex part I am so embarrassed because that is your mom and now she thinks we are doing that when we are not. The marriage part I don't mind. I would love to call you my wife one day." She says.

"Camila Jauregui has a nice ring to it." I say.

"Really, because I thought Lauren Cabello sounded pretty sexy." She tells me.

"Nope. Jauregui Nation here." I say.

"When the time comes we will see." She says.

"I will do everything in my power to make you a Jauregui." I say.

"Okay I will be waiting here." She says and pecks my lips.

"Okay let's get going before your mom will think we are having sex again." She says while giggling. It's the best sound in the world.

(Skip to Charity event)

"Lo?" Camila whispers as we get out the car.

"Yeah Camz?" I ask.

"There's a lot of people here and paparazzi." She says, sounding nervous.

"Not surprise." I say.

"This is scary." She says.

"Here give me your hand. It's just outside, once we get inside it will just be us and the kids. Maybe one photographer and parents. I've got you." I tell her. She kisses my cheek and takes my hand.








The paparazzi start screaming for my attention.

"Lauren! Camila! Come over here for a small interview." My mom's assistant says.

"Look who it is the one and only Lauren Jauregui." The interviewer says.

"Hello." I say politely.

"So today you open the Miami Live for the Children Foundation. Which not only raises money for underprivileged children, but takes care of them as well." He says.

"Yeah. I think this is really cool. The money we raise will be put to this club. Before and After school children from ages 1 to 13 can come here and be taken care of. Teenagers from 14 to 17 can join the talents of Miami which is run by my younger brother Chris." I say.

"That is amazing. Once again this is proof that the Jauregui's are God's gift to Miami." He says.

"Well thank you. I was taught from a very young age, that yes I have money but what good would my money do if I can't help people. I love and thank my parents everyday for that lesson." I say.

"Now Lauren, I know you hate this but a little birdie told me that you and Lucy Vives, Carlos Vives' daughter, are an item, is this true or not?"He asked.

"No that is not true." I say feeling Camila tense up. I squeeze her hand.

"So you are single?" He asks.

"I'm not single. This is actually my girlfriend Camila." I say introducing Camila.

"Oh. Well, she is very beautiful. Lovely couple." He says.

"Thank you, we need to get inside and have some hands on action with the children." I say.

"Thank you for joining me before." He says.

"No problem." I say and Camila leads me inside.

"That wasn't that bad?" I ask.

"That was horrible. I was literally a lost puppy behind of you." Camila says.

"A cute puppy that I love so much." I say and kiss her cheek.

"I love you too." She says.

We begin to interact with the children. I met one boy named Carter.

"LOOOOO!" He says as I tickle him.

"MILAAA! HELP M-MEE." He says.

"Babe stop it he about to pass out." She says.

I stop tickling him.

"I LOVE you GUYS!"He says out of breath.

"And we LOVE YOU!" I say.

"Am I going to come back here soon?" He asked.

"Of course and Camz and I will try to come visit you as much as possible." I tell him.

"That is AWESOME!!" He says


We are about to leave but Carter is still here and everyone left.

"Carter do you see your parents?" I ask.

"My parents are gone." He says.

"Gone?" Camila questions.

"Papa left and Mama is with the angels playing games looking down on me." He tells us.

"Who do you live with?" I ask.

"My sissy Hailee and brothaa Griffin." He tells us

"Do you see them?" I ask.

"No Griffy is in college in LAAAA." He tells us and I laugh.

"You mean L.A?" I ask.

"YEAH. THAT!" He says.

"Where is your sister?" I ask.

"She is a watertrist." He says.

"You mean waitress?" Camila asked.

"Same thing." He gives her that 4 year old sass.

I hear someone running.

"Oh my god I am so so so sorry I couldn't find a bus to get here." A girl says.

"Hey it's okay, I'm Lauren you must be Hailee." I say.

"Pleasure to meet you. Wow you are prettier in person." She says and I feel my cheek heat up as she she shakes my hand.

"Thank you, I'm sure you are equally as beautiful." I say.

"LO! Do that thing with the handshake." Carter says.

"What thing?" Hailee asked.

"You can tell a lot by a handshake." I say.

"What could you tell about mine?" She asked.

"You carry a lot of heavy items on your forearm and you are musician. I also can tell you are gay because of the ring on your thumb and the way you caressed my thumb. You were also nervous to meet me. At the age of 8-10 you jammed your middle finger and it didn't heal properly." I say.

"You're good." She says.

"I'm going to learn that and use it on girls. Lo said that's how she got MILAAA!" Carter says.

"Little C, that was suppose to be between you and me." I say.

"Sorry, but either way Mila left to the car a long time ago." He tells me.

"She what?" I ask.

"Yeah she's in the car over there." He says.

"Oh well I need to go." I say.

"You need help?" Hailee asked.

"Nah, just point me to the direction of the car." I say.

I feel Hailee get close to my back and point me in the direction of the car. I take my symbol cane and walk towards the car.

"Camz?" I ask and hear nothing.

"Are you here?" I ask again.

"Yes." She says.

"Why did you leave?" I ask.

"I wanted to." She says.

"Sorry ladies so where are you two heading?" The driver asked.

"My hous-" I got interrupted by Camila.

"Actually I want to go to Dinah's." Camila says.

"Okay we can go there together than to my place." I say.

"No I want to go by myself." She says.

"Why?" I ask.

"I just want to be alone." She says.

"You are going to Dinah's. Everyone is there." I say.

"I want to be with them." She says.

"SO basically, you just don't want to be with me." I say getting angry.

"I need space Laur." She says.

"Whatever. Drive to Dinah's." I say and shift away from Camila.

The ride was silent and I feel the car stop.

"Goodnight Lauren." She says.

I shrug and let her leave.

"Where to Ms.Lauren?" The driver asked.

"Wait a while to see if she is going to stay." I say.


Camila P.O.V

I go up Dinah's stairs and begin to cry. I knock on Dinah's door.
"Who the hell is it- Mila? What's wrong?" Dinah asked as she pulls me into a hug.

"L-Lauren there was a g-girl, she w-was flirting." I say crying.

"Mila. You aren't making sense." Dinah says

I took a deep breath.

"There was a girl and she kept flirting with Lauren. Lauren even did that stupid handshake thing she does." I tell her.

"Aww. Mila." She says as she hugs me.

Before I can say anything Normani comes out.

"Hey, sorry babe but Lauren needs me she's apparently giving Roderick a hard tim-" Normani says until she notices me.

"Hi Camila." she says.

"Hi Normani can you stay I'll go to Lauren I need to talk to her anyways." I say.

"Yeah sure." Normani says and I walk out I notice that Lauren's car is still outside and Rodrick, the driver, is outside.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"A little mad that you left. Are we off to her apartment?" He asked and I nod.

As I enter the car,

"Mani, I have no idea what the hell I did to Camila but she's mad. Maybe my breath stunk or I know I poked her in the butt with the cane but I thought she didn't notice. UGHH what am I going to do." She says and I kiss her lips.

"Camzi?" She whispers.

"Hi." I say.

"I thought you were Mani." She tells me

"No babe, just me and I'm sorry I let my jealousy get the best of me." I say honestly.

"Jealousy? Why are you jealous?" She asked, confused.

"Carter's sister, you did the handshake thing you did to me and you even blushed when she called you beautiful." I say.

"I do the handshake thing to a lot of people babe. I blushed because I was embarrassed to be put out there by my looks cause I can't exactly see myself. There is no need to be jealous babe, you are the only one who has my heart." She tells me and I lean in and kiss her again.

We end up making out the whole car ride and I feel bad for Rodrick. He comes to a stop and opens the door for us.

"Have a nice night Ms.Lauren, Ms.Camila." He says.

"You too Rodrick.Thank you for tonight." I say.

"Yeah you would definitely be getting paid more for tonight sorry about that."Lauren says.

We make our way to the apartment to finish our make out session we end up trying to fall asleep but pecking one another's lips.

(A/n We had to put a little drama here. Hailee will be a big character in the future. Wonder what's gonna happen there🤔😏. Two updates in a row. Hope you guys enjoyed it.)

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