My Girl

Por MiaLPia13

27.9K 875 3

Daniel Winston was the kinda guy who liked his girls blonde,hot, and easy but when he moved schools everythin... Más

New School
3 Strikes Your Out
Dont give me a reason to hate you
Hello Beautiful
Let's try this again
It's Cute
Danny Boy
Your Not Half Bad
Snap Out Of It
I Don't Know
Wake Up
What Gives You The Right
Thank You
Don't Answer
I Have To Go
I Don't Like Him
I Like You Too
You're Amazing
Please Forgive Me
Something Bad
Am I Making You Uncomfortable
Getting Even
At Least I'm Trying
Where Were You
He Won't!
Stop Worrying!
You Want To Go
I Need It
Uh Oh
I Love You
We Need To Talk
Movie Night
I Love You Too
You Shot Him
I Forgive You
Till Death Due Us Part

Not Like Last Time

320 11 0
Por MiaLPia13

Daniels Pov
It was Saturday now and we had the whole next week off, and where as most teenagers would be out having fun, I'm in my room sulking and cursing myself for being an idiot.
I can't believe I did that, ya sure I was drunk but that doesn't excuse it. I still kissed a girl I barely knew and Mykie saw, she saw the whole thing, and now she's pissed. She should be, I screwed up.
Ugh I'm such a moron, why did I have to go to that party, more importantly, why did Mykie go? Not the point, I need to talk to her. I need to clear this up.
I picked up my phone and punched in her number, my phone started ringing and it went on for a good twenty seconds then disconnected. I tried again, it failed, then again and again and again and again. Nothing. I know I should probably be pissed that my girlfriend, or I think she's my girlfriend any way, isn't picking up, but she has a valid reason not to. I still need to talk to her though. That's it I've made up my mind, I'm going to her house.
I walked downstairs and said bye to my mom then walked out of the house and got in my car.


When I arrived at her house I parked, got out of the car and walked up the driveway. As I became closer to the door I could hear yelling, well that doesn't surprise after what Mykie told me. But then I hear something strange, it almost sounded like glass smashing. I walk a little slower just to be safe but then I hear a scream and I started sprinting towards the door.
I began to bang on the door, god what if something happened, what if her dad hit her again.
"Hey! Mykie! You in there? Open the door!" The door then swings wide open to reveal Mykie who had tears running down her cheeks along with some blood.
"Mykie! What the he'll happened?!" I exclaimed.
"Not now Daniel just get me the hell out of here, please." She pleaded.
"Ya ya, no come on." I grabbed her hand and led her to the car, but before we could get in I heard someone yelling.
"Where the hell do you think you're going with my daughter?!" I looked back to find Mykie's father walking towards us with a beer bottle in his right hand accompanied by a really pissed of look.
"Daniel let's go, now." Mykie said. I nodded and got in the car and she followed.
"Drive." She said and I did just that to where I don't know, just as far away from here as possible.


We ended up at the empty lot I found her at last time and when I parked she immediately got out of the car, I followed.
I walked over to her side to find her crying.
"Mykie, hey what happened. Did your dad do this?" I asked gesturing to the cut on her cheek. She nodded. "What! You said he wouldn't do this again. Ugh! I'm gonna kill him, I swear I'm going to kill him!" I exclaimed.
"No Daniel! Just listen to me, there's something I need to tell you." She said.
"What." I said as calmly as I could.
"When you first found me here, that, that wasn't the first time my dad ever hit me." She blurted out.
"What?! You've got to be kidding me, why didn't you tell me!?" I was beyond mad.
"Just listen! About nine years ago, when I was eight years old my parents got into a fight. The usual, my mom excused my dad of something he denied it but she kept pushing. Eventually my dad lost it, me being the idiot I tried to calm him down and well you know the rest. After that he promised he would never do it again and he didn't. He was a great dad, we comforted each other when it came to dealing with my mom, but then...." She sighed. "The week after you found me he started coming home drunk and more angry than before. And almost every night he-" she choked and began to cry even more.
"That's why I avoided you, I didn't want you to see me the way I was. I didn't want you to do something to get him in trouble." She finally finished.
"But why? Why would you want to deal with that?" I questioned.
"I don't, I just. I wanted to give him a chance, like last time." She explained.
"But this isn't like last time!" I exclaimed.
"I know! You don't think I knew that, I just didn't want to believe it. That's also why I went to the party, I just wanted to get away from everything but then. Then I saw you kissing Anny and, and well..." She trailed off.
"I'm sorry Mykie, I didn't know. And I'm sorry for what I did it was stupid of me." I apologized.
"I know, I was just stressed out and scared that we would end up like my last relationship." She said.
"I know Mykie I understand, but you can't keep running from these problems, especially your parents. You're getting hurt, this time he drew blood. That scares me Mykie." I sighed in frustration. "How bout this. How about you stay with me and my mom until we figure this all out." I offered, I didn't want her staying with her dad. It's not safe.
"Yeah, that'd be nice." She gave me a sad smile and I smiled back.
"Ok good. You gonna be ok?" I asked.
She nodded and wiped away her tears.
"That's my girl." I smiled and gave her a quick hug. We got back in the car and headed to my house, not even bothering to get Mykie's stuff from her house. I didn't want her going back there for anything, I would not allow it. Not after today.

Hey everyone, ya I know this is a long chapter but I think it needed it. Also there was just so much I wanted to put in and I was to impatient to wait and right another chapter.
Well anyway I hope you liked the chapter, and be prepared for some more serious scenes. But nothing to bad.
Well bye for now.

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