It's Cute

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It was lunch now and I already had gotten my food and sat down and began to devour the hamburger I had while Mason rambled about smart stuff. I was to occupied with my food so I wasn't really paying attention to anything, until I caught the sight of a familiar brunette headed towards a table a few feet away.
"Hey I'll be right back." I told Mason.
"What where are you going?" I asked perplexed.
"Don't worry about it I'll be back in minute." I said standing up and I began to make my way over to the table Mykie was sitting at. About half where there she noticed me coming her way and began to glare and once I sat down I could just tell that she getting truly pissed.
"What makes you think this is ok." She snapped.
"Don't tell me you're still mad?" I asked annoyed, seriously how much does it take to get someone to stoop hating you.
"I'm not mad I just don't particularly like you." She explained.
"Oh come on what's not to like I'm fun, good looking, smart..." I trailed off.
"Not to mention arrogant, self centered, douchy, oh I think I'm forgetting one, oh ya jackass." She spat.
"You seem to really enjoy calling me that." I said annoyed.
"I do, I really do." She smirked.
"Hey Mykie!" A loud voice called cutting me off. I looked around the cafeteria to see who the voice belonged to and my sights landed on a tall muscular blonde boy, walking towards us.
"Hey Caleb." Mykie greeted.
"Hey uh who's this punk." Caleb asked, Mykie then leaned over to whisper something in his ear and when she pulled away Caleb's attention shot to me.
"Your the jackass!?" He exclaimed.
"I've seem to have been called that quit a bit today." I complained.
"Hey sorry man, but it's kind of your fault." He explained.
"Ya ya whatever, so um are you to dating or something?" I asked causing Mykie to spit out the milk she was drinking and began coughing.
"What, no we're not dating." She said angrily.
"Ya no man were just good friends." Caleb chimed in.
"Ah I see." I paused for minute allowing Mykie to clean up the milk, and as I watched I noticed something that I didn't notice before, it happened every other time I talked to but I didn't care to realize it. She scrunches her nose when she gets mad.
"You know you scrunch your nose when your mad?" I commented, causing her to look up from what she was doing.
"What?" She asked annoyed.
"You scrunch your nose when your mad." she gave me a look as if I'm crazy. "Don't worry it's cute." I said, wait did I just say that, I mean it was but I oh god she's going to kill, goodbye cruel world. But instead off killing me her eyes widened in shock and a tint of pink ran to her cheeks.
"Let's go." She said gestures get towards Caleb. Then they both got up and headed towards the door, but before she could leave I called out her name and towards them.
"What." She snapped impatiently.
"Hey I didn't mean to piss you off." I said.
"Don't worry about." And with that her and Caleb were gone.

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