3 Strikes Your Out

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I scanned the premesis as Mason and I  walked down the hall trying to figure out what fish I could reel in at this new pond, and let me tell these were some tasty fish. Damn that girl has some nice.... OOOWWW!
"Dude you alright?" Mason asked.
"Ya cause I love smacking my head into a door." I wined, Mason chuckled and knocked on the door that I just ran into.
"Come in." A voice called from inside, but Mason was already opening the door. Inside there was a bookshelf on either side of the room and in the middle there was a desk with a large man sitting at it, even though he was sitting I could tell he was taller than me.
"Ah Mason hello, is this the new student?" The man asked in a thick Irish accent. And did I mention he was bald and had a big red beard, all he need was a green suit and hat and pot of gold to be a giant leprechaun.
"Yes Daniel this is our principal Mr. McLaughlin." Mason said motioning to the man at the desk.
"Hello Daniel it's nice to meet you your mother told me a lot about you." The principal stood up and held out his hand, could a person get any taller. Wait did he say he talked to my mom, that's not good.
"Sup." I said receiving his hand, he had a strong grip any tighter my hand would have broken.
"Sup," he mimicked a bit annoyed by my informality,then he turned his head toward Mason. "Yes well Mason you can leave us now to talk."
"Yes sir." And Mason with two quick movements was out the door. Mr. McLaughlin looked back at me and his expression hardened.
"Have a seat." He commanded gesturing toward the chair in front of me.
"Don't mind if I do." I said plopping down on the chair.
"So let me just start off by saying I'm not like your old principle and this is not like your old school." He said sternly
"Huh?" I questioned.
"I heard you were quite the trouble maker," I nodded enthusiastically in response with a wide grin, "Well let me tell that stops now, you will be the best student you can be and because I'm not a push over like your last principle I was going to give you some time to settle in and cut you some slack if you slip up, but after talking to your mom I'm going to do something I do with all my students, 3 strikes your out." He finished.
"What does that mean?" I ask
"It means if you slip up, vandalize, prank, screw up in anyway 3 times you will be expelled." He explained.
"Oh, but that's no fun." I wined.
"I'm not hired to be fun I was hired to enforce the rules and keep the school in check." His voice boomed through the room.
"Ok... Soooo is that all?"
"No," he then opened the top drawer to his desk and pulled out price of paper and then handed it to me. "This is your class schedule." I took the piece of paper my hand and scanned it over while standing up from my chair.
"Cool" I say slyly.
"Good now that you understand the school and my rules you are free to go."
"Great see you soon prince."
"That's Mr. McLaughlin to you."
"Ya ya see you later." And I was out the door.

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