The Glorious Triumph - Previo...

By emy1999

298K 8.6K 2.5K

Grey Carson is South Portland High School's nerd and outcast, bullied by everyone. Caster is the anonymous un... More

The Glorious Triumph
~The Characters~
1: Daily Life
2: Ass Was Served
3: Snooper Trooper
4: Hump Day
5: One Secret Down
6: Damn Aunt Danielle
7: This Is How I Roll
8: Psychic Aunts
10: Fight Night Part One
11: Fight Night Part Two
12: Alive
13: Televised
14: Hoping For The Win
15: Homecoming
16: Falling Into Place
17: Grey Space
18: Separation
19: Not Gordon Ramsey
20: Eternal Slumber
21: Upon Arrival
22: Questions And Known Answers
23: What Family Should Be
24: Going Through The Motions
25: Confessions
26: Crunch Time
27: The Run Down
28: Even On Break It's Not Break
29: Incomplete
30: A Hopeful Start

9: Run Boys

12.5K 394 86
By emy1999

Grey's POV


I munched on my chicken nuggets muttering curse words. That asshole thought he could get a ride when its only a minute walk! What the hell?! And even when he sat on a towel, he still brought in a shot ton of sand and the salt water from the ocean wet the seats. "Messy, lazy-" I cleaned furiously with the vacuum.

"Hey, Grey!" Kevin said trotting over like a show horse.

"I hate you," I growled looking back at him with a mouth full of French fries.

"Why? He could be worse!"

"He is worse! Ugh! You're lucky I got a reward for the drive that would have been only a minute."

His eyes widened, "Wow, was he really that lazy?" I nodded quickly, as I chewed on another nugget. He sighed, "By the way he acted it was like he lived a half hour from here."

"He's manipulative, and whiny," I finished my nuggets then continued to the fries. "Help me clean some of this up."

"Why, aren't you driving me home? I would just get more sand in."

True. Very true words from my new and only best friend from school. Honestly, he knew about nearly everything about my life -except boxing, naturally- and I knew nearly everything about his. I just could trust him. "You're right, okay get in the car," I ordered and he followed, climbing in. I went around the front and got into the driver's seat. I started the engine and drove to Kevin's house. Not to far away but far enough.

"Thanks for the ride," he smiled kindly and I returned it. "I'll see you in school tomorrow and I'll pay you back for driving him, sounds good?"

"Thank you," I laughed as he exited. I drove off looking in the rear view mirror as he stood in his walkway, watching me leave. I got home shortly after. I wish it wasn't Sunday. As I pulled into the driveway, I knew right away my parents weren't home. Not a surprise there. When I got into the house, I look at the clock on the kitchen island counter top. 3:48pm.

"Might as well finish homework before I sleep," I sighed sitting at my desk in my room. I pulled out my planner and necessary supplies as I finished up the homework from my many -mostly boring- classes. Once I completed AP World History, the clock said 6:30. I got up and went into the kitchen taking one of my moms health bars going back to the truck. While I was about to get out the bag with my gear as Caster, my phone rang. The ringtone was #Selfie by the Chainsmokers, reserved for Will. "Yes, Will?"

"So your opponent dropped out," he said not all too surprised.

I groaned in frustration, "Will! I need to get practice in before I actually need to fight in the tournament."

"I know I know! Duh," through the phone I can just see him rolling his eyes. "I got you another opponent from our gym actually. My cousin!"

"Since when did she box?"

"Nope, not Yenna actually. I got a boxing cousin too," he said excitedly.

"Damn, Will, your family loves violence."

"So do you, now get your ass here to meet him."

"Him? Will. I'm trying to fight girls at the moment and get used to their fighting again. I'm surrounded by walking testosterone tanks everyday."

"Don't worry. Believe in me!" With that he ended the call and I stared at the screen. Whatever. I got in and went to the gym, changing and getting prepared in the truck before go into the door and knocking. "Password."

"I got Starbucks," I said with a poker face.

The door swung open quickly and so much force, it looked like the hinges will come off. Will stood wide eyed in a predator stance. "Really?!"

I pushed past him with an evil glimmer, "Nope."

"Car-Caster!" He corrected himself as he whined behind me getting into the gym inside.

"Will, shut up," a slim, muscular guy with blonde hair and brown eyes looked at him. He was about 6'3" with arms covered in miscellaneous tattoos varying in shape and color.

"Caster, Zain. Zain, Caster," Will introduced us, ignoring Zain's comment. I think he ignores everyone really.

I smiled at Zain, "Hello," my voice deepened, not too deep, but it sounded natural for a woman of my stature.

"Hello, Cas. So you're my opponent? The infamous Caster I hear about every time I'm here?" I nodded. "Well, I should feel honored."

"You should! Rand & Co. Gym's Dictator of the Ring," Will smiled.

"Dictator, not Empress or Queen?" Zain laughed.

I punched Will for his comment but he continued tough clenched teeth, "Yep, the worst of them all!" Please let him be my opponent instead! I wanna punch the little shit.

Zain put an arm around me, "Don't worry, Dictator, I'll go easy on you." He led to one of the rings and we got ready waiting for the match bell. Boys.


"Wow, I actually had a workout there," I laughed but it was dry and I leaned against the ropes, resting from my match with Zain.

"You had a workout? I had a run for my money!" Zain joked as he drank from his water bottle. His second one.


"You won! Don't congratulate me," he nudged my arm then pointed to his cut lip and bruising jaw. "Look at this! Never have I gotten bruised from a punch that bad!"

"Then you shouldn't be talking! You might make it worse," I suggested.

He shrugged, "I don't see why you're freaking out so much about going against that girl in the tournament."

"Well, maybe because I have a lot less experience and she's a former pro. Oh and the fact that because she's a former pro and tries to get attention for money, I might be on TV. I don't want to be recognized."

"I got a solution for that."

"Oh really, Will? You have an idea?" I smirk.

Will glares and Zain laughed, "I do."

"I'm all ears!" I cup my hand around my ear and leaned closer into him.

"Knock her out in five minutes then book it out of there before anyone can stare."

"That's not very helpful though, just saying."

"What other choice do you have? Hmmmm?!" Touché. Dammit.

"Whatever," I crossed my arms holding my phone checking the time. 9:29pm. "That was fun, now I must go!" I got up with my belongings and started for the exit when Will jumps in front of me with a stack of money. "What's that?"

"The bets, the prize money. Damn, Cas, it's like you never won before!" He says sarcastically. I take the money from his hand and made my exit, changing once I get into the truck. I counted the money left in my hands, $950. Not too bad for a small match like that. I drive back home without any traffic and hardly any stop lights. When I got in, mom sat with dad on the couch watching TV.

"Hey, Grey. Dinner is on the stove," my mom tilts her head to look at me.

"Thanks, mom," I say approaching the stove. Unsurprisingly, its ramen noodles. My mom is horrible cook and its not like she cooks a lot anyway, my parents always work. "Why are you guys home so early?" Usually I see them past midnight.

"We were let out early don't worry, my boss wanted to give me a break," mom chuckled not removing her eyes from the screen. Dad grunted agreeing.

I shrug and take my bowl of ramen to my room. I sit on my bed eating it quietly turning to look out of my door to the closed door belonging to my brother. I closed my eyes. I can remember when I got home after a win with him.

"Grey! You dumbass! Why are you fighting?" Patrick scowled.

"Why are you fighting?" I countered which received a groan of frustration as he combs his hair back with his hand.

"Whatever, don't get hurt, okay? Promise me."


"Good now let's celebrate with you buying me ice cream. I'll drive!" he grins and grabs my hand dragging me out of my room driving us in his truck either to Dairy Queen or a local ice cream parlor. He always got the most expensive thing possible. He loved cookies and cream, black raspberry, and chocolate. A lot of chocolate. He pilled on a bunch of cookie crumbles, gummy worms, hot fudge, and whipped cream. Once we got home without him eating much and I made him weigh it. It was literally three pounds. He ate it all in minutes, naturally, and complained about headaches from brain freezes eating so quickly.

"God, I miss you, Pat. Why did you leave me?" I sat on my bed and curled up bringing my knees to my chest, the thought of eating was unsatisfying... I thought about the news. With Ella and Patrick. They both left me. Why? I crawled out of my room going to his room. Its hardly been touched, no one wants to say goodbye. I grab one of his old button up shorts from his closet and inhaled it quietly. It still smelled like him...

Without realizing it, I fell asleep clutching his shirt to my chest on his bed. I woke up a little past 1 in the morning and returned to my bed room still holding his shirt tightly. I didn't sleep the rest of the night and didn't need my mom to remind me to wake up, I was already awake. I took a quick shower and changed into one of my larger zip up hoodies and loose boyfriend jeans wearing combat boots with them. I left my hair to dry in its natural curly mess and left the house without seeing my parents again. Or eating. I wasn't hungry today. I followed the usual routine; get Kevin, jam to music, got to class, do homework from other classes, lunch, then soccer. Kevin seemed to sense my mood considering he didn't push to ask any questions and I'm thankful. When I got to soccer though, the mood I had changed.

"Tyler! You asshole!" Mark shouted at him.

Tyler Otto sprinted by giving me a photo, smirking, "Mark's got a girlfriend! Look at this beauty!" The photo was off Mark Cox, hugging a small brunette girl with large gray eyes and a wide, genuine, white smile. I couldn't help but awe.

"Tyler, you're fucking dead!" Mark snatched the picture and ripped it from my hand, shredding it in fury. I pouted looking at the ripped up pieces of a cute photograph.

Tristan walked over confused by the whole situation, "What did I miss?"

"Tyler found out about Veronica," I explained with a small smiling gesture to the ground of the remaining photo.

"Oh well they have been dating for four months, kinda about time found out," Tris smiled back. "I mean come on, you even knew."

"I have class with her," I laughed. "She talks about him a lot. Why don't they hang out and go all couple-y when they're here?"

He shrugged, "Dunno. She probably doesn't want too much attention. She's really shy." That's kinda hard to believe. Maybe because she knows I hangout with them.

"Well anyway, you guys need to do your workouts," I smirked reminding him. He sighed but nodded and covered his ears. I brought the metal whistle to my lips and blew a short, quick whistle that got everyone's attention. "Start running boys!" I shouted. They grumble complaints but obeyed thankfully. The first day of me yelling at them sucked, they didn't want to listen. It ended up being bad for them but great for me. Coach yelled at them and doubled their warmups making practice end 2 hours later than expected. Wow that was only two weeks ago. Since then too, we won 2 games, tomorrow night was going to be our third one. Of the season so far. I think we needed 12 wins to qualify for regionals, then states, but damn imagine going to nationals!

"You heard the lady! Game tomorrow let's work!" Tristan shouted clapping his hands together with Kevin by his side. They both gave me warm smiles and went to the track while I sat on the bench waiting for them to line up in front of me.

Coach also gave a gun, not a real one but one to signal the run. With my left hand I held the stop watch and my right above my head was the gun. Once everyone got into position, I fired it and they sprinted off. I took out my time sheets and looked at everyone's improvement. They were all miraculous. Mark on the first day got 23.08 when he ran the three miles which is pretty bad to guy standards. By some miracle, it went to 18.12. Tyler had 17.45 to start and now is 15.39. Tristan had 18.50 now it dropped to 16.31. Kevin got 17:49 and it currently is 15.42. If Kevin didn't do soccer, he'd do great in running with his stamina. I wrote down each boy's mile time as they went to finish their second then third. I recorded each one carefully. I've been taking this manager's job more seriously than I thought I would.

After the three miles, they continued some footwork exercises for 20 minutes before I blew the whistle and they dropped starting pushups. Coach Olsen and I agreed that setting a pace with it would be easier to keep track of how many everyone does equally. Today they wanted to strive to get the qualifying number of pushups a minute for the military, 45. So why not. After everyone readied themselves, I blew the whistle again and they started. They kept pace for about thirty seconds before continuing either faster or slower. But good thing is, everyone completed it. "Congrats, you qualify for the military now, boys!" Tyler laughed with the rest of JV and Varsity. I let em take a water break until they start another rep of small workouts. Neal walks over to me but he doesn't loom the same.

"Grey, I'm not feeling too hot. Well I mean I'm actually too hot," he says closing his eyes. Sweating, dizziness, chapped lips, nausea; possible heat stroke. I'm not taking any chances.

"Go to the shade right now! Tyler, Mark, get water and ice quickly, please," I shouted. They looked confused but with one glance at me they left. Tristan and Kevin went to each side of Neal and helped him walk to the shade. Seconds later, Tyler had a bag of ice and Mark held three water bottles. I ordered them to lay Neal slightly against the tree just so he can sit up. I gave one water bottle to him, "Don't drink to fast." He nodded quietly and weakly sipping on the water. I put the bag of ice to his forehead gently. At first he flinched then relaxed. I turned to Tristan, "Tell Olsen we should cut practice early today per my request." He nods and calls the Coach. Whenever I say we should cut practice, there's always a good reason.

I looked back at Neal who kept his eyes closed and had a slow breathing pace and I tell him to drink a little more. The rest of the teams joined him in the shade try into comfort him and help him in anyway as I waited for Olsen. "Miss. Carson," Olsen's voice boomed from behind me. I turned and nodded to him. "Is Neal alright?"

"He should be, it's too hot for him to be running, wish he said something early," I frown blaming myself.

He pat my back, "You ain't got nothing to worry about."

"Double negative, Coach," I forced a smile.

He chuckled, "Fine, you got nothing to worry about." I nodded in approval.

I turned to the JV and Varsity teams hidden in the shade. "Who's gonna bring Neal home?" I asked. Kian volunteers saying how they're on the same street. I thank him and Kevin walks over with a small smile. "Hey, are you feeling shitty too?" I asked worried.

"Oh no, no, no. I'm good just wanted to talk a bit," he smiled more. Tristan walked over as well with a grin.



"I have a question," Tristan bites his lip ever so slightly. Kevin tenses up.

"So do I," he looked at Tris competitively.

Then they both turn to me and nearly deafen me, "Will you go to homecoming with me?!"

Now, I'm really taken aback and am speechless. They both want me? Do I really need to choose? Kevin is my best friend and Tristan has been my brother's friend and lately climbed the later to the thin line of my friends. They looked at me worried.

"Grey?" Kevin tits his head.

"Look what you did! You're making her need to choose!" Tristan frowned.

"Me?! You did! I was gonna just ask her before you walked over," Kevin glared angrily.

"Guys?" They snap their attention back to me. "I can't pick between you if I go with you both, would you mind?" They look with a straight face then I continue, "No, better plan. I'll just not go like I had originally thought I'd do." This got their attention. They both went to each other and started whispering then separated.

"We'll go together, as long as we help you pick the dress and get one dance with you," Kevin says proudly.

"Fine!" I sighed and the guys smile a not at each other shaking their hands on their new deal. "When are we going to go shopping?"

"Now," they said in unison and lifted me into the air. I protest being carried but they ignore me. The soccer boys cheered a bit, I even saw Neal standing with the help of Kian, smiling. They then tell Coach that they're both are bringing me shopping. Coach nods with the hint of a smile and not I'm start into panic. What am I doing?! How can I wear a short dress?! Then one thing pops in my mind, concealer. Lots and lots of concealer, that could hide the definition of the muscles right?

I was practically thrown into the back seat as the boys sat in front. "Where are you taking me?"

"To get a dress for you, duh!" Kevin rolled his eyes. Oh god it just hit me. If I'm still friends with them by May, how are they gonna be when everyone is being asked to prom. Would I need to pick again? Dear lord I hope not!


Published July 3rd, 2016. 3140 words.

I decided to add another chapter as part of an apology!

Who do you think should be Grey's love interest??? Ryan? Kevin? Tristan? Love to know!

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