Royal From Birth ((COMPLETED))

By _rrosebudd_

2.9K 104 4

I was born into the royal family, raised as a princess and I always had to remember to act like one. My best... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Authors Note

Chapter 27

51 1 0
By _rrosebudd_

There was a fair lot of people out on the docks, some were loading shipping off the ships and others were just walking around enjoying the day.
Felix and I dismounted our horses and a man from Felix's crew took them away. I slid off my hood then walked up the ramp to the ship. We walked to the quarter deck while all the crew members were running around tying everything in place.
I saw one of them pull the ramp to the dock in the ship and rest it along the side wall.
Felix turned the wheel and the boat steered away from the land. I leaned over the edge of the railing and looked down at the water, it was blue as the sky above.

"So, where are we headed?" I asked turning back to Felix

"We are traveling to an island that has the best drinks around" Felix smirked

"Sounds good" I smiled

The ships sails dropped and we picked up speed gliding through the water. The crew soon slacked off and played cards down on the lower deck.
A bald man took over the steering and another crew member handed him a gold looking tube. Felix pulled on it and layers spread, it was a telescope.

"Have a look around the horizon and tell me what you see" Felix handed me the telescope and I held it unto my eye.

I looked around the horizon and only saw water, "Just water all around" I said pushing the telescope back together and held it out to Felix

"Keep hold of it and check occasionally" Felix nodded

"How come?" I asked looking down at the telescope and saw it had a little flat hook.

"These waters that we venture into are known for Pirates" Felix rose his brow, "They also come for the drinks"

"Oh, will we be safe?" I asked hooking the telescope to my dress belt.

"Of course we will" Felix smiled

"You know any Pirate legends?" I questioned leaning against the railing.

"I know a few" Felix said, "But I wont talk out here, because the crew get nervous" he gestured to the stairs and I walked down.

We entered the captains quarters and I walked over to the far window, my kingdoms land was no where to be seen. I looked back to Felix and saw he was looking through some cupboards then he pulled out a large sheet of paper, but it did look thicker then paper. Felix sat down at his desk and rolled open the sheet to show circles within circles and pictures and words all around.

"What is that?" I asked stepping over to Felix

"This is a copy of a map to the Fountain of Youth"

"I heard rumours about that, didnt a Spanish explorer only find it last year?" I rested my hands on the table and looked over the map.

"Yes, I suppose." Felix touched one of the larger circles and it stated to turn.

"Whats the fountain of youth exactly?"

"If you drink from the fountain your life becomes eternal, but you need to have two Chalices of Cartagena and a mermaids tear. If you drink from the Chalice with the tear you get all the years from the person who drunk from the Chalice without the tear." Felix explained and pointed to a picture on the map of two Chalices with the words 'Aqua de Vida' engraved on it and to a mermaid who looked to be crying. In the middle of the map was ship with three sails surrounded by skulls.

"Do you plan to go there?" I asked stepping back

"One day, I hope" Felix turned to me smiling.

I smiled back then faced the window, in  the ocean midst I saw a black dot, I pulled out the telescope to get a closer look.

"What is it?" Felix asked joining me at the window

"Its a ship" I breathed then passes the telescope to Felix.

"Its the Wicked Wench" Felix frowned pushing the telescope together then handing it back to me. "Come on" he said walking to the door.

I quickly followed behind as Felix and I jumped up the steps to the quarter deck.

"Men!" Felix yelled out and all the crew stopped and looked up at us, "The Wicked Wench is upon us and catching speed, we will head northeast to land then come back in a few"

Felix's crew nodded then quickly returned to work as the ship started turning as we made our way ashore.

"Are they?"

"Yep, pirates." Felix took over the steering wheel and steered us to shore.

It was a quiet place with only a few little wooden houses next to the shore. There was people fishing with nets and others hanging some up.
The water must of been fairly deep where we were because the shore was only a few meters away.

I watched as the people on the shore watched us as they dropped everything and ran inside.

"What village is this?" I frowned looking back to Felix

"Just a fisherman's island, they are under employment for the East India Trading Company."

"Whats that?"

"A bad place were you make deals that get twisted against you" Felix frowned, "And once you work with them, you get branded"

I breathed turing back to the empty shore.
We waited their for what seemed ages but I filled my time with sword fighting and gambling with the crew.

Soon we packed up and the crew started getting ready to set sail for the island.
The crew set down a small brown row boat and Felix climbed down a rope ladder that was thrown over the side of the boat. A few other crew members climbed down too and they started rowing towards the island while I stayed on the boat and play cards with the crew.

A while later the row boat retuned with three large barrels, which was probably the rum. The crew took them down stairs, then we set of sail back home.

While Felix was busy talking to the guy who steered the ship I walked down from the quarter deck to the main and looked up the mast and sails. I saw a small round wooden plank around one of the tallest masts and saw the checkered nets that were attached to the bottom of the plank and the side of the ship.

I walked over to the net and kicked of my heals before stepping up onto the side of the ship. I held on tight to the rope as I climbed and heard Felix call my name. I looked down and my heart skipped a beat, I was high up. I saw Felix quickly walk under me and I saluted him, then continued climbing.

Once I reached the wooden platform I carefully stepped down on it and held onto the mast which only went up to my shoulder. Looking around I could see everything. The whole ocean was around me. I looked down and saw the whole crew working but some were looking up at me as well as Felix.
I looked back to the horizon and lifted my arms as the wind rushed past me, turning my dress into ruffles of waves.

Listening to the ocean, the wind and sky I forgot about everything. Felix, mum, dad, even Eric.

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