The Alpha (BoyxBoy) (Book Two)

By Lownder

250K 11.2K 508

River is getting ready to step into his fathers shoes and take over as the Alpha of the Riverstone pack, all... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34

Part 4

8.7K 419 15
By Lownder

*Jinx's PoV*

I sat with Jacob and Andrew in the pack eating area, it was kinda weird Riverstone still had one honestly. They all had kitchen back in their houses, they all shopped for food, yet they still had an area where they'd take food they hunted down for the rest of the pack to eat. It was kinda nice honestly. It's how wolves were supposed to eat.

I glanced around at everyone, the packs seemed to be getting along great, I couldn't see a single table that wasn't a mix between the two. From what I had heard so far everyone was happier here then that had been anywhere else, and that alone made me extremely happy, because little did they know we'd be here awhile. As I was looking around I spotted Jamie. He had barely made it a few feet through the door and he already seemed to be having a hard time. I watched him as he looked around like he as if he was looking for someone, then two people approached him.

It didn't take long for me to realize it was the two twins everyone had been referring to as the Gates. With them there he seemed to relax a little. They seemed to get into a deep conversation, and Jamie even smiled a bit before the conversation seemed to switch into something more serious and he started looking around again, our eyes met for a second and something crossed over his face that I couldn't quite recognize, but he quickly looked away and started talking again for a moment before both the twins glanced over. The conversation seemed to have ended with them both hugging him before he turned and left.

"Whoa," Jacob started and I glanced over to see him staring at Jamie. "I wonder if the rest of them are back too, their dad's are pissed." I felt confusion fall over me as I stared at my cousin.

"What are you talking about?" I asked quickly.

He shrugged. "The next top three took off last night and haven't said anything to anyone I guess. They're parents are freaking out. Especially Jamie's." I guess that explains why I haven't been able to sense River all day.

Within seconds the twins were standing in front of us looking down at me. They didn't really look like twins now that I saw them up close. The shorter one's hair was white and came down to his thighs, and his eyes were the bluest I had ever seen. The taller one had back eyes, and hair to match it, it was literally as dark as my own the only difference was I kept mine short and neat, and his was choppy and down to his shoulders.

"I'm Ashton." The taller one started. "You're Jinx right?" I nodded. "James wants to talk to you outside for a second if you're not busy." I nodded quickly and stood up receiving questioning looks from my two friends but ignored it. I was about five feet away from the table when I felt a hand on my arm and turned to see the other twin staring at me.

"I'm Skylar." He whispered in a voice so silky smooth I couldn't believe I was actually hearing it. "I just wanted you to know, there's no reason to be scared. It'll work out, I promise."

Ashton was staring at him in confusion. "What are you talking about Sky?"

The smaller boy shrugged and then smiled softly as he looked towards his brother. "Mom told me to tell him so." This just seemed to confuse Ashton more. He quickly grabbed his brother arm and started walking away.

Well, that was odd, but I didn't have too much time to analyze the situation. Jamie needed to talk to me, and I had a feeling this was going to be important. I turned back around and started walking again at a faster pace then before till I was out of the building, I looked around and quickly found Jamie sitting down under a tree. When I got closer I realized he was shaking softly.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly not wanting to startle him. He just nodded and motioned for me to sit next to him. As soon as I was seated his face grew red as he looked over towards me like he wanted to say something, and so I waited until he had the energy to do so.

"Do you mind if I," He started and stopped like he was changing his mind about what he was saying and just buried his head in his knees. I stared at him trying to figure out what he was trying to communicate, and why he was as red as a cherry.

"Do whatever makes you most comfortable." I told him after I realized I could never figure it out, and just knew it was something that was taking him out of his comfort zone to voice. He picked his head up a little and nodded before crawling into my lap. At first I wasn't sure how to react but quickly found myself wrapping my arms around him. "What'd you need to talk about?"

"River." He mumbled softly. As soon as the name slipped past his lips I felt my heart beat picking up and my wolf getting excited. "He's kinda freaked out about the situation between the two of you. I was just wondering if you still wanted to talk to him."

"Of course." I said quickly. I watched the corners of his lips twitch up a little before he just nodded.

He seemed to be getting a little more comfortable as he shifted his body a little till he was resting against my chest. "He doesn't wanna be alone with you just yet though, but trust me he'll come around. He's staying with my mate for a few days. We all want you to come over and hang out for a bit, if you can."

It kinda hurt hearing he didn't wanna be alone, but I guess I couldn't really blame him. We weren't exactly in the same situation. I had been running around for almost a year looking for him. He had just been sitting around waiting. But I didn't really care, I just wanted to see him. "Right now?"

"Right now." Jamie confirmed. I could feel myself smiling. "We're gonna be watching movies all night, and Cherry, that's Austin's mom, she's really nice, and amazing at cooking." I couldn't help but smile as the little sub babbled on about his mates mom as if trying to talk me into going like I wasn't already sold.

He was in the middle of talking about all the movies they had when I cut him off, "Jamie," he looked up at me a little flushed. "It's fine, let's go." he nodded and slowly stood up.

He brought me to a truck the smelt intensely like River, the scent overwhelmed my nose to the point my knees almost buckled. He then stood awkwardly at the driver side. "Um," He started slowly as he looked down, "if I give you directions would you drive?"

I almost chuckled at how cute he looked standing there red staring at the ground. "Sure." I said softly. He handed me the keys before going over to the passenger side. Neither of us said anything the entire ride aside from directions, that is until we were about a block away.

"Can you pull over real quick?" He asked quietly and I did as he said. "Switch me seats." I looked at him confused and a little offended. I know I hadn't driven to much, but I had my license so it couldn't be that bad. "River doesn't like anyone driving this but him." He told me and I understood. "So don't tell him I let you please, I just freak out a little when I drive." I nodded and we both got out and switched seats.

I watched as he put it in drive and slowly pulled off. His entire body was tense for the whole 2 minutes he was driving and as soon as we pulled into a driveway he hopped out faster than I even thought the little guy could move. He lead me inside and almost instantly had Austin pulling him into a kiss.

"Austin," He whined as he tried pulling away, but Austin wasn't having any of is as his grip just tightened. "now isn't the time."

"But I missed you." Austin groaned as he buried his head into the crook of his neck and pecked his cheek before inhaling sharply.

Jamie rolled his eyes and pulled away again. "We're gonna be cuddling all night sweetie, right now we have other things to attend to." Austin whined a little but eventually let his mate go. Jamie gestured for me to follow him and lead me upstairs with Austin just behind us.

We quickly reached a door and he turned back towards me. "Just remember, he's still pretty freaked out, try not to take offense to anything he does that seems kinda strange."

I nodded understanding what he was saying, but really hoping nothing to terrible happened. I watched as he opened the door and I saw River sitting on and airbed with his eyes glued to the TV. I quickly recognized the show Faceoff and smiled softly.

"Can you believe this guy made-" He started as he turned around clearly expecting Austin to be standing in the doorway. "Oh," he started awkwardly before shifting a little then turned the TV off. "hi."

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