My Cinderella Story (Be Mine...

By k00lios

142K 5.3K 407

Love. To some it's a new beginning, a fairy tale in its making, something that brings two people together. To... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Author's Note
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Chapter 2

6.2K 218 14
By k00lios

A/N - Not edited. Sorry please forgive me ^_^

What the hell did I do? I lay in my bed contemplating my actions to see if they were justified or not. Yes, it was! It was their fault. No I went too far. I've never been this kind of person. How am I supposed to survive seeing them again? It was lucky that this class was every other day so I don't have to see them tomorrow.

"Gosh darn ah kyaaa!" I muffle jibberish while I toss violently in my sheets.

"It's okay Millie, what's done is done. Tomorrow is a new day." I tried to calm my nerves but fail horribly.

It took me another two hours before I succumb to darkness.


The following day flew by too quickly. Before I knew it, I was standing in front of Mythology class. I wasn't ready to face the herd of asses yet. I made sure to not be too late today. As I walked in some seats were still open, unfortunately they were still on the same side of the lecture room and not too far away from the jerks who were already seated at the same spots from the other day.

I walked up to an open seat furthest away from the group next to a girl who seem to be approachable. I was ready to set my bag down when she quickly spoke, "Sorry that seats taken. I'm saving it for my friend." She proceeds to put her bag on the chair.

"Sorry," I quickly moved to the next seat I saw but of course just my luck someone sat in it right before I reached it. This is starting to look like hell for me.

I finally got my hands on a vacant seat just three rows ahead of Christian, when I hear his voice.

"Amelia right? Why don't you come and sit here?" His voice was soft and not taunting.

I looked back to him stunned. Did he just spoke to me....nicely?

"It's okay I like it here." I tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Oh come on Millie. We won't bite." Avery urged.

I looked to Christian who gestured for me to sit in front of him with a smile on his face. He looks so innocent I almost believed him but knowing them, I know they are up to something.

Ignoring them, I turn back to sit down, but a guy swiftly comes in out of nowhere like a ninja turtle and stole the seat. You have got to be shitting me!

"You snooze you lose." He said with a smirk. Okay is this year just going to be full of jerks?

At the end I had no choice but to sit in front of Christian again.

"Hey Amelia. Or do you prefer Mellie?" He asked me right when I sat down.

"Millie is fine," I said not daring to turn around.

"I like Amelia better." He said back. Then why ask?

"Mellie." The girl Sarah started. I turn my head back towards her. She was seated right next to Christian. "I wanted to apologize for the other day. I was in a horrible mood so sorry if I was coming off so rude."

"Uhhh. It's okay I forgot about it already." Bitch what's your true intention?

"I'm sarah." She ended with a smile that wasn't going to convince me.

"So Mellie about your friend yesterday. Jenny was it? She's hot!" Avery butt in.

"Don't even think about it." I rolled my eyes.

"Come on hook a friend up." He begged with his best puppy face plastered on. I know you too well Avery. If rumors are true, you bring a new girl into your sheet almost every night.

"Friend?" I scoffed. "Like I said not happening."

I sneaked a look at Christian who was eyeing me intensely like he can see right through me. I quickly diverted my eyes but that wasn't before I saw a slight smile crept on his face.

"Hi I'm Thomas. Just call me Tom." My attention looks towards the deep voice coming from besides Sarah. He was their other friend who I have yet hear speak since coming in contact with this group.

"Uh hi." I said back. He had this weird aura about him which made me uncomfortable.

"Enough leave her alone." I look back at Christian but before anyone of us can say anything, the professor walks in starting the class.

Throughout the entire class neither one of them bothered me except for the pair of eyes I can feel behind my back or maybe it was just my imagination.

When class finally led out I quickly toss my book into my bag and rushed out into the hall. I was just about to turn the corner when a large hand grabbed onto my arm.

"Wait up a sec Amelia." Christian's silky voice came from behind me.

Gosh I just want to be left alone.

"Yes?" I said turning to him.

"We haven't had a proper introduction yet." He begins. "You probably already know but I'm Christian Zain." He extends his hand out.

"Yeah I know." I said casting my eyes to the floor not reaching for his hand. "What do you want?"

"To get to know you." He replied moving his hand back. No way.

"Just be honest with me. What game are you guys trying to play?" I looked him right in the eyes.

"It's not a game. I'm serious." I see his friends standing not too far behind. He looks behind his shoulder and see them too.

"Look I know we were jerks yesterday but after what you said to us at the deli, I like you."

I gave him the most confused look I can possibly make.

He chuckles. Gosh that was sexy! "I mean I think you're a really cool girl. No girl, no scratch that, no human being has ever had the nerves to stand up to us, especially me like that. I found that very gutsy and cool."

"Um...thanks?" I didn't know what else to say. He thought that was cool? I thought for sure they would have taken my head today.

"Yeah so I just wanna make peace with you. And invite you to be friends?" he sounded nervous like I was going to reject him.

"I don't know... we live in two different worlds here." I begin.

"Okay how about not friends just yet but – associates?"

"Uh okay sure." I needed to get out if here. "Look I really need to go. I'm going to be late for my next class." I lied. I was done after this class.

"Okay I'll see you Friday's class, Amelia." The way he said my name so low sent chills down my spine.

I quickly turn and walk away from them. Right when I was far enough I called Jenny and told her what happened.

"Oh my gosh Millie! Meet me now!" she demanded.

Today we ended up at the deli again. This time we made sure to sit all the way in the corner and whisper talk so no one can hear us.

"So what kind of game do you think they are playing?" I asked Jenny.

"I, don't know....I mean maybe they are sincere. If they weren't, don't you think they would have had your head by now? Mine even." She replied to me. She stuffed some fries smother with ketchup into her mouth. I swear the way she eats, I'm surprise the girl doesn't weight as much as me.

"I don't know.... I just feel like something is off. It just seems too easy." I breathe suddenly exhausted from the situation.

"Just don't think much about it and give it time. Only time can really tell us what's going to happen next." She said. She digs into her bag and pulls out a twenty-dollar bill. "This one is on me!" she says getting up from the booth. I follow her lead as well.

"You want a ride home today?" she asks me as we step out of the restaurant.

"Nope, gotta work the library tonight." I replied to her.

"Okay then cya tomorrow! I gotta go, have a date tonight." She pulls me in for a hug before skipping off to the student parking lot.

I headed straight to the library because work started in less than 30 minutes.


The day was slowly coming to a close. I stare at the time on the monitor screen and I had an hour left before I get off at 10.

"Millie, can you please put these books back." The team lead, Alex said. He rolls a cart full of books from the romance section. "I can watch the counter for the rest of the night."

"Yeah no problem." I smiled at him. Alex was also a student but in his senior year. He was one of the few people I interact with on campus besides Jenny, given I work with him. He was quite handsome and tall, someone out of my reach for sure.

Taking the cart I headed for the elevator, since the romance section was on the second floor. As I was pushing the cart between the romance aisle, I swear my eyes were playing tricks on me, there seated at the only table at corner of the romance section was Christian.

Not paying attention to where I was rolling the cart I bumped into the shelf ahead of me.

"Ah!" I squirmed.

That was enough to catch Christian's attention which was the last thing that I wanted to do. His eyes scan away from his book over to me.

"Uh...sorry excuse me." I said diverting my eyes.

"Amelia." He raised his left brow up. I turn back towards him when he called my name. God why does he have to be so hot. And here!

"What are you doing here?" he questioned me suspiciously.

"I work here. What are you doing here?" I questioned him right back wondering if he was stalking me.

"I....uh...came to check out books for my mom!" he quickly answers after stalling. He shifted his gaze away from me and his hand moved to cover the title of the book he was holding.

Why was he being so suspicious? I wondered. And he was stuttering like he had something to hide. I would have never imagined him to be the type of person and he looks nervous for once.

"What are you hiding?" I said pointing to the book in his hand.

"So you work here huh? How come I've never seen you before? Are you stalking me" He threw questions after questions at me.

I scoffed at his imbecility. "I'm the one to ask. Are you stalking me?! I've worked here for a year now and never seen you before.... And hey! Don't try to change the subject. What's that you have?"

I never thought I would have the courage to quarrel with him like this but I am. I push the cart aside and walk towards him. He was in a corner so there was nowhere else for him to go.

"Let me see." I asked stopping in front of him. Reaching out I aim for the book but before I can put my fingers on it, he stretches his arms as high as they will go. Way out of my reach.

"You wish," he smirked at me. But I smiled right back at him.

"The Mistake, a love novel!" I said teasingly. "You like romance novels."

"How did you!" His eyes widen as if I just found out something I shouldn't have.

"Just because I couldn't reach doesn't mean I couldn't see." I laughed at him. "Aw the big bad Christian likes love stories." I teased him. I know I probably shouldn't but I couldn't pass it up.

Huffing a breath, he puts the book down on the table before closing in on me. My legs automatically take a step back. With each steps he comes closer and before I know it, I'm pin between his large muscular body and a shelf of books. A wicked smile crosses his flawless face.

"Indeed, I do enjoy indulging myself in romance whether movie or book, but if you ever tell a soul about this," he lefts both of his hands settling them on each side of me closing all possible escape routes, his face coming so close to me I can feel his breathing on my skin, "I'll make your life a living hell, you'll wish you were dead."

My heart race rapidly at his threat. Was this dude serious? All this over liking romance. I do too and I'm not running around threating people. I nod my head lightly not daring to look into his

"I was just joking...." I murmured.

He lifts my chin up with one finger so I can look at him in the eyes. All of a sudden a full blown smile crosses his face and he laughed out loud.

"I was just joking too." He backs away from me. "About the making your life a living hell, but seriously don't tell anyone about my hobby."

"O...okay," I didn't know whether he was serious about joking but for sure bi-polar and I wasn't going to tell a soul.

"So you work here huh? What are you doing up here?" he asked me after he backed away from me.

"I...uh...need to put these romance books back on the shelves." Checking the time on my watch I freak. "Oh my gosh! So much time already past, I only have 30 minutes left. Talk to you later."

"I'll help," he says following me to the cart.

"No it's okay."

"I insist."

At the end, he ended up helping me.

Five minutes before closing time, the announcement was made for last call check out which signals everyone to leave the library.

"Catch you later Amelia." Christian says getting off the elevator on the first floor with me.

"Bye." I awkwardly wave at him as he walks out the door.

Flashes of lightning could be seen through the glass. Great! I swear sometimes the heavens hate me.

I helped Alex tidy up the counter before heading out. By the time I stepped out of the library the rain had already started to pour. It being September, I didn't have a jacket or umbrella on me. Just my long sleeves shirt and backpack. I set my bag over my head as I head through the rain. I had to run across campus just to get to the bus stop. Before I was out of the library parking lot, the nicest car I've ever seen pulled up beside me. The tinted windows roll down and of course driving was Christian.

"Amelia hop in I'll give you a ride home!" he shouts over the storm.

"No thanks I can just catch the bus." I yelled back at him hoping he'll just leave alone. I didn't want to be alone with him let alone have him know where I live.

"You're gonna be soaked by the time you even get to the bus stop! Stop being difficult and hop in!" He pulls the car in front of me.

"I said I'll – "

"Don't make me come out there and get you. It won't be nice" He threaten me.

His voice had a hint of anger laced between his words. I wouldn't put it past him to do something crazy. I shiver from the cold rain or was it his hard stare. I wasn't sure.

"Fine." I agreed. Anything to get me out of the rain.

I hopped into the passenger side instantly feeling warmth from the heat and inhaling a strong masculine aroma mix with the lingering smell of cigarettes instantly relaxing my muscles. God it smells good. I was surprise the cigarette smell didn't bother me at all.

Then I suddenly realize where I was and became uneasy when I looked to Christain who was staring at me with his blue orbs.

"What's wrong?" he asked in a husky voice. It would have been super sexy if he wasn't scaring the shit out of me right now.

"Nothing, I'm just worried that I'm so drenched I'm going to ruin your expensive leather." I lied.

He smiles a wickedly hot smile, "You simple minded girl, shouldn't you be worrying about other things like, why did you get into my car when you barely know me?" His blue orbs darken a shade.

Now that I think about it, why was he still here at the library when all the students and staff left already.

Was he just waiting for me? Oh god I knew it, he's going to take his revenge on me for the other day.


Hey I was thinking about making this story a double point a view kinda thing. Like switching back and forth from Millie and Christian but I'm not decided on it yet. And did you catch "The Mistake" being the book Christian was reading? lol check it out if you already haven't.

Anyways please vote and comment if you enjoy! Love ya! =) 

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