Resolutions (Harry & Ginny Fa...

By SuperMissA11

31.6K 450 90

This is going to be a the story of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince told from Ginny Weasley's perspecti... More

A Guest + A Phlegm
Falling For Ya'
Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
The Hogwarts Express
Slug and Blood
Potions of Love
Dean Thomas
Quidditch Tryouts
An 'I love you' and Another Little Book
Gryffindor vs Slytherin
Late Night Wondering
Christmas at The Burrow
Christmas Sparks
Hermione's Helping Hand
Common Knowledge
Our Hiding Place


1.1K 13 4
By SuperMissA11

Ginny's P.O.V

"How are you, Ginny?" Alex asked, referring to her recent break-up with Dean Thomas. 

"Oh, come on! Alex! You know she has eyes for someone else, why would she be bothered?" Emily rolled her eyes. 

"Don't. You make me feel so guilty. You know I did care about Dean..." I replied, then I saw their disbelief, "Honestly!" 

They knew it. Everyone did. I was in love with Harry Potter. Dean and I were still friends, no matter how loud the break-up had gone down. When Dean asked me out in the hospital wing I was going to go back to him and explain why I couldn't date him, but Hermione said no. She thought it would be a great idea to make Harry jealous - not that that has happened - and so I went along with it. I did come to care for Dean a great deal, but I couldn't ignore what was in my heart for much longer. Not to mention the countless arguments I've had with Dean over the last few weeks. In all honesty they weren't even true arguments and were always caused by the most ridiculous of reasons, a cheese toastie the most bizarre.

And so that was the end to that relationship. Now I'm just going to stick with my friends for now and enjoy our last few months at Hogwarts as much a possible. Well, as much as you can with the threat of You-Know-Who looming above our heads.


Going down to the Great Hall for breakfast the next morning, our way was blocked by a large group of students all surrounding one person. That person was in fact Katie Bell. All those months ago in Hogsmeade, Katie Bell was cursed by a necklace that she had apparently wanted to take to Professor Dumbledore himself. Something didn't sit right with that and at the time it had put a lot of people on edge, now they apparently wanted to know all about it. Quite insensitive, might I add. Although I myself had not been close, or even spoken to her much, it was great to see her around and about again after such an awful thing, and gave her a smile as we walked past. She nodded in my direction, showing she appreciated even the small gesture of well-wishing and we continued into the Great Hall. 

Taking her seat next to Hermione  Alex said, "Guess who's back!?" 

"It's Katie Bell, isn't that amazing after what she has been through!" I interrupted before she could elaborate. At this news, Ron and Hermione both smiled and nodded, knowing full well what had happened having been there themselves, I imagine it wouldn't have been a pleasant experience to observe either. However, Harry just sat with a rather angry and confused look on his face. He, of course, had been closest to Katie, having been on the quidditch team with her for many years, but I didn't think they had been that friendly. 

"I'm just gonna go...." Harry mumbled, leaping up from his seat and leaving so fast we barely caught what he said. Apparently they had been. 

Harry's P.O.V

Before I even knew what I was doing, I'd jumped out my seat and was rushing towards where Katie and her friends were standing. I was glad that she was back on her feet, don't get me wrong, but I needed to know if she could remember anything about the accident, anything at all would be a clue. 

"Hey Katie!" I called in desperation, as she and her friends started heading further and further away. 

"I know what you're going to ask Harry," she replied as I reached her, "but I don't know who did it. I've been trying to remember, but I just can't. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it." But I knew the disappointment was clear in my voice. 

Just as I was about to head back to the Great Hall something caught my eye. Draco Malfoy was lurking behind a pillar a few feet away, watching Katie and her friends, glancing shiftily around as he did. Catching my eye, a dark look passed over his features and he fled, but I was following in hot pursuit. 

The forbidden bathroom on the 3rd floor, how uncanny. Here I was trying to investigate who cursed Katie Bell and it led straight to where the hidden entrance to the Chamber of Secrets was located. Just the thought of what went on down there caused a shiver down my spine. Ginny. I didn't want anyone to get hurt again because of me. I just couldn't let that happen. 

The bathroom was even more rundown than it had been back then: the mirrors were cracked beyond repair, so much so that anyone who looked in could barely make out their own silhouette, nevermind actually checking any specific feature. It didn't seem to bother Malfoy however, as he was leaning over the basin, splashing cold water onto his face. Was that guilt? I desperately wanted - needed - to find out. 

"I know it was you."

"You don't know what you're talking about! What proof have you got? None." he spat, venom seeping through his voice. 

"Oh I have enough!" Lie. "What are you doing in here, anyway? Hiding from the truth."

"You don't know anything. You don't know anything about me. Or what happened to Bell.", his voice cracked and suddenly a manic anger took over. 

Before I could react, a red flash of light shot out of Malfoy's wand and headed straight towards me. I leapt out of the way, just to feel the rush of wind as the curse skimmed past me and rebounded off the wall where my head had been a second earlier. Curses were flying everywhere with Malfoy resorting to unforgivable curses, spells that I would not stoop so low as to cast. We were both running and dodging, the are becoming dangerous previously cast spells were bouncing off the walls in all directions and the mirrors were now shards of glass at my feet. We couldn't continue duelling for much longer before we were both down. 

A spell I had read earlier in the Half Blood Prince's book sprang to mind. I didn't know what the spell would do, but I was becoming desperate as the fight seemed never-ending. As soon as the word was out of my mouth I regretted them. 

"Sectumsempra."  Then all hell broke lose. 

Three large slits appeared across Malfoy's chest, and his whole body shuddered as it fell to the floor. Blood gushed from the cuts at an unbelievable rate, and mixed with the water already covering the floor, formed a murky swamp of red, seeping across the room. I froze. Suddenly, neither my mind nor body seemed to be able to function. Looking at what I had done, I felt the panic rise in me. What had I done?


Ginny's P.O.V

I was playing wizard's chess with Ron in the common room. We waited for Harry for ages outside the Great Hall but he never came back, so we headed back here and distracted each other from worry. Hermione, of course, had her nose in a book. I couldn't blame her - that was just the way that she relaxed. Me and Ron, on the other hand, let out our competitive side and had a game of wizards chess. Ron is probably the best in the entire school at the game, being rewarded from that back in his first year. He just had a knack for the logic, and also his chess set seemed to like him, so that always helped. Mine on the other hand tried giving me pointers and tips but in the end they seemed to understand the game less than I did - and they were chess pieces, for crying out loud! I'd have to get some more next time we went to Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley. 

"I win!" exclaimed Ron. "Good game little sis!"

Of course it was a good game to him, he won! I knocked down the remainder of the pieces on the board in frustration - okay, maybe I was a little bit of a sore loser. However, anything I was about to respond was suddenly not important anymore as Harry flew through the portrait hole. His clothes were dripping with water and his face flushed bright red. Harry barely ever lost it, but apparently this was one of those moments. 

We all shoved him into a spare chair nearby, ready to hear his story, but as it turns out none of us were prepared for what he said next. 

"I think I killed Malfoy."

A/N: As I'm writing this Harry Potter and the Cursed Child book comes out tomorrow! I preordered mine and it is due to come tomorrow! Who's excited? Who's got their hands on one? I literally can't wait!

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