Strike a Match (Dalton Rapatt...

Από emmiliosis

2.1K 138 33

Dalton Rapattoni and Mary-Ellen Morris grew up together. They may not have known each other personally, but t... Περισσότερα

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Authors Note
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Authors Note #2 (Sorry!)
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Untitled Part 18

Chapter 9

138 11 4
Από emmiliosis


I had told her how I felt. Sort of. Yeah, she is a special person. She stuck with me in her own way through everything, even though I didn't understand or know. She didn't judge me. I could be me around her and not have to keep up all these walls. I don't know how she had this hold on me, it was nerve-wracking and exhilarating at the same time.

I didn't want to move, but I had to get up. We needed food, I had made plans for another friend to drop by as well, and later I had to run through staging for my single. I wasn't allowed any visitors on set for that, so I was hoping Mary-Ellen would get along with this friend well enough to entertain each other for a couple hours. I wasn't worried about him being accepting. He had to deal with me for years, through all of my own issues.

I slowly pulled away and moved to stand up.

"You want anything to eat?"

"Yeah, give me a few minutes to get semi presentable."

I glanced over at her, her hair pulled up in a messy bun, no makeup, and a pair of cropped sweats with a Ninja Turtle graphic tee. I had no idea how she thought she wasn't presentable, but I gave her some privacy as she changed. I headed across the hall to change out of my clothes from yesterday and into a pair of purple skinny jeans, a Green Day graphic tee, my typical chains and redoing my eyeliner. When I came out, I leaned my back against the wall, slowly dropping to the floor. I pulled my phone out of my pocket to find a text from my friend, saying he would be over in an hour. Perfect.

I went through Twitter, and followed a few people before Mary-Ellen opened her door, coming out in a pair of gray leggings, maroon combat boots, and an oversized School of Rock hoodie. She had brushed out her hair and swept her thick hair into a loose size braid.

I smiled as I stood up, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and guiding her down the stairs towards the kitchen. Once there, I pulled out a couple bowls from the cupboard, followed by a box of Froot Loops. I went to the fridge to pull out a bag of Chipotle and a carton of milk. I glance up as I started pulling the contents from the bag, shoving it in one of the bowls to put in the microwave. Mary-Ellen was giving me an amused look. I grinned as I pushed the cereal and milk towards her.

"So what's up for today?" she asked as she ate the cereal straight from the box.

"I have rehearsals late afternoon, but I can't bring anyone with me, they want it a surprise for Thursday if I get through. I have a friend coming in about half an hour, actually, and I'm hoping you guys get along with him so you can still hang out when I'm gone, so you aren't left on your own. Are you okay with that?"

She bit her lip as she nodded. "I'm not entirely a fan of new people, but if you trust him, I'll try."


We sat at the table as Mackenzie and Trent came through, Mackenzie heading to rehearsals and Trent only in sweats as he doesn't have his until later today. As Mackenzie was leaving, I heard him call that someone was here for me. I jumped up, skipping towards the door to find a familiar head of curly hair half covered by a snapback. We hugged, and I led him back to the kitchen where Mary-Ellen was placing her bowl in the dishwasher.

She glanced up, and I watched her eyes go wide.

"Mary-Ellen, meet Dana Vaughns."

Dana smiled at her, moving for a hug, but then remembered a text I had sent earlier about her not being too crazy about touch. He waved instead.

"Hey, what's up?"

Her eyes were still wide, and they were staring Dana down. Not in a creepy way, more like she was amazed.

"Holy crap." I watched as she started to slow her breathing down. "Holy crap, it's Dana." She closed her mouth and squealed.

"Hey!" I called out, faking being hurt and offended. "How come I didn't get that reaction?" I placed a hand over my heart while pushing Dana away by the face. "That hurts. Right here," I said, pointing to my chest.

"Tough it out, Rapattoni. I knew you from before. Dana, however, not so much, and I may have had an obsession with his curls when I was younger." Her eyes widened, and her hand flew to her mouth. "I didn't say that."

Dana was half on the floor, he couldn't hold himself upright from laughing so hard. I pushed him over and sent a pout towards Mary-Ellen.

"Fine. I know where I stand," I whined, making my eyes as big and pathetic as possible.

"Dalton, don't be like that." She walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist as I crossed my arms in front of my chest, sticking my chin out and glancing up.

"Nope. You like Dana better. Go give him hugs."

"Yours are better," she mumbled as she buried her face in my chest.

"How do you know, you've never hugged him."

"Because yours warm me up and calm me down. You're my constant, Dalton, and it's never going to change." Her grip tightened around me, and I felt her fingers drawing patterns on my skin where my shirt had hiked up a bit.

It was all I could do not to react, I didn't want to scare her away, and Dana was right there, watching as he calmed down.

I slowly dropped my gaze, uncrossing my arms to pull her in further. "Good. I don't want it to change."

I felt the tension leave her body as she melted into my chest.

"Group hug!" Dana screamed as he jumped on my back. I felt Mary-Ellen tense up again, then back away as I stumbled forward under Dana's weight. I fake screamed as I ran towards the sliding door off the kitchen that led to the yard with Dana dragging behind me.


The three of us ended up staying in the yard until I had to leave for rehearsal. We have an insane deck with an amazing view, and it was really useful as Dana and Mary-Ellen got to know each other. She had really opened up, and I couldn't help but smile at the thought. From the person I knew growing up, to the beautiful young woman who sat beside me, combat boots resting in my lap as she described some of the customers she dealt with on a daily basis at her retail job. She had stolen Dana's snapback, and she was running her fingers along the stitching as she complained about one specific customer.

The alarm on my phone went off, indicating I had to leave. I slowly pushed her feet off my lap as I stood up, stretching as I realized my butt was asleep. I paced to gain feeling.

"I have to go. You guys okay together until I get back?"

Dana grinned from another chair. "Yeah, man, we've got this. You go do your thing." Mary-Ellen smiled, nodding along with Dana.

"Awesome. I'll be back in a few hours." I turned towards Mary-Ellen, my arms opening. "Do I get a hug?"

She shrugged. "Maybe."


"Again, get over it, Rapattoni." She stood, walked over to me, and rested her cheek on my chest as her arms snaked around my waist. I threw my arms around her shoulders, burying my face in her neck. I could smell her perfume, something musky mixed in with something sweet and spicy, like cinnamon.

I pulled away reluctantly. "I'll be back in a bit." I turned and walked through the door to the kitchen before poking my head back out. "Now you kids have fun, respect her, don't make her do things she doesn't want to do, and if I come back to find you both macking on each others' faces, you're both grounded, ya hear?" I cackled as I turned back around and headed for the front door.

Mary-Ellen POV

I rolled my eyes at Dalton as Dana snorted beside me.

I leaned back, resting my feet on the now vacant seat. I listened to Dana chatter on about how we should freak Dalton out when he came back, but none of it registered.

"So, what's the story behind you two?"

"Hm?" I opened my eyes to the warm Californian sun.

Dana leaned forward, arms resting on his knees. He watched my eyes in a thoughtful way.

You and Dalton. I've known him for years, but I've only heard of you in passing. The way you act together.... You're really close, but I never got that vibe before."

I nodded, understanding. "Yeah, I grew up down the street from Dalton. We didn't know each other too well, but he always made a point to say hi whenever he saw me. When he left for American Idol, I was hired at School of Rock to help take over his shifts. I was working on a song when he was back for his homecoming, and he came in the studio looking for some space. We got to talking, and here we are."

"He only did homecoming a few days ago." I nodded, confirming the statement. "And he already acts like that around you. That's huge."

I looked at him. I wasn't sure what he meant, and it must have shown on my face.

"I'm guessing you heard of Madison?" I nodded, recognizing the name of one of his girlfriends while he was in the band. "It took him over a year to act and talk to her like he does with you. He opened up about some of his personal stuff, which is insanely hard for him. Because of everything he's gone through, he hates leaning on other people and them feeling bad about everything. He doesn't open up to just anyone like that. Everyone in the band knew general information, not everything that was going on, and we didn't find out everything until a couple years in."

I had been watching my fingers run over the armrest of the chair, listening to Dana as he went on. It hadn't really occurred to me what's normal for other people. I don't mean it in a bad way, but I do normal for me. Is it normal for other people to know what other people's normal is?

I looked up at Dana, not sure how to say what I wanted to.

"This is probably going to sound really stupid, and I apologize ahead of time. I know you'll want to interrupt at some point, but please don't... I need the time to get everything out."

He nodded, crossing his legs and poking at the sole of his shoe.

"I've known Dalton as long as I can remember. We weren't close, and I'm okay with that. He had his thing, and I had mine. When he left for the band... I have issues with social interaction. Dalton made it a point to at least say hi, but when he left there wasn't anything. But, the thing is I noticed that there wasn't anything. That's a big deal for me. He was the constant in my life, and I was missing it. Whenever you guys made a new video or cover or whatever, it went straight to my iPod so I still had my constant with me when I needed it."

I chewed on my lip, not sure how to continue, but I needed to.

"When Dalton came back. I had changed a lot, and most of it was because of him, but he won't ever fully understand how. Before everything, I wouldn't have been anywhere near you, no offense, just that social interaction isn't my thing. I opened up because of him. I opened up TO him. I'm able to be me. He accepts me for my flaws, for my quirks, for my nerdiness... He isn't trying to change me, he's trying to understand me, know why I do what I do, and I never had that. He means so much to me... I don't wat to lose him. Yeah, it's been only a few days, but I think that shows exactly how much he's accomplished in the short amount of time. He's my best friend without really trying."

Dana looked me dead in the eye, and I could tell he wanted to say something.

"Mary-Ellen... yell at me, whatever, if I'm wrong or out of line, I'm really good at doing that. But... do you like Dalton? Like... maybe even love him?"

That startled me, but I wasn't angry. In fact, the past day or so, I had been asking myself the same thing, and I think I finally knew what the answer.

"I think I do. Not even think anymore, I know."

Dana nodded. "I thought so. The way you act around each other... It's like you're each other's second skin. I get if you don't want to tell him yet, and that's okay. You haven't been talking very long, and you might think it'll scare him away. But if I know Dalton, he isn't going to push you away. You're too important to him."

I heard him mumble something after that, but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was with Dalton, and remembering the feeling of his arms around my shoulders.

I was shook from my thoughts when Dana stood up, offering his hand out for me to take. He led me inside and upstairs to my room, where I found a huge collection of horror movies. Dalton knew me too well.

We were finished the first Saw movie and halfway through Sinister when the door opened on the pitch black room. I screamed as light poured in, Dana falling off the bed from where he was laying beside me.

"It burns!" I hissed, falling backwards from my kneeling position and onto the floor on top of Dana.

"Good to know my best friend's a vampire. Awesome. We can share eyeliner!" I heard as feet ran over and a body fell on top of me.

Dana groaned under both our weight. "I love you guys, but get off me before my spleen ruptures."

"Blame Rapattoni. I'm light. He has a gut from eating too much Chipotle."

"Hurtful!" Next thing I knew arms were around my waist and Dalton was rolling over, pulling me with him. I squirmed in his arms, and he let me go.

"I need to change for bed, its 10, I'll be back in a bit." I grabbed my backpack as I headed for the bathroom.

Dalton POV

Once she left the room, I turned towards Dana.

"Everything was good?"

He nodded. "Yeah, she's cool. We bonded, she talked, I know a bit more about her. You're seriously lucky to have her Dalton."

I shook my head. "I don't have her yet."

"You like her, don't you?"

"I do, she doesn't see me for fame, she sees me as a person, she doesn't judge, she has the biggest heart... I'll be lucky if she ever sees me that way."

Dana snorted beside me, but it didn't register.

"I need to go, family thing tomorrow. You look after yourself and her. It was good seeing you again."

I nodded. "You too, Dana."

We hugged, and as he left, Mary-Ellen came through the door. They said goodbye, and she dumped her bag on the floor before both of us sat on the bed.

"Are we good to just crash? Rehearsals were really tiring." She nodded, and I smiled. She climbed up to the top of the bed, burying herself in blankets.

"You're coming here, too," I heard the muffled demand. I smiled wider, pulled off my shirt and shoes and lay down beside her. She rolled so her back was to my chest, and I wrapped my arms around her as she flicked off the light switch above the bed. I don't think I fell asleep faster or slept better than I did that night.

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