Take Flight

By MarileneBlom

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Four dragons, three humans, two elves, one journey. A ragtag group is charged with the responsibility of free... More

Take Flight- Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Nineteen

156 19 0
By MarileneBlom

The next day, everyone was gathered around the clearing a gain. All eyes were on Kendli, Vadmar, Minki and Queen Ezmaria, who stood at the centre.

Silence fell as Kendli stepped forward. Her heart was hammering at her ribs. She was about to decide whether yet another human would possess magic.

She cleared her throat. “I will now present Minki’s final results. Section One: Examiner’s choice recitals- Passed. Minki showed a dedicated knowledge of magic by successfully reciting twelve spells.”

Applause filled the air and Kendli could feel Minki’s relief. “Section Two: Public’s choice recitals and questions- Passed. The student proved her readiness to use magic in any situation and the competence to do so.” More applause.

“Section Three: Using temporary magic- Passed. Minki showed an outstanding level of magical talent by upholding a shield from magical attacks for twenty minutes, whilst withstanding powerful spells. This has been the third longest time in the past fifty years.” A cheer erupted from the audience.

Kendli knew she had to remain stone-faced, but a slight smile played on her lips. “And now it gives me great pleasure to announce that Minki Straddle has passed her magic exam with flying colours. Her instructor, Vadmar Setchi, will now present her with permanent magic.”

Vadmar turned to face Minki. He muttered a spell under his breath and his fingertips soon gleamed red. He placed both hands on Minki’s shoulders.

She disappeared in a blinding light and appeared a few moments later. Vadmar nodded, Minki beamed and the crowd went wild. The elves were rarely this gleeful.

“I will now ask the Queen to present Miss Straddle with the Weapon of Saldor.”

Minki was in a dream as Queen Ezmaria handed her the exquisite jewel-encrusted Weapon of Saldor. “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

As she touched the sword, the jewels in the hilt lit up, beaming bright as the sun, and the blade gradually turned emerald green.

A chorus of gasps emanated from the crowd and Minki stared at the Weapon in awe. It had reacted to her- only to her. She was the Wielder.

“Alright, Princess, time to teach you how to use that thing.”

Lector grinned wickedly, flicking his sword in circles. They were on the training field at the west of the Casmera settlement.

Minki bit her lip and curled up her toes. “I’m nervous.”

“Don’t be. I promise I’ll be gentle. Let’s just start and see what you can do.”

Lector smiled as he saw her gulp. He once again realised how gorgeous she was and how much he loved that she loved him. “Okay, go.”

As he launched at her, she parried the blow with surprising speed and accuracy. She pushed back, advancing and finally holding her blade at his throat.

Lector’s eyes widened. “I thought you’ve never held a sword before.”

She shook her head, looking extremely bewildered. “I haven’t. I- I didn’t do anything. My hands- they moved before I even knew what was happening. I-’’

“It’s the Weapon.”

Kendli strolled onto the training ground, carrying her own sword.

Minki frowned. “What?”

“The Weapon of Saldor is a master at swordsmanship. When you wield this sword, you cannot lose, no matter the skill of your opponent.”

To prove her point, she lunged at Minki with lightning speed, becoming only a blur. Just when her sword was about to sink into the girl’s stomach, it was blocked powerfully. Her weapon was flicked out of her hand and the Weapon’s tip rested on her heart.

She smiled and took a step back, retrieving her own sword. “See.” Minki stared at her own hands in amazed shock. Lector was stupefied.

“That was astonishing. You didn’t even perform the elf spell and you won Kendli. She is the best swordsman in Lomova, if not the world.”

Kendli nodded. “Thank you, Lector. See, Minki, you do not need weaponry training; the Weapon is all you need in order to…”

“…Kill the King.”

“I hope Kendli is alright. I don’t know why she refused to let anyone go with her.”

Lector shrugged at Minki. “The Wood Elves are very secretive and prefer to keep to themselves. They would not take kindly to a bunch of strangers entering their territory. Besides, Kendli is the High Elf Princess and she speaks their language. She should probably be accepted.”

Minki nodded. “Do we really need the Wood Elves?”

“Well, if we plan on overthrowing the King and freeing the dragons in one day, we need all the back-up we can get.”

“I hope they agree to support us.”

“All the elven races respect dragons. I don’t see why they wouldn’t join the struggle.”

Minki sighed softly. “Have you come to terms with your father’s coming death yet?”

Lector looked down and nodded after a few hesitant heartbeats. “Yeah, I’m more worried about my mom.”

She put a comforting hand on his arm. “We won’t let anything happen to her, I promise.”

Kendli hiked along the outskirts of the unknown parts of Casmera, knowing that the Wood Elf settlement would be nearby. But all she found was trees. It was already twilight.

Suddenly, she felt a finger on the back of her head and the worlds became fuzzy. He head pounded and she felt nauseous.

She looked up to see a massive tree heavy with sleek dark shapes that stared at her through slanted eyes.

And then everything went black.

Kendli’s eyes flickered open and she found herself tied to a tree trunk by magic. She started to mutter the spell that would set her free, but a face appeared in front of her.

It was the sharp, flawless face of a male Wood Elf. “Kassa.” Don’t.

She nodded and spoke loudly. “Mala lee gin akas cupet.” I mean you no harm. “Mala leafet abo nhe ginas ladg.” I seek an audience with your leader.

The Wood Elf frowned suspiciously. “Wihl lib gina? Gho gine fleeh gho abo kan tallenda?” Who are you? How do you know our language?

“Mala lib Koniisa do Zleek Alvaen, Kendli Gondamoore. Mala zupteg gina tallenda zup thima.” I am the Princess of the Hight Elves. I studied your language for many years.

“Wibl gina leafet abo kann ladga?” Why do you want to speak to our leader?

“Mala leafet zi lazain.” I want his help.


She was escorted through a tree-settlement to a large cave, where a sole Wood Elf was studying a map intently.

“Mhi, gasda le pitta. Henn lib Konissa Kendli do Zleek Alvaen.” Sir, sorry to disturb. This is Princess Kendli of the High Elves. She wishes to speak with you.

“Tzenke. Mala slov abo henn lib kanslaph. Zook Alvaen kassa blee zup gustas. Wihl zleep mala lazain gina de?” Thank you. I must say that this is a surprise. The Wood Elves do not have many visitors. What can I help you with?

“Zleek Alvaen plee kas vidas lib lazian tzam le gostrava flitagos. Kann shee le avlab kas plee leafet gina lazain.” The High Elves and a few humans are working together to free the dragons. We plan on attacking soon and we need your help.

“Mala abo le mala Alvaen plee gina zupt.” I will speak to my people and let you  know.

Kendli contacted her dragon. Zaria, I need you to fly here and convince the Wood Elves to join us.

I’m on my way.

She turned to the Wood Elf leader. “Zup tzenke.” Thank you very much.

Minki gasped. What a magnificent sight. “Lector, do you see that?”

Lector stepped up next to her. “Wow.”

At the edge of the Casmera settlement, hundreds of graceful Wood Elves ran through the forest, led by a sprinting Kendli, whose red hair billowed out behind her majestically.

They were silent, but created a vibration with every step. The view was completed by the soaring shape of a glittering green dragon. All the High Elves abandoned their stations to behold the rare sight.

Minki beamed. “This can only mean one thing… They agreed to help us.”

Kendli waited beside the Prophecy Oak, along with the rest of the group. Minki had called them together.

“King thought of a battle strategy and I believe that it could work.”

Vadmar nodded. “Alright. Well, let’s hear it.”

Jenna will send King Ceaser a letter, explaining that Lector kidnapped her and that the elves are attacking. In the letter, she will also mention that we are storming in from the west, because we do not expect much opposition from outside the palace.

This will encourage Ceaser to post most of his men outside the castle at the western side. Zorak, Bakson and the elven army will then march to where his forces are gathered and the Wood Elves will cover their flanks. All human soldiers will be offered the chance to surrender before the attack. No innocents will be harmed.

Vadmar, Tato, Sila and Lector will clear out the palace. No guards must be left. You will also use that time to get the Queen to safety.

Jenna, you will move all the servants to the security of the old barn and stay with them. Explain the situation and keep them clam.

Kendli, Zaria, Minki and I will then deal with the King himself. Any questions?

Kendli nodded. “How do we know what Ceaser’s reaction to Jenna’s letter will be?”

Lector shook his head. “If the King could ever come near having a soft spot, it would be for Jenna. He’ll trust her message and act accordingly.”

“Well, it sounds like a reasonable strategy. So let’s get that letter delivered as soon as possible.”

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