Demons ━ Bucky Barnes [1]

By jasperhaIe

1.5M 38.7K 24.4K

❝Warrior child, you carry such coldness in your veins. War-torn child, you carry such loneliness in your bone... More

ii. CAST


47.6K 1.5K 2.8K
By jasperhaIe

( chapter seven. )

Edited 11/22/2018 @11:21 PM

( after memory one & two. )

  ANDREA HEAVED A SIGH, CONTENT as she kicked the porch swing into motion. From over the fence, two children playing in the neighbouring yard caught her attention. Andy watched as the pair giggled, chasing each other with little care in the world.

She smiled with reminisce, longing for that same childhood ease.

  Things seemed to be changing so fast. High school had long since ended and any spare time she had now was spent volunteering as a nurse. It felt strange, to think that this was her life now. It made her feel as though she were stuck.

Andy shifted in her seat, feeling restless. There had to be something more she could be doing. Her eyes closed as she imagined the battlefield. The war waging on. How could she just sit here as the world around her descended into chaos?

  "Andy?" At the sound of her name being called, Andrea opened her eyes. She recognized the voice of Steve long before she looked down the porch steps. Her smiled turned to a grin when she caught sight of both Steve and Bucky.

  Rising from the swing, Andy made her way to the porch railings to peer down at them. "Well, what could possibly bring Brooklyn's most eligible bachelors to my front door?" She teased, mildly intrigued.

  Andrea hadn't seen the pair for days. But, that likely had something to do with the hospital she worked at being low on staff. Andy had been swamped, offering to help as much as she could.

"Well, we were going to ask you out for ice-cream. But, clearly you'd rather daydream on your swing like someone's grandmother. So, I guess we'll leave you to it." Bucky's retort came with a cheeky grin.

  Andy rolled her eyes, "Well, if this is how you ask a girl out, I can't possibly imagine why you're still single."

  Bucky rose a brow. Andrea grinned as she walked down the steps to take his arm. All the previous stress from work seemed forgotten now.

  She feigned a sigh, "Luckily, I think I can make time in my busy schedule for you two."

  "You really know how make a man feel loved," Bucky said, clutching his heart while Andy and Steve laughed. The group started for the nearby shop, walking in comfortable silence.

  As they continued on, a thought suddenly occurred to Andy. It wouldn't be long before Bucky and Steve departed and what would she be left with then? Who would be there for her when she needed these moments of reprieve?

  Most importantly, what would she do if the dreaded letter came to tell her the worst?

  Deep in thought, Andy couldn't help the way her grip tightened on Bucky's arm. Thinking about the future was hard, but it was a risk she couldn't ignore. Her uncharacteristic silence didn't go unnoticed by the Barnes man either.

  "You okay?" He asked, voice low enough so that Steve paid no notice.

  Andrea blinked, lifting her head to smile. "Never better," she replied, expression a little more genuine as she looked at him. Bucky stared back at her, eyes swimming with concern.

When he looked at her like that, Andrea wanted to confess everything to him. It just wasn't the right time. She didn't want to ruin this day over such trivial worries. They would both be leaving soon and she wanted their last few days to be good and worth remembering.

  "Really, Buck, I'm alright," Andy insisted. She tried to put as much conviction behind her voice as she could.

It wasn't just that she wanted Bucky to believe it, but she wanted herself to as well. Though, he hardly seemed convinced. Still, Bucky said nothing as he entwined their fingers and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

  "You need to learn to stop worrying," was all he told her, raising their joined hands to kiss the back of hers.

  Andy grinned, "You're asking the impossible, Buchanan. Besides, if I didn't worry about you two idiots, who would?" She accompanied the remark with one poised eyebrow.

  Bucky hummed as he considered her words, "That is true." His agreement drew out a laugh in response. Her distress faded into comfort and Andy was thankful for that.

  There was something that came with being around Steve and Bucky that always made her feel better. For a while after, the three continued in peace. Only, it was short-lived as a voice spoke up from behind them.

"Hi, James."

  Andrea and Bucky turned together and, upon the sight of Melanie Greene, Andy had to resist the urge to roll her eyes.

  Of course it was her. Only one person in the entirety of Brooklyn had so much audacity. Andy and Melanie had been neighbours for years and shared a mutual dislike for one another. It had been that way since they were young.

  Though, it had only really spurred to life because of Andrea's closeness with Bucky. He'd taken Melanie out on one date and she had despised Andy since. Melanie was an easily jealous person. Andy simply couldn't bring herself to care.

  Besides, whatever Bucky had with the Greene girl was exactly what it seemed— short-lived and over.

  As Bucky made polite conversation, Andrea turned to Steve, nose wrinkled with disgust. Steve wasn't one for outward dislike, but there was no masking the grin on his lips. For the most part, the distaste for Melanie was a mutual feeling amongst them.

  "You know," Melanie began, her tone catching Andy's attention. "I was wondering when you were gonna talk to me again. For a while, I thought you were ignoring me."

Melanie's pout had Andrea struggling to choke back a laugh. "Well," she muttered to Steve, "she's not exactly wrong."

Andrea had heard the horror story from Bucky himself. After losing a game at the fair (where Bucky had taken her for their date) Melanie had managed to flirt her way into getting a prize anyway.

As much as Andy was impressed, Bucky wasn't exactly giving Mel points for effort.

  As the Barnes man gave her hand a squeeze, it was clear that he didn't approve of Andy's remark. Andrea conjured a patient smile as she looked back at Melanie, whose green eyes had just caught sight of Bucky's hand in hers.

Instinctively, the Jones girl found her grip tightening. Melanie intimidated her in the sense that she could have any guy she wanted. The only problem was that she wanted Bucky.

  Melanie tore her eyes away with obvious effort, "Anyways, I just wanted to ask if you'd like to go to the bar with me and the girls." She gave the Barnes man a dazzling smile, framed by cherry red lips.

She was the picture-perfect, all-American girl with that smile. It was as if she hadn't even noticed their clasped fingers. The vicious bitch.

Andy turned back to Steve. In a not-so-subtle manner, she made puking motions with her hands. The gesture didn't go unnoticed by Bucky, who made a point of pretending not to notice.

However, he struggled to hide the grin forming on his lips. "Sorry, Mel. I'm already getting ice-cream with my girl and Steve," Bucky gave the blonde an apologetic smile to accompany the words.

  Melanie's bright expression quickly fell into disbelief. Andrea's heart jolted in her chest. She glanced up at Bucky, unsure if he'd really said it out-loud. What did that mean?

One of the girls accompanying Melanie grinned at the pair, "I saw it coming a mile away."

  Andy had to smile at that, but her expression fell as Melanie gave her friend a sharp look. It was a wonder how she still managed to keep anyone in her circle. Her attitude had been poor since high school.

Bucky detached his hand from Andrea's. A brief lack of contact before he pulled her in closer by the waist. The brunette felt her heart give another one of its infamous lurches. She was a flustered mess.

  Though, Melanie looked less than impressed. She pursed her lip, hand going from twirling her hair to her jutted hip. It was a gesture both Andy and Melanie knew would make someone look twice.

  Still, Andy tried not to look too smug when Bucky remained oblivious. She could tell that Mel was resisting a sneer, her upper lip twitching ever-so slightly. Melanie gave the Jones girl a once over. Her expression of disgust was infuriating.

  "Well, when you get bored of that, come find me. You know where I'll be." Melanie's voice was sultry and inviting. If she was aware of the blatant rejection, she didn't show it.

  Andy simply couldn't help herself. "Oh, sweetheart," she pouted, "I know you're not used to the concept, but let me educate you in the art of rejection."

Bucky tensed, but didn't stop her— not that she needed permission. Humbling asshole's had always come easily to Andrea.

  She continued, "You clearly need it, considering you don't know how to take a hint. Should I spell it out for you, too?"

From behind her, Steve choked back a laugh. Bucky, on other hand, said nothing and Andrea was thankful for that. She liked to think that she chose her battles wisely and not without good cause.

  At the sound of Steve's poorly-muffled laughter, Melanie shot him a glare. "I'd suggest you can it, Rogers. We all know how skilled you are in that area," she snapped at him.

Quickly, Steve's laughter faded. Andrea felt her fingers curl into fists. It was one thing to insult her, when she could easily stick up for herself. It was another thing entirely to insult Steve, who harboured no bad bone in his body.

He may not have been able to say anything, but Andrea sure as hell wasn't going to stay silent.

"Don't," Bucky warned, his voice low.

  Andrea ignored him, stepping out of his arms to approach Melanie. The blonde faltered, stepping back, only to find herself trapped between her circle of friends. She gave Andy a wary look before lifting her chin.

  The Jones girl's returning smile was sour, "Here's the thing, Mel. You can say whatever you need to about me to make yourself feel better."

"But, the minute you bring my friends into your bullshit, I'll stop going as easy on you as I have been for the past few years," Andrea kept the warning in her voice clear.

  "So," she continued, "I'll give you a fair warning; while your words may have bark, I'm the one who's not afraid to bite. If karma doesn't kick your ass, then I'll sure as hell do it."

Andy reached up to wrap her finger around a small tendril of Melanie's hair. Melanie could only watch nervously and, once she'd finished speaking, Andrea gave the tendril a hard tug.

That was when Bucky decided to step in, "Alright, that's enough." He stepped between the pair.

  "Do you have to start a scene?" He demanded, speaking into Andy's ear. She gave him an irritated look. Why was he suddenly jumping to her defence?

  Andrea's only response was a warning glare. She scowled back at him. It was as if he hadn't heard a word Melanie said, and Andy refused to believe that she was in the wrong. Not when it came to sticking up for her best friend.

  Bucky turned to face Steve and Andy. "I'm going to talk to Melanie for a minute, you guys can go on without me," he put an emphasis to his words, as if to warn them not to argue.

But, Andrea wasn't one for heeding warnings. Or listening to them, for that matter. On any other occasion, she might have trusted Bucky. But, this was different.

  This one stung.

  Melanie smirked, expression smug as she looked back at Andrea. But, Andy wasn't paying attention to her. She could only look at the Barnes man, who seemed to recognize the expression on her face.

  What was happening?

  "Andy—" He began, pausing when she shook her head. As much as she wanted to, Andrea couldn't muster up the anger to speak to him.

Leave it to her to expect better from someone who seemed intent on proving her judgement wrong.

Andy was growing tired of this confusion when it came to where they stood. But, it hadn't always been like this. He used to have her back. What changed?

  Melanie spoke before she could conjure up an answer, "You see, everyone gets tired of dirt sooner or later."

  Andrea felt her face flush with embarrassment. It wasn't exactly news that her parents weren't upperclass. The grandeur of their house and its little porch swing simply fell short in comparison to their neighbours well-manicured lawns and fresh coats of paint.

  Melanie shrugged, "Some people are just meant to be alone."

  Her tone was innocent enough, but it was hard to be fooled by the act when the words said otherwise. Bucky's expression was disgusted and Andrea almost laughed at him. It was as if his brain couldn't comprehend that the same girl who'd already insulted his friends wouldn't do it again.

  He was a fool.

  For a while, Andy kept silent as the embarrassment washed away. It wasn't that she didn't want to say something. She had plenty to speak her mind on. But, if Andrea were to open her mouth, the words she spoke wouldn't be for Melanie.

Still, she found herself caving, "You know, maybe you're right, Greene. But, if the choice was between being alone, or being you— living your life, well..."

  Andy glanced to the group trailing behind Melanie. "It's an easy choice," she said, feeling almost sorry for the girls who suddenly couldn't meet her eyes.

  Andrea cut her gaze back to the blonde. "Thanks for the chat but, quite frankly, you're not worth my time—" Andy looked at Bucky, "—and neither are you."

  Common sense told Andrea to walk away then, but Melanie's next words made her reconsider, "Who's skilled in rejection now?"

Andrea smiled ruefully, though her back was still turned. She wasn't one to start fights, but Melanie seemed to insist. Besides, if Andy was already being compared to dirt, then she might as well start playing dirty.

The Jones girl whirled on Melanie, shoving aside Bucky's arm as he reached out to stop her. In three, quick strides, Andy had her pushed back into a fence. Greene's once-confident expression was suddenly full of regret.

Green eyes searched desperately for an escape, but Melanie was trapped. She had done it to herself, really. Andrea slammed her fist into the fence behind her blonde head of hair, holding her gaze, even as Melanie flinched.

  "If anything," Andy seethed, "you should be grateful I gave you the chance to walk away. If it's a fight you want, then I can promise it won't be pretty."

  Andrea let her eyes roam Melanie's face. "At least, not for you," she amended, her smile mockingly sweet.

  The smile quickly fell as she felt a hard slap across her cheek.

Andrea was sure that she'd heard Bucky's distinct cry to, "Stop!" But, she was no longer listening. From where her fist had been on the fence, Andy proceeded to pull it back.

However, before she could strike, she felt someone reach out to grab her wrist. Andy hesitated, face still flushed with anger as she stared into Melanie's terrified eyes.

  "She's not worth it, Andy." Andrea glanced at Steve, whose blue eyes watched her with a knowing look. It told her, 'you're better than this.'

Andy hated that look, because she hated disappointing Steve. She pursed her lips, but dropped her hand and uncurled her fist from Melanie's blouse. Her fingers were shaking the entire time.

  Almost as soon as Andrea let go, Melanie collapsed to her knees, bawling her eyes out. Andy looked down at her with disdain. Steve was right. She wasn't worth it at all.

Andy nursed her sore fist. Punching the fence with all of her strength wasn't exactly the smartest choice. But, she had to admit, seeing Melanie's reaction made it worth it. 

  "Come on," Steve said softly, "let me take you home." He wrapped his arm around Andy and she let him lead her away. Neither her or Steve glanced back at Bucky and Andrea had to bite her tongue to distract from the ache in her chest.

She deserved better than this.

The cost of their friendship hardly seemed worth trying a relationship now. But, even as she questioned everything, Andrea refused to believe that she hadn't been right in defending Steve and herself.

She strengthened her resolve and tried to hope for the best. Maybe they could fix this. But, for now, all she could feel was the lonely space at her side where Bucky was supposed to be.


  Andy tried to ignore the occasional glance of her father as she turned the pages of the book she was pretending to read. A few days had passed since the incident of the fight. Since then, Andrea found it wise to restrict herself from leaving the house.

Talk had spread and, of course, Andrea was getting the worst of the backlash.

  She didn't regret her actions. But, that didn't mean she enjoyed how it made her family feel. Her mother had made it especially clear that she was upset— prattling on about what Andrea's actions had done for their image.

The Jones family wanted nothing more than for the whole situation to blow over and, until then, they couldn't have Andy creating more trouble. Hence, her 'smart' decision regarding being seen in public.

  Andy had also been forced to apologize, despite the fact that she cared little if her actions had hurt the Greene girl. It didn't help that Melanie's brother, Henry, had decided to approach her while she was alone. Her mother had been lenient enough to let Andy pick up some groceries.

  It was a mistake— on Henry's part, of course. When he tried to make a grab for Andrea, she had given him a broken nose and three long scratches across his face. Fortunately, Mrs. Jones hadn't made her apologize for that.


  Andy looked up from her book. From across the kitchen table, her father was setting down his newspaper. Which, likely meant he was about to engage in something little more than idle conversation.

Andy couldn't help but tense suspiciously.

"I haven't seen the boys around lately." His tone was innocent, but Andy knew better.

  "I guess they've been busy," she replied, nonchalant. Andy looked back to her book, but her father wasn't so easily deterred.

She could feel him watching her and his concern made her throat constrict. He could always see right through her and Andrea knew he had a right to be worried. She was his only child, after all.

  Andy felt guilt overcome her all over again. She had caused so much trouble for her parents. She was suddenly overwhelmed with how much she wanted to confide in her father over everything that had happened.

Who better to help her understand the idiocy of men than another man himself?

  However, just as Andrea surrendered and set her book down, the sound of frantic knocking was heard. Sharing a confused look with her father, Andy rose from her chair. The urgency in the sound made her hurry.

When Andrea opened up, she found herself stumbling back as none other than Bucky himself rushed in, shutting the door quickly behind him.

  "What are you—" Bucky didn't give Andy the chance to finish as he grabbed her hand, pulling her along with him.

  "No time for questions," Bucky told her as they entered the kitchen. "Hello, Mr. Jones." Andrea's father took the greeting with a broad smile before the pair disappeared into the backyard.

Andy, too stunned to protest, was forced to follow behind. From over his shoulder, Bucky called out, "If a certain Greene brother comes by, I was never here!"

  The screen door closed behind them with a snap. Once outside, the fresh air was quick to bring Andrea back to her senses. She snatched her hand out from Bucky's grip.

"What the hell is this about?" She demanded, glaring when the Barnes man put a finger to his lips.

  There was no way she was going to let him keep her quiet. Andy had been given plenty of time to think about what she wanted to say to him. Though, the words weren't particularly nice.

  Andrea opened her mouth, but paused when the sound of knocking from around the front was heard. She watched Bucky visibly tense. It was clear he'd been expecting it.

Andy frowned. "Stay here," she told him, making her way to the fence gate. She was almost there too, when she felt his hand grab her wrist.

  Andrea turned, expression neutral as she studied Bucky's determined features. "If he tries to do anything, just shout and I'll be there." His voice held so much conviction that Andy almost believed him— and she hated herself for it.

  She pulled away from his touch, "Like you were there for me with Melanie?"

  Andrea didn't give him the chance to respond, but the look on his face told her enough. She pushed open the gate and left.  When she came to stand at the porch steps, she looked up to find Henry Greene standing at the door.

  "You've got a lot of nerve coming here," Andy spoke up, recollections of earlier that day flooding her mind. She would be lying if she said she wasn't anxious.

Henry had an intimidating build and more than enough experience to take her on, especially now that they were alone. Not that it said much for his instincts. Andrea had to remind herself that she wasn't the one with a broken nose.

  Henry turned at the sound of her voice. Andy stepped back in shock. His cheek had been split, blood dripping from the open wound. It was recent too, judging by the rage on his face.

Henry curled his lip, "Don't look so surprised. It was your little boyfriend that did this. Is he here?"

  Andrea smirked, "Is that why I saw him running down the street? He looked like a cat with its tail caught on fire." She remained calm in her act.

As angry as Andy was with Bucky, he would have to deal with her anger first. Everyone else would simply have to get in line.

  Henry scowled, taking the bait all-too-easily. "Don't cry too much when he arrives half-dead at the hospital. If you can't take a beating, he'll take it for you." Henry's words left chills crawling all over her as he made his way down the steps.

Andrea stepped aside to let him pass, but couldn't help the scoff that escaped her lips. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of her fear.

"I thought the broken nose taught you that I can take care of myself," she snapped.

  Henry turned to her then. His smile was sharp as a knife. Andy repressed the shiver that snaked its way up her back.

Men like Henry Greene were that of guns; dangerous when live.

  "You're something else, Jones."

  "So I've been told," Andrea replied, a sneer for a smile. She watched as Henry turned to follow the trail she'd led him on. Only when he was out of sight did she make her way towards the back.

Bucky was waiting at the gate, peering over it as if Henry were going to make a sudden jump at him.

  Andrea passed him without sparing so much as a glance. She made her way to the furthest corner of the yard, hidden by the trees that supported her family's hammock. She could hear Bucky following and, when curiosity finally got the best of her, Andy whirled on him.

  "What the hell did you do?" She demanded, as furious as she was confused.

  "I punched him," Bucky replied simply.

  Andy pinched her nose between her fingers, "And then you ran?"

  "He's seen the war already, you think I wanted to get my ass kicked? You heard what he said!" As if to emphasize his point, Bucky shook out his right hand. The knuckles were already bruised.

Andrea watched him with distress. He could be such an idiot. It pained her to imagine that this was the same man who planned on joining the army.

  Still, Andy was having enough trouble dealing with Melanie's family on her own. Bucky's heroism was only going to worsen the situation— and for what? She certainly didn't need it.

Andy sighed, "I'm only going to ask you once, James. I don't care if you answer or not, but why?" Andrea didn't have to ask. She knew, but she wanted to hear it from him anyway.

  Bucky furrowed his brow, "Do really think I would let him attack you without doing something about it?"

Andrea wanted to laugh, even if it wasn't funny. But, it was all so stupid and so confusing. She just couldn't figure him out anymore.

  Andy settled for a bitter smile, "Well, you've kind of had this habit of letting me down lately."

Bucky frowned, though he must have known where this conversation would go. It wasn't something they could ignore. Not if they were going to fix this.

  For a while, the pair said nothing and— when he made a reach for her hand— he stopped short as she pulled away.

"Andy, I'm—"Andrea didn't let him finish.

Her laughter was brutal. Bitter. God, how many times had they done this? Just looking at him hurt.

  "I don't want another apology," she said, exasperated. "I want to know why. If you're so sorry, then why do it in the first place?"

Silence. Andrea turned her head, eyes stinging with the threat of tears. Why was this so painful? It felt like this very conversation could make-or-break what was left between them.

  And the thought of losing him scared Andy, more than she could have ever thought possible.

  But, what scared her more was his silence. His distress was obvious as he struggled to find the right words to say. But Andrea didn't want to hear the 'right words'. She wanted to hear the honest ones.

"Believe me when I tell you that it wasn't what you thought it was. Andy, I'm so sorry—"

  "I don't want your apology!" She cried, fed up with the Barnes man putting off the question. "It doesn't mean anything to me— and honestly, I'm not sure if you should either."

It was getting harder to hold back her frustration. She didn't know where the words had come from. They hardly felt true, but all of her pent-up emotions had resurfaced. Suddenly, she was a sink overflowing and not a single sorry could stop her.

  Hurt flashed across Bucky's expression. "You don't mean that," he told her, his tone pleading with Andrea as he took her face in his hands.

Andy kept her gaze averted, unable to look him in the eye. She already knew what she would find. She could hear it in his voice; carrying guilt and desperation. But, if she risked looking at him, then she knew the last of her strength would fail.

And what then?

If they didn't talk about this now, would they simply go through another vicious cycle of letting each other down? It would destroy them before the war even got a chance to try.  Andy couldn't let that happen.

  She refused to.

  "What am I supposed to think, then?" Andy didn't want to say it. She didn't want to put her fear into words and end up looking like a fool in the end.

But, if she didn't say something now, then she'd be making a joke of herself either way. Why was this so hard? She wanted to go back to what was safe; to having her two best friends by her side, just as that.

  It sounded and felt so much like regret, it made her sick.

  Andrea's throat felt tight, but she forced herself to speak. "I don't want to be less of who I am in order to be with you—" Andy inhaled sharply, keeping her eyes tightly shut.

"But, I don't want to lose you either," she admitted, "Especially not to someone who doesn't even deserve you."

  As she pulled his hands from her face, one finger caught on his as their hands fell between them. It was the smallest of embraces, but something inside of her knew it would hurt to let go.

Andrea felt her stomach shift uneasily as the silence dragged on. Was this really it? She was struck by how desperately she didn't want it to be.

  "Tell me something," Bucky said, so softly. So differently from what she had expected, that Andy couldn't help but look at him.

"Do you regret it?" The word was pained, and she knew then that he felt it too; the fear of letting go.

  The answer was immediate. "No," she whispered, and how could she?

Every stolen moment with him were some of the best memories they shared. Bucky could bring out everything good and honourable in people. Every second of that was something she didn't want to lose.

  Bucky lifted his hand, letting it brush against Andrea's skin as it traveled the length of her arm. "You know me," he told her, "better than anyone else, Andy. So, don't doubt me now."

His hand touched her face again and she could feel her resolve crumbling with a terrifying ease. Suddenly, Andy couldn't clearly remember why she was fighting so hard against this. It was ruinous.

  Bucky huffed. "You can be such an oblivious fool, you know that?"

Andy turned her head to shoot the Barnes man a glare, stung by the smile that had crept up on his features. Though, the turn of his lips were more bittersweet than mocking.

  "Do you really think I'd choose a meteor over the sun? Andrea Claire Jones," Bucky said, "You mean the world to me. There's no force on Earth that could change that."

  Andrea felt her heart stutter in her chest. She wanted to smile; she wanted to believe what he was saying and lose herself in the bliss his words left. But, how could she trust him so easily— and when had it started to feel like she couldn't?

  He leaned close and pressed a kiss to her forehead, "I promised myself that I would never do anything to hurt you intentionally and I intend to keep it."

Andrea wanted so badly to believe him. Yet, she still had to ask. She still had to know.

"Then why did you stay with her?" She asked, hating the lack of surety she felt. Hating that anyone had the power to make her feel this way.

  "We're friends before all else," she continued. "But, when it came down to it, you chose to defend her instead of having my back."

  Bucky pulled away so sharply that Andy flinched. "You think that what happened with Melanie was me trying to pick and choose?"

He sounded so hurt by the accusation. Andrea found herself annoyed with his dramatics. It wasn't as if they had the best streak for communication going on.

  She narrowed her eyes, "What else am I supposed to think? You didn't exactly explain yourself when you said you were going to ditch us to walk her home."

Bucky was immediately flustered and Andy knew she'd struck the right nerve. He exhaled a sigh and the deflation of his shoulders stole any sense of victory Andrea had. This was exhausting.

  Andy felt some comfort in knowing that things had come to a close. One last chance to get everything off their chests. She turned and collapsed onto the hammock. Bucky followed shortly after.

Andrea shifted to make room. When they were settled, she found her head resting against his arm. If they said nothing, they could almost pretend like things were okay.

But, they both knew it wouldn't be real.

  "When I said it's always been you, Andy. I meant it," he told her. Andy immediately braced herself.

"I didn't realize how it would look or sound. That was my fault," he admitted. "I just wanted to get you out of there because I knew you were better than that."

"But," Bucky continued, "I also couldn't let Melanie leave without making it clear to her that I wasn't interested anymore."

Andrea felt her throat go tight.

  "I'm sorry," Bucky apologized. "I should have been more straightforward and understanding with you."

Andy felt the guilt hit her heavily. She had things to be sorry for, too. How long did she plan on ignoring him, with no chance to explain himself? Until she wasn't scared of her feelings? Until she'd lost him completely?

God, they'd been such idiots.

"I'm sorry— for running away," she whispered. Andy turned her head to look up at him, a frown on her lips as the guilt eased into nausea.

Regardless, Andrea was glad that she'd said something. If they hadn't done anything now, what would it have meant in the future? To imagine letting her insecurities destroy them only made her feel ill.

  Andy sighed as she rested her head on Bucky's chest, "What's the point of having the title of best friend if I don't know you better than anyone else?"

She knew the word 'friend' was wrong even before she'd spoken it. Was that what they still were? After everything that had just happened and all of their implicating undertones; was she really reducing them to nothing more than best friends?

  Bucky started to laugh and Andrea felt her face warm in embarrassment. "If it weren't for your face after you said that, I might have actually been hurt." He man moved to pull Andy in for a hug.

  Andrea heard the groan of protest from the hammock and gasped. "Wait!" The warning came too late as the hammock fell out from beneath them. Andy found herself laughing as Bucky got the worst of the impact.

"This thing is older than it looks," she said, speaking between laughter. She quickly rose from the grass, smoothing out her dress.

  Bucky let out a fake laugh, "Yeah, sure, let's just leave the wounded man on the ground to suffer."

  Andrea grinned, offering her hand to help him up. Really, she should have seen it coming, but she was lost in the exhilarating feeling of being able to laugh with him again.

  Bucky pulled her hand sharply, bringing the brunette down on top of him with a victorious laugh. Andy grinned as he leaned up to give her a kiss on the cheek. This was where she belonged; in his arms. Even if it was on the dirt of her backyard.


  Andrea met his gaze with a smile. Though, Bucky was silent as his eyes roamed her features. He seemed to be contemplating something as his gaze followed where his thumb traced her skin; from her brow, to her cheek, to the curve of her lips. She felt his touch like a blaze kissing her skin.

  "I love you," he said, the words firm. Steady. "I'll love you for the rest of my life."

  His eyes were on her's now, taking in the shock that must have been evident in her expression. A part of Andrea hadn't been expecting the confession. But, she hoped her slow grin was enough to tell of the inexplicable happiness she felt.

  "I love you too— and as much as I hate to be the bearer of bad news," she said, patting his chest. "You're kind of stuck with me."

  Andy's words drew out a chuckle. He rested his forehead against hers and the intensity of the moment stole the air from Andrea's chest. The love she had for him was all-consuming sometimes.

  "I wouldn't have it any other way," he whispered, caressing her cheek before pulling her in for a kiss.

I'd just like to end this chapter
by stating that Sebastian Stan
can choke me with his thighs.

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