Escape From Antoria

By me2you804

126K 2.2K 265

Arianna's perfectly ordinary life is turned upside down when she is thrust into a new world that is full of m... More

Escape from Antoria (Prologue) Part 1
Escape From Antoria Part 2
Escape From Antoria Part 3
Escape from Antoria Part 4
Escape from Antoria Part 5
Escape From Antoria Part 6
Escape From Antoria Part 7
Escape From Antoria part 8
Escape From Antoria part 9
Escape From Antoria Part 10
Escape from Antoria part 11
Escape From Antoria Part 13
Escape From Antoria part 14
Escape From Antoria Part 15
Escape From Antoria part 16
Escape From Antoria pary 17
Escape From Antoria part 18
Escape from Antoria Part 19
Escape From Antoria Part 20
Escape from Antoria Part 21
Escape From Antoria part 22
Escape From Antoria part 23
Escape From Antoria part 24
escape From Antoria part 25
Escape From Antoria part 26
Escape From Antoria part 27
Escape From Antoria part 28
Escape From Antoria Part 29
Escape From Antoria Part 30
Escape From Antoria Part 31
Escape From Antoria Part 32
Escape From Antoria Part 33
Escape From Antoria Part 34
Escape From Antoria Part 35
Escape From Antoria part 36
escape from antoria part 37
Escape From Antoria Part 38
Escape From Antoria Part 39
Escape From Antoria Part 40
Escape From Antoria part 41
Escape From Antoria Part 42

Escape from Antoria part 12

2.9K 64 6
By me2you804

Okay here is part 12 hope you enjoy. Just randomness so we'll soon see. Remeber to vote and comment to let me know what you think or become a fan if you really like the story lol Oh and anyone got any guesses on who the third part of the trinity is should be ?

Chapter 11

We all sat around a large campfire which I'm proud to say was lit by me. I felt the constant gaze of the other sorcerers but half of them were too afraid to speak to me. The elderly man was now conversing with Sam, the leader of the group, throwing me and Nate cautious glances every few minutes before becoming engrossed in the conversation again.

A woman walked towards me and handed me a bowl of ...I think its rice...can't be sure.

"Ari, is that right?" I nodded as I took the bowl from her hands. "I'm Ingrid and that over there" Pointing to Sam the leader. "-is my husband."

I smiled and nodded my head in greeting. "Nice to meet you Ingrid. You're the first woman I've spoken to since I arrived in this dimension so it's a pleasure to meet you."

"So you're the one that will be leading us into the battle." I nodded. "Well let's hope for all of our sakes that the king isn't a strong sorcerer or we might not make it out alive." I felt my blood run cold at this. Then I thought about the prophesy that they all believed in.

"The prophesy says we'll defeat him so we will."I said trying to reassure her. "As soon as the third part of the trinity arrives we will ready."

She didn't look convinced. "That's assuming the third person ever arrives what if they are captured before they even get here. What if they are killed by the king?"

"Don't worry they will get here. Might not be for a while but they will come, I have it from a good source that they will come."

"Really? How do you know?" He eyes beginning to light up with hope.

"We met the reincarnation of the ancient mystic's prophet." I said my voice full of confidence. "It's how we found you guys."

Her eyes went like saucers. "Wow." You'd think from her reactions that I was the elder of us two. I held back a chuckle as I quietly regarded her. She shook her head. "Sorry here's me talking away and I've got to dish out dinner to the rest of the troops." With that she just turned and walked away as if we'd never spoken at all. Okay. Ooh that reminds me battle...fighting...I can't fight...crap.

"Nate?" I asked in a sickly sweet tone. Nate's head snapped round from the man he'd been talking to.

"Yes Ari?" He asked suspiciously.

"Nate do you think you could...teach me how to fight? I've already told you might right hook sucks, well that pretty much goes for all of my fighting skills. So do you think you could teach me?" I asked batting my lashes at him. He considered for a moment.

"On one condition." He said a wide grin spreading across his face. What is he up to?

"What's that?" I asked suspiciously.

"You have to kiss me as payment. So for every ...hmm let's say every hour I teach you I get a kiss." He said with a mischievous grin plastered on his face. OK he didn't have to use that as a bargaining chip I already want to kiss him again but her at least I've got an excuse for doing it.

"Hmm...I don't know you drive a hard's a deal. Do you want to shake on it?" I said offering him my hand. Instead Nate ignored my hand and traced the markings on my face so that I could see a blue glow out of the corner of my eye. He suddenly leant forward so that his lips brushed against my ear causing shivers of pleasure to flow through me.

"How about we kiss on it?" Before I could even respond Nate captured my lips in his. I closed my eyes as I felt my markings on my face and back tingle, my hands entwined in Nate's hair. As I fully embraced the kiss my tongue begging for entrance to Nate's delicious mouth, I moved one of my hands to Nate's face and began to trace the markings so that his markings glowed but in the bright crimson that stood out against his tanned skin. All of a sudden as Nate allowed me entrance I felt power surge through Nate and I like we were connected. It warmed me to the core so that I felt nothing but bliss.

I felt the ground gently move beneath my feet and gasps from around us. I snapped open my eyes to look at the ground and saw that the once muddy patch was now covered in lush green grass and new flowers beginning to bloom. I then looked for the source of the gasp but as I looked up I too let out a gasp, there were leaves dancing around Nate and I in intricate patterns as if being moved by an invisible force. I glanced at Nate because he has the ability of telekinesis but he was simply staring at me with adoring eyes and he was ... glowing... not bright lights glowing, the glowing you can see but it was more as if I could feel it. Wow must be a better kisser than I thought. Okay I think Nate and I have shocked the crowds enough for today.

"Nate? Umm do you think you can stop making leaves move in pretty patterns? I think the audience is freaking out." Nate suddenly snapped his head round and saw the leaves swirling in the air.

"Sure." With that he let go of me making me suddenly crave to be back in his arms. He then turned and lifted up his right arm before slowly bringing it down to his side. At the same time the leaves began to gently fall to the floor. I chuckled at our audiences shocked and awed looks. I'm guessing that doesn't happen whenever they kiss. "So the deal is done then. We'll get some sleep but first thing in the morning we will be training." Nate said with a huge smile. I can't wait for training I get to kiss him again...God what is happening. I'm like...addicted to Nate.

© Katherine Pocock 2009

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