
By samevans17

17K 873 710

When celebrities Kirstin Maldonado and Avi Kaplan embark on a collaboration set up by their record producer K... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter 40
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter 42
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter 46
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Tour Pt2

Chapter 6

627 36 26
By samevans17

A/N: I just spent the whole day cleaning out my room, I never realised I have this much floor space, not that my room was messy, it was just crowded cause I had so many piles of paper from classes and books I had started writing in and not finished. Long story short, my room no longer looks like my room.
     Please enjoy what I wrote for you guys :)

Chapter 6

...Avi Kaplan and Jessica Freedman... Kirstie tapped on the keys of her silver, top of the line Apple laptop. She pushes her glasses up her nose in the millisecond it takes for google to load.
     "Whoa kay... you got hot," she mumbles to herself as older pictures of Avi and girl that she didn't recognise (obviously Jessica) pop up on the screen. Kirstie almost couldn't believe how much Avi had changed in almost five years, his hair was longer, his beard was thicker, he was thinner and he dressed so much better.
     She almost had to wonder why he hated being photographed, there were plenty of older pictures of him, he looks so much better, so why wouldn't he want to be photographed? Could his fans that bullied Jessica have really changed his entire perspective so drastically? Or was there something else behind it?
     Kirstie continued to scroll until the pictures weren't of Avi anymore, they slowly petered out and so she closed the window. She had half a mind to do a google search on him, just to see what came up, but she decides against it and opens up a word document instead deciding to write a new entry for her blog, she hadn't done that in a while and it was something she always enjoyed doing. And she knew exactly what to write.

Dating a Celebrity.
     Does it ever work out? I mean we see daily what happens when two celebrities date, half the time it's publicity and they break up a week later. It's hard to pick what's real and what's fiction.
     As many of you know I haven't really dated throughout my career, it's just never been a priority and I always get asked about it. So if you want the answer here it is: I WANT REALITY!!! I don't want people doubting my relationships and being sceptical,
are they dating for publicity?? I'm never going to have that because I can promise you now that any relationship that I let my fans know about, will be real. That is my promise because no one should ever settle for anything less than real.
    I know that this only reaches a small portion of my fans, but this is important, so I might just have to start broadcasting this blog like I do everything else. I know that means that 90 per cent of the comments will become tumblr-fied. It's going to be so much more difficult to pick out those who I'm genuinely affecting with my words, but it might just have to be done.
     I learnt just today that one of the sweetest people I know, who just so happens to be a celebrity, and I'm not going to name names and I'm not going to be overly obvious, so if you figure out who I'm talking about then good for you. But I learnt today that it's been practically five years since he's been in a relationship, and that it ended purely because of what his fans decided to say to her. That's just not right, it's not okay and it almost makes me sick. Because to now know that the reason he himself hasn't been in a relationship since is because he's scared that his fans,
the people who supposedly love him, are going to do it again.
     I know why celebrity relationships never work out. As much as we love our fans, and it's not all of them, only a select few who go overboard, but that's just it, they go overboard. Those select few fans go out of their way to harass a celebrity's significant other, famous or not, telling them they shouldn't be with 'said celebrity' and insulting them because they are. Guys this upsets me so much, because as our fans shouldn't you want us to be happy?


Leaning back, Kirstie lets out a breath that she didn't know she was holding as she stretches her arms above her head. She smiles to herself as she does a quick read-over and a couple of edits. In the spur of the moment before she uploaded it, literally before she clicked 'post', she added one more line. She couldn't wait to see the reactions when she posted this. She was so going to tweet about it.
     No she was going to be clever... she was going to get Mitch Grassi to tweet about it, so she picks up her phone to shoot him a quick message, the smirk still on her face.


Kirstie practically strutted into the KO Building that morning, smirk plastered on her face, her heels clicking as she confidently walked along until she was halted in her path by the person she'd actually just been thinking about.
     He grabbed the top of her arm to stop her, his grip was almost too tight. She slides her sunglasses up onto her head and casts a glance between the man and his hand on her arm.
     "Um, Avi?" she raises an eyebrow at him. "Ow."
He drops his hand with a stern look on his face. He says nothing as he adjusts the helmet under his arm and keeps his stare on the small woman in front of him.
     "You going to tell me what this is about?"
     In a slow voice with a tone of anger he recites. "You don't want us all to boycott social media do you?"
     Kirstie, completely ignoring the man's current demeanour breaks into a smile, "I didn't know you read my blog," she playfully slaps him on the arm.
     He watches her hand without reaction and turns back to her, speaking in a more rushed tone, "Why would you say that?"
     "No one knows it was you I was talking about," she shrugs.
     "No Kirstie, everyone knows, that last line, that line screams Avi Kaplan! How many other celebrities don't do social Media Kirstin? It's pretty much just me."
     "There are others, like some of the really old people."
     "Yeah and how many 'really old people' that don't use social media have you just written a song with?" he stresses, stepping closer to her to try and emphasise his point.
     "Oh yeah, I meant to ask you about that, do you want to sing that song with me, I ju-"
      "No, no I don't want to. Kirstin do you just have no regard for anyone else? Everyone is talking about me, my sister is sending me so many damn links to the shit people are saying. It's like it's happening all over again."
     "I didn't mean for that to happen, Avi I'm sorr-"
     "Don't even, I just... I don't want to know," he waves her off, stepping backwards he turns and walks off.
     "AVI! AVI I'M SORRY!" she tries yelling after him, but he just ignores her.
      Kirstie had never had any worries about dating someone in the public eye, she always chased relationships. But whenever she came across a guy she liked she always found a way to screw it up.

A/N: Well damn, I didn't mean for that to happen... How am I going to fix that??

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