Stay Away from Pleasure

By EveHonor

381K 12.5K 955

Everybody loves a man with a dark past, but just how dark... In Manhattan, New York, Liz Cheslaw is the only... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Sneak Peak
Sequel is Out Now!

Chapter Seven

10.3K 325 14
By EveHonor


Watching people breathe is funny.

It's almost half past nine and I should really be getting ready to meet the mysterious male or female that has been texting me, but I can't seem to tear myself away from him. Everything is going so well, but there's still this baggage about Matt being a real prick.

He looks so ordinary while he's asleep. His chest rises and falls wonderfully and a nice rush of air comes out of his nose as it falls. I heard that people look their best whilst sleeping and I always thought it was a lie because I look like a potato when I'm asleep, but Matt looks like perfection. I have goosebumps.

Examining him carefully, I watch as his eyes flicker and open softly. In a flash, I'm suddenly swept with embarrassment and I try to act normal and turn away from him, but I'm pretty sure he caught me looking. Tenderly, he strokes my arm and holds me closer to him. This is the first time I've ever readily spent the night in a man's bed and it feels good.

During my peaceful rest, I had this strange feeling that I was floating, but that's probably because I was sleeping on his chest while he was asleep and taking those heavy breaths. Wasn't it? I hum softly and snuggle up to him s'more. Before I know it, I'm drifting back to sleep. He's the best pillow one can buy.

When I wake up again, he's looking at me and he doesn't bother looking away. His hair is damp as if he's just washed it and he's wearing a plain black T shirt. Showered and clean. But I cannot deny, I miss his bare chest.

He kisses my head, "Good morning, Lisette."

I groan into his chest, deprived of energy despite my long hours of rest. He laughs and I feel the deep chuckle reverberate through his body and mine.

"Not a morning person?" He asks.

I groan again and wrap my legs around his. I'm warm and comfortable in his arms. I don't want to move. I don't want either of us to move and break the contact between us.

"I don't care, really. We can stay in bed all day if you want." He kisses me again.

It suddenly hits me that that's not a possibility. "What's the time?" I groan.

"You don't need to know the time, it's your day off and I've got you all to myself." He squeezes me tighter to him.

Sitting up, I prepare to tread on his potential plans for our day.

"Actually, I have to go out today."

He sits up beside me and puts his hand on my hip, locking and trapping me.

"And do what?" He asks coldly.

I wouldn't particularly call the chill running down my spine fear but I instantly dread the idea of disappointing this man... This specimen. The burning of the lime in his eyes is enough to make me squirm in his firm grip. I can almost say I'm completely entranced, trapped even. In all my life, maintaining eye contact has always been like a little game for me — a game I'd always win — but for some reason, as his eyes lock onto mine, I feel like I'm melting. It's still a game for me... Just a game I'll always lose.

It appears I can't tell him the truth about where I'm going, but I also can't lie. Maybe it's because lying is wrong, but it could also be the sinister gleam of green in his eyes.

"I'm going to meet my sister." Not the whole truth, but also not a lie.

He looks at me for a moment and then speaks up. "I'll come with you."


Shrivelling up, I shuffle in my position, "I don't think that's a good idea—"

"Why not?" I had barely finished my statement. He's pissed, but why?

"We planned the day together and we're going to do girl stuff."

He shouts, "that's the most ridiculous excuse I've ever heard!" Then curses, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you. I know you don't like it."

Extending slowly, his arm reaches out for me, but I get off the bed and dodge it completely. "Where's the bathroom?"

He sighs and squeezes his eyes shut, "it's just through there." He points at a door and I go inside.

It irritates me when he snaps at me like that, but I know it's part of who he is. I don't mean to get him angry, I just can't tell him the truth.

What if the tables were turned?

My heart churns and I collapse at the sink in the bathroom. He told me specifically to respect his privacy and here I am snooping. In all honesty, he doesn't even need to have something to hide to tell me that. Even I wouldn't like it if someone was sticking their nose in my business and I don't really have that much to hide. It's just a matter of privacy.

Undressing, I turn on the shower then tie my hair up and get under the slick rays of heat. While I'm showering, I hear a soft knock.


Even with the shower on full blast, I still know it's him and only because of the goosebumps that I get on my skin when he says my name. Before, I hated it when he called me Lisette, but now, it's music to my ears.

"Yeah?" I call out.

"I have some clothes and things for you."

I'm glad I didn't lock the door so I don't have to walk all the way to it. There aren't any curtains but the shower seems foggy enough.

"It's open!" I call out again.

There's a small moment of silence and no sounds of movement. Maybe he left. I see the handle go down. I know he's on the other side.

"Are you... Decent?" I know he's probably swallowing and taking shallow breaths out there, which amuses me immensely.

"I'm in the shower. Just come in." I giggle.

The door opens and I can see a figure enter, but I can't make out his face. I know it's him just by the way he walks and how his body looks. If I can't see him properly, he can't see me either. He puts a bag on a stool and makes for the door without glancing my way at all. Despite his hasty dash to the door, he still manages to close it so gently and without a sound.

Getting out of the shower, I walk to the bag and see that he's bought me new underwear, clothes, sanitary items and a toothbrush. I brush my teeth before anything.

Once I've done that, I put on my new bra, which weirdly fits perfectly, and then my underwear. It's sexy, lace underwear too. Did he pick it out? He probably did. I pull out black jeans and a burgundy peplum top and put them on. Folded carefully, a black blazer squats at the bottom of the bag. It fits well and it's comfortable. I take the elastic band out and let my hair fall. He has seen my hair down, but I want to make him smile since I've already pissed him off today, so I'll leave my hair down.

Just as silently as he did a while ago, I open the door and leave the beautiful bathroom. As I shut the door behind me, I begin to miss the dim lights and the marble.

In the bedroom, Matt is in the same attire but has a black leather jacket over it and shoes on. He's on the phone and he's whispering something. He probably hasn't acknowledged that I've finished in the shower. Unintentionally... I decide to eavesdrop on the phone call.

He squeezes the bridge of his nose, "I know what I said about her but I don't care about that anymore..." There's a pause, "Fuck that, she's mine. I don't want to let her go. Scrap that — I'm not letting her go, ever."

Oh my God. He's playing me!

He probably has another girl on the side and is talking about her to his friend. 

I go to walk back to the bathroom and pretend that I haven't heard anything, but then I hear him say, "I don't think you can meet her anyway. She has plans with her sister so even I can't spend the day with her." He pauses, "I underestimated her, she's different."

Holy stars in the night's sky! He's talking about me? Me? Me! Me. He doesn't want to let me go. Ever. That is so adorable. Who is he talking to, though, and what does he mean by I'm different?

He hangs up the phone and takes a deep breath. I act like I just came out of the bathroom.

"You have good taste in clothes." I smile.

"Wow. You make something so simple look like a work of art." He walks to me and kisses me.

"Where is my bag? I would like to call my sister."

He hands my bag to me and I check the time.


I text the mystery person.

I say:
I might be a little late, but not too late. Sorry!

Then I call my sister and it goes straight to voicemail. She probably isn't up right now.

"What's your sister's name?" Matt asks.


"I prefer Lisette." He mutters. 

I snort, "so does she."

"That's because her head's screwed on right."

"I strongly disagree."

"Why's that?"

I can tell him. I trust him.

"She's a recovering alcoholic and a drug addict."

His content expression deteriorates. "Which drug?"

"Cocaine." I say simply.

"I'm so sorry. You don't deserve to deal with that."

"I'm not dealing with it, she is. She's trying to get clean. Deep down, she's the same girl I once knew. She just struggles with finance a bit and then that walks her right into the coke." I sit on the bed and fiddle with my fingers and nails. "I like to meet up with her to know where she's at. If she's struggling, I can help her and she won't go back to the drugs, but sometimes she runs away and I don't see her for years."

"Isn't she a mega-strict Christian too? You know... the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and everything."

Wow. Just wow. 

I nod and then wince slightly. "Her boyfriend wasn't and then she started acting up but it wasn't that bad. When she moved out, she spent more time with him and started changing. Then I never heard from her. Once I moved here, I started bumping into her and now we talk a bit more."

Surprising me, his hand caress my curls. "I never knew you were going through this. I know how much it hurts seeing people close to you unstable. I could get her into rehab to get clean or get her a job or—"

"No thanks," I shake my head, "I know what's best for her."

He nods. "Can I drive you?"


"No it's fine." I avoid his stare and go to put my heels on. 

With one of his steps worth three of mine, he walks up behind me.

"Why not? I'd prefer it if you didn't take a cab. You'll be safer in the car with me." He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in my hair.

I hate lying to him. "Okay. I'm not meeting with Claire just yet."

He straightens with his arms still keeping me close to him. "Then where are you going?"

"Lunch." I mutter.

"With?" He growls and I can feel him growing hotter behind me.

"A friend."

"Male or Female?" He spits quickly.

Good question! If only I knew the answer myself. I can't say I don't know because that would be ridiculous. If I say it's a guy, he'll flip out.


"What's her name?"

Another good question! Boy, he's on a roll. But I don't know their name. All I know is she will be wearing a green cap.

I can hear my thoughts guiding me: Make it up on the spot, girl.

I clear my throat and look down at my feet. "Sarah."

Gently, he pulls me so I'm facing him. He scans my face and I know he knows I'm lying.

"Take my car." He says anyway.

"Which one?" I joke with a slight roll of the eye.

A small smile creeps on his face and I know I've got him back.

"You decide." He kisses me and helps me put my last shoe on. "You done?"

I nod and he offers me his hand once again. I assume we're going out into the garage, but then he stops first and takes me into the kitchen.

"I know you're probably going to eat at lunch but I'd like you to eat something before you leave."

I look around at all the options. The choices vary from fruits to smoothies to small snacks and more. He hasn't gotten out anything heavy and with good reason. I take an apple and he frowns.

"Is that it?" He scorns.

"Why are you mad?"

As fast as a bullet shot out of a gun, he recoils as if he's about shout at me but then just clears his throat, "I'm not." A very forced smile stretches his lips, "Enjoy your apple."

He grabs my hand and takes me to the lift. We step inside and he pulls me against his side. I wonder if he knows how possessive he seems when he does that.

When we get to the garage, he steps out and says, "I'm going to walk you through and when you see something you like, tell me."

I'm not really one to fantasise over cars that much, but when I see a car that I like, my heart skips a beat. I love my car. I wonder if he has an Audi somewhere here. Considering how rich he is, he probably does have one lying around. What does he even do? His penthouse is huge, he has a roomful of cars and a handful of maids. My last boss lived in a two bedroom apartment and could just about afford a black Volvo XC70. It must've been Matt's last job that got him all of this money.

Like a scene in a cliché romantic film, I see it across the garage and our eyes meet. Quitting the romantic film, I practically lunge after the vehicle and realise my name probably won't come up in the credits now. I actually run to the beauty.

"Can I drive this one?" I plead.

"You like the Audi?" He smirks as he saunters over to me.

I nod frantically and he disappears for a moment. When he returns, he has the keys in his hand. Before he gives them to me, he texts something quickly on his phone then looks at me.

"When will you be back?" He asks.

Holy cow... He expects me to come back. I have a house and a car and a family and a job. I can't just slouch at his place all day. Maybe it's because it's my day off and he plans to go on another date.

That's so adorable. You know, if those are his intentions.

"A little late. I might go home afterwards actually." I shrug.

He narrows his eyebrows and I know he doesn't approve. Oh well. He can't make me stay out less or whatever. I just have to negotiate with him.

"I'm sorry," I kiss his cheek softly, "I'll come back here right after and I'll call to update you if anything changes."

I turn to get in the car and he pulls me back and kisses me hard, his tongue diving into my mouth skilfully enough to earn a gold medal. Breathlessly, I smile at him and get in the car, he closes the door for me. I drive off and out of the garage. I turn a corner and continue to drive until I reach a park. Luckily, I know exactly where I am. I take out my phone and I check the time.


I text the mystery person:
I'm on my way and might be late by a couple minutes.

I get a response immediately:
Don't keep me waiting. I'm risking a lot meeting you in public.

Risking what? It's just lunch in a deserted café.

Curiously, words bounce in my head and I rapidly text:
Why is it a risk? Who are you?

There's a longer wait for the text. I see that a few minutes have passed by already and I make my way to the café. While I'm driving, I see my phone buzz. I stop at a traffic light and read the text: 

You'll find out soon enough.

After all this time I've spent with Matt, I don't think all these accusations are true. I'll let myself be a fool. I'll let myself trust him. Even though I feel this way, I have a strong feeling that after this lunch, everything's going to change.



This was a long(ish) one. I really hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you're not, let me know what I can do to make it better.

Hope you liked this chapter.

Don't forget to vote!

- Eve

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