
By idreamibelieve

51.3K 2.4K 359

Red was a very unique 17-year-old girl. First of all, her name was Red. She gained that nickname due to he... More

One: Damon, who?
Two: What are you?! My Mom?!
Three: You're too gullible, Red.
Four: His face is stupid.
Five: Scar killed my Simba
Seven: Out of all the people in the world, it had to be you!
Eight: I will personally kill you.
Nine: I'm going to hurt you so bad you're going to wish you were dead.
Ten: You brought a 14 year old to a bar? How classy.
Eleven: We're going to take Sawyer down... for good.
Twelve: You're trusting a delinquent with your life?
Thirteen: We're associating with the devil now?
Fourteen: They're both irrational and stupid!
Fifteen: Let's go bowling!
Sixteen: There's so much blood, oh my god.
Seventeen: Is he always so over-dramatic?
Eighteen: I'm not into this sentimental bullsh**
Nineteen: My parents are disowning me
Twenty: Let me tell you a short story about a girl called Sally
Twenty-one: I took a bullet for you, little Red.
Twenty-two: I love you, - Damon.
Twenty-three: Robert and Cupcake?!
Twenty-four: The bad boy never cries, Damon.
Thank You Message

Six: Let's play truth or dare!

2.1K 106 9
By idreamibelieve

Any Mayday Parade fan out there? I love them so much.


Once school was over, Red hurried out and got to her car. She wanted to get home as fast as she can because her mother needed to borrow the car. She bid adieu to her friends quickly and made her way out of the parking lot.

"Mommy! I'm home and the key's are on the counter!" Red yelled, the moment she opened the door to her house. Sera came rushing down the stairs "Oh thank God, I thought you were going to be late. I'll see you tonight, bye bye darling" She gave her a quick kiss and hurried out the door.

"Red!" Her dad called out, she threw her bag by the door and walked to where her father was standing in the middle of the kitchen with his hands crossed as he stared at the microwave.

"Hey, daddy" She kissed his cheek lightly. He smiled at her but then scowled at the microwave "How do you turn on this thing?"

Red started laughing and helped her father figure out how to microwave stuff. It took him a while to get it but he eventually got the hang of it after a couple of tries.

"So your mom didn't make me lunch and all that I have right now is the microwaved left overs, I honestly don't mind eating those but I left you nothing" he smiled sheepishly at her "You can order something if you want"

Red grinned "Pizza!!" making her old man chuckle quietly at his daughter's enthusiasm. She took out her phone and ordered two medium sized pizza's. Red was a small tiny girl but she ate a whole lot.

Lunch arrived almost immediately and Red devoured most of the pizza leaving only 2 to 3 pieces on the squared box. Her father was watching her with an amused look while she ate a slice after another and another. He knew his daughter ate a lot but not this much in less than 30 minutes!

"You're your fathers girl, aren't you" He chuckled and Red nodded, grabbing the stuff and carrying them to the kitchen. She stared at the clock and it was 4:30, she had an hour to catch up with her friends at the diner so she decided to work on her essay.

Time went by quickly and it was time for Red to leave. She changed into a pair of light skinny jeans and over sized black t-shirt that had the word FABULOUS printed on it in huge white letters. She threw her hair up in a pony tail and put on her loafers as she trudged down the stairs.

"Daddy, I'm going to the diner!" Red yelled, grabbing her wallet off of the counter. Her dad appeared next to the door and furrowed his eyebrows "Didn't you go yesterday?"

Red shrugged "They wanted to meet up today again"

"Take care and be home before midnight"

Red smiled and with a small nod she hurried out of the house waving one last goodbye to her father. She made her way across the lawn and towards the side walk. This time, she actually brought her earphones with her. She plugged them in and turned on the music on her iPod.

P!nk's new song started playing. Red didn't know the lyrics to the song so she just hummed along the tune and walked along the sidewalk to the diner.

"Hey, Red!" someone called out for her. Red took out her earphones and looked straight ahead to find Gina getting out of her car with Holly standing next to her. Red waved excitedly at her and sped up her pace to reach them faster.

"Hey!" Red greeted her girl friends and hugged them both lightly "Are the boys here yet?"

Gina nodded "They're inside waiting for us, come on"

They walked inside when Red saw a couple of people she knew, she greeted them and even stopped to speak to a couple. Gina rolled her eyes and walked to where her friends were sitting. They were all used to Red stopping every once in a while when they went out, to greet the people she knew.

When Red was done talking to people, she took a seat right next to Jonathon and grinned at him. Everyone was here, even Luke bothered to show up. It was probably for Holly but Red didn't mind as long as everyone was happy and having fun.

"Alright, since we're all here... let's play truth or dare!" Gina announced and they all let out a collective groan "Come on!" She whined. After bickering around about who's going to play the game, they finally agreed to play it but with certain conditions.

"So, no kissing and no taking off clothes, that's it?" Gina raised her eyebrows waiting for them to answer and they all mumbled a yes. She clapped her hands excitedly and placed the bottle on the table "Here we go!" She squealed and spun the bottle. It stopped in front of Luke. He groaned loudly and everyone started laughing at his misery. They all knew Gina's truth question and dares. This one time she got him in trouble with Holly and they stopped talking for 3 days.

"Truth or dare, Lukey lue" Gina laughed at the nickname. He sighed and mumbled something that no one got.

"What?" Gina asked him and he sighed again, louder "Dare"

Gina smirked menacingly "Okay, I'm going to be easy on you. I dare you to moonwalk from here to the entrance and back with a bored expression"

"But I can't even moonwalk!" Luke protested but Gina laughed "I don't care, figure it out"

Luke stared at his girlfriend "Your friends suck"

Holly started laughing "Oh come on, you've been through worse"

He huffed and stood next to the table "I hope I don't regret this" He started to "moonwalk" it was more like just walking backwards.

"Luke wat-" They all were about to warn him when he bumped into a waiter making them both fall down, the food that was on the tray covering both of them.

They all burst out laughing "OH MY GOD!" Luke yelled and got up brushing the food off of him. He turned to the waiter who was also up on his feet looking at Luke with an angry glare.

"Sorry" Luke apologized, smiling sheepishly at him then turned around and glared at his friends and walked back to them apologizing to him again.

His friends were still laughing at him as he took a seat next to Holly. She grinned at him and kissed his cheek lightly "Sorry boo"

He rolled his eyes at her "Give me the bottle" He took hold of it and spun it strongly which took the bottle a while to stop at a certain person when it stopped at Jonathon.

"oohhh, you're going to get the wrath of the Luke!" Gina whispered quietly in Jonathons ear and he winced staring at Luke who had an even scarier smirk than Gina's. "Truth" Luke folded his arms across his chest staring menacingly at him "Or dare"

"Truth" Jonathon replied without hesitation and they all 'ooed'.

Luke smiled "Among our small little group of friends, which girl would you like to date, my girlfriend included"

Jonathon turned his face to the left where Gina was sitting at the head of the table, then to the right where Red was sitting next to the window and to the front to where Holly was sitting across Red, beside Holly was Luke and Norman who were staring curiously at Jonathon.

Gina coughed, rather loudly trying not to laugh "I think we all know the answer to this one" Jonathon gritted his teeth and lightly kicked Gina under the table making her start laughing.

"Red" Jonathon said loudly looking over at the girl who was now grinning like an idiot "I'd go for Red. At least she's not stupid like you" He spat at Gina who continued laughing "and doesn't have a boyfriend like Holly"

"Yay!" Red clapped her hands.

Jonathon stared smugly at Gina and turned the bottle which to his luck landed right towards her. His smirk widened and Gina shared the same smile back. She was definitely not afraid of him. Gina was the mastermind here, not poor little Jonathon.

"So, Gina... truth or dare" Jonathon asked and Gina stared broadly at him "What do you think dumb-ass?"

"Dare" They all said simultaniously and laughed at how in sync they were.

"Give me your coke" Jonathon told Norman "But I'm not done with it yet"

"I'll get you another one, now give it to me" Jonathon said and reached out for the cup that was filled with coke. He grabbed the ketchup from the table and poured half of it inside the cup. He then grabbed the salt and pepper and placed the components inside the cup. They all muttered an ew as they continued watching Jonathon "This is going to be good" He grabbed the mustard and let it flow to the cup where he held it for a couple of seconds just watching the disgusting yellow thing mix with the ketchup and coke.

"Now, spit" Jonathan spat inside the cup, then handed it to everyone to spit in it. He stirred it with the straw and slid the cup towards Gina who had a grimce on her face "This is not a dare, this is food poisoning"

Jonathon shrugged "You have to drink as much as you can for a whole minute"

"Ew!" They chorused and watched the disgusting material.

"You're going to pay for this Humphrey" Gina said and picked up the cup slowly "This is going to be bad" She sniffed it and gagged placing the cup back down "Ew, ew, ew, ew!"

"Do it, do it, do it!" They all yelled, banging on the table. Gina rolled her eyes and grabbed the cup "On 3!" Luke yelled, watching eagerly "1..."

"2..." Norman joined in.

"3!" They all yelled when Gina brought the cup up to her lips and started chugging the... thing.

"EWWWW!" they screamed and Gina immediately pulled it away, placed the cup down and coughed trying to get the horrible taste out of her mouth "YOU ARE ON MY LIST HUMPHREY! ON MY LIST!"

Everyone was laughing as she hurried to the bathroom to wash off.

"That was good" Norman said, sighing with a smile.

"My turn to spin, bitches" Gina appeared from the bathroom and took a seat staring at them all "I'm not going to give anyone any mercy"

She spun the bottle and it stopped on Norman who gave her a small innocent smile with a gulp.

She stood up and walked to the counter, asked for something, grabbed a cup and went back to where her friends where sitting. Inside the cup were 4 ice cubes.

"Inside your pants"

"I DIDN'T SAY DARE!" Norman yelled and she shook her head "Not your choice" she threatened and he nodded his head vigorously afraid of Gina. He hesitantly picked up an ice cube and stood up, he peered through his boxers and grimaced at Gina "DO I have to?"

"Yes!" They all yelled and watched as he slowly threw it inside his boxer, but he wasn't fast enough when Gina grabbed the cup, grabbed his boxers, pulled it open and threw the remaining ice cubes inside, bursting out laughing. Norman's eyes widened and he started to jump up and down "GINAAA!!!!" He yelled and ran to the bathroom, earning a couple of glances from the customers.

"Okay, we need to calm down or we're getting kicked out of this place" Holly said and they all nodded in agreement waiting for Norman to get back.

Norman was back at the table in no time and the game was on again, he spun the bottle, this time it landed on Red. Red smiled innocently "Dare, Norman"

"Alright, miss Redhead" Norman pulled his glasses up and smiled smugly "I want you to go outside, run around like a crazy person and scream Normans the best 10 times"

"Humiliating, but Okay!" Red grinned and got up, they stared at her with a smile "Well, let's go watch this! Get your camera's ready!" Gina said hoping after Red, they all followed them out of the door to the parking lot where Red is said to do her dare.

"Alright, babe! 1... 2... 3...!" Gina yelled and a loud piercing scream met there ears as their friend started running around screaming Norman's the best loudly. Red was enjoying it and wanted to stop and burst out laughing, their was nobody around her so it wasn't really embarrassing but people were watching from there windows and laughing.

Suddenly, a yell made her stop running. She looked at her friends who had a horrified expression on their faces "RED! LOOK OUT!"

A screeching of a car made her turn around to find a car speeding her way. She screamed loudly, unable to move and stood still petrified waiting for the impact that never came. She opened her eyes slowly, letting out a shaky breath. A car stood in front of her, only inches away from her body.

The door opened and Damon Cooper popped out of the car.


"RED!" Her friends screamed and hurried towards her, even the people in the diner were now watching what was happening with horrified looks.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD?!" Damon yelled when Jonathon wrapped his arms protectively around Red "Are you okay?"

Red nodded, shaking a little"Ye-ah"

"Didn't you know you shouldn't speed in parking lots!" Jonathon yelled back at him. Damon growled "What the hell was she doing?! Didn't you know people are not supposed to run around in parking lots?! Just get her the fuck away from here. stupid fucking girl"

"HEY!" Jonathon yelled, letting go of Red and stepping forward "What the hell is your problem man?! You nearly killed the girl!"

"You are my problem. She's my problem. Now get away from me before I run you all over" Damon went back inside his car and beeped at them.

Jonathon shook his head disapprovingly at the way Damon was acting, he nearly ran over Red, a human being and he was blaming it on them because he was speeding. They all went back inside, Red was still a little shaken up but she was fine. Everyone else was worried about her.

"Are you okay, Red?" Maggie asked and Red nodded, smiling "Don't worry, I'm fine!"

"Okay, I think we've had enough truth and dare" Holly said as she slid back into her seat. They all followed suit and stared worriedly at Red "You sure you're okay?"

Red rolled her eyes "Guys, relax. I'm fine!"

Jonathon nodded, breathing out a sigh of relief. He was terrified. He wanted to throw himself in front of that car to stop it from colliding with Red but his feet were glued to the ground.

"Okay, now what" Red grinned at her friends.

"Never have I ever?" Gina suggested with a sheepish smile.

"NO!" They all yelled simultaneously.

"Fine, fine let's just get our food and get out of here" Jonathon said and they all nodded smiling at each other. They were having fun and nothing was about to ruin their mood.


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