Healing Hearts

By Woodruff92

181K 3.7K 163

Two brothers, one has been alone for centuries while the other thought he was in love. Until she entered thei... More

Chapter 1: Safe
Chapter 2: Heartbeat
Chapter 3: First Day
Chapter 4: Months Later
Chapter 5: Gathering Witnesses
Chapter 6: Taken
Chapter 7: Katerina finds truth
Chapter 8: College and The Party
Chapter 9: Conversation in the Dark
Chapter 10: Losing Her Mind
Chapter 11: The Painting
Chapter 12: Deals
Chapter 13: Painting Gods & Angels
Chapter 14: Dreams & Nightmares
Chapter 15: Mother
Chapter 17: First Heartbreak
Chapter 18: Claiming What's Hers
Chapter 19
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 16: Memories

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By Woodruff92

Aro walked in with his brothers in tow. Katerina sat up when she saw them. hello kat aro greeted as he walked you can call me katerina father she said as she got up and hugged him tightly. He hugged her back. I'm so sorry that we lost you. He said as he kissed her head i know father I'm just so happy that we found eachother again. She replied Aro let go of her katerina looked at caius. I missed you too Cai and Marcus. She went over and hugged both of them. They group hugged so what happens now that I'm back she asked as she sat down on caius lap with her legs drapped over Marcus lap. We will have a small celebration just the royal family and gaurds. I don't want the rest the vampire community knowing we have you back we still haven't caught the two men who took you from us. Aro said he sat down next to sculpicia i see oh can i dress all up in a ballgown. And be all fancy she asked smiling like a child. I may dress in all black but i make it look sexy she replied caius eyes widened at her words yes my dear i can make it a ball in your honor and i will have Jane and Heidi escourt you to the city to pick out your outfit and of coarse a new wardrobe. You are a princess now katerina and you will train to behave like one. Your mother will teach you everything. And Marcus will teach you about our histories as vampires. I'm sorry to say but you can't have any contact with anyone outside these walls until we deem fit. Oh okay she replied as long as i get to hang out with caius and Marcus as much as i want. She replied yes you can around said do you have any other questions my dear. Aro asked yes can i see my old room. She asked yes you may Marcus and caius will bring you and if you like i can arrange for your stiluff to he moved there if you would like. Aro asked yes i would like that alot but tommorrow when I'm out shopping. She replied she stood up and kissed sculpicua on the cheek and hugged aro see you later dad and mom come on cai and Marcus she called as she opened the door they both followed her out the door. They led her to her nursery. She was surprised when they stopped in front of the very door she had passed everyday on her way to the studio. Marcus took out a skeleton key and unlocked it. He let her in first everything was covered in white sheets except the walls which were a dirty lilac thanks to all the dust. Marcus and caius carefully removed all the sheets. As she saw every piece of furniture revealed a memory rushed to her mind she touched every piece with a small smile upon her lips. Last was a rocking chair with white lattice trim. She sat down in the chair. I remember sitting here with you Marcus like it was yesterday. She looked up at him he smiled yes you were a very happy baby. And no one couldn't deny you anything. Even caius here. He replied she laughed she got up and hugged him. So who will escort me to the ball? You or caius or both? She asked it's your decision katerina Marcus replied I will make my decision tomorrow she replied I'm going to get some sleep before I go shopping tommorrow she said she walked out of the room leaving them behind. caius looked at Marcus I think you should escourt katerina to the ball you have hardly had anytime to really spend alone with her. He said as they made their way back to the throne room. Are you sure brother Marcus asked yes plus I will have my turn to dance with her sometime during the night. Caius replied yes you will Marcus replied.

The next morning katerina woke up early and got dressed she picked out jeans and her favorite Pierce the veil shirt and her converse sneakers. She left her hair down in its natural state of loose curls and put on light make up. There was a knock on her door come in she said caius walked in are you ready to go my beautiful angel. He asked she smiled and blushed at his complement yes I am she took his arm and he led her to the garage he opened the door to a black escalade with tinted windows. Jane and Heidi were already inside waiting for her felix and demitri were in a second Suv behind them. Once everyone was ready they made their way to the city. It took an hour to get there. They parked the car they were all wearing black hoodies so that the sun wouldn't hit their skin. Caius handed her a credit card buy whatever you want my dear. He said are you sure. She replied yes you couldn't even make a dent into our savings even if you tried. He replied smiling at her. OK she took the card and put it in her purse. They walked into the first store which was a furniture store. She picked out an entire bedroom set and ordered it to be delivered to the castle. A few hours later they came to the last store where their were bridal and prom dresses she turned to caius you can't be here while I pick out my dress I want you and Marcus to be surprised. She ordered ok me and demitri will wait at the car and bring the rest of your purchases. He left her with felix, Jane, and Heidi an hour later she had picked out the perfect dress and paid for it. She looked down at the card for the first time and was shocked that it said her name on it. Jane why does the card have my name on it?she asked oh the masters have been putting money in an account for you since you were a baby so that you would have money. She replied. Oh that was really sweet of them. She said. They left the store and went back to the car. Caius and demitri where waiting for them. Did you find everything you need caius asked yes i did katerina replied she hugged him thank you for the card. He just nodded and smiled they drove back to the castle. Demitri and felix brought her bags to her room. She went to find Marcus she found him in his room. She walked in without knocking he was just walking out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist. Oh shit I'm sorry she said katerina I didn't hear you knock he said I didn't um I'll com.. she couldn't finish her sentence or make her feet move she couldn't stop staring at him. He was beautiful he looked like a Roman God standing before her. Every muscle was perfectly defined in an ungodly way. He put all the male models in magazines to shame. See something you like katerina. He asked in a teasing tone. Um ye..I mean ah I don..she couldn't speak her stupid brain wouldn't function right she walked up to him and lightly placed her hands on his chest I was going to ask if you could escourt me to the ball tonight she finally spit out. He looked down at her as she looked up at him I would be honored to. He kissed her forehead. Now let me get dressed and I think you should be getting ready as well I know how woman take forever to get ready plus I think the girls are wanting to get ready with you. He said as he pulled away from her. Oh yes i should go I will see you later marcus. She said she turned around and left quickly. Once she got to her room she couldn't stop blushing everything she thought of Marcus. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door. Come in Jane walked in along with sculpicia and Heidi. Daughter why is your face so pink. Sculpicia asked concerned. She's blushing mistress Jane aswered. Why are you blushing kat she asked um I kind of walked in on Marcus just getting out of the shower. She replied which made her blush deeper. Oh well that was bound to happen. Sculpicia replied what do you mean mother. She asked oh um nothing you will find out sometime in the future. So was he pleasing to look at. Didyme always said he was pleasing to the eye. Sculpicia said yes he was and who is didyme. She asked. Marcus previous wife your father's sister. She died a few centuries back. He never told you. She replied no this is the first I am hearing of her. She replied well you should ask Marcus about her later. Let's get you ready for the ball. She replied okay mother. They began to get ready the whole time katerina couldn't stop thinking about didyme. And if she could ever match up to her in Marcus eyes. Why was she even caring she never had feelings for a man before. It was all new to her.plus she was also confused because she sort of had feelings for caius as well who would she choose she couldn't even think of deciding. Two hours later they were all done getting ready. Katerina slipped on a pair of stilettos. You are so beautiful my daughter Marcus will be proud to have you by his side tonight. They made their way to the ballroom. They waited for the men to arrive. Katerina saw caius first he was so handsome in his tux. He winked at her as he walked over to the door and walked in. Aro walked in next and took sculpicia by the arm and led her inside. Finally Marcus came down. She blushed when he looked at her he smiled when he reached he he took her hand and kissed it you are absolutely stunning my dear he said thank you Marcus you clean up very well also she replied. He laughed I do try my dear he then tucked her arm under his are you ready for tonight. He asked yes i am she replied and with that they walked through the doors to the ballroom.

Sorry it took so long I hope you enjoy this chapter. Please vote and comment I love comments also I want to know who you think should make the first moves towards katerina Marcus or caius let me know who ever gets the highest will be who I decide. Again thank you to all of my followers

Love woodruff92

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