Something To Fight For-ppg Bo...

By Longmaneninja

18.3K 388 101

The Powerpuffs and Rowdyruffs have been enemies for years, and Bubbles is over it. At seventeen years old, sh... More

Can't Keep It Up
Yin and Yang
The Darkness Inside
Shopping Trip
Coming Clean
You Need To Know
Demon's Wrath
Fighting Your Mind
Painful Affection
Victory Isn't Winning

Keeping Secrets

1.1K 23 5
By Longmaneninja

"Why can't you love me like others do?

They stare at me while I stare at you."


Boomer POV


   I took a deep breath as I fastened the blue bow tie. The thing annoyed me to death, but apparently it was what you were supposed to wear to a formal event. I looked in my mirror one last time. (Yes, I had a mirror. Just because I'm a boy doesn't mean I don't care about my face!) My hair was pulled over one eye, kind of like Bubbles's. I'd actually bothered to comb it down so that it lay flat, and not all spiked up on the sides. I'd taken a shower, too. Now I pulled the cap off of Bubbles's concealer stick. I leaned in and carefully painted over my cheekbones and nose, making sure to rub it smooth like Bubbles had said. In no time, it looked like I'd never had freckles at all. 

   After one last check, I grabbed the bouquet of blue flowers and shot out the window. I know I'm not the best-behaved teenage boy out there, but I'd been researching nonstop about dances and whatnot. It didn't make much sense to me (especially that darn bow tie!) but I did it anyway. I was gonna give Bubs a good time, even though I know nothing about dancing.

   It wasn't long before I'd arrived at her house. I carefully double-checked to make sure I had everything on right; if I'd done anything wrong, the other girls would know something was up. I exhaled loudly before reaching for the Utoniums' doorbell.

   "I got it, Professor!"

   Oh no. I knew that voice. I had to keep from cringing in fear as Buttercup opened the door. She gave me a once-over and sneered. I gave a slight yelp as she grabbed me by the collar of my tux and pulled me so that we were face-to-face. I almost tugged away, but she was using her super-strength. I couldn't exactly use my own powers, or I'd give myself away.

   "You better treat Bubbles right, weirdo. You do so much as bend a hair on her head, and you're freaking dead. Got that, buster?"

   Okay, Buttercup was even scarier than I thought. I nodded quickly, eyes widened. She loosened her grip only to narrow her eyes and tighten it again.

   "You look like someone I know. Very personally." she said, malice filling her voice. Crap, she's onto me.

   She reached a thumb towards my bang, obviously not buying the mask, but she was interrupted.

   "Boom-uh, Brendan! So glad you're here! Buttercup, could you please put my friend down?"

   Buttercup scoffed at Bubbles's voice. "No, I can't put your friend down. I'm not holding your friend. This is your date."

   "I told you, we're going as friends!"

   "Yeah, sure. Go on, I'll meet you there."

   Buttercup flashed me a look that clearly said 'this isn't over'. She let me go, turning back to go into the house.

   My breath hitched when she moved.

   Bubbles looked... you know what? I need a dictionary to describe it. I regret not ever doing anything to learn when I was little. All I know now is that I knew no words that could match it. I'd seen the dress in her hand at the store, but on her, it looked so much better. Her hair was loose, flowing around her face in soft golden ringlets. One eye was still covered, which I found annoying for some reason. I felt the urge to go and tuck it behind her ear.

   I never thought I'd actually be the one saying this, but Bubbles amazed me. She was my best friend in the world, the one person who gets what I'm going through. And she just so happens to be beautiful.

   She blushed a little, and I realized I'd been staring. "Boomer," she said quietly, "Are we going to the dance or not?"

   I cleared my throat, but my voice was just a little hoarse. "Yeah. C'mon."

Bubbles POV


   I pushed open the gymnasium door, smiling at Boomer. He'd seriously surprised me tonight. I had no idea he knew anything about formality, but there he was, dressed up in an obviously very costly tuxedo, walking with me like any well-mannered gentleman would. I took a moment to really look at him, as he gazed in wonder at the party. I couldn't believe that this was the same guy who had almost killed me so many times. I remembered back to when we were just five-year-olds (well, our bodies were in that stage, anyway) and he had stuffed a slug down my dress. I thought I wanted nothing more than to see him on the pavement, begging for mercy. Yet here I was, all dressed up beside him, going to a school dance as his best friend.

   I realized something as I looked at his genuinely happy face. I didn't know what it was, but I knew it was strong. It was a feeling, like I didn't want to lose him, no matter what. I felt blood rush to my cheeks at the realization, but I said nothing.

   I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the fray. He grinned at everyone as he passed by. Most just stared at the newcomer, wondering who was worthy of a Puff's time and consideration. A lot of the girls stared at him as they trudged through the crowds, dreamy looks on their faces.

  With a start, I realized they thought he was cute. It set off a flame in my chest, though I didn't know why. I think Boomer looks far more adorable with both eyes visible and his cute freckles showing.

   ....Pretend I did not say that, please.

   We quickly made our way over to the snack table, where we found Blossom already waiting. She looked at Boomer with steely eyes, likely 'summing him up' as she would say. After a moment, her expression returned to happiness, so I figured Boomer had passed.

   "So you're this Brendan I've heard so much about lately." she said, smiling warmly. I didn't trust Buttercup around Boomer for too long, so I really couldn't stay around Mrs. A-Honor-Roll a whole lot. Boomer didn't seem to catch onto this, though.

   "Yeah, and you're Blossom. Leader of the Puffs? Bubbles has told me a lot about her sisters."

    I mentally facepalmed. Boomer was in danger here. What if she saw under the makeup?

   They chatted for a little bit, which was ticking me off. Finally, a slow song started playing, and I got an idea.

   "Come on, Brendan! We should go dance!"

   Without waiting for approval, I grabbed his hand and dragged him onto the dance floor. I put his arms in the right spot, sweating slightly from worry. Blossom could suspect him at any moment.

   "Boomer, you can't talk to her! She'll figure you out!" I said in a whisper, looking straight up at him and testing out moves with my feet. We had to actually dance now.

   "Oh, right. Sorry, I forgot."

   I shook my head. "Whatever. Just focus on the dance, Boomie."

   He furrowed a brow. "'Boomie'? Really?"

   I shrugged, flashing a cute smile. "You call me Bubs."

   "Fair enough."

   We both smiled and continued to dance. We got a lot of jealous stares as we swept across the dance floor.

Boomer POV


   I couldn't handle all of it.

   She was just so darn pretty, I didn't know how to think right. Every time I heard someone ask if we were together, I was half obliged to say yes. I think I actually like her.

   I like Bubbles.

   I never thought I'd actually say that.

   I smiled wider as she twirled in front of me, then came back to my side. I'd only come so that I could make her happy, but it seemed to be working on me too. The only problem was that all the other girls here were practically drooling all over me, but the one I really cared about just showed friendship signals so far. The dance was just a distraction so that she could get away from Blossom.

   The song started to slow. Bubbles drew closer as she retraced steps that she'd obviously practiced. I felt like an idiot, just trying to mimic what the other guys were doing. All thoughts of that left, though, when she came close enough to make our noses nearly touch. I was only a little taller than she was, so we were making direct eye contact. She smiled.

   I watched the smile form, watched every movement of her mouth. Subconsciously, I drifted closer and closer to her face, and she for some reason did the same thing. Right when our lips were about to meet, I heard a loud roar.



   Buttercup tackled me away from Bubbles, making me yelp in pain. A fist connected with my jaw, making my head flip back. The hair covering my eye flipped over, getting stuck in a weird position. Both of my eyes were visible now. I winced in pain as Buttercup slapped my cheeks several times.

   She looked down at her hands, and I knew I was screwed when I saw concealer smudged all over them.


(A/N) Sorry to leave ya hanging. Haha...another late-night chapter. I was feeling guilty about not giving you people a chapter today (especially since I slept in for about three hours) and decided to stay up super late and get one done! Sorry it's a cliffhanger. Ha. Anyway, I'll try to update again soon. Cya peoples! :3


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