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"I hate everything about you...

...Why do I love you?"

-Adam Gontier

Bubbles POV


I frowned to myself as I held my precious stuffed octopus. It's not like I still play with it, but it has a lot of memories with it. However, my mind wasn't focused on that. It was concentrating on the yelling outside our room.

"I say we kill the guys! They'll stop coming back."

"Buttercup! That's what they want to do to us. If we kill them, we'll be hypocrites. Everyone deserves a life."

I could hear Blossom ranting from two rooms away; it was kind of sad, really. And I wasn't even using my super-hearing.

I snuggled up to Octi. The little stuffed animal was patched up in places, stuffing slightly poking out. I sighed as Blossom started raising her voice. Eventually I got fed up with it. I may be the sweetest one of the Puffs, but when I'm done, I'm done.

I flew out the open window, forgetting that I had Octi in my arms. I had to get away before I went hardcore. much annoyance. So much stress. I needed a little peace.

Hearing my sisters talk brought visions of Boomer to my mind. I just couldn't stop thinking about him recently. The way he'd stared at me that last battle, so full of rage and hatred, I just couldn't forget it. It sent a shiver down my spine. I knew that Boomer was the softest and most empathetic out of the Ruffs, but it was hard to believe he even possessed that childlike innocence I knew was buried within him somewhere, under layers upon layers of evil.

I shook my head to clear it. No more Boomer. Nope, nada, nothing.

I plastered a smile on my face in an attempt to make myself happy. It would come back again; it always did. My sweetness and innocence would return once I was calmed down. I slowly lowered to the ground. I'd landed in a park, a tranquil place that I could go to find some much-needed peace.

Boomer POV


I held my hands over my ears as I listened to Butch and Brick arguing loudly over some stupid piece of candy. They were seventeen, for goodness' sake, and they were still arguing over those types of things. It was kind of an embarrassment, really, but I couldn't exactly blame them. It was what they did when they got nervous or uptight; they fought to release steam.

They were nervous because Him had come last night to 'check in'.

Even though we're evil, that doesn't mean that Him didn't unnerve us. The big red demon had declared that he was our 'father' a long time ago, and did act the part for a little while. Him and Mojo had actually fought about who was the better parent. We had, naturally, declared we didn't need a parent, that we were loners. I'd said it just to obey what my brothers told me I felt.

Now I was having second thoughts.

I did want a parent, I realized. I wanted a dad like the Girls. Even a mom wouldn't be so bad. I won't go as far as to wish for both-even the Puffs didn't get that lucky. But a parent would be nice. A real dad, not some demon in makeup and a frilly suit that went to get us clothes and stuff in an effort to keep us 'on top of our game'. But really, all he wanted were tools. We weren't his sons, just his weapons.

And I loathed it.

Before I even knew what I was doing, I burst out the door. I couldn't take this anymore. The stress of living nowadays had put a lot of pressure on my natural empathy and limited innocence that I'd gained from Bubbles' DNA. When Mojo created us, he'd tried to make us 'manly', but he didn't take into account that he was using the DNA of the sweetest, most harmless Puff on the team. That's where I come from: A mistake, a mishap. I knew my brothers loved me like the family we were, but they'd always considered me the weakling, the one most easily beaten. It grated on me constantly.

We were born as five-year-olds. Our cells had somehow skipped past all the stages before that, something to do with Chemical X. I was seventeen now. Twelve long years of all the teasing and embarrassment could really mess up a guy. I had to find somewhere to hide from it all before my head exploded, or before I blew up someone else's.

The park was the perfect hiding place.

Bubbles POV


I lounged beside the river, singing lightly to myself. I'd snuggled up with Octi, making me look like the little kid I once was. I dipped my porcelain finger into the water, messing up my reflection. A couple tadpoles squirmed out of the way in alarm as I started moving my finger in a circular motion, expelling all my worries that I had kept with me for the past twelve years. They'd return as soon as I left the park, but for now, the whirlwind raging in my mind dispersed. I was alone, safe in my little world.

That is, until I looked over my shoulder.

Immediately, sadness crept up into my mind as I watched all the kids running around. Teenagers walked down the asphalt trail, laughing occasionally. A couple sat on a bench, hugging. I wanted to be like them. I wanted to live a normal life.

I wanted to live like that. All through school, boys had paid me little mind-not when Blossom and Buttercup were around. They always got all the romantic attention. The few boyfriends I'd had just ended up being jerks only wanting arm candy.

A new wave of despair came over me as I beheld a mother cradling her son. It was a sweet scene, which made it all the worse. Thoughts of "Ima" came into my mind. "Ima Goodlady" was just Sedusa, a woman in disguise, who'd become so close to being a mother figure. Ima had been sweet and caring, just like any mother should be. She had loved the Professor. But then she just had to be a mask, a disguise. Underneath Ima was a cold-hearted villain. I'd allowed myself to actually hope for a mother that time, and seeing that it was all fake just broke my little five-year-old heart.

I sighed heavily and turned back to the river. If only I had that.

What I didn't know was that I was about to get something so much better.

The embodiment of that something was reflected in the water-with a scowl on his face.

(A/N) Thanks if you've actually stopped to read this! I know the PPG reboot just started up, so I thought I could get a couple views on this. I just love this pairing :D

So, I'm kind of mixing the anime and the show universes together, if you're confused. I just like some elements of the anime and some of the show, so I decided to take the best parts and put them together. The uniforms/outfits are like in the show, except a little different as they've become teenagers and have modified them individually. There's no actual reason for the monsters yet, I'll make that up soon though. And no, the Ruffs were not made in a toilet in this fanfic. I really didn't get that part of the show.

Cya next chapter! :D

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