Demon's Wrath

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"You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.

But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you."


   No one's POV


   Him screeched in fury as the last of Boomer's luminescent blue streak dissolved into the air. Butch and Brick stood still, speechless, mulling over Boomer's words. They couldn't decide who was right. How long had Boomer been thinking about this? How long had Bubbles been talking with him?

   Him sighed deeply and turned to his remaining tools. His lipsticked mouth curled in a sneer.

   "My boys, I think you understand what must be done. I have enough energy now, after all these years, to awaken my true demonic form."

   Both boys shuddered. They knew what that meant. It was clear that Him was desperate for revenge if he was willing to change into his true demonic form. Brick and Butch nodded, knowing that once their adoptive 'father' had changed into that, they had to do what he said if they wanted to live.

   Him cackled as a reddish aura slowly spread over his lobster-like skin.

Bubbles POV


   We silently watched one another from across the table as the rest of my family talked and argued about us. Well, mostly about Boomer.

   His eyes held a suppressed sadness in them. Just looking into them, I could see thoughts and emotions that he wasn't meant to have. They told a story I wasn't sure I could've survived.


   "Yes?" I asked, startled by the sudden word. We hadn't spoken since sitting down.

   "I...I just want to know why you trust me. You've no reason to, and yet here we are."

   I smiled, almost annoyed with the question. He was too insecure sometimes; Boomer seemed to always think that he didn't deserve her trust.

   "You've proven yourself to me, Boomer. Even though my sisters don't really see it, I know you changed. It's fairly obvious, if you ask me."

   His face screwed up in dissatisfaction with the answer. "But...but I was brought into this world as a monster. A cruel, heartless being that was given life to take it from others."

   I shrugged. "So? You know, when we were first born, everyone thought we were public menaces. They thought we were dangerous, and destructive. The mothers hid their children from us when they walked by. The police gave us dirty looks. The people at school hated us because they thought we were monsters. And I guess we still are, really- we're definitely not fully human. But we chose to be a different kind of monster. That's what you've chosen to do- only it's a thousand times harder for you, because you did it alone, when your siblings opposed the change. It took bravery, Boomer. It took determination. That's why I trust you."

   Boomer looked stunned. I was kind of shocked at my own show of wisdom, but a lot had changed since those years as a five-year-old naive blonde. 

   He shook his golden head. "Bubs, you're awesome."

   I smiled and gave a cheeky "I know, right?"

   We both started laughing, and the Professor and my sisters both looked over at us. Blossom's face slowly twisted into a smile.

    "You know what? I think Bubbles is right on this."

   Buttercup snorted, but didn't give any verbal protest. Professor stared at Boomer intently for a minute, then slowly began to nod.

Boomer's POV


   I've honestly never felt happier in my whole life.

   Sure, I've only lived a dozen years, being born five and all, but that was still a while.

   Bubbles and I were sitting next to the river where we'd met, staring into the blue depths, just enjoying each other's company. People would often stop and point at me, or gasp in fear before realizing I was with Bubbles.

   I didn't pay them any attention. It would become normal for them. I would be known as the good Ruff before long, I just know it. Then, it will be perfect. For now, I'm just happy I can be with Bubs.

   Just then I had a thought.

   "Bubbles?" I asked, turning my head from the water to look at her.

   "Yes?" she asked, little stray curls bouncing.

   "Did..." I took a breath. "Did the Professor ever figure out what actually made us explode? Cooties just isn't a logical answer. It's kinda childish."

   She blushed a little as the memory of the day resurfaced. "Yes, actually. He told us once. He said that Mojo had a synthetic version of Chemical X when he made you, one that was unstable. He said that when we...when we kissed you guys, your Chemical X-influenced nervous systems reacted. The confusion and adrenaline rush kind of overworked your brains, and made all your energy kind of self-destruct. When Him brought you guys back, he used stable Chemical X-but it was modified. Instead of making your energy explode, it would work to mutate your cells so that you'd grow bigger. It was very emotion-oriented. However, it only works if you don't know how to react to something. Your bodies were made for nothing but fighting, so since you had no life experience yet, a kiss wasn't something your nervous systems could take."

   She finished her speech, leaving me in the dust. But there was one thing I got out of it: since we'd had no life experience, we hadn't been able to process it.

   I had life experience now.

   A sudden feeling of strange joy swept through me, for a reason I didn't know. I was glad, but I had no idea why.

   Then, as I looked down at her porcelain face, no makeup clotting on it whatsoever...I figured out why.

   Even my stupid brain finally realized.

   I wanted to kiss Bubbles.

   I thought back to the dance, when we'd almost done it. It had seemed so natural, so normal, to lean in. And yet here I was, nervous to even think about it. How is a kiss done? When do you learn? Is it just instinct? Would Bubbles mind?

   "Boomer, you're staring."

   I scratched the back of my neck, feeling it warm up. "Sorry."

   I'll tell her later.

(A/N)   I promise it will happen soon!! Sorry I've been slow to update, I just have so much gong on right now. I know, common excuse, and I'm sorry. But I'll try to update a little faster. Summer break is almost here, so that'll make the process speed up a lot!

   Anyway, what are your thoughts? I have, like, 121 views right now, I think, and only 2 people have commented. I'm not complaining, but if there's something I need to do to improve it, speak up! I like feedback, and criticism it welcome. As long as it's constructive, that is.


Something To Fight For-ppg BoomubblesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ