Shopping Trip

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I regret those times when I've chosen the dark side. I've wasted enough time not being happy.
-Jessica Lange

Bubbles POV


I smiled as I stepped onto the threshold of the Ruffs' house. Well, 'dump' was a more appropriate word, but I didn't really blame them. It wasn't like they could just go and buy renovations and furniture, or clean properly. They'd never been taught how. It honestly looked far better than I thought it would.

I had to be careful. I peered through the window-the three Ruffs were each doing their own thing. Brick and Butch were madly pressing buttons on an obviously shoplifted gaming console-it looked like they were playing Street Fighter. Boomer was drawing. Since when did he draw? I thought I was the only artist in the six. Yinyang sat beside him, licking his hand. Apparently his brothers didn't care about her.

I had to make sure Boomer answered the door, and his brothers didn't see me. I got out a baby blue cellphone and put in Boomer's number, which he'd given me yesterday. I began texting him.

'Hey Boom, come on outside. Don't tell your brothers I'm here.'

Boomer jumped when he heard the text go through. Brick and Butch turned back toward him, and I was surprised to discover that the glass was thin enough to allow me to hear them through the window.

"Dude, who's that? You get a friend without us?" Butch asked, ignoring the video game. Brick turned back and took advantage. I watched with amusement as he did his fist in a "YES!" gesture. Butch didn't seem to care at the moment, though.

Boomer glanced over at the window uncomfortably, and I ducked just in case.

"It's just a wrong number. No problem. Oh, and by the way, Brick just kicked your tail end."

The string of curses that came from Butch when he saw the screen was colorful enough to shame a rainbow.

Just like Buttercup.

You know, they'd really be good friends if Butch ever started to think like Boomer. Maybe even...

No. I'm not going there...not just yet.

Boomer got up and stretched. "I think Yinyang needs a walk. See you guys later."

Butch and Brick scoffed. "Yeah, go take your little puppy for a walk. Maybe do some shopping at Macy's with the rest of your girlfriends."

Boomer shot them a dirty look and headed toward the door, Yinyang following closely. He slammed the door hard when he got out-no wonder it looked ancient and splintered.

He grabbed my hand without warning and dragged me into the sky, not speaking until we'd landed in the middle of downtown. Then he turned to me and asked, "What were you thinking, Bubs?"

In reality, his angry expression scared me a little. It reminded me of all those times I was in battle with him. But I smiled sweetly, focusing on the amusement instead. "Bubs? So you already gav me a nickname? How cute."

He grumbled and looked back at me. "Bubbles, listen to me. If they find out we're friends, we won't be able to see each other again. I'll get the brains knocked out of my head."

"Boomer, it was fine. We're still alive, aren't we? Now, are we gonna hang out or what?"

He let loose a breath, a smile stretching across his face. "Yeah, sure. I guess I just got worried there or something. You're right, it's fine."

I grinned mischievously. "Yay! C'mon Boomer, we're gonna go have lots of fun."

And then it dawned on him where we were.

"Ah, crap."

Boomer POV


Bubbles led me through the clothing store, singing and skipping. Not gonna lie, though, she looked pretty cute, bouncing around and being, well, bubbly. I felt a small smile go across my face against my own will. I wasn't exactly enjoying the store, but I did enjoy watching her be so happy. It almost seemed as if...

I like seeing someone else being happy.

Yinyang's whole face turned white, which still kind of creeped me out. I was reminded of a mood ring, and how it slowly changed colors as the owner felt different.

Wait a secon-


Oh well, I lost that thought. She held up a baby blue dress, frilly at the ends and knee length. Sequins decorated the sweetheart neckline. A cerulean stripe went across the waist, reminiscent of the black one across her Puff uniform. It was like someone had created it with Bubbles in mind.

At one time, I might've said it was far too girly to look at. I might've said it was gross, or for sissies.

Now, though, all I thought about was how Bubbles would look in it.

"Do you think this would work for the dance?"

I snapped out of my daydream. "Dance? What dance?"

She giggled. "The school dance, silly. They're hosting one at our high school for all grades enrolled. Just to see how it will go. Before this year, our only dance was prom."

"Oh." I shake my head. I replied a little bitterly, "It's wonderful. But...who are you, uh, going with?"

She frowned. "I don't know yet. It's this coming Tuesday, and I don't have a date yet, so I'll probably just be going with my sisters. They don't have boyfriends either-" she paused. "Wait. Buttercup's going with Mitch, never mind. They got together a week ago, but it probably won't last much longer."

My heart lifted for some reason I couldn't explain. "So you don't have a date?"

Her eyes narrowed. "Yeah. Why are you smiling like that?"

I felt my cheeks warm and I looked down, allowing my bangs to hide my face. "Um, I was just..."

I trailed off. I had no idea where my idea had come from. All I know was that it had been a stupid one.

"Do you...want to go with me?" I heard Bubbles ask. I looked up in disbelief. "Really?" I asked, "You'd be okay with a Ruff going with you?"

She smiled the brightest smile I'd seen in my lifetime. One only Bubbles could accomplish.

"No, absolutely not."

I lifted a brow in confusion, but I couldn't hide the hurt written all over my face.

However, it was gone as soon as she spoke again.

"You're not a Rowdyruff. You may be on your brothers' team, but you're not one of them. You're too good. You've changed, Boomer, and you know it. Now, will you go to the dance with me?"

I smiled almost as brightly as her. "'Course I will, Bubs."

Something To Fight For-ppg BoomubblesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz