high school under different c...

By martpep27

8.2K 198 30

Previously High School Never Got So Hard (Agents of SHIELD) The two siblings, Lance Hunter and Jemma Simmons... More

1- First day for the new ones
2- the first week
3- the club
4- the good morning
5- the ruining party
6- the school of jealousy
7-better in some ways
8- the secrets of our lives
9- a beach house a step up
10- a fixing storm
11- The light in our past
12- Bad things happen in bad weather
13-Our moments of happiness
14- Surprise of the come back
Autor's note (SORRY☹️)
15- Part 1: Even in the darkess nights
16- Part 2: We can see the clouds
17- Smiling Morning confrontations

18-the wrong of the rights

303 9 6
By martpep27

3 weeks later

The six of them were to meet up at Lincoln and Bobbi's school. Things had slowed down recently. They were having a somewhat normal life. Simmons and Hunter's grand mother had finally been granted custoy based on the fact that their parents were always gone, (They didn't tell the court about the abuse) Lincoln had been accepted into med camp for the summer where as Skye had been accepted into the local college to take a few computer courses. Bobbi and Hunter had been doing preety good since the night of the storm and Lincoln and Skye had gotten a great laugh when Hunter and Bobbi had to tell Fitzsimmons and his grandmother about them, making them react with surprise to say the least, but it turnd into smiles once they saw Skye and Lincoln practically rolling on the floor laughing. Fitzsimmons were going to a summer science camp not to far from their hometown. Their relationship had been nothing but great and progressing pretty good. Hunter was going to a millitary camp for teenages, of his own will, and Bobbi was going to be an intern in the local precinct, shadowing a homicide detective. Finals finished that day and everyone was happy to meet up again. They had all been elbow deep in studying and they hadn't seen each other in a while. School was finally over and everyone left at the same time, by which arriving at the same time. Over the last few months, Bobbi had gotten close to Ward, he wasn't really part of the group, talking a little with each of them, but they weren't that close. Since everyone found out of the family connection, people had stopped picking on most of them, knowing not to mess with either Lincoln, Bobbi or Ward's friends, knowing that it wouldn't end well. Once inside the house, the six of them moved to the living room, talking amongst each other. Around 8 o'clock, they decided to put on a movie, a disney movie of course. They situated themselves in confortable places before starting the movie, making sure that no one moved too much. They watched movies until everyone decided that they were hungry and ordered a pizza. They sat around and talked as they ate their pizza and after wards decided on watching movies until they fell asleep. Which is what they did until a knock at the front door rang through the house, bringing the six teenagers out of their dream like state. Lincoln headed for the front door, letting everyone relax a little and focus back on the movie. He took a quick look at the clock, realizing thet it was already 10 p.m. He wondered who the hell would knock at his door, then again, the people he knew weren't known for thwir great timing. He reached the door knob and turned it, which made the door open. Once he saw the people outside, he didn't know what was happening. Police men were at his door. At least ten of them, with two detectives in front. The tallest one asked.

"Are Lance Hunter and Jemma Simmons here?"

"Yeah, but what is this about?"

"Sir please step aside."

And Lincoln did as told, letting the officers in his house. They followed the sounds of the tv, which lead them to the living room, where the remaining teenagers were situated. With only one look around, the detectives placed a hand on their side arms and took the handcuffs in the other, saying.

"Lance Hunter and Jemma Simmons, on your feet and hands behind your back."

"Wait what is this about?"

Simmons asked while complying to the officers requests.

"You are both under arrest for the attempt of murder of M. & Mr. Hunter, you have the right to an attorny. If you cannot afford one, one will be provided for you."

They said before slapping the cuffs on the siblings and bringing them out side of the house. Seconds later, they were inside the police cars and on their way to the precinct. Back in the house, Skye and Lincoln were dumstruck by the events that just happened while s Fitz had tears threatning to fall and Bobbi actually had tears on her cheeks. During the arrest, Skye and Lincoln had to hold back Bobbi and Fitz from jumping to the officers neck and now, they wee holding them after the two best friwnds fell on their knees. The both of them had just seen the two people the loved the most in the world get arrested for only defending themselves. After an hour or so, when sasness waa fully replaced by anger, the four of them decided that there was no chance in hell that who ever did this were going down, and they wouldn't stop until they found the culprit and made them pay.

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