The Demon Who Stole My brother

By StrangePrinciples

115K 3.3K 3.2K

After a small deal with Bill, Dipper is taken away for 6 years of his life. After some time the rest of the g... More

Chapter 1: Deals, lead to disaster.
Chapter 2: First Year Without You.
Chapter 3: Halfway done Letting you go.
Chapter 4: The Future
Chapter 5: Our Little Reunion
Chapter 6: Game Plan
Chapter 7: The journey
Chapter 8: Nightmares
Chapter Nine: Getting in Chains
Chapter 10: Memory Lane
Chapter 11: How are you back?!
Chapter 13: If you can hear me
Chapter 14: Thank You
Chapter 15: Demon Brother? Yeah, im cool with it.
Thanks for reading!

Chapter Twelve: How to Break a Deal.

3.9K 144 34
By StrangePrinciples

(First I would like to say thank you for over 150 views in the four days this story has been on here, and if you like the story, please share it with your friends, it makes me happy to know you ppl like my stories)

Mabel's POV

I was chained up with everyone else. This scene just seemed so familiar. Except the fact that Alcor is our captor. "What are you going to do with us?!" I yelled out to Alcor who was sitting in a chair playing with a small fire ball. "Duh, kill you." He said not looking up. I sighed and looked down. Was this really the end? Would Alcor really kill us? "Please let us go!" Pacifica tried to reason with him. "No, I'm gonna kill you, that's final." He then got up and walked in the direction of us, then he turned left and walked into the darkness. "Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." His voice echoed through the halls. "I never thought I would be killed off by my brother." I said looking at the ceiling. "Yeah, who knew that our lives would end by a demon who we've been living with all this time." Wendy said. "Maybe, just maybe, there's still a chance to get Dipper back." Pacifica said.

"What can we do? We can't use memories, I think Dipper would need to do something." I responded. "Well at least we'll die knowing we tried." Stan said. "Are we really giving up?" "What chance do we have?" They were right, we don't have anything, all we have are, our...demon guns. "We still have option one." I said looking away from the group. "Dipper did say he would rather die knowing we're safe than living knowing some of us are dead." I reached into my hoodie and pulled my demon hunters gun out. My reflection shined back at me. A tear hit the metal and then I realized I was crying. "We tried Dips, we tried..." I whispered.

I heard footsteps down the hall and I hid the weapon again, and looked up to see Alcor holding a fairly large knife. "I found the perfect weapon to kill you off with." He said playing with the knife. He accidentally cut his hand that was broken. He stared at the dripping blood for a while, then he shrugged it off.

Well, now I know why he looks all bloody and stuff, he plays with dangerous things and hurts himself, then does nothing about it. "So who to kill first?" He looked at all of us and narrowed his eyes on Wendy. "How about red, sure she broke our heart years ago, so you should be gone first."
"You're nothing like the Dipper I grew up with!" "How many times Shooting Star do i have to tell you this!? I.Am.Your.Brother!" "No you're not, your a crazy demon who took control of my brother." I growled at him through clenched teeth. He walked up to me but stopped. "Go away Pine Tree." He said looking behind him.

"Ya know, this is boring," Alcor said, he played with the blade of the knife. "I think I have a way to make this more fun." He balanced the tip of the blade on his finger.

"I wonder what your sister would look like dead in the mindscape." My eyes widened. "We'll see ya," Alcor walked over to me but all the sudden stopped. He raised his arm with the knife. "That's weird, I can't control my arm." He said. The blade drew closer to his stomach. "What are you doing!? You think you can stop me by killing this vessel?" Alcor smiled a bit. Why's was he talking about?!

"We made a deal a long time ago Pine Tree..." He started, then I heard Dipper yell something. "OUR DEAL IS OFF!" Then the blade went strait through his stomach. He just stood there a second before a black could of dust surrounded him. The cloud went from black to white. I squinted my eyes and saw Alcor and Dipper as two people. Dipper looked angry and so did Alcor. Dipper did something with his hands and Alcor back up. "You'll kill us both!" He said. Dipper looked away and shot sown thing at Alcor. Alcor slowly disappeared into nothing. Dipper stood there a second before falling to the floor.

With out his demon half, all the wounds actually did something to him, and he's back at that 1% living chance. We were released and I ran up to Dipper. His breaths were short. "Don't die, please don't die." I cried. "He sacrificed himself for us, but let's get to a hospital!" Wendy said. I agreed and picked him up and we ran towards the exit. "Ford! Let's go!" Stan yelled. The rest of the people came out and saw me running to the exit with something in my arms. "What's that?" They asked, then when I stopped for a second they saw who it was. "Hospital, now." I said. I ran up into the exit and ran up the stairs. Soon I was out in the open. I sprinted into the forest.

I got to the hospital, and about 15 doctors came in. They put Dipper in a stretcher and I walked to his room with him.

Dipper's POV

"You'll be ok Dipper!" I heard someone call my name. 'Who's voice is that?' I thought. I opened my eyes a bit, but my vision was super blurry. Someone was above me. 'I'm so tired.' I then saw Bill. I think I glared at him, but I wasn't sure. He then said something to me, "You must think you're so Clever by killing off Alcor don't you? But make my words Pine Tree, when you wake up were going to continue were we left off." 'Then what if I never woke up? Everyone would be safe, especially Mabel.'

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