A Year of Stories (Collection...

By sbspalding

7.8K 764 243

The goal: A new short story, every weekday, for a year. That's about 260 stories, for anyone keeping count... More

The Perfect Spot to Watch the World Burn
Temporal Crisis Hotline
Last Words at the End of the World
After I Met Amanda
A Dragon and Her Horde
A Brand New Sister
The Huntress of the Wilds
The Game Show
The Practical Concerns of a Modern Vampire
Waking Up on the Wrong Side of History
The Sword in the Center of Dulwain
Dear Mrs. Livingstone, My Son Is Dead
And First There Is The Sound
Busy, A Love Story
The Champions of the God Isles
Excerpts From the Journal of a Minor God
A Letter From Me to Me
Alec and Abigale's Cooking Adventure
The One Asking the Questions
Moon Blue Eyes
A Word With My Muse
A Little, Blue Bird
Thinking Of Snow Men
Tread Lightly As You Enter
You Have Her Hair
All We Have is Music
Missing, One Cat
Pompeii Anger
Crowning A King
Computer Troubles at Ashfert Partners
Neuyou's Return Policy
The Text Said, "I'm Leaving."
A Touch of Indigestion
Little Red
They Say I Dream Too Loudly
Why I Left Home
Uncle Xavier's Ultra High Potency Miracle Cure All
Flesh and Ink and Beating Hearts
Memories Like a Knife
Be Careful What You Wish For
It's Our Pleasure to Inform You
I Never Pick Up My Phone
Never Enough Time
Hero For Hire
The New Candidate
Lost And Found At Sea
Original Frosted Sugar Fun Explosion
Collection Three Is Available
Collection Four Now Available

Give Me A Call Back

140 14 6
By sbspalding

(899) 637 - 5555 is not available, please leave your number, or try your call again.


"Hey Sally, it's ... Richard. I guess you're busy, or your phone's on silent, or it's in your pocket or something. You're probably not even home. I don't know why I thought you would be, it's the weekend, you're probably out ... having fun.

"...I don't why I said it like that. Sorry.

"I would have just sent you a text message but, I don't know, they always seem so impersonal. That sounds stupid, right? It probably just means I'm getting old.

"I'm not that old!

"...This is not going the way I thought it would...

"You're probably going to think I'm an idiot for not doing this in person.

"Maybe I am an idiot.

"...An idiot whose second guessing himself to an answering machine. You know, all things considered, I'm kind of glad you didn't pick up.

"I probably would have just lied to you about needing help putting together the Hancock report. You know I've been putting off finishing that for a week now, just so I'd have that excuse?

"Crazy, right?


"I've wasted enough of your time – assuming you ever listen to this – do people even listen to voice mail anymore? Anyway, I just wanted to say that...


"I like you Sally, I like you a lot. I have since that time we hung out after that stupid office Baseball mixer.

"You were...

"What I'm trying to say is that...

"When I said that I'd never met anyone who liked Roky Erickson, Warren Ellis, and Bruno Mattei; when I said you were the only person in the office who could have an intelligent conversation about whether AD&D 3.5 or 5.0 was superior – I wasn't lying.

"You're kind and smart and a giant dork just like me...

"You're amazing Sally and...I don't know, I just wanted you to know that. No, I'm lying again. What I wanted to know is whether or not you'd be interested in getting to know me better.

"If you're not, that's OK too, you should still know that you're amazing. If you are though...give me a call back."









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