Metanoia [Ushijima x reader]


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Metanoia - the journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life Ushijima x Reader fanfic Story sta... More

Chapter 1 : Near death experience, I think
Chapter 2 : Sorry, I think
Chapter 4 : Pole of Destiny
Chapter 5 : A Fateful Night
Chapter 6 : Dream?
Chapter 7 : Prelude to Interhigh
Chapter 8 : All Things Lost
Chapter 9 : In Her Eyes
Chapter 10 : Misunderstandings
Chapter 11 : Now... what?
Chapter 12 : Behind Oikawa's Eyes
Chapter 13 : The Volley of the Balls: The Fellows of the Ace
Chapter 14 : The Long Week Begins...
Chapter 15 : The First Ripple
Chapter 16 : Side Effects
Chapter 17 : Sometimes it's okay to ask for help
Chapter 18 : It Felt Soft
Chapter 19 : A Change in Perspective
Chapter 20 : Start of Something New
Chapter 21 : Opening Act: The Cat in the Box
Chapter 22 : Two Steps Behind
Omake 1: Locker Room Shenanigans: A Classy Conversation
Chapter 23 : Tangential Thoughts
Chapter 24 : Coffee, Candy, and.. Clouds?
Chapter 25 : Boy Friend's House Visit
Chapter 26 : Summer Rain


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One month has passed since the incident during the school's opening ceremony happened, but here you are, a lost kitten. The school's guide signs magically transform into hieroglyphs in your head when you look at them, making the job of travelling to and fro from this mammoth of a school a challenge, Time to call a friend. Fortunately for you, you have (bf/n) as a friend, who knows the school grounds way more than you ever will, maybe even in this lifetime, and the next.

You placed the three stacked folders you were carrying on the ground, placing a stone on top of it so it won't get blown by the wind, while dialling her number. It took exactly two rings before you were shouted at by your smartphone. "Where in the eagle's hell are you (f/n)? Classes are starting soon!"

"Sorry, you see I was doing an erra..."

"Again?! Damn it, (f/n)!!" She groaned, interrupting you.

"It can't be helped I'm the class rep after all" You pointed out after another curse.

"And who was it that volunteered?!" You let out a nervous chuckle. You didn't really want to volunteer but during that time, the teacher was obviously looking at you, the words volunteer for the position were practically floating behind him when he looked at you and being the type of person you are, you found yourself doing just that, you spineless coward. You could hear (bf/n)'s footsteps from the other end of the phone as she dashed out of the room.

"Well, where my lost kitty at?" (bf/n) said in her best yankee gangsta voice.

"Ehehe... yes, well, I think I'm near the indoor practice area, near the golfing club" you said as you tried to read the hieroglyphs again, this time with the help of your best imagination of the Rosetta stone. "Also (bf/n), no running in the halls!" you said jokingly.

"Clam it (f/n)!! You're the one making me run in the first place" (bf/n) dropped the call and you let out a sigh. You knew you were getting another lecture from her, but you know she means well.

Looking back, it was during the opening ceremony when you and (bf/n) first met. The two of you sat together and somehow the two of you just clicked, like long lost best friends since preschool, separated by unforeseen circumstances. And to think that both of you would also be in the same class, Class 1-5. There are major differences between you two though. First is that she got in Shiratorizawa due to a sports scholarship in swimming, (while you risk drowning in your own bathtub), and you got in due to fairly decent grades that were the fruit of your brother's strict tutoring.

You leaned against the direction sign pole and allowed yourself to get lost in your own thoughts. "A month, huh..." you tried to remember the mystery man who almost caused your demise on that fateful day. You knew that he played volleyball, but that's about it. However in the past 30 days, only the name Ushijima Wakatoshi pops up whenever you overhear people talking about volleyball. It was always the same, 'Ushijima is awesome!' 'Ushijima Wakatoshi is THE man!' 'Ushijima is the school's one and only ace!' Ushijima. Ushijima. Ushijima. You clicked your tongue. "Ushi-just shut up! Damn ace just had to steal everyone's spotlight, and nothing about that guy who tried to kill me." You muttered.

"Ahem!" you jumped upon hearing (bf/n)'s voice. She looked at you confused "You okay?" she said with her hands on her hips as she eyed you questioningly.

Immediately you recollect yourself, "Y-yeah... j-just daydreaming" you said as you tripped over your words. "I need to bring these to the office of the guidance councillor," you said while picking up the folders you placed on the ground. She gave you a quick nod then she started to walk ahead, with you following, like a loyal dog would do with its master. "Seriously (f/n)! You just had to be the class representative, didn't you? You can't even freaking navigate your way in this school properly, even with a map! What would you do when I'm not here?" (bf/n) said.

You chuckled before letting out a sigh. "Sorry... It'd be nice if I could get used to navigating around the school though, in the previous meeting I became the first year representative so apparently I'll have to do a lot more" (bf/n) stopped in her tracks and stared at you with a shocked expression.

"Seriously?! That's awesome! Wait! No! WHY! WHY could you agree to that?!" (bf/n) held you by your shoulders and shook you violently, like dusting a pillow; seriously, you are like paper to her toned and firm swimming body. "I-I w-w-was v-voted for t-t-the p-p-p-position," you managed to mutter in between the shakes. (bf/n) removed her grip from you, your head still spinning from her previous action. (bf/n) heaved a sigh, "I guess you had no choice then."

The two of you continued your walk to deliver the folders, when she suddenly turned around to face you while walking backwards. You noticed the smirk that formed on her lips "Well, I guess with all those errands you do you just might bump into that guy you've been daydreaming about~" (bf/n) teased, her statement almost making you trip. You stared at her, mouth agape, lips trembling, completely taken aback to how she knew when you know for a fact that you haven't told anyone about him. You tried to suspect that teacher, but decided against it, as the teacher didn't look like one who would gossip. (bf/n) began to laugh; obviously amused by the sudden reaction you gave her.

"It's really obvious, you know. I mean, you make a certain face when you daydream about him so I guessed you were probably... scratch that. You were TOTALLY crushing on someone! And it turns out, I was right!" She laughed triumphantly, her head bent back, with her hands on her hips, totally mocking the hell out of you. You hung your head low, feeling embarrassed for trying to keep something like this from her when you know yourself that secrets aren't really your thing. "S-sorry, I wanted to tell you... but..." "But you didn't know who he was, huh" she finished your sentence and gave you a heart-warming smile.

"Well, now I need details~" (bf/n) smiled reassuringly. You smiled back and told her everything that happened during that day while walking to the guidance office. (bf/n), being who she is, laughed at you as she imagines the look on your face during that death-defying split second. It took a while to finish your story though because of the intermissions that you allowed to happen to give (bf/n) a moment to laugh at you. "I don't know if I'm crushing on him though, a crush wouldn't make you feel scared." (bf/n) hummed in approval before giving you one of her childish grins "Well, whether he becomes your crush or one of your worst nightmares, just know that I'll always be there to tease you~" You jabbed her with your elbow and she merely laughed it off, you flimsy oaf.

Finally arriving at your destination, you placed the folders in the drop box provided near the councillor's door and you both made your way back to class. "Hey (f/n), since you're part of the student council now you just might meet Ushijima-senpai. I heard that the vice-pres is somehow close to him" she said.

"Probably, I guess. I don't really know or care about what he looks like, I just know him by name after all" you said blankly while thinking 'Why him again? Curse you Ushi-what'syourface.' You knew he was a great player and all based from the rumors going on about him but you couldn't care less as you are more interested for the hardworking player you met at the gym during the first day of school. And that's even after he tried to take your head off. "You're right, you're only interested for the mystery man who almost killed you" (bf/n) teased as if she read your mind.

Your conversation was interrupted when the bell began to ring signalling the start of class. "Crap!" (bf/n) yelled as she made a run for it, leaving you in her dust. You, being the un-athletic type is failing miserably in trying to keep up. "Hurry (f/n)!" she said while turning a corner. You took a deep breath and sped up; only to hit something hard then to fall on your butt exactly when you turned the said corner. You looked up in anger at the person who decided he wanted to be a wall made just for you to hit. All that anger simmered down though when your (e/c) colored eyes made contact with those dark-olive ones you knew all too well.

It was him. Cliché as it might seem, but you LITERALLY bumped into him. You stared at him dumbfounded, that stinging sensation in your skull and butt subsided as you continued to look up at him. Again, here the two of you were, stuck in this battle of stares with both of you refusing to make a move.

He never broke eye contact with you as he kneeled to your level to offer you his hand to help you stand. He remained stoic and silent, his dagger-like stare piercing your very soul. You however sat there surprised and confused of what to do; your gaze shifting from him to his hand. The right move in this situation was to take his hand and let him help you up but to do this action seemed unreal for you, honestly, you were scared to. Just a second ago you were dreaming of this moment but now that it was presented to you, you were frozen.

He noticed your hesitation, making him doubt if what he did was right. He basically acted on instinct since whenever you were around; this feeling of attraction and annoyance towards you was confusing him greatly that his mind would just blank out. Why is it that whenever you were around, you made him feel so uncertain? He swallowed what seemed like a lump in his throat and spoke "Let me help you up... and... I'm sorry, I wasn't looking." His deep voice resonated in your ears making you blush unconsciously. You mentally slapped yourself allowing you a moment to recollect your thoughts. You hesitantly took his hand and he helped you up. He however felt relieved that he was able to say those words properly without letting his voice crack.

He helped you up ever so gently, his hand giving the right amount of gentleness and support you needed to rise up. His hand felt rough and calloused, but you didn't mind. Nevertheless, you liked the warmth they brought and how gentle he held your hand in his. To him, your hand was small and soft; he couldn't help but brush his thumb on it, lightly caressing your fingertips. You felt yourself blush even more when he did this unexpected gesture. It made you look up at him, your eyes pleading for him to stop in fear that you'll faint in front of him, your heart beating at an unbelievable pace.

You felt time stand still for the both of you. Unlike last time, however, you are closer to him, enough to feel the warmth emanating from his body. You were already up on your feet but neither of you dared to free your hands from one another. You bit your quivering lips, forcing yourself to speak "T-Thank you..." your voice coming out in a whisper but he heard you loud and clear; your voice playing music in his ears, repeating in his mind. His heart beating faster than when he was in a match and it was getting too much for him to handle, he could feel his face heat up and it took every bit of his consciousness to just stand there. Despite the sudden stir of emotions he was experiencing, his face remained stoic, and his expression remained impassive as you continued this battle of stares. The sound of your voice washing away the slight irritation he held towards you, allowing him to focus on what was happening between the two of you now.

The sound of a whistle being blown from the gym echoed as it was located right next to the building you were both currently in. You gasped remembering that you were running late for class, heck you were already late for it. "I-I'M SORRY!" you squeaked as you made a run for it removing your hand from his in the process. He found himself unexpectedly acting on instinct again as he suddenly grabbed a hold of your hand once more and pulled you closer to him, a bit stronger than he had expected.

You looked back at him, completely surprised at his actions. He pulled you too quick that you stumbled on your feet, your face hitting his chest, his other hand held your shoulder as he supported you. In an instant, the few inches of distance between the two of you were gone. Your hand was being held by him while the other was on the arm that held your shoulder, lightly gripping the muscles on his arm. You took a deep breath, one reason being that you were feeling both excited and scared for dear life but also because you were practically close enough to once again smell this manly scent he exuded. There was little foreign scent on him, no overbearing expensive colognes, no body sprays that depict women falling for men using it; it was all him, that and deodorant, of course. His scent intoxicated you making you feel numb and weak but satisfied. (This 'book' is for all ages, by the way.)

You felt his grip on your shoulder tighten. Completely embarrassed and flustered with the situation, you immediately tried to detach yourself from him but his grip on your shoulder and hand remained firm, reminding you of how much of a weakling you are. You looked up at him, your face flushed. You felt your heart beat out of whack, feeling that any more than this would make you pass out. He opened his mouth to speak "NO! NO! NO!" you mentally screamed, "STAHP!" That deep voice of his was the last thing you wanted to hear in this situation, knowing full well that you'd surely pass out if he spoke. Satisfied, yes, but still unconscious.

"Sorry, but we're late already. Continue this next time, Ushijima-senpai!" (bf/n) suddenly grabbed your hand away from his and pulled you from him, dragging you along with her as you both made a quick dash to class. Never in your life have you felt so grateful to (bf/n). You made a mental note to thank her properly later.


You took a bite from your egg sandwich, your face still flushed from the encounter you had earlier. Remembering the feel of his hand on yours, his raw manly scent, his excellent pectoral muscles, made you blush in an even deeper shade of red. (bf/n) clapped her hands directly in front of your face "You just met him earlier but you're already doing it again, daydreaming about him" (bf/n) pointed out. You were sitting across her, your desks joined together as you ate the lunch you bought for the two of you in class.

You looked away, avoiding the topic momentarily, while taking quick bites on your sandwich, too embarrassed to face your friend. You stopped eating your sandwich like a deranged hobo when a sudden realization hit you; you faced (bf/n) and gave her a questioning look. "Hey (bf/n), you called him out by name earlier, I didn't quite catch it though. Because you know..."

"I knew what he looked like even before, heck I knew it was him you met at that gym when you described him to me earlier... " You dropped the sandwich's remains on your desk, your face bearing the look of complete and utter shock. "... I was even giving you tiny hints that that person was Ushijima-senpai. You have absolutely no idea how much I wanted to laugh at you, seriously. I even mentioned him and you were completely uninterested, my gut was about to burst on that one." She giggled making you pout. "I thought that I'll let you figure it out on your own but his name just slipped out during that time. Well, I got late for Ichimaro-sensei's class 'cause of you so I guess we can call it even~" She chuckled as you sighed in defeat, with your head buried in your palms, as you tried to hide ineffectively from further embarrassment. Because of your encounter with Ushijima, you and (bf/n) were late for Ichimaro-sensei's class, having to stand out in the halls until his class was over. You picked up your sandwich's remains that thankfully dropped on its own wrapper on your desk.

"He's USHI-WHAT'SHISFACE? HE'S USHI-JUST SHUT UP?" You get into a facepalm match against your inner self. These thoughts just swirling over your head like a depressing cloud. You absently dismember the last remaining bits of your sandwich.

"Do you want to tryapplying to be their manager then? You know, to get closer to him, and hismanly scent~" (bf/n) mused, making you choke on that last bit of sandwich,making it seem alive and fighting back in your throat. (bf/n) laughed as shegave you the milk you bought earlier for you to drink. "Don't give me thatlook," she said as you downed the milk carton in one gulp and angrily stared ather with the best Disney villain face you can muster, "I saw what you did~"


A/N: I seriously enjoyed writing this, one reason being is that that is exactly how I feel whenever I get lost and yes, I get lost often... so much so that I just gave up trying to become good at reading directions -_-

Also, sorry for that ending... I had absolutely no idea how to end the chapter

Anyways, Thank you and I hope you enjoyed the story! ^^

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