All I Need Book 2

By Torichick235

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Sequel to All I Need. Kirisuna fan fiction. Please enjoy. More

Little By Little
Packing Party
Our Day Off
While the Cat's Away, the Mice Will...Unpack.
Just Hanging Out
Curing the Loneliness
A Walk in the Park and a Relaxing Day Off
A Real Scare
Your Smile
Visiting Hours
Not Your Fault
Happy Birthday
Perfect Two
Going Home
Innocent Eyes
A Day at GeeGee's
What Could Go Wrong?
Paranoia and Snuggles on Snow Days
Sick Day
Precious Few Moments
The Waiting Game
I dun got tagged
Samurai and the Blacksmith
A Bit of Mischief
At the End of the Day
Sweet Memories

Small Joys.

2.1K 42 8
By Torichick235

Asuna's p.o.v.

I woke up from my nap with Kazuto and got up to go to the bathroom. It was already 6:00, so I would need to start on supper. After I got out of the bathroom, I walked into the kitchen and pulled out the soba noodles and the chicken, along with carrots, peas, cabbage, and other assorted veggies. 

Kazuto was still asleep, so I decided to surprise him with dinner in bed and a movie on the laptop. He liked movies and I knew he'd had a really hard day, so it would be good for him to relax for a while. I boiled the noodles and stir fried the chicken and vegetables with some soy sauce and a little bit of spicy seasoning. I didn't really like spicy, but when it was just a bit of spice, I could handle it.

I took the noodles off the heat, then made some rice to go with the food. It was instant rice, so it was pretty easy. I had regular rice, but I didn't want to take too much time and end up eating at 8:00 at night. When the rice was done, I made some tea and poured it into some glasses. 

Finally, I put the plates of yakisoba chicken on a cookie sheet with the drinks and rice, then carried them into the bedroom. Kazuto was laying on his side in the bed. I set the food down on the dresser and walked over to him. He was facing the wall, so I was on his side of the bed. I put a hand on his cheek and kissed him to wake him up. His eyes opened slowly and he looked at me groggily. I smiled.

"Time to wake up.", I said sweetly.

"What time is it?", he asked.

"It's 6:45. I have supper ready.", I said.

Kazuto sat up and leaned against the headboard, looking around and rubbing his eyes. I picked up the tray from the dresser and set it on the bed beside him then got into the bed myself. Kazuto picked up his plate of food and set it on his lap. He took bites of it sleepily but seemed to wake up a little after he got about halfway through with it.

I picked up my fork and started eating my food. It could have used a touch more salt, but you could barely tell. Otherwise, it was pretty good. I had decided to wait until after we ate to get the movie out. My laptop was sitting by my bed with the movie sitting on the nightstand. 

"So other than meetings, how was your day?", I asked. 

"It wasn't really that bad, but I did have a lot of stuff to get done. I'd been sitting up for so long that my back was starting to hurt. I'm fine now, though. I might not even be able to sleep much tonight after such a long nap.", Kazuto said. 

He was fully awake now and was more lively in his movements. 

"That sounds like how I feel when I've been at work all day and it's been busy. Before we were married, I came home one day and didn't even eat. I just went straight to bed and woke up the next  morning. I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.", I recalled.

"I've done that before, but not since I worked overtime at the city. Mom thought I was going to come down for supper, but I just slept through it and on to 10:00 the next day. I had taken apart 63 computers that day, then put them all back together. Come to think of it, I was working that hard to buy your ring. It was way worth it, though.", Kazuto laughed.

"Really? I mean, I agree that it was worth it, but you really worked that hard just to get me a wedding ring?", I asked. 

"Well, I bought it as a set. I worked that hard to get your wedding ring and your engagement ring.", Kazuto explained.

"Well, that's not as bad as I thought.", I said.

"You were lucky because you only had to buy one ring.", Kazuto said.

"Actually, that ring is more expensive than mine. It's a tungsten ring, so it's almost unbreakable. I've heard stories of marines not wearing them to work because if it got caught on something, they would have to cut off the finger instead of the ring. They're that tough.", I said.

Kazuto looked at me almost in horror.

"I wanted it to last a long time. My dad's is just a gold band and he has to get it replaced every few years or so because it gets worn. Besides, it was cheaper in the long run. He told me that he spent almost 7,000 total on every replacement that he's had. That's way more than his ring is worth to a regular jeweler.", I said.

"That's true, I'm just thinking that I'm never joining the military.", Kazuto said.

"Good. I don't want you to join the military.", I said.

"What? Why? I'm not thinking about it or anything, but why?", Kazuto asked.

"Because if you ever got deployed, you might never come back. I can't live without you and I don't plan on raising twins without you, either.", I explained.

"That's true.", he smiled.

Kazuto put his empty plate and cup on the tray then took mine and stacked them on top of his. He got up and walked out of the room, returning a few minutes later empty-handed. He sat back down on the bed and I leaned over to get the movie and my laptop.

"What are you doing?", Kazuto asked.

"I picked out a movie for us to watch. I know you've had a hard day, so I was going to do something to help you relax.", I said, turning and looking up at him.

"Well that's true, but I have something else in mind.", Kazuto said, putting a hand on my waist and pulling me towards him. 

He was smirking as he  pulled me close and pressed his lips to mine. I leaned into his kiss and put my arms around his neck. Kazuto set me in his lap so that if he was standing, he would have been carrying me princess style. Kazuto's hands were on my back and my stomach, holding me gently. 

I pulled away from the kiss when I felt a small fluttering in my belly. I gasped and pressed my hand to where I felt it. Sure enough, I could still feel it, getting progressively stronger, but not enough to hurt. At first, Kazuto looked worried, then he seemed to realize what had happened. 

"Are they moving?", he asked.

I nodded excitedly, then grabbed his hand and pressed it to the spot where you could feel it. Kazuto smiled and then laid his head on my shoulder. I hugged him with one arm and put my other hand over his hand. Kazuto laughed and pulled me a little closer, if that was possible. 

Kazuto picked his head up and kissed me again. It was passionate and strong, yet gentle and loving. I felt like I could read his thought with that one kiss. They were saying 'I love you. I love you.', over and over again. 

When the kiss ended, I laid my head on his shoulder and smiled. Kazuto kissed my head, then laid his head on mine. We stayed that way a long time and eventually ended up falling asleep like that. I didn't feel uncomfortable, I just felt happy.


I have to tell you guys that I have never been happier while writing a chapter. I am in CAD right now and I'm the only girl. The guys in here were all looking at me like I'm a lunatic while writing this. A couple tried to read what was on my screen, to which I responded my closing my laptop and moving. Anyway, I thought it was super cute and I thought that I would do something to make you all really happy and excited. So if you're having a crappy day, read this and be happy.


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