Bedroom Window View...

By mica_blue

4.3M 106K 19.2K

Summer is her favorite time of the year. Because that's when she gets to watch (not stalk) the boy she fell i... More

Bedroom Window View...
Talk about embarrassing...
He KNEW!!!!!
My cat's second home
What the twins know
Scarlet Anderson
I guess Scarlet's my new Friend
Hide and Seek?
I'm 'it'...
My First Kiss
Am I pretty?
West Gray
A Surprising Start of the Day
Evil Marshmallows
Sky Pays a Friendly Visit
Extra Chapter: "What's your name?"
A Jealous Boy is a Difficult Person to Talk to
Phone Call
My New Name
What Stunned the Audience...
West's Friends
She Found a New Target
Awkward in the Closet
A Strange Turn of Events
A Great Night
Naomi has...Friends?
Stupid Assumptions
Perfect Help
Before Departure
Operation: Look Seductive
Something About West Gray
Enjoying the Circumstances
Just Be Yourself
Why She Dropped By
A Strange Dream... Or Not
Oh...You're Back
The Bomb
The Failed Attack
How Can You Smile Like That?
Is This Goodbye?
West, Approved By All
The Last Line
From Someone Else's Point of View
Extra Chapter: One Broken Heart Can Lead to New Love
Extra Chapter: Why She Fell in Love with Him

I'm A Good Liar

72.7K 1.9K 428
By mica_blue

Nash Carter

Please. Somebody tell me the expression on West’s face doesn’t mean that he recognizes me.

Well actually, since the twins announced my last name as Carter, I think that pretty much gave me away. And I’m pretty sure the twins did that on purpose too.

The crowd cheered and the music resumed its booming noise. People started dancing and enjoying themselves while West stared at me with his green eyes still wide. Even though I was panicking inside, I couldn’t help but notice how deliciously hot he was. He had on an open red collared shirt and underneath was a black undershirt. He was a too far away from me for me to notice anything else. But then I realized that he was trying to get past the crowd and was heading straight towards me.

My heart hammered with alarm. I bolted and pushed past the countless strangers, desperately trying to put as much distance as I could. I definitely do NOT want to face him with the way I am right now.

I pushed past someone and ended up tripping on something. Was that a teddy bear? I wasn’t so sure.

Anyway, I was going to fall flat on my face if it hadn’t been for the arm that swooped down and caught me by my waist.

Another arm went around me, steadying me, and I breathed in relief, “Thanks…” I said without looking at my savior. I glanced back just in time to see West closing in.

I squeaked. I hurriedly tried looking for a place to hide but I was surrounded by a wall of guys. I couldn’t even see past their shoulders.

In my panic, I turned to my savior, my face looking behind me as I said, “Help –“ I coughed and remembered to deepen my voice, “D-dude, you need t-to help me, I um that guys chasing me!” I pointed at West.

I finally looked up and found a very handsome face staring at me with an amused expression. “You need to get rid of West?” he asked. His voice was deep and smooth. His hair was chestnut brown that covered his dark brows, and he had nice, strangely calculative, hazel eyes.

I nodded.

He quirked a brow and looked at my approaching crush and yelled, “CHERRY!!! West’s over here!!!”

I saw West stiffen and literally freeze as we heard someone squeal in delight. “SHIT!” I heard West say, he immediately changed direction and began to desperately get as far away as possible from whatever was coming.

West’s scared of cherries?

Before I could ask, my savior took my hand and pulled my wrist saying, “He won’t be able to move so freely now that his nightmare knows where he is.”

I didn’t understand that, but as I was being dragged away, I managed to glance back and saw… a beautiful blonde girl tackle West with a hug…

My heart was in my throat.

Mr. anonymous took me into a room… I didn’t really know that we had stopped moving until he shook me. “Nash, hey kid,” he said. “Wait a minute… are you crying?” he asked in disbelief.

I cleared my throat and lied, “No, ‘course not. I just have something in my eye.”

He chuckled, “Okay, so, do you mind telling me why West’s after you?”

I looked at him and found him leaning on the wall of the girly room. The first thing my mind processed was that… He is hot. Why is it that West and his friends look like super hot male models?

“I uh… I can’t tell you,” I said shoving my hands in my pockets remembering it as one of the guy-like gestures the twins told me.

He stared at me, as if he was studying me. I cleared my throat. “Thanks for helping me.”

“No problem,” he said coolly.

“Why’d you ask for cherries?” I asked curiously.

He looked confused, “Why I asked for –“

Then he broke into a grin. “Oh, that. I didn’t ask for fruits. I called a girl.”

My eyes widened, “The blond girl?”

He nodded. “Yup. She’s Cherry Tayner. Captain of the cheerleading squad. West’s fan, or more like his stalker. No doubt they’re kissing right about now, so you don’t have to worry, he won’t be bothering you for a while.”

I couldn’t speak.

“Hey, you don’t look so good,” something about that fake worried tone seemed familiar and I pushed away the fist that was tightening around my heart. I brought my eyes to him and found him grinning. “What?” I demanded.

“Nothing… dude.”

This guy was creeping me out. Behind the door, I could hear the party raging on and I wondered when this guy would leave. Yeah he saved me and all, but he was weird. Hot, but weird.

I scratched the wig. “Listen, uh…” I realized that I don’t even know his name. “What’s your name again?”

He gave me a cocky smile instead of answer.

Just then, we heard footsteps and I didn’t think. I quickly pulled on the guy’s hand and dragged him to the back of the couch. I ignored the amused look on his handsome face and waited as the footsteps neared. It sounded like a couple fighting. If they turned out to be West and Cherry, I don’t know what I’d do.

The door opened.

“What’s your problem Scar?”

That voice…

“I don’t have a problem Ricky!”

“You do. Now just spit it out already,” he said.

“Just shut up,” Scarlet said. Whoa… they’re fighting. I’ve never heard Scarlet raise her voice at anyone except the twins. And what’s more, this time she sounds really pissed.

I crawled to the side of the couch to get a look at what’s happening without getting seen. I glanced back in time to see my new cocky friend lean against the back of the couch and grin, as if he was enjoying what he was hearing.

I decided to ignore him thinking that if I said something Scarlet and Ricky might hear me and it would look like I was eavesdropping. And Scarlet, hopefully, won’t recognize me.

Ricky was also looking angry. He was leaning against the wall and staring at Scarlet. He was really cute, his caramel-colored hair was tousled and he was wearing a simple gray shirt and dark jeans. His hands were crossed over his chest as he sighed and said, “Scarlet.”

Scar looked really pretty. She was wearing a hanging pink blouse and a cute brown skirt along with her stylish brown boots. She was really angry though, and somehow I got the feeling she’d cry and hit Ricky at any moment. “Scarlet,” Ricky said again.

“Stop calling my name dammit!” she snapped.

Ricky frowned. “Why did you pour punch on Evelyn?”

I looked at my friend for an answer on who Evelyn was, he threw me a mischievous grin and held out his phone where it said “Evelyn’s Ricky’s ex.”

I stopped myself from gasping and quickly returned to watching the two quarrel.

Scarlet turned away and wouldn’t meet his eyes. Ricky uncrossed his arms and walked toward her then took her by the arm. “If someone did that to you would you like it?” he asked seriously.

If I remember correctly, Scarlet told me that Ricky saw her as nothing but a sister. A child even. She knew that he was aware of the fact that she likes him, but she also knew that he saw it as nothing but a childish infatuation. Ouch. I think Scarlet has a worse situation than I do. At least West doesn’t see me as a child… or does he? I frowned as I remembered that girl hug my West. MY West. I’m definitely going to ask the twins to help me with making her get away from him. Hehehehe….


“BECAUSE!” she burst out, “You are an IDIOT! Why were you kissing her? She’s awful!”

Ricky narrowed his brown eyes at her, “Who I kiss is none of your business.”

Scarlet looked like she’d been slapped. She glared at him. “Right. None of my business. I don’t care. Why’d you kiss her? She’s your ex.”

“It was nothing but a kiss!” Ricky snapped. “What are you getting so worked up for Scar!?”

It seemed to me like Ricky really did think nothing of it. He did look like the kind of guy who doesn’t take a kiss seriously, and was just playing around.

But Scarlet didn’t like it. Meaning they must’ve done that in front of her. Ricky, you idiot.

“You know I like you,” Scarlet said.

Ricky looked uncomfortable. But he wisely didn’t say anything.

“And you’ve been ignoring the topic for as long as I can remember. I finally came back to hear your dumb reply. Why not shoot me down already. I don’t make assumptions of your answer based on your actions. I want to hear it straight from you,” she said angrily.

Before Ricky could say anything, Scarlet stepped forward and…kissed him.

I felt my face grow hot as I saw them kiss. Ricky seemed to respond.

Scarlet then pulled away, stared straight into his surprised brown eyes and walked out.

I was as stunned as Ricky.

Maybe five seconds after she left, Ricky snapped out of it. “Oh no, you’re not getting away from me that easily,” he grumbled as he ran out. I think I heard Scarlet scream.

I smiled. Scarlet made it look like a cool exit, but it was just a cover up so that she won’t have to face him after boldly kissing him. And Ricky figured it out as well.

Someone was cracking up beside me. “So they finally made some progress huh?” he said between laughs.

“You know Ricky and Scarlet?” I asked.

“Yes, the question is, how come you know them too? You’re not from our school nor do you live within this neighborhood.” His calculative hazel eyes rested on me and I didn’t know how to answer that.

“I’m Natt and Nick’s friend. They invited me here, told me that they wanted me to have some fun after being in the hospital for so long,” I said, looking at the floor to hide my embarrassment at telling such a lie. It was the story the twins had told me to answer people when they asked what relation do I have with them.

His eyes sparkled with amusement. “Hmm… So, how’d the twins meet you in the hospital? Why were they there?”

I gulped. Scratching the wig and still avoiding eye contact, I said, “Natt broke an arm and passed by my open room, they decided to talk to me and we became friends…” I said. My voice faltered at the end and I was so nervous that I think my right eye was twitching.

“Really now?” he said. “Why were you in the hospital?”

I knew that was coming. “Comatose. I hit my head when I was eleven and woke up last year.”

He smiled, “You’ve been through a lot, haven't you?”

I nodded. My heart was pounding in my chest and I was scared to death of saying the wrong answer.

He quirked a brow, “What was the name of the hospital?”

“Sorry, I don’t remember. Because I hit my head, I lost a few fragments of my memory and it also seems I’m down with short term memory loss.”

His lips trembled and twitched and he turned his back on me while his shoulders shook. I wondered why…

He turned back to me and leaned back. “What’s your favorite food?”






He started firing rapid question and I was answering them nervously and most of the answers were truly mine.


“Feb. 2!”

“Cup size?”



Oh fudgecake.

The guy smiled and took my chin between his index finger and his thumb. His handsome face broke into a very charming grin while his eyes twinkled with amusement and mischief. He said, “My name is Walker Stone. Now tell me, what's your real name, Nash?”


Sorry for cutting it there, but the next part is really important, crazy, and long, so it had to be moved to a different chapter. Not to mention that I ain't finished with it yet. hihi...

Thanks for reading guys XD

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