Naruto - The Secrets

By rowaparagon

41.1K 884 252

On Hold/ being rewriten Fem-Naru Naru was neglected by her family at the age of 4 the night of the attack. wh... More

Ch.1 - The Night of the Attack
Ch.2 - The Councle and Secrets Reviled
Ch.4 - Second Part of the Wave Mission
Ch.5 - Hinata's Past
Ch.6 - Before the Exams

Ch. 3 - the teams and the Wave

6.2K 117 34
By rowaparagon

Ok so demons if i wasnt clear the picture in the first chapter is Narukos Henges... Hinatas Henge is the picture above and the picture in chapter 2 is what they look like.

I have decided that Hinata and Itachi will be together and he will not be with naru and kakashi...

Anyway hope ya'll enjoy the chapter


Naruko pov

after the fun we had last night playing poker much to Ryuks dissapiontment (who wanted to play strip shot poke then truth or dare like the last time we had a game night) and me winning all their money well all went to bed. Ryuk went through the portal to uzu while me and kashi headed to our room and hina and itachi headed to their room.

last time we played strip shot poker then true or dare ryuk had dared me (i was almost naked) to sit on itachis lap (who was also half naked) then he swiched me to kakashi and got hina to sit on tachis lap.

Me and hina desided to actually come go to school today and send our blood clones to the hokages office for the meeting.


If your wandering what a blood clone is its like a shadow clone but it transfers information automatically instead of waiting till it... poofs for lack of a better word. it also can die and a day after death they would poof into a small puddle of blood. they share all the same traits and thoughts as the original. thats the jist of them.

me and hina have a blood bond which is part of our blood line Shattered Sight. we call it the Shattered sight because when we swich bloodlines our eyes shatter really quickly as they change colour based on which blood line we pick. the blood line is awesome it changes our dna to use any bloodline and copy any jutsu. its like the sharingan but it can copy kekkai genkei. when me or hina copies a jutsu both of us and atomatically use it at full strength. the bloodline gives us super strong affiniaty for all 5 elements. when one of us is low on chakra (which never happens) we can borrow some from the other. we also have a telepethic connection. with the blood bond we can link our eyes and we can track each other every easily. we can copy things without the sharingan and can use the gental fist without the byakugan for the memorize where the hit points are and repet it. we can memorize any justu by seeing the jutsu.. we just know the seals.

we almost always have this bloodline sealed and will only be able to use 1 or 2 bloodlines with it being sealed. so then we arent to over powered. we have kept this secret from everyone but kakashi and Hiruzen and of course Kurama because him being sealed in me.


as me and hina wait for the rest of the people to show up (seeing as we showed up 3 hours early cause we had nothing to do) we tuned into our blood clones minded through the mental conection. we sat down in our joint mindscape with popcorn seeing the scene through our clones eyes.

our clones were on their way to the hokages office to meet with minato about god knows what.

Hokages Office

No one Pov

(A/N Naru and Hinata are watching from the eyes of their clones but im doing this Pov because it makes it easier to write some things and im going to refer to the blood clones as Bnaru and Bhina)

BNaru and BHina didnt wait to walk into the office much to the dismay of the secretary saying "you cant go in the hokage is in a meeting with this years jonin senseis letting them know the teams lord third is in there too... i wouldnt go in right now if i were you... the hokages arent those you want to piss off... please just sit and wait" the secretary said while chasing after the 2 anbu who were casually walking to the office not caring.

the office door slammed open as 2 anbu walked into the room startling the jonin and minato while hiruzen just shrugged along with kakashi. "Naru i told you not to open the door that hard the doors in the leaf here are not as heavy as the ones back home you know that!" Bhina scolded Bnaru. many people were wandering who the 2 anbu were while a few who knew who they were in ranks sweat dropped at the sight of the 2 team shadow members.

"im sorry hokage-sama they didnt listen to me... im so sorry" the secretary said while out of breath. minato just waved her off and turned to the 2 anbu "now why have you 2 come early i told you 7" minato said with a sigh

"aye milord you did but you see it is 7 and your running late me and hina arrived on point like you asked" naru said smirking behind the mask because she got to back talk to the hokage.

all the people in the room muttered thing like "who is she" and "who does she think she is back talking hokage-sama" while some stared in shock and others ignored the scene infront of them.

"Ugh... take your masks off i didnt call you here as my Anbu heads or team shadow but as you 2" minato said slouching in his chair while rubbing his temples.

"you only want us to tell you the extent of our abilities and see if we are theats... danzo already sent Root members after us... i dont think he gets that if your best men dont come back alive then you shouldn't send more after the target" Bnaru said removing her mask but let her bangs cover most of her face.

"also milord we request premission for the assassination of danzo as he has been helping orochi-pedo and selling leaf secrets" Bhina continued while removing her mask.

when both looked up many of the jonin in the room were amazed that the heads of anbu were mere 16 year old girls. the jonin all looked towards kakashi in question because they had heard he was the head.

kakashi closed his book and began walking over to BNaru while saying "ya im also the head of anbu me and naruko run it together and hinata is our second in comand... and also Naru... Hina... are you to actually at the accademy?" kakashi said the last part with a bit of shock when he relised that the 2 standing there were blood clones.

"what the hell do you mean in the academy they are standing right there" the whole room yelled at kakashi.

"yes and no..." bnaru and Bhina said "you see we 2 who are standing infront of you are merely blood clones" they contunied before being inturupted by people wandering what blood clones were so after explaining what a blood clone is they continued "we have a blond bond that is apart of our bloodline" after explaining the minimum of the blood line "as i was saying with the blood bond we can make a joint mindscape and the real hinata and naruko are in the mindscape right now watching all of this and are waiting for the academy to start today... they are there today instead of sending blood clones because you put them on a mission to watch the brats... any way if thats all you need you can continue with your meeting" naru and hinata flashed away before anyone could say a word.

after the teams got called

No one pov

Naru and hinata knew kakashi and kushina would be late for the meeting because kakashi would avoid and kushina would be trying to find him, so they went to Ichiraku Ramen and stayed there for a hour or so and then sat on went back to the classroom.

when they walked into the classroom mito and menma yelled at them saying "your late. you were suppose to come back at 1 and meet our senseis". while sasuke and hinabi were silent though you could see that hinabi was happy to be on her sisters team even though when in public they would need to hide their skill level.

naru and hinata looked around and replied with saying "i dont see any senseis here."

naru then sat in the back row with hinata trailing behind her waving hinabi over to them and looked at each other having a mental conversation and linking hinabi into it through the yin yang seal naru placed on her shoulder "should we work on senjutsu, control or meditation?" naru mentaly asked hinata who replied with "how bout all... we meditate to collect nature chakra so we can do those conbined... but if we do it upside down hanging from the roof then we can do all at once" she said mentaly with a smile. "nabi you can work on your control right now ok" earning a slight nod from the smiling girl. they all dropped their henges before doing this.

hinabi had more bold muscles but not too much and had longer hair and hina and naruko were back in there true forms.

mito menma and sasuke were watching them stare at each others eyes then there was a purply blue flash a brown flash and a red-yellow one and they werent there.

the 3 looked around the room and finally sasuke noticed them sitting in lotus position on the ceiling.

he pointed them our and they saw marks and designs appear all over naru and hinas bodies {A/N when they dropped the henge they were in the outfits in the picture in chapter 2 and hinabi was in a tight tank and black shorts}.

they saw hinata and naru move in sync hinata lifting her right arm in a certain way and naru lifting her left the same way making them look like a mirrior image of movement whle hinabi was sitting there trying to consontrate.

the 3 stared in shock not noticing that their senseis had walked in. "hello kashi-sensei, and milady" naru nabi and hinata said not opening their eyes while standing up on the ceiling and flipping down onto the desk below them in sync.

as they snap their eyes open they saw green vertically slitted pupils eyes on naru and and yellow horizontally slitted pupils eyes on hinata. along with the marking on thier faces they looked bad ass but the marks faded and their eyes turned back to normal.

then naru spoke saying "ok meet on the roof in 5" while dissappering along with hinata and hinabi. kakashi and kushina nodded and also vanished when the 3 got to the roof they saw the 2 'losers' and their senseis and 2 anbu.


menma: the names menma Namikaze-Uzumaki i like ramen dango frogs and my family i dont like foxes naru hinata and trators. my dream is to be hokage and be stronger than my dad, believe it.

mito: my name is Mito Uzumaki-Namikaze i like my friends family Sasuke-kun and ramen. i dont like those who disrespect me or my family and i dont like foxes naru or hinata and my dream is to restore my clan.

Sasuke: Sasuke i dislike a lot of things and i dont really like anything my dream is not a dream for i will make it reality... my ambition is to restore my clan and kill a certan man.

hinata: im hinata i like panthers training naru and my village. i dislike people who people as weak or who see the jail and the prisoner. my dream is to help people and be the best medical ninja and also to help naru with her dream .

naru: im naru i like foxes dragons hina and the league. i dislike traitors and those who see other below them and who see a jail as the prisoner and i dont like people using others for self benifit. my dream for the future is to have a nice family and be head of anbu black ops of my village. i also want to help hina with her dream.

kashi: my name is kakashi i dont feel like telling you what i like and dont like and the future.... i havent thought about it.

kushina: my name is kushina Uzumaki-Namikaze im the wife of the fourth hokage i like my family and friends and ramen. i dislike foxes traiors and lazy people. my dream for the future is to help my kids to success in this world.

after the introductions mito and menma smirked realising the anbu hadnt talked yet they both said at the same time "on order of the hokages son/daughter i order you to take off your mask and show your face" when they finished they smirked even more but that didnt last as the to anbu along with kakashi all said in sync "now now child that is no way to treat the head and 2nd in comand of anbu... the ones who keep you safe and have kept the world from war." after that the anbu flashed away is a blue and red-yellow flash.

•●•●•●WAVE MISSION●•●•●•

This is as they are leaving the village.

kakashi and company took the mission for free because they had to go anyway.

as kushina kashi naru hina nabi mito menma and sasuke along with 2 anbus (who were hiding in the shadows) walked out of the village naru did a chakra search and found 2 chunin water chakras that were almost the same. she softly spoke in the league tongue the info she got. (A/N im being lazy while writing this chapter so dont be suprised if the league tongue isnt in arbic today)

as the group passed a puddle the genin took no notice to it though it hadnt rained in a month while kushina and kakashi looked at each other nodding while hinata and naru just talked quietly in the league tongue about a new combo attack they could do while hinabi listened to them adding in details about how itd work.

the demon brothers jumped out of the puddle and through chains at kakashi and kushina ripping them to pieces. "now its just brats" they said confidentiality with smirks.

Mito froze after seeing her mother 'die' infront of her. menma raged from his mothers 'death'. sasuke smirked and took out a kunai while naru and hinata sat by a tree still talking waiting for them to finish.

once the demon brothers were knocked out by kushina who finally had enough and came out from hiding and attacked. she scolded mito for freezing and praised the boys for attacking while kakashi wrapped his arms around naru while asking "why didnt you 3 do anything... you are supposed to be protecting those 3..." the 2 looked and their team mate while nabi shrugged and said "we knew what was going to happen." they stated simply. then started walking with tazuna leaving team 7 behind.

When the group got to the shore they found a boat waiting for them though it wasnt big enough. "naruko you hinabi and hinata sit down me and kakashi will walk across the water... you cant yet dont worry" kushina said with a smile thinking her eldest was still an untrained idiot

"thats ok my lady i know how to walk on water and you can sit down me kashi nabi and hina will walk on the water... its not that far a walk i can see the other shore" naru replayed calmly with a smirk as she started to walk ignoring the shock on kushinas face. the rest of narus team started to walk after her while the genins were confused on how she could see the shore when there was so much fog.

as they got to the other shore Naru hinata hinabi and kakashi all smirked noticing zabuzas chakra pressence near by which which was a jounin amount and felt strong like crashing waves of the ocean against a cliff of rock along with another that naru felt was solf but cold like ice and was a chunin amount.

kushina heard a whoosing sound of a blade and yelled "everyone get down" causing menma mito and sasuke to get down and kushina to pull Tazuna down to the ground. Kushina saw the blade going straight towards naru's head and yelled for the girl to get down but she just smirked at kushina and caught the executioners blade in the palm of her right hand and saw the blood coming from her hand and flipped the blade up in the air and she caught it by the handle with her left hand and looked at her bleeding right hand as it heal in a second.

she shook her head and looked up seeing zabuza fall from where the blade was supposed to be in the tree. she giggled and held the blade in one hand swinging it around shocking team 7 and tazuna.

she then tossed the blade which landed straight up and down beside zabuza who shook in shock. he saw the girl and noticed the blond fading into red hair and gasped pulling out his bingo book. naru saw this and said "page 45" seeing the curious look on kushina face. "no way" zabuza said "your-" he continued only to be cut off by naru with a hand over his mouth hissing "i dare you to continue that sentence" into his ear slidding her other hand to the back of his head with a smirk causing him to nod saying he wouldnt. after she let go of the swords man he grabbed his blade and went for tazuna.

hina nabi and kakashi laughed at narus antics. while leaning against a tree.

"if you attack us then ill tell my daddy hes the hokage" the twins said still shaking after kushina told them who he was though they smirked to cover. "ya and im an uchiha you cant beat me" sasuke added on. needless to say kushina was shocked at the arogance of the children.

the anbu who were hiding jumped out while whiching from blood clone to real deal and made zabuza leave while bnaru bhina nabi and kashi were talking in the league tongue by the tree still.

the anbu then turned towards team 7 and said "well well you lot need to learn manners and how to keep your trap shut. dont go around sputing that your the hokages kids thatll get you killed. as for you uchiha your clan isnt all that mighty your clan isnt royalty and it got wiped out in one night. your brother is ashamed of what you have become. he was going to tell you the truth but then you went on about revenge... tsk tsk he would be so ashamed of you" they said making eye contact with itachi who was in the shadows "also your last name means nothin in this hell of a world" they said looking down sighing "well now that thats done we arent needed" bnaru and bhina said as they took out kunais and stabbed themselves then poofed leaving a little puddle of blood. kushina starred in shock and then all them realized that the anbu were hinata and naru as they took of their masks.

they all looked confused. "allow us to reintroduce ourselves im Naru Hitzaru 16 years of age currect head of leaf anbu black ops known as the fox flash or red flash. this here to my left is Kakashi Hitzaru 26 current head of leaf anbu black ops along side me aka cold blooded kakashi or kakashi of the sharingan as well as less commonly known as the grey flash. and to my right is Hinata Hitzaru 16 2nd in command in leaf anbu black ops aka blue flash. we have been put on a mission from that damned council to protect you brats and watch over you while Iwa is trying to declare war on us." naru said calmly but forcefully and sorta pissed.

kakashi placed a hand on her shoulder and kissed her cheek the whispered something that hinata heard but no one else did as hinata giggled at what was said.

kushina had a look of shock and regret realising this was her eldest daughter whom she neglected because of a damn seal her husband put on her.

the 3 genin looked shocked that the council placed the 3 best anbu in charge to protect them but then smirked and said "you will teach us everything you know" causing kushina to look confused as the 3 anbus laughed their asses off.

"whats so funny" mito yelled

" i dont know whats funnier the fact that you think you can order us around or the fact you think we can teach you our skills" they said still laughing

then menma said "if you dont teach us your moves then ill get my dad to make you" he said with a large smirk.

naru smirked and said "your daddy can order us to do shit.... anyway most of our skills are unteachable its our bloodlines i have many different blood lines and so do they also you wont have dear old daddy all the time and he aint just your daddy.... little brother" she said with a foxy grin and released a bit of her presence creating a storm above them.

kushina stared at the storm wide eyed wondering how her eldest could manifest her presence to such a degree but then smiled with tears in her eyes remembering the league and legend of the true uzumaki heir. she clenched her fist realizing that the leaf had put a memory seal on her then minato changed it a bit to make it so she forgot naruko.

mito and menma looked at naru in shock and said "you cant be our sister we would have known"

naru smile then said "ya you would have if minato and kushina didnt neglect me the moment you to were born. also milady the twins arent the jinjurikis i am and i know about the seal and how it broke when i reviled myself to you."

"what but i saw their seals" kushina muttered

"you can check them but i can prove i have the kyuubi both halves and have control over kuramas chakra unlike you who ignored him while he was in the seal though you were told you had to and couldnt talk to him or try to use his power." naru said going into stage one chakra cloak with the bubbly red chakra then the golden chakra around her then she went into full jinjuriki mode then cut the kyuubi chakra all together and started to fall then stopped mid air and walked down shocking the genin and causing kushina to smile seeing her daughter use that bloodline.

smiling naru said "its good to see you mother" giving her mother a hug.


○●○●○●PLEASE READ●○●○●○

hey demons hope you enjoyed the chapter.if you did please vote and comment.

so you guys know this awesome person salrah is helping me and she is were i got the awesome idea of the league and stuff please go check out her stories they are the most epic ever...

ya hinata and itachi are a thing i ran the idea of kakashi naru and itachi all being together by salrah and she had some good points on it...

also its so much better because the uchiha and hyuuga hate each other so having the hyuugas exilled daughter date a uchiha is just rubbing it in the elders faces.

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