Stalker (ON HOLD)

By teen_stories

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Everywhere I go, he's there staring at me. Every move I make, he's near me. Whatever I do, he knows. He attac... More

"There's a guy out there staring at me!"
"I think this guy is after me."
"There's too much going on."
"You've been partying way too much lately."
"I'll be a better boyfriend than him."
"Forget Austin. I'm your boyfriend now."
"I want Lucas to protect me."

"So, I'm supposed to feel safe with you?"

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By teen_stories


Brooke's POV:

I was trying to get out his hands off my neck, but his grip got tighter. His grip is so tight that I barely couldn't breath. The longer he choked me the more weaker I got. I true screaming, but nothing would come out. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

Austin's POV:

I have a feeling that someone's in the house. I don't know if I'm imagining it or not. Now, I'm hearing footsteps. I'm not imagining anything. Someone's in here.

I quietly got off the bed so I won't wake up Amber. I tiptoed to the door and slightly opened it. I peeked through the door and saw someone walk across. I opened the door all the way, and someone went into the bathroom. I followed him quietly into the bathroom. When I stepped inside, I was hit in the back of my head with something. I feel to the floor and held the back of my head. My head hurts like hell right now. Blood is coming down my head. Before I knew it, I blacked out.

Amber's POV:

I woke up to a bad hangover. I should stop drinking. Well, stop drinking that much. As I got up, Austin was nowhere near me. He wasn't even in the room.

"Austin?" I called, looking around the room.

No respond.

I got out the room and went in the bathroom. I gasped when I saw Austin laying in his own puddle of blood. I kneeled down to the floor and held him in my arms. While I was holing him, someone from behind me covered my mouth and picked me up from the floor. I screamed through his hand, but it was no use. No one could hear me. Wait, where's Brooke? Is she laying in her puddle of blood too?

He dragged me downstairs, and took me outside. I saw a car drive by, so I screamed again. They slowed down when they heard me scream. Some guy in a suit came running towards us. He was shockingly fast. He grabbed me from the stalker and took me in his car and drove off. Why did that bastard let his guy take me that easily?

"Why did you take me? That's my house he's at right now. Plus, my boyfriend and my sister is in there. He's gonna kill them." I said, putting on my seatbelt.

"Well, you have to be safe. Don't you?" He looked at me, then back on the road. He's actually not that bad looking. He looks a couple years older than me. Maybe about two years. He's tall. Light blue eyes. Haven't really seen his smile. Snap out of it Amber!!!

"So, you call having a stranger put you in a freaking nice ass Ferrari and drive off safe?" I hissed.

"Look, I saved your life. That man could've kidnapped you, but I saved you. I could've drove past you guys and let him throw you in his trunk. But no, I didn't. Besides, what does he want from you?" He hissed back.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"To my hotel." He simply said.

"Excuse me?" I furrowed my eyebrows. I'm not sleeping with him.

"Not like that. I mean so you can be in a safe place to sleep."

"So, I'm supposed to feel safe with you?"


"Why? You basically kidnapped me yourself."

He pulled inside a parking lot. I think that we're at the hotel already.

"Listen." He turned towards me.

"I'm not a kidnapper. I'm not a sick person. I just wanted to help you. I'm not doing this to get something from you. I'm doing this because I have a heart. If I didn't, then I would've drove off and let him take you. If it wasn't for me putting you in my car and driving off, you would've been in the trunk of his car. Now, can we go inside and get some sleep?"

I didn't know what to say right now. All I did was nod in respond. I took off my seatbelt and got out the car. He did the same.

"What's your name?" I asked him while we were walking inside.

"Lucas. And yours?"

"Amber. If you don't mind me asking, how old are you?"

"20. I already know what your next question is gonna be."


"Why am I wearing a suit late at night?"

Damn! He's good.

"Yeah, why are you? It's too late at night to be taking a drive in a suit." I earned a laugh from him. There's that smile I wanted to see. He has a gorgeous smile. Perfect white teeth. He even has dimples. Snap out of it Amber!!!!

"I just got back from a business trip."

He opened the door for me and I walked in. He must be rich as fuck because this hotel is the most fanciest one I've ever seen.

"Damn. This is amazing." I looked around the lobby.

"Yeah, it is."

We both walked to the front desk and Lucas asked for the keys. The guy gave it to him and we went in the elevator. He pressed number 14 and the doors closed.

"18." I said, breaking the silence that was coming in the room. Lucas looks at me confused.

"I forgot to tell you how old I am."

"Oh. Well, you look amazing for your age." He looked at me from head to toe. I took a step away from him.

"So, tell me. Why are you wearing a leopard dress late at night?" He asked.

"I went to a party." I said, sounding a little guilty.

"Oh. So, you're a party person? Aren't you?"

"A little."

"A lot."

We both laughed. I loved seeing his stunning smile. It's too gorgeous to not look at.

"You have a beautiful smile." He told me, stepping closer towards me. Shockingly, I didn't move further away from him. I just stood there and let him wrap his arms around my waist. Right when he was gonna kiss me, the doors opened back up. I awkwardly scratched the back of my head before leaving the elevator. We both walked down the hallway until we found his hotel room. He unlocked the door before opening it. He gestured for me to walk in first, and I did. The place is so beautiful. The living room has a huge window with an amazing view.

I walked in his room and there was also a huge window as well. The room was huge. There's a king sized bed. A huge closet. Dressers. It's basically a Barbie dream house. Or dream hotel.

"Wow." That's all I could say.

"Yeah, it's pretty amazing. Isn't it?" He looked around the room as well.

"Yeah. I love the view." I looked out the window. I could see Lucas walking towards me. He wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, sending chills down my spine. He placed soft kisses on my neck, making me moan. This is wrong! But it feels so right.

I turned around and pressed my lips against his. He kisses back. He slowly stuck his tongue in my mouth. His hands slowly moved down to my ass, making me moan. He lift me up and laid me down on the bed, not breaking the kiss. I broke out of the kiss and took off his jacket and shirt before kissing him again.

Brooke's POV:

I woke up in my bed coughing hard. I could barely swallow because of that asshole. Speaking of that asshole, where is he?

I got up and walked in my room. Where was no one there. Oh shit! I ran into the bathroom and tripped over something. I soon found out that I'm laying in blood. I quickly got up and wiped myself off. I turned around and I saw Austin on the ground. I kneeled down to the floor and put Austin on my lap.

"Come on, Austin. Get up." I softly smacked him in the face. He didn't wake up.

"Come on, Austin!" I screamed before smacking him hard in the face. He woke up.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I can't find Amber. She's not in the room." I panicked.

"Did you call her?" He asked.

"No." I pulled out my phone and called Amber. It went straight to voicemail.

"Shit." I muttered. I helped Austin up and we searched everywhere around the house. There was no sign of Amber...or so I thought. I checked the living room and I notched the from door open. I ran out the house calling Amber's name.


The only car that was parked was mine. No sign of the asshole anywhere. Did he kidnap Amber?

Amber's POV:

We're still making out on the bed, until he stopped and got off of me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

"Nothing. It's just that I don't have a condom." He sighed.

"Is there a place around here they sell condoms?" I asked.

"I don't think so."

I got up from the bed and left the bedroom. I was gonna leave the hotel room, until Lucas grabbed my arm.

"Where're you going?" he asked.

"I'm gonna ask someone if they have a condom."

"Please don't do that."

I ignored him and left. I knocked on a neighbors door. The door swung open, revealing a girl with a robe on.

"Hi! Do you have a condom?" I asked. I know it's pretty weird and embarrassing asking for a condom, but oh well.

"Yeah. Here." She laughed, handing me a condom. I grabbed it from her hand.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"No problem. It looks like I'm gonna be hearing moaning all night. Aren't I?" She winked at me.

I laughed.

"I guess." I said, slightly embarrassed.

"It's okay. It's not like I haven't heard my neighbor moaning before. I used to live in a apartment with a party girl."

"Oh." I chuckled a little. She did the same.

"I'm Andy."


"You seem like a cool person, Amber. We could hang out sometime."


Andy pulled out her phone and gave it to me. I put in my number before giving it back to her.

"Thanks. Um...I'll let you finish your business in the bed."

"Okay. Bye."

"Bye." She closed the door and I headed back to Lucas's room. He was sitting on the sofa drinking wine. He noticed the condom in my hand and he smiled.

"Someone actually gave you a condom?" He laughed.

"Shockingly, yeah." I laughed. I locked the door before walking over to him and grabbing his hand. I pulled him towards the room, but he stopped me. I looked at him confused.

"That's not how I wanna lead you to the bed." He said before picking me up. He walked over to the bed and put me under the blanket. He got on top of me and pressed his lips against mine. I kissed back. He unzipped the back of my dress and pulled it over my head before throwing it on the floor. He took off his pants and threw them on the floor. He pressed his lips against mine again. Then he pulled away once again. He grabbed the condom and put it on.

"I'll be gentle." He said before kissing me again. Soon, I felt his manhood inside of me, causing me to moan through the kiss.

Austin's POV:

Brooke and I looked everywhere and didn't find her. I'm getting really worried. What if she's gone forever? I can't live without her. She's my everything. I love her so much and I can't lose her. Hopefully there's no harm done to her.

"Any sign of Amber?" Brooke asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"No." I sighed, rubbing my hands up and down my face.

"Are you okay?" Brooke asked, looking worried.

"I don't want anything to happen to Amber. I love her way too much to lose her." My eyes started to cloud up with tears. I wiped them away before they could fall.

"I know how you feel. I love her like a sister. I hope nothing happens to her either." She said.

"The only people we can rely on are the cops." I grabbed Brooke's car keys before leaving. I got inside and started the car up. When Brooke got inside I pulled off.

-At the police station-

Once I parked, I got out and closed the door behind me. Brooke followed me into the police station. We walked to some random cops office and locked the door behind us.

"May I help you guys?" He asked, looked surprised that I just walked in here.

"Yeah. My girlfriend was kidnapped a few hours ago.'' I said really fast.

"Okay, calm down. Tell me her name." He said, getting ready to type it in.

"Amber Davies."

"Okay." He typed it in.

"Is this her?" He showed us a picture of her.

"Yeah, that's her."

"Okay. Do you recognize this person?"

"No. Screw that guy! Can you find Amber or not?" I hissed.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. It was a text from an unknown number.

From: Unknown

Still think your girlfriend is faithful?

Then there was a picture of Amber making out with a guy that looks older than her. I know where that hotel is. It's like the most expensive hotel in California.

I showed Brooke the picture, and her eyes widened.

"Is everything alright?" The cop asked.

"Yeah. It was Amber. She told me where she's at. She's okay though. So no need to come with us. Lets go, Brooke." I unlocked the door and swung it open. Brooke followed behind me. I left the police station and got inside the car, slamming the door closed. Brooke got inside and pulled off.

I can't believe that she would do that to me. I never cheated on her before. I've been there for her ever since this stalker came into her life. She has a lot of explaining to do when I catch her.


Sorry if this chapter is too graphic. I wanted the story to get more interesting.

Thanks for reading!!!! :)

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