Olicity: Unstoppable

By blueyes24

64.8K 1.5K 171

Oliver Queen: Unsuspected CEO Billionaire by day, the Green arrow by night. Felicity Smoak: I.T expert for an... More

Chapter 1: Back to the start
chapter 2: this moment.
Chapter 3: secrets
Chapter 4: Favors
Chapter 5: unsuspected
Chapter 6: The Vigilante
Chapter 7: The Green Arrow
The perfect team
Authors note/poem
a night in the rain
Unspoken words
Lemon Lover
Circles <3
Felicity Meghan Smoak
No words.
Too good to be true
Authors note
Heart beat
Loved Ones
Authors note
Chapter 20: Ones We Love
Chapter 21: Thick Air/letter/poem
*Dramatic happy sigh*
Jason smoak
important A/N

Too perfect to be real.

1.6K 48 2
By blueyes24

Same day, Oliver Queen's POV:
My lips pressed to hers and nothing has felt so right. I have kissed women before, but Felicity is just different. I love her. I don't think I have felt this way for any other woman I have had a relationship with. She is smart, beautiful, and funny.. what more could a guy want? and her little word slip ups are cute. She doesn't think so, I can tell, but they are cute.
Most of all, I can see Felicity's good heart, something that is so rare, but it's not just a good heart, it's a heart with this light inside. A heart that maybe could take the darkness out of my own.
Felicity and I pull apart slowly resting our foreheads against each other.
Before we both get lost in the moment, I hear Thea's voice. "Hey, can you guys help me with these b.." we pull apart and look to her. She continues. "Well, it's about time. "
To cease any awkwardness that Thea has caused, I offer help.
"Here. I'll help." I walk over to her, glancing at Felicity one last time.
Felicity soon walks over to help too. We move sampler trays to help set up for tonight. All I can think about is Felicity. I steal glances at her as we help. Sometimes that woman is a mystery to me. She rambles a lot and her thoughts escape, but when she isn't talking I always wonder what she is thinking about. I always wonder if she thinks about me the way I think about her.
Thea's voice interrupts my thoughts.
"Hey guys, why don't you stay tonight for a little bit? It'll be fun! I know you guys are always working. You need a break." Being my indecisive self, I look to Felicity for a response. I mean, I guess it wouldn't be so bad. I shrug to her.
Then, Felicity speaks as though she has read my mind. She does that a lot. "Sure! Why not? I think we could use a little break." Thea smiles and says, "Yay! Great. I guess I'll see you two later. I am going to get changed... You guys might want to change also.. Nothing against your fancy business clothes, but this is a club after all...just saying." I look to her slightly annoyed and say, "Fine, Thea." And Felicity adds, "Will do."
Then, Thea leaves and it's just Felicity and I.
Whenever I am alone with her, I forget everything around me. It's kind of weird, but after everything that in have been through, Felicity is the one thing, the one light in my life that can help me see past the darkness in front of me. She stands there, so beautiful, being her perfect self. She is looking to the ground. The sun poors through the window and bounces off her hair, making it an astonishing golden color. I speak before I become distracted. "I think I am gonna head out. I'll tell Dig to take the night off."
She looks to my face and nods. "Okay, I am gonna get going too. I have no idea what to wear. Don't know if you have noticed, but I am not exactly what you call a 'clubber'."
I laugh at her cute remark. I have noticed this. I reassure her. "Well, I am pretty sure that is a good thing. I'll see you tonight."
She smiles and says, "Okay,.. bye." and we go our separate ways. Every time we leave, it's honestly kind of scary. You never know what's gonna happen after you leave. But I know that my Felicity Smoak is a very strong person and doesn't need me to fight for her, the only problem with this is that I know that she would always put other's before herself, no matter what the cost, even if it means her life.
I'm just gonna go get ready for tonight and try to not think negative for day.
I get on my motor cycle and head towards the mansion. I am greeted by Raisa and hurry up to my room to put on a suit and get ready.
I look for a suit that isn't too fancy, but fancy, and decide to dress it down a bit by wearing the white button up shirt without the suit jacket. I unbutton the top two buttons, revealing a small bit of my chest. Yeah, that's more appealing. I walk to the mirror and run some gel through my hair and tussle it around, giving it a messy look. I think back to Felicity and decide to offer to pick her up. Maybe we could go in as a couple. But would she even want to? I mean, I don't exactly have the best reputation for going to clubs ,when looking back to my playboy days. I'm just gonna go for it anyways. That's not who I am anymore.
I call and she picks up at about the third ring.
"Hey, Felicity! I was just calling to see if you wanted a ride to verdant. "
The other end is silent for a little bit and I speak.
"Felicity, you still there?
"Yeah! Sorry, I don't know what happened. What was that last part?" For some reason, I get the feeling she was talking to herself in her head like she does. I repeat myself. "Umm. Did you want a ride to verdant tonight?"
"Sure, that would be great!" She responds energetically. Yes. "Okay, cool, so I will pick you up at 8:30, is that good?" I ask. "Yep that's perfect, i'll see you later!"
"Okay, by.." she interrupts me before I finish... "Oliver! Don't you remember what we talked about saying goodbye!?" I chuckle slightly and remember her cute idea.
"Yeah.. I remember, sorry." I apologize.
"I forgive you, but it better not happen again!" She tells me.
I laugh again and speak. "Okay, ready?" I ask and we both begin to count. "One..two..three!" We say together.
I think of her beautiful blue eyes that catch me in a trance every time she looks at me.
"Your eyes!" I say.
"Your smile!" She says
She likes my smile? I guess I haven't really smiled much until I met her. I have been through so much pain it has been hard to smile, but Felicity has somehow opened up parts of me that I didn't know could open back up.
I start to head out when I am stopped by Rasia. "Oooohhh. Who's the lucky girl?" She asks me, and I just shoot her a smile and head out. I drive my car, instead of motorcycle because it is more formal and drive to Felicity's apartment. I approach her door and ring the door bell.
When the door opens, Felicity stands more beautiful than I have ever seen her. She wears a golden dress that shows off her legs. She also wears heels, her hair curled, and makeup that makes her features look angelic, even though I know she doesn't need it. She looks stunning.
I speak.
"Wow. You look amazing."
"I could say the same to you." She says to return the compliment.
"Lets get going then, or maybe we should wait.. if we both look amazing, it would be suiting to be fashionably late. " I say to her, trying to make her laugh. And it works.
She laughs and says, "You hang around Dig to much."
We head to my car, the warmth of our laughter in the air, but for some reason, it feels too perfect to be real.

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