Felicity Meghan Smoak

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Previously on Olicity: unstoppable.
I know that if my heart is willing to go on forever, I should feel the same way." I finish speaking, hoping Oliver understood, and I am happy to earn a sympathetic smile from him. The he responds.

"That must be why I've loved you for so long"


My heart is racing. I don't know what to say. But just when I am about to speak, the lights flicker in the restaurant, and the three T.V's hanging up, start to static. I shoot Oliver a worried look and he gives me an assuring one back. Then, the T.V's come on and the restaurant falls silent. A man in a mask appears on the screen. He speaks and we listen closely. "Hello Starling city, I am One of many of the leaders of the Mafia. You have probably heard of us. We tend to stick out, but I have to admit, the attention isn't too bad. We have a mission: Stop this city from becoming something it shouldn't, even if it means deaths of thousands." Gasps arise from people all over the restaurant and Oliver is tense and focused on the t.v. as the man continues. "Oh, and one more thing, try to stop us and it will only turn into Hell on Earth. That includes you too, Arrow." The man smirks at the camera and the t.v's turn black.
The lights come on and I look to Oliver who has an angry look on his face. He looks back and his eyes soften and he speaks.
"We need to find this guy."
"I couldn't agree more. Let's go."
I add.
Then we both get up and quickly walk out the door. "I'll meet you at the foundry?"
"Yeah." He nods in return and we part ways.
Part of me is relieved that this interruption took place, but most of me is angry that Oliver and I didn't finish our conversation. Well, I didn't know how to respond to what he said anyway. I don't even know what I heard. He told me he loved me. Not only that, but that he has loved me for a long time. How do I respond to that? I think I love him back, but even if I did, I am not ready to tell him. I need time to think. Maybe this "Mafia" case will be a good distraction for us. And yes, I said us, because I'm sure he isn't just fine and dandy after feeling and hearing the tension between us a few minutes ago.
I get in my car and follow Oliver's motorcycle back to Verdant. The whole car ride I was staring at him. I know that sounds creepy, but I couldn't help it. When the super hot billionaire, who just took you out to lunch and told you he loves you is riding a motorcycle, wearing a perfect, muscle-outlining t-shirt in front of your car for at least eight minutes, I'm pretty sure I have the right to stare.
When we get there, we both go through the back entrance to get to the foundry quicker.
As we walk in, Dig is standing at the door, eyeing both of us with his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk on his face. He speaks. "It's about time you get here! That video streamed what? Ten minutes ago? Yet you guys must take eleven minutes. Fashionably late ain't gonna cut it this time." Dig says sarcastically.
Oliver replies to him. "Wow, John. Did you miss us so much, you were counting the minutes?"
I join in on the fun when I see Dig glare. "By the way, we took approximately.." I look to my watch and continue. "Ten minutes and thirty four seconds to be exact, and last time I checked, the word 'fashionable' was not on your vocabulary list."
Oliver smiles and Dig shakes his head and speaks. "Ouch. That hurt."
"Alright, enough fun, guys. Time to save the day. Let's find these guys." I say and quickly head to my natural habitat (the computers).
"Okay, but the man said that if anyone tried to stop them, it will be and I quote, 'Hell on Earth'. We need a plan."
Diggle tells me.
"He's got a point." Oliver adds.
"You guys underestimate me." I sigh loudly and look to the computers and type furiously and fast.
"What are you doing?" Oliver asks.
I stop typing and look to Oliver and respond. "I am tracking their video feed, once I finish tracking it, I will be able to locate where and when the video was recorded. Then, I trace the location and you guys go out there to 'investigate' and kick some butt if you have too, leaving us either catching them before they realize or right on their heels."
"How in the world..?" I interrupt Dig before he finishes.
"I am Felicity Meghan Smoak. The possibilities are endless."
Oliver smiles and we share a glance. When I look at him, my whole world stops. I feel like I can't breathe. I take that back. He is my breath. I watch his every move and he does the same to me. I wonder when the day will come when I tell him the truth. I have been doubting for too long, but I know now. I love him.

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