chapter 2: this moment.

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I think it was his smile that did it, or maybe it was his eyes, I just saw something in him that I never saw before. I feel like I saw into his heart. And I feel like he saw into mine.

I don't know what it is about him, but every time I look him in the eyes, I get lost in them. They are like oceans, so deep, ever lasting and so so beautiful. I remember everything that Robert told me about him, all the struggles with getting focused in school, all the fights and arguments that they had because of Oliver s playboy role he always went through with. And now I don't think i'll ever know if they talked it out.

He looks like his father, the same nose, the same hair color, and the same sadness behind his eyes. He smiles, that beautiful smile of his, but I can see that he doesn't smile a lot, for a second I feel like I see the sadness disappear, but it returns shortly after.
He starts to speak. "I am having some trouble with my computer and I was told you were the person to come see. I was at my coffee shop, surfing the web, and I spilt a latte on it."
He hands me the laptop and I take it and begin to examine it. There are holes in it, definitely from bullets, and unless that latte of his was made with lava, he is not telling me the truth.
     "Really? Cuz these look like bullet holes." He just sends me back a smile and says, "my coffee shop is in a bad neighborhood." I tilt my head too the side and stare at him. Wow...Okay, should I be offended that he just lied to me? Or maybe not, because I mean, he just met me for the first time, what if it is a secret he can't just share with anyone, after all, that is all I am to him. A stranger/anyone. I think.
His voice snaps me back to reality. "So, if there is anything you could salvage from it, I would be very grateful." Even when he is knee deep in a big fat lie, he is polite, and I just can't resist my only opportunity at seeing him again. "Alright, I will see what I can do. As soon as I find something, I will bring it up to your office Kay?" I tell him. His face lights up like Honnukuh!
"Thankyou, Ms. Smoak. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me." He shoots me a wink and turns towards the door. You know, if you weren't so darn cute, I would have gotten the truth out of ya. But no. Felicity, why you always gotta fall for the mysterious, hot ones huh?

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