Lemon Lover

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I start to pick up what Oliver just put down. What the heck is happening? I am going to have to hide everything. How am I supposed to ignore the fact that we love each other, but he doesn't know that I love him, and he also does not know that I know he loves me? Uuugghh i'm confusing myself! I can't just keep lying to him if I want this relationship, or whatever THIS is, to last. I am already keeping the secret about his father, now I have to keep the secret of his little 'love confession' to Thea. I literally hate my life.

My stomach growls, almost on cue, reminding me of my lunch date with Oliver. "Crap! I'm gonna be late!" I look to my clock and it is 12:07 p.m, and I am still not ready.

I jump up and finish getting ready. I grab my phone, purse and keys and make my out the door and to my car. Now I drive. I can't take the silence, so I turn on the radio. I switch the radio station several times, upset that all these love songs that completely relate to me right now are playing on every single station! I don't even know what I feel for Oliver. These songs are certainly not helping. I switch it once more, and it is on a station that plays old songs. "L.O.V.E." comes on, by "Nat Kole King.". uugh. You know what? fine. Have your way, stupid radio people. "L, is for the way you look at me, O, is for the only one is see", the lyrics continue.

I can't help myself. I start to hum along.
Then I turn it up and sing loudly. When I start to get near Big Belly Burger, I stop singing. Why am I so nervous? It's not like I haven't been out to lunch or dinner with Oliver before. It's just, we have both clarified this is a date, date. Now it's different.
As I drive into the parking lot, endless streams of thoughts run through my head. What will we talk about? Is this going to be awkward for both of us, or just me? I feel like I have so much to tell him, but every time I get near him, I fall completely apart. I stop the car, and pull into a parking spot near a window and sit there for a couple seconds. Just staring. There he is. Sitting right in the window, a table for two. He has a rose in his hands and fiddles with it. How did he know they were my favorite? He stares at the empty chair across from him, then his eyes drift back to the rose. He is wearing his work clothes. Not night work. Work work. Right now he is Oliver Queen. All of a sudden, my nerves disappear. I get out of my car and he turns his head in my direction. His face lights up and I smile and wave at him. I make my way inside, and to our table. "Hey, Oliver."
"Hey, you made it. " He stands up, walks to me and we share a light hug and sit down. "I got you this." He hands me the rose and I take it and smell it, not taking my eyes off his. "How did you know that roses were my favorite?" I asked. "Well, I didn't, exactly. But, the first time we met, I remember a couple roses in a small vase on your desk. We have a rose garden at the mansion, and I figured that nobody would notice if one went missing. Don't tell my mother!"

I smile at his sweet gesture and the memory of when we first met.

"Thank-you." I say and he nods in response. A waitress appears in front of us. She is really pretty, and I can tell by the way she is looking at Oliver and her flirtatious smile, things are about to get very interesting. She speaks. "Hi, welcome to Big Belly Burger. Can I start you off with something to drink?" her tone sickens me and she is completely ignoring my presence. I almost lose it when she winks at Oliver. I look to Oliver and he looks kind of uncomfortable, but then he looks at me, and smiles. Am I missing something? Why is he smiling? I am so angry right now, then I hear Oliver's voice interrupt my rant, as usual.

"Yes, I will have an iced tea, and my beautiful Fiance over here, will have the same, oh and extra lemon, she refuses to have tea without lemon." he says enthusiastically and serious. My mouth drops open, slightly, and my eyebrows lift as his words shock me completely. The waitress looks shocked too, which kind of offends me, but I don't really care right now. I look at Oliver and he smiles lovingly back at me. I don't know what to do or say right now. I almost want to laugh incredibly hard, but I suppress it with a smile. The waitress finally responds to him "Right, I will be right out with your teas and your... Fiance's.. lemon." She glares at me as she walks away. As soon as she is far enough from our table, Oliver and I burst out in laughter.

"Did you see her face?!" I say, trying to catch my breath. "When I told her that you were my Fiance, or when I told her that you refuse to have tea without lemon?!" he asks, still laughing. "Both!" I let out a long sigh and speak, "Do women hit on you like that everywhere you go?"

"Not everywhere, but I do admit that it happens often. Unfortunately, I don't always have a beautiful woman with me to play the role of my Fiance...who loves lemons." he says with a charming smile. I feel like I could just melt right now. He always knows what to say. And he just called me beautiful.

"Well, I am not surprised. You are Oliver Queen, I bet that you could steal a girls' heart with only a wink." I tell him honestly.

"Well, if that is true, I know just the girl whose heart I hope to steal." He then winks at me.

To be continued...

Olicity: UnstoppableOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora