Something To Fight For-ppg Bo...

By Longmaneninja

18.8K 403 101

The Powerpuffs and Rowdyruffs have been enemies for years, and Bubbles is over it. At seventeen years old, sh... More

Can't Keep It Up
Yin and Yang
Shopping Trip
Keeping Secrets
Coming Clean
You Need To Know
Demon's Wrath
Fighting Your Mind
Painful Affection
Victory Isn't Winning

The Darkness Inside

1.2K 30 1
By Longmaneninja

"Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness."

-Anne Frank


Him cackled madly as he watched the scene unfold from his little hideaway. His son, no matter how useful, was all too gullible. The puppy was taken in without question, and it didn't seem as if Boomer would be throwing it out in the streets any time soon. And Yinyang for a name! How absolutely perfect for Him's plan..

He watched carefully as the Powerpuff spoke to Boomer, comforted him, and left with the puppy. She'd be bringing it back, of course. Him scrutinized Yinyang, looking for something to happen...

Aha. There it was. A tiny splotch of fur on Yinyang's belly turned white, quickly spreading until all of her stomach was covered in white fur. Him grumbled under his breath. The Puff was getting through to Him's son; that was unacceptable. But for now, Him lay in wait. It was two against one if he decided to attack; he wasn't completely sure his own son would fight by his side now. Besides, Him was still weak; he needed time to fully recover.

For now, he would use his little furry gauge to determine if Boomer really was going good on them.

Boomer POV

I watched out the window of our shack. Bubbles had said to meet her in about two hours. 3:00 pm- the same time we'd had a run-in yesterday. It was about 2:30, according to my stolen phone.


The word rung around in my head, ricocheting in my skull like a bullet. I hated the word now. It reminded me that I wasn't at all liked, or appreciated, by anyone. It reminded me of all the horrible things I've done in my life. Why it bothered me so bad now, I wasn't sure. Why not when I was five? Was I really stupid enough as a little kid to just blindly follow with no thought whatsoever?

...Now I see my brothers' point.

I peered down at the time again. 2:45. I should probably start flying over to the park. I wanted to see Bubbles and Yinyang again. They were the only things in my life that gave me real happiness...well, except for my brothers past ten. Or Butch when he gets ahold of shot glas-

Ahem. Went too far there.

Speaking of which, the green-eyed mound of brainless muscle started walking towards me. I thought he was taking a nap in his room...?

"'Ey, Boom, what'cha up to?" Butch asked coolly, sounding as if he couldn't care less.


He gave me a weird look that said 'I know you're hiding something, kid."

I heaved a heavy, annoyed sigh to signal him I didn't want to talk about it.

All of a sudden, I gave an awkward laugh that honestly sounded more like a hiccup. "W-well, look at the time! You know, I think I'll take a little walk."

Butch glared at me suspiciously, but he didn't say anything as I lifted off and practically bulldozed the door on my way out.

Bubbles POV

I giggled as Yinyang growled playfully in my arms. I played with her for a second before setting the baby pup on the ground. She struggled to walk-the Professor could only fix so much right away. Her leg faced the right direction now, at least.

I stared down into the water. The park was nearly empty today, surprisingly. I could see a couple kids playing in the distance, but that was it.

I turned back around to face the water and let out a light yelp-Boomer was floating right above the river. He chuckled. "Am I really that scary?" He asked sarcastically before scooping up Yinyang. He smiled at her.

"Thanks again, Bubbles."

His face became serious again as he thought about his own words. "Why did you help me, anyway?"

I frowned. "Well, because you needed it."

Boomer shook his head. "After everything I've ever done to you, you help just like that? I don't-"

"Would you quit that?" I asked, exasperated. "I don't care about all the stuff you did back then. What matters is what you do now."

He grinned, and I smiled back. I was getting through to Boomer, finally. After all those years, he finally understands that he can be good-and it suits him better.

Yinyang's tail slowly turned white. Boomer and I watched, slightly spooked, as her hair took on a pure-white color, reflecting light off of the sparkling river. She barked happily, seemingly unfazed.

Boomer and I looked up at each other slowly. "What exactly did you feed her?" Boomer asked, a little shaken. I thought back for a moment before answering, "Just normal dog food. I don't know what's wrong with Yinyang- I watched the Professor do everything. He didn't even use any fancy machines."

Yinyang quietly pawed at Boomer's chest. He petted her, smiling as he did so. "Maybe there's nothing wrong," he said. "We live in a city where monsters pop out of nowhere and mutant monkeys try to take over. Something like this isn't the weirdest thing ever to happen. Maybe there's a reason for it."

"You're right, I guess."

Boomer POV

As I stroked Yinyang's back, I looked up at Bubbles, who was watching her closely. She had her hair like she had it yesterday- golden pigtails that curled around the ends. Her baby blue dress had only one strap now, which went over her right shoulder. All of the Puffs had chosen different team uniforms now, which seemed to better show their individual personalities.

She smiled when she noticed me staring. "What're you looking at?" she asked playfully. I cleared my throat and said "Nothing," before looking over at the water, which allowed me to watch her reflection. I didn't know why, but looking at her had somehow become enjoyable.


I looked back over to her. "Yeah?"

"So...what are we now? Are we friends now? Or do I need to try harder?"

Were we friends? I thought hard on that. I really think we are. Sure, we were different, but... I felt like if we ever faced each other in battle, I wouldn't be able to attack her anymore. Yinyang's left foot turns white as I smile up at Bubbles.

"Yeah. We're friends. Good friends."

(A/N) Sorry I took three whole days! :P I've been stuck on a softball field all weekend (literally-from 8:30 am to 10:00 pm) and I tried to write a whole chapter all at once last night, but I fell asleep on accident. Especially sorry to Kitty, who said she'd stay up all night to wait for the chapter. Ehehe...

Anyway, I will try to illustrate all the chapters from now on. Tell me if they're okay, or if I need to get pictures off the Internet. I'll try to update as soon as possible :3


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