Chemistry Partners

Per -mayraaa

46.4K 1.6K 419

High School student Zoe is dreading going off to college soon. All she wants to do is finish off high school... Més

Cast List
Chapter 1: Married Couple
Chapter 2: Boys Have Cooties
Chapter 3: New Friend
Chapter 4: Cookie Monster
Chapter 5: Matching Friendship Tattoos
Chapter 6, Part 1: New Guy
Chapter 6, Part 2: Graffiti
Chapter 7: Thanksgiving Break
Chapter 8: Thanksgiving Dinner
Chapter 9: Sarson For Life
Chapter 10: He's A Keeper
Chapter 11: Skipping
Chapter 12: Kisses & Mistakes
Chapter 13: Brayden's Back
Chapter 14: Employees Only
Chapter 15: Revenge
Chapter 16: Scavenger Hunt
Chapter 17: Christmas
Chapter 18: Stars & Kisses
Chapter 19: Tutor
Chapter 20: Yes or No
Chapter 21: Date Night
Chapter 22: Making Out
Chapter 23: Terrible Day
Chapter 24: Accidents Happen
Chapter 25: Unconscious
Chapter 26: Wake Up, Gorgeous
Chapter 27: Awake
Chapter 28: Graduation
Epilogue: New Beginnings
Last Author's Note
Bonus Chapter 1

Bonus Chapter 2

929 29 12
Per -mayraaa

Rewritten: 7/18/17

z o e

10 Years Later

"Shh.. tiptoe quietly, alright?" I whisper to Olivia and Jordan.

Seven-year-old Olivia flashes me a toothy grin, jumping up and down, her pigtails bouncing.

"Dad's going to hate us, Liv!" Jordan, her twin, quietly wails.

I chuckle, "Sweetie, he's not going to hate you."

Olivia evilly grins, "C'mon Jordy!" She tugs on her twin's arm as the two walk over to the bed. I follow after them, lifting Olivia up and putting her on the bed, doing the same to Jordan.

"Daddy! Dad! Get up!" Olivia screeches, jumping on the bed. Jordan follows.

Sean moves around, sitting up. He opens his eyes, a small smile on his face. He quickly grasps onto Olivia and Jordan, pulling them closer. "What're you guys doing?"

"Waking you up, duh," Jordan replies with a cheeky smile.

I laugh. Sean chuckles, "Alright then sassy Jordan."

"Can we go wake up Liam?" Olivia asks, widening her eyes. Liam, like Sean, hates being woken up early. I did too at one point but with three kids who are in school, you kind of have to wake up.

Sean laughs, "Why not?"

"Then, can we go out to eat? Please!" Jordan pleads, looking at the both of us.

I glance at Sean, before shrugging. "Why not? Go get dressed, alright? Then wake up Liam." I tell them with a smile. Olivia leaps off of Sean's lap, running out the door. Jordan grins, following her.

Sean grins, pulling me closer to him, placing his lips on mine. I deepen the kiss a little. Let's not get too carried away.

"Morning love." He grins, pulling away. I kiss him once more.

Life has been crazy but amazing. Sean and I got married a while ago and the wedding turned out beautiful. I ended up getting pregnant with Liam first and then two years after his birth, we had twins, Olivia, and Jordan.

"Ew!" Olivia's familiar voice exclaims.

I quickly pull away, sharing a laugh with Sean. "How about, next time we close the door," Sean whispers next to me. I snicker quietly, getting up.

"How about next time you get ready and help the kids?" I suggest flashing him a bright grin before following Olivia. I hear his laughter.

"Mommy, which one should I wear?" She asks me, a confused look on her face as she holds up a purple floral dress and a plain blue dress. I point to the floral one.

"This one," I tell her, putting the blue on down. I take the floral one, helping her into it. I walk over to the vanity, grabbing a few clips and a headband. "Come here sweetheart," I tell her as she waddles over her, sitting on the bed. I brush her hair, putting on the headband. Walking over to where her shoes are, I pick the white sandals, helping her into it. I grin. "You look beautiful."

Olivia grins. "Thank you!" She wraps her small arms around my legs. I pick her up, walking out of the room.

"Has Liam woken up?" I ask her as she nods her head.

"He wasn't too happy..." She frowns.

"Did you tell him we were going to go out and eat?" I ask her. Her eyes widened.

"No! Maybe that's why!" She exclaims. I put her down, knowing she was about to tell him. She quickly runs off in the direction of his room.

I laugh quietly, walking to Jordan's room.

"Mommy, can we go to Aunt Naomi's house later?" He asks me. I nod my head.

"Of course, sweetie."

He grins, "Good! Nick said he got a new Lego set and we want to build a lot of things!"

Naomi and Carson ended up having two boys, Nick who is eight, Noah who is nine.

I smile, "Of course, now get ready, we have to go eat soon, alright? Then we'll go to Nicks." I tell him. He nods his head excitedly.

I walk out, walking to eleven-year-old Liam's room. I find him, still sprawled out on his bed.

Laughing, I wake him up. "Liam, sweetheart, wake up. We're going out to eat and then we'll go to Nick's house." I tell him.

"Mom." He groans, "it's too early."

I shake my head, "It's 11:45." I reply.

"Which is way too early." Sean joins in.

Liam sits up, grinning. "Exactly!"

I scowl at Sean, "Shut up Sean."

Liam laughs, "Are we actually going to go to Aunt Naomi's or you just saying so I could wake up?" Liam raises an eyebrow. Sean snickers.

"Yes, we are going to Nick's house for sure. Jordan wants to hang out with Nick and I'm sure you want to show Noah your new video game." I reply.

Liam grins, "Yes!" He leaps out of his bed, walking over to his closet.

I laugh, walking out of his room, Sean behind me.

"I thought I told you to get dressed?" I cock an eyebrow.

He gives me a sheepish smile. "Well, I decided to check on the kids."

I walk into our room, walking over to my closet. I pick out a cute black maxi dress with my strappy sandals.


"Are you excited to go to Uncle Carsons and Aunt Naomi's?" I turn around, facing the kids.

They all grin, "Yes!"

"Will Hollie be there?" Liv asks me.

Hollie is Joe and Mason's third child.

I look at Sean, before looking at the kids. "I don't know actually. I'll call them and talk to them alright?"

"Will you do it now?" Liv asks me.

"How about when we get there?" I ask her.

She frowns, "Okay, but beg Joe and Mason to come! Please! Tell them to bring Hollie or else I'll be very sad." She pouts.

I grin, "I'll let them know that."

We soon arrive at Naomi's and Carson, getting out. The two us help the kids out. I hold Jordan and Olivia's hand as the three of us walk to the front porch, Liam, and Sean behind us.

I knock on the door, ringing the doorbell.

Footsteps are heard as someone opens the door. Nick smiles.

"Aunt Zoe!" He grins, "Liv! Jordan! Come on!" He exclaims, grabbing both of their arms as they all ran off.

"Zoe!" Naomi exclaims, attacking me in a hug. "I missed you so much!"

"You guys saw each other last week." Carson butts in.

I laugh, hugging her back. "Naomi! Carson!" I grin.

"We all need to be reunited. Someone call Mason and Joe and force them to come."

"Yes, or else Liv's going to be really sad," Sean adds. I snicker.

"Please do tell them that."

Carson chuckled taking out his phone.

"I heard there's a kids fair going around. A worker of mine mentioned it," Naomi said. "We should all go."

"Sure, that sounds fun."

"But, let's go a little later. I'm tired from driving so much." Sean says, flopping down on the couch.

"Lazy." I joke, taking a seat next to him. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer.


"I'm here! We're here! Let's get this party started!" Mason yells, entering the house.

"Dad! Why are you so lame!" I hear fourteen-year-old Emma's familiar voice exclaim as the family makes their way to where everyone is.

"Emma! Rude!" Mason exclaims, a frown on his face.

"Why you gotta be so rudeee..." Joe sings.

Seven-year-old Hollie enters the room with her big brother, Aiden, who just turned eleven recently, with a big grin on her face.

"Hollie!" Olivia exclaims, rushing to her. "Come here! Look!" She grabs her arm, dragging her away.

"Be careful!" Mason yells.

"So, we were thinking of going to this kids fair tonight." Naomi brings up, capturing Mason and Joe's attention.

"That sounds amazing," Joe answered.

"So, we're all in?"


"Great, I'll text Jeana to text me the address."

Carson clears his throat, "Let's leave in an hour. I just put in food in the oven and I'm starving."

"Good idea, I'm hungry too."


"I'll go ask the kids if they want to go." Naomi gets up, walking out of the room.

Soon, the kids and Naomi come running into the living, big smiles on their faces.

Jordan walks over to him, "Mommy, where are we going?" He asked, his face scrunched up in confusion.

"Did Naomi tell you?" He shakes his head no.

"Well, it's a surprise."


Liv shushes him, "Don't tell us! We want it a surprise."

I chuckle, "Liv, be nice to your brother." I warn her. She pouts.

"Sorry, Jordy."

"Cute," Emma comments.

"Emma!" Liv exclaims, rushing over to her. "I missed you!"

"Aw, Liv, I missed you too." She smiles brightly.

"Foods ready!" Carson yells as everyone rushes in.

"We will leave once we all eat, alright?" I tell the kids.


We all split into groups.

Carson and Mason had Nick and Jordan. Naomi and I had Hollie, Olivia, and Emma. Sean and Joe had Liam and Noah.

Sometimes during the time we were here, we all found each other and ended up being a big group.

"Let's go on that!" Hollie exclaims, tugging on Emma's wrist.

"We should get cotton candy," Liam says. "I want cotton candy."

I take Liam to the cotton candy stand, getting one for him and one for myself. We walk back to the group.

"Are you enjoying tonight?" I ask him.

He sends me a big smile. "Yes! Thank you for bringing us here."

I smile, "Of course sweetheart." My kids make me happy and anything that made them smile, made me smile.

"Love you!" He smiles.

"I love you too Liam." 

I take a bit out of my cotton candy, grinning. Sean walks over to us, taking my cotton candy from me.

I gasp at him, "I never told you that you could do that."

He smiles, "I love you too."

I scowl, rolling my eyes, "Love you too." I mumbled as I take another bite.


Instead of us all leaving and going back home, we all decided to crash at Naomi and Carson's place. It was getting pretty late and I'm pretty sure the kids still wanted to hang out.

"Goodnight, Olivia, and Hollie. Night Jordan and Nick." I say quietly, as all of them mumble something. I smile, closing the door behind me. I walk to Noah's room where Noah, Aiden, and Liam were staying in. "Goodnight guys, don't stay up too late," I tell them.

"Goodnight mom."

"Sweet dreams you three." I closed the door quietly before walking over to the living room where the rest of them were. I take a seat next to Sean.

"Are they all asleep?" Naomi asks me as I nod.

"Well, Liam, Noah, and Aiden aren't. Still playing video games."

I snuggle closer to Sean, "Tired?" He asks.

I nod my head, "Just a little."

"Come on, let's get to bed."

I sigh, standing up.

"Which room?" Sean asks Naomi.

"The one you guys usually stay in."

"Don't do the dirty!" Carson grins mischievously. Everyone groaned, laughing.

"Shut up, Carson."

Chuckling, I follow Sean to the room, closing the door, locking it.

I groan, realizing I don't have clothes here. I remember taking it with me last time we stayed over.

"Can I borrow your shirt?" I ask him, tying my hair up.

Sean nods, taking off his shirt, throwing it at me. I catch it.


I walk over to the bed, throwing myself on the soft bed.

"I'm tired," I whine.

He chuckles, "Me too. Go get changed, I want to turn the light off and sleep."

Sighing, I get up, taking off my dress. I grab his shirt, about to put it on just as Sean brings his arms around me, pulling me on top of him.

"Sean!" I squeal, "let me go!"

"Your half naked right now and it's turning me on."

My cheeks turn bright red, even to this day, I still blush around him.

"Sean..." I quietly warn. He turns me around, the two of us facing each other. I lean over, kissing him passionately. He deepens him, a moan escaping.

Someone bangs on the door as I let out a frustrated groan, pulling apart from him. I quickly slip on his shirt.

"Yeah?" Sean yells, walking over to the door, opening it.

"Do you guys need clothes?" Carson asks, a knowing glint in his eyes.

"Oh, you're evil." Sean scowls.

"Oh, Zoe! Yes, Zoe." Carson mimicked, faking a moan. He burst out laughing.

"Leave!" I threw a throw pillow at him, laughing.

Sean grumbles, closing the door, locking it. Turning off the light, "He's so annoying." He said, taking his jeans off, leaving him in his boxers. He gets in bed, pulling

I get in bed, curling up next to him.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Chemistry Partner."

I laugh, "Goodnight."

"Sweet dreams, babe."


Author's Note: that's the end! i really hope you all enjoyed this! it took me sooo long to come up with an idea. i had a different idea and wrote like 2 pages of it but i was not feeling it and i didn't like it. but i thought of this idea and i love it!

i hope everyone enjoyed this book and thank you so much for taking your time to read this book and vote and comment, that means a ton and i love you!

*cri* it's over!

thank you all so much for everything and i love each and every one of you. see you soon!

xoxo - Mayyy

Continua llegint

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