Moving on

By LevyLily

8.2K 257 92

Levy was living a normal calm life. Gajeel was living one day at the time, doing what was needed to survive... More

Chapter 1 : Improbable
Chapter 2 : Change
Chapter 3 : Frustration
Chapter 4 : Beyond appearances
Chapter 5 : Stubborn
Chapter 6 : Amazing
Chapter 7 : Problems
Chapter 8 : Get to know each other
Chapter 9 : Questions
Chapter 10 : Two weeks
Chapter 11 : Demons
Chapter 12 : Despair
Chapter 13 : Unknown
Chapter 14 : Shelter
Chapter 15 : Impulse
Chapter 16 : Burns
Chapter 17 : Wonderful, albeit too short lull
Chapter 18 : Plan
Chapter 19 : Promise
Chapter 20 : The attack
Chapter 21 : I love you
Chapter 22 : Family
Chapter 23 : Gunshot
Chapter 24 : Moving on


320 16 10
By LevyLily

Four months later

Laxus had his attention riveted on his cellphone, sipping his coffee. Looking behind him he found Mira, cooking happily their breakfast on that day off for both of them. Yes, both of them, Laxus having started to officially work at the hostel rather than wandering in it and do has he pleased. Beside, his relationship with his grandfather had improved. He even consented, with a little push on Mira's behalf, to accept Makarov's invitation for dinner the week before. Despite the detachment he wanted to show, he had to admit that his time passed with the octogenarian was enjoyable.

When he rose his cup to take another sip, he realised the later was empty. He rose it, while looking at Mira who filled it right away. He was about to put his attention back on the phone when she cleared her throat in order to get his attention.

- Don't you forget something? Asked the sublime young woman in front of him.

To answer her demand, he pulled on her apron to lower her down to his height, tackling her mouth on his.

- Oh! She exclaimed in surprise, before letting out a small giggle.

The young woman responded by pulling him to her so he was now standing.

- I was thinking about "thank you", she said referring to her demand.

- It's way better that way, don't you think? He whispered before catching her in another kiss.

- Maybe, she said pretending to think about it. I need a little more time figure it out.

And he let her some time, leaning her against the wall, placing additional kissed on her neck.

- I love you, she let out panting.

- What?

The young man stopped, considering the girl for a moment. Had he heard well? It was true they did a lot of couple stuff since the past few months, even living together until the end of the reparations. But they never talked about love before. Not that he could say he didn't love her, much the opposite... he simply hadn't expected her to say it.

As for the young woman, she froze realising what she just said out loud.

- Laxus, I...

As if someone had aimed for the worst time to intrude, the doorbell interrupted them. She replaced her messy hair and her apron before opening the door on Makarov.

- Hi! M. Makarov! She exclaimed, gaining back her self-control.

On Laxus's side, he had learned to know that particular smile was most of the time hiding something... like in that instant.

- Hi! My dear! And hello to you Laxus, he said seeing his grandson taking his place back at the table.

- What's bringing you this morning? Asked the young woman with a smile.

- I have good news! The construction of Laxus and Gajeel's apartment will be over this morning.

Despite all the self-control Mira had, her smile faded a bit. Laxus himself felt uncomfortable.


Levy closed the door of her apartment behind M. Makarov, heavy-hearted. She knew Gajeel was going to leave her apartment some day. After all, the only reason of Gajeel's presence in Fairy Hill, an all girls apartment block, was the temporary nature of the situation. However, she didn't expect the reparations to be completed so quickly.

She went back to sit at the table where her breakfast was ready. For the first time since she tasted his cooking, she looked at the plate her boyfriend prepared for her without appetite.

- You don't like it? Asked Gajeel surprised.

- Its delicious as always, don't worry! I'm just not really hungry right now.

He gave her a questioning look for a moment then put his attention back on his plate.

- So... You want to visit your new apartment? Started the young woman. According to M. Makarov, its more modern and bigger.

- As you wish, he answered without interest.

- It's your apartment! She exclaimed to his indifference.

Their meal finished, he stood up and walked to the door.

- Are you coming or not? He Growled.

What's his problem? Levy thought, discouraged with him. Gajeel never was the talking type but now...

- Coming! She said following him.

When they entered the new place, she could barely hold on her wonderment. M. Makarov was right. That apartment was sublime! It even had an extra room in comparison of the old one. The free space would be perfect for my library started to think Levy before stopping drastically, sick at heart. "No Levy, don't think about those kind of things. You already had the chance to live four months with him!" It was already way better than most of the new couples... Besides, Gajeel was probable anxious to have back his personal space...

- Lets get back to our... your place, he rephrased, an odd expression on his face.

The young woman nodded and followed him. Working the next day, they agreed they'd better pack Gajeel's few stuff that day. She opened a drawer, thinking how much it would be sadly empty in a couple of minutes.

Neither was talking. When they were finished, Levy huddled against his chest, then stepped back, knowing that if she stayed there, she probably would never leave. "Calm down Levy!" She encouraged herself. "He's no moving in another country, just across the street". That thought in mind, she took one of the boxes that Gajeel hadn't already had piled up in his arms and followed him. Once again in the renovated apartment, all the boxes were dispatched in the right place. In the end, only one room stayed empty.

- Eum.....

Gajeel's voice brought Levy back on earth. Realising she was stupidly staring at the empty guess room, she blushed then turned to him.

- You know... he started to mumble, scratching the back of his head.

Was he embarrassed?

- There's a lot a room for books in there, he finally said in one breath.

The young woman's eyes opened widely, emptied from the sadness that was in them since the beginning of the day.

- Really? She asked, trying to contain her rising joy.

- Don't make me repeat myself! He Growled. But... it would be just weird not having you around.

The young woman jumped in his arms, Gajeel lifting her with ease with one arm.

- I thought you'd want to keep your precious apartment, he laughed.

- I love you, was her only answer before cuddling a little more, her head against his neck.

- Gihi! Me too shrimp.


Mira was helping Laxus to pack his things. If her mood was down since the beginning of the day, it was even worst since she learned that Levy would move in with Gajeel. Certainly, she was happy for the couple. They where obviously made for each other. However, she couldn't help but being jealous. She didn't even manage to tell him how she felt without triggering that reaction of stupor. "Why couldn't you fall in love with someone more approachable?" She asked herself, knowing very well no other man, approachable or not, could make her feel the way Laxus did.

- What are you thinking about? Asked the one that was in the center of her thoughts.

- Nothing.

- Mira, he sighed, using the little patience he had managed to recently develop. That won't work with me.

She sighed herself.

- You know I react badly to a lot of thing, he let out guessing what it was all about.

- I'm sorry, I... forget I said anything.

- I can't forget that.

Mira's expression darkened. She'd screwed up. Of course he couldn't act like nothing ever happened... But she so badly didn't want to loose him ...

- I don't want to forget either, he concluded after a moment.

Seeing Mira looking at him dumbfounded, he couldn't help but being frustrated. Why couldn't he deal with his feeling. He hit the table with his fist.

- For God's sake Mira! What do you do to me? I... I reacted badly. It's the only thing I do in pretty much every situation! All I know is that I don't want to leave.

- So bring me with you, she said.

Both of them stared at the other. Then Mira decided that she was going to follow Laxus's advice and open up her heart, the young man being ready to hear it or not.

- I love you Laxus. As hard to live with as you can be. As hot-tempered and complicated...

She slowed her pace as he walked closer to her.

- And... incredibly hot and Ah! Shit Laxus! Why is it always so difficult with you? You...

- I love you, he cut her off. I never really felt it before, but... with you it's different.

She was speechless. Then he placed on her lips the most tender kiss he ever gave her. She stayed frozen while he turned back to the room, starting to prepare boxes with Mira's belongings.

- I hope you know what you're getting yourself into, he sais with a malicious smile.

- Trust me, I'm the only one that can survive those conditions, she replied with a blink, happier then ever.

That's it people! I couldn't help myself from adding these scenes solidifying or confirming our wonderful couples!

Writing that fanfiction was truly a wonderful experience and I wrote more in a couple of months than in the past few years. That was also my first experience at English writing so I hope it wasn't too obvious I'm French (Quebecer ;) ) while translating this story!

Finally, as said in the 24th chapter, I decided to translate my second story. So if you liked that story, check out for Ghosts of the past from witch the first chapter is now available :D

Thanks again for your support!

Lily xxx

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