Book 1: She's a Keeper | Augu...

By LivThaWriter

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What happens when you meet the one person you relate with the most? All rights reserved. No part of this pub... More

Not Your Average Story...
20 ~ Filler Chapter


59.6K 2K 720
By LivThaWriter

Song in mm is where I got the book title. If you didn't know, aug has a song with snootie wild called She's A Keeper.

Fyi all this happening is in the course of 1 day. The day that August comes back to ATL to make things right. I know it's a lot going on but but I just had to throw some else in there 😊

"Can you please tell me where we're going?"

"Nope," I repeated. "You gettin' on my nerves again, I'm gon' put yo' ass in tha backseat. Keep playin'." I threatened.

She shut ha mouth then.

"Can I?" She asked ta hook up tha aux ta ha phone, I shrugged. She was gon' do it regardless, ion kno' why she even asked.

"You ain't finna be bumpin' that trap shit though, not taday." I warned her.

"But Wugga—" "And you thank callin' me dat gon' make it betta fa you? Not taday. I already watched ya do ya make up ta it. 'Bout ti'ed of that shit. Ain't no mo' taday."

"Finnnee," she whined. "If I can't play trap, can I at least play your music?" She pleaded wit me. I glanced ova at ha and she had ha big ole' puppy dog eyes on.

I hated when she was in this mood. If she wanted ta play trap and I wouldn't let ha, she'd go straight ta ha playlist of my music. I enjoy ha music most when she ain't tryna turn up, that Lyfe, Anthony Hamilton, Lauryn Hill and allat.

I sighed, "Fine, but I ain't sangin' fa you." I agreed.

"That's fine, I'll just sing for you." She grinning as one of my old songs I did fa real started playin', Cool On You.

Listenin' ta me from years ago, my shit was was horrible. Can I say I'm blessed na? I done came a long ass way.

Coming back from my thoughts, I listened ta Cydney sang fa alil while ta tha song. She wasn't half bad actually. Usually she actin' a fool rappin' n' shit, but na she sound decent fa once.

I laughed ta myself, noddin' my head. I just let ha sang ha lil' heart out while I drove us ta get some good food.


"So this is why you told me to wear something nice." She said once we were seated.

"Yeah, ain't wanna have you outchea in jeans and a t-shirt like dis Popeye's a'some shit," I shook my head.

The waiter came around and we ordered our drinks. As much as I wanted some liquor, I went against it cause somebody gotta drive. I settled on a Sprite while Cyd got a water with lemon. Ha usual.

"You know you could've gotten some alcohol," she piped up, "I could've drove home."

I 'bout choked on air when she said that, "Hell na, don't nobody drive my baby but me."

She rolled ha eyes, "Whatever, you act like I can't drive."

"I ain't Neva said you can't, I just don't like nobody drivin' my shit otha than me."

She mumbled sum slick shit unda ha breath.

"Hey," I reach across tha table and picked ha face up ta look at me, "Whatchu said? And don't change what you said." I warned.

"I said, you let Cristina drive it." She said smartly.

"I ain't let ha drive my shit, damn." I sighed to myself. I can't believe folks still rememba that. "Why you bein' petty?"

One day last yea', some fan of mines caught Cristina rollin' round in my Range wit some nigga. That nigga just so happen ta be ha brotha she picked up from tha airport. Everybody just twisted shit around and I neva spoke on it cause tha shit died down befo' I could even get a chance ta.

"She took my shit while I was knocked tha fuck out from drinkin' all night," I chuckled remembing how that night went. That was tha night Cris and ha homegurl gave me a bomb ass—

"August." Cydney snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You didn't finish what you were talking about,"

Ah shit, did I just.. "Uh,—" "Go ahead,"

"Well, I ain't know she took it, end of story." Our dranks came finally and we ordered our food.

She eyed me as if she knew I was thankin' sum completely different but I brushed it off changin' tha subject. Evetually our food came and I was sure she'd forgotten all about it as well a me.

"So you ready fa tanight?" I sparked up anotha conversation.

She nodded, "How could I forget? You get to pick the movie this time."

"Well you picked it tha last three times, when I pick you complain." I said.

"Cause you always pick scary movies, you know I don't like them."

"Well they betta then them chick flicks you be watchin'." I said.

"Hey, did you know Chris was in town?" She asked afta puttin' ha phone down.

"Yea, he tol' me he was gon' be. I gotta meet up wit him sometime be'fo he head back ta Cali."

"Oh okay." She sipped her water.

"Hazel ain't tell you? He stopped by and everythang yesterday befo' you flew back."

She crossed ha arms, shakin' ha head.

I chuckled, "My bad, I ain't know." She nodded and our food had arrived.

We'd ate and had finally made it to my place.

"Damnn Cyd, back at it again with the A1 lighting!" She pulled me ta ha, catchin' me off guard but I must say I was lookin' fly as hell still. Damn this lighting was A1.

"You a trip," I laughed, "get my good side." I turned my face and she caught a pic wit me lickin' my lips. We did that fa 'bout fo' mo' pics and she saved all of them.

"Aight aight, enough selfies. It's cold as shit outchea." I pulled away from ha, goin' inta my crib.


"Okay, which one looks better, this on or this one?" She asked as we chilled in tha theater.

The night had gone and went and it was goin' on three in tha mornin'. We was hangin' out like we ain't neva fought tha past day and I enjoyed it. Ion neva was do that shit again, had my head fucked up.

"They look tha same," I shrugged.

"But they're not see. "She swapped them back and forth again and I saw no difference. Knowin' I won't gonna win this, I played along.

"Aight I see na, go back." She did like I said, "Tha otha look betta, no doubt." She nodded along wit me.


"Post it." I spoke as I looked thru tha movie titles on Netflix. "Airdrop it ta me and we'ca post it at the same time."

She shared it ta me and once I got it, I opened it on Instagram. We both agreed on no caption, already knowin' errybody gon' trip. "Aight, you ready?" They trip errytime we post a pic tagetha.

She nodded and we both hit post.

"You good?" I asked ha. She smiled and gave me a head nod.

"So what now?" She looked up at me.

"C'mon, grab ya jacket." I tol ha gettin' up from tha sofa.

We both went ta tha coat closet that was by tha front door and grabbed our jackets. It was gettin' late so it was colder than it was earlier. I slipped on my slides and she slipped on ha Uggs she left ova hea from be'fo.

"August, it's cold as fuck. Why we out here?" She asked as we walked thru my backyard.

I didn't respond ta ha and I just led ha thru a gate at the back of my property.

It led ta a lil' trail that went 'bout a quarta mile down. At tha end of it was a open field wit a lil gazebo off ta tha side. It was abandoned when I bought tha property, but after a while I decided ta fix it up.

Cydney Michaels


That was the only word I could speak
At the moment. Not because it was cold as shit out here, but because it was something that made my eyes light up, literally.

After walking a dark trail for a while with two iPhone 6s' as the flashlights, the lights of the gazebo made me feel more comfortable, being surrounded by dark. I mean August was by my side but he was only so big.

We sat down together, cuddled up as the wind blew my hair around lightly.

"You like it?" He asked me and I nodded my head taking in the scenery from my seat.

"So what's the special occasion of you bringing me out here?" I asked. He took a quick once over of the field before speaking.

He shrugged, "Just wanted ta talk."

"It's cold as fuck out here, and you just wanted to talk? You know your frail bones can't handle this, gotta be a better reason than that, babe." I tapped his temple.

He chuckled, "Aight, I guess. And yo' ass gotta stop cussin' so much. Unattractive as hell." He downed me.

I rolled my eyes, "Anyways, the reason being?" I said getting back on topic.

"We fa'real been coolin' fa a while and ya know, I thank I'm ready ta go public wit dis hea." He motioned between the both of us.

"Public?" He nodded. "So wait, me and you for everyone ta know about us?" Once again he nodded and I did the opposite.


"I don't think I'm ready for that," I mumbled, "I'm sorry."

I felt bad, bringing me out to a place that was so simple but yet so romantic made my heart happy but the reason being, I couldn't fathom it.

"Whatchu mean? I thought we was—" "This has nothing to do with you, I just—I just don't think I'm ready."

I wasn't necessarily ready for the public commitment.

The ones who haven't caught on would now know along with the rest of the world, all eyes would be on us. Our mistakes, good times, bad times, trials and tribulations would be on the big screen. I couldn't stand to get hurt or humiliated in front of thousands of people.

He stared at me, I suppose trying to see through why I said I wasn't ready.

"Talk ta me," he said. I kept my eyes low avoiding eye contact before he lifted my head to look at him, "Talk ta Big Daddy Aug, please? I ain't no mind reada, baybeh."

That made me laugh some, which added a small smile to his face. I could see his eyes light up with some sort of hope that I wasn't rejecting his offer. I could also see that I had briefly hurt his pride.

"Mane, fa'real you gon' hurt my feelings." He picked his bottom lip out like a sad child, which made me smile.

"Alright, alright." I answered finally, "You know I'm new to just about everything.. This is all so new to me, it doesn't feel real," I kept my head down, "I'm scared to be honest. Like who ends up winning a contest to spend one day with their favorite artist, and it ends up being three days, to dating them in what seems like a matter of weeks?"

I'd never had someone really treat me this well of the opposite sex. My dad after a few years, was nowhere to be found after my brother passed. We'd see him one or two weekends a month before due to his 'business trips'. After that he was gone, along with my brother. Only difference was my brother was dead and my father was a dead beat dad, that I knew none of his whereabouts. And then Deon... He just, I can't even think about that without getting emotional.

"Not ta many folks," he chuckled, "I have no intentions ta hurt a'use ya. Them days long gone wit a nigga. I ain't gonna hurt ya—"

I looked up at August and it was like he read my thoughts as he stopped mid sentence.

Pulling me closer to him, not just for the warmth but the comfort also, he continued with a different set of words that sparked my emotions deeply.

"I ain't tryna put you towards anythang you'on want. I'm not that nigga. Im not gon' hurt you like he tried to." I could hear him getting angry, not at me but at what happened in my past.

He continued after taking a small breather to calm himself down, "I'm just lettin' you know what I want. What I want is exactly what we've been doin' fa a min, but put it ta tha public. I'm ti'ed of sneakin' around like I'm a side ho' a'whateva." He chuckled which also made me chuckle.

"I know you ti'ed of it too. Thea's gonna be some shit pop up wit this but we'ca get through it. Cyd, I'm really feelin' you and I ain't felt nobody like this inna while so you got a one up on some females,"

As I was at a loss for words, tearing up some, he just went on before I could speak to stop him.

"Can you tell me something though?" He raised a eyebrow at me. "Tell me you won't hurt me,"

"I won't hurt you, Cyd. I'ca promise you dat shit."


"Cydney, Yung wants to see you right now in his office." Big T's voice said behind me.

I looked at him to see if it was good or bad that he had he send someone for me and not come get me hisself. I could never read his face.

T walked out as quick as he entered the kitchen. I pulled my hot pocket from the microwave and fixed it in the little carton thing so I could hold it with ease. I rounded a few corners downstairs and found myself in his office.

"You sent for me?" I joked but there was no smile on his face. "Okay, what's wrong?" I asked sitting down in the leather chair that sat in front of his desk. I felt like a child in the principals office for bad behavior.

"What happened when you went ta tha club tha otha night?" He questioned me.

From his facial, expression I know he wasn't playing. But nothing happened, so why was I nervous?

"Nothing, just me and Hazel had a few drinks, danced on each other, had a good time I guess." I shrugged my shoulders while taking a bite of my hot pocket.

"Really?" He answered in disbelief. I nodded.

"Well someone else says othawise." He slid his phone to me and I picked it up looking at the messages

Cristina: hey we should talk soon

What do u want

Cristina: No need for the attitude 😒 I just wanted you to tell your lil gf to chill. She got in my face at the club the other night about some bs but I kept my cool with her.
Tell her DO NOT test me like that EVER again 

Call me now

"If anything, I need to be the one telling her to do not test me like that." I rolled my eyes, waiting to hear what else I supposedly did.

"I just talk ta ha on tha phone, she told me what else you did but it don't sound like sum' you'd do."

"And that was?" I passed the phone back to him.

"Cut tha attitude." I didn't even have one. "She swo' up and down you stepped ta ha bout a nigga and threatened ha ta stay away then slapped ha," he eyed me.

I know this boy is not looking for a sign of me lying. Jesus be with me.

I sighed, "That's definitely not what happened." I told him everything that happened, not leaving anything out and he just listened.

"She kept putting her finger in my face, I had half a mind to slap the Botox out her face, but I didn't."

"Aight," he told me before shakin' his head. "She failed ta realized if you slapped ha ass, it woulda been all ova tha media."

I agreed, "She did want to know something that I want to know the answer to, too." I added.


"What you see in me. But like I'd actually tell her that." I crossed my arms.

"Please don't entatain ha."

"I never planned on it but I do love a good game of entertain these hoes," I took my last bite of my hot pocket, "I just told her to talk to you about it."

He stood, pulling up his sweats and walked around the desk, leaning on it in front of me.

"How? Ion know tha answa ta dat otha than, you gotta beautiful mind." He tapped my chin, lifting my head with his index finger. "Oh yea, and you kinda cute as fuck."

My cheeks heated up, I couldn't hide it, so August just laughed. "You cute when you blush why you be hidin' that shit, huh?"

I shrugged my shoulders.

"You bae, so I'ma believe ya big head." He pushed my head making me tilt in my seat some. "'Memba dat."

"Says the big head him self," I rolled my eyes while standing.

Getting closer to him I wrapped my arms around his neck. Pecking his lips for a kiss, he kissed back and then caught me off guard.

"Who you callin' big head?!" He swiftly picked me up throwing me over his shoulder.

"August put me down!" I hit at his back repeatedly but it was no use.

"Seriously, I have a question?" I said again and he put me down.


"Hoe come she still has your number? I thought you blocked her."

"I did. But she either call from restricted or she grab somebody else phone and text me from it. Hell she might got hella trac phones. Shit ion kno'." He said honestly.

"Oh okay. Well she needs to get a life and leave us alone."

"That," he picked me up again, "She does."

How some of y'all gon tell me 'update' when you don't even comment on the chapters?? I know I ain't nobody special but

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