The Dark World (book 2)

By the_a_initiative

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ONGOING (book #2) Tessa Stark has defeated S.H.I.E.L.D. after their attempt to murder her. She's left everyo... More

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By the_a_initiative

QOTC: Alright guys so I take surverys online and I came across a good question.

Would you rather be immortal or rich?

I said I'd rather be immortal because then that'd give me time to be rich. What about you guys?

Anyways, enjoy the chapter guys :)

* * * * *


Especially having to face Thor, who most likely told Loki. And Jane, who for some reason acts like she loathes my existence.

But most of all I dreaded seeing Odin.

I didn't want to see the aftermath because frankly I was afraid that one day this would all happen to me.

My significant other dying in my arms didn't sound like a great future to me.

Neither did all of this, but here I am.

I know I didn't wanna go, and I probably shouldn't have, but where else was I going to go?

There's nothing to do and no one to talk to because every freaking soul in the kingdom was at her funeral.

I have to be honest, I was trying to avoid everyone all day.

I didn't even know what time the funeral was.

* * *

The funeral was at seven o'clock.

I decided I wanted to be a little late, as rude as that sounds.

I bet I'll be late even to my own funeral.

There was a large crowd, but it turns out that Thor had been looking for me and once he found me he brought me to the very front along with Jane.

I immediately saw her casket, floating inside of a boat.

The flowers had now been spaced out and a reddish blanket covered her from the waist down.

She was still in the same baby blue dress as earlier, only now they had placed armor on her.

The same pinkish veil covered her face, and her hair was bright underneath.

I blinked and realized that she was probably thousands of feet away from me.

I guess that's one more power to count.

Freaking super vision.

I saw Odin take a few steps up to the cliff. He was covered in head to toe in armor and he held his staff in his right hand.

I looked to my left to see Thor and Jane watching Odin as well.

Fandral, Sif, and Volstagg stood parallel to us on the other side.

They watched him with cautious eyes as well.

Odin took a deep breath and outstretched his arm with his staff.

I looked around to see if that meant something.

I saw a guard catch something at the end of an arrow on fire and pull the bow's string back.

He hesitated before letting it go.

The arrow soared through the sky before landing on Frigga's boat.

Everything immediately caught in flames.

I narrowed my eyes and she was closer again.

I took one last look at her, her hair, her lips, her dress, everything.

The memory engraved into my head immediately.

I felt my eyes burning with angry tears but I pushed them back.

I can't cry. I should, but I won't.

Hundreds of boats followed Frigga's, and they were all engulfed in flames one after one.

My eyes traveled to Thor to see him choking back tears as well.

I clenched my teeth.

I know what it's like to lose your mother, and I never would've wished it upon my worst enemy.

Even though Layla was my adoptive mother, and apparently didn't even really die, I went through the pain.

I would say I didn't experience it all on my own, because I was most definitely surrounded by people who cared for me, but I felt alone.

I convinced myself that nothing would ever be okay again, and that they all could've tried harder.

I will be here for Thor.

And I will be here for Loki.

lightly shook my head and saw that Frigga's boat was coming to the edge of the waterfall.

Odin raised his staff and lightly slammed it on the ground.

Her boat levitated and floated a few feet away from the edge of the waterfall.

Rising from the fire, I noticed a blue shimmering mass exploding. I furrowed my eyebrows a little in confusion.

Her flaming boat immediately dropped and the mass rose into the sky.

I could even hear the little magical sound it made and I smiled a small smile.

The mass rose higher and higher until it evaporated and disappeared into what looked like a blue milky way.

I felt a tear at the edge of my eye and I hastily wiped it away.

A beautiful ceremony for one of the most beautiful women.

I looked over my shoulder to see almost everyone raising little brightly lit orbs into the air.

My eyes traveled to the sky and they looked like big stars surrounding the sky.

Thousands and thousands of them rose higher and higher.

My thoughts traveled to Loki, and I realized that he probably doesn't even know that his mother is dead.

"I have to go make sure Loki is okay," I whispered anxiously to Thor. "I am so..." My voice broke, but I quickly cleared it. "-sorry."

* * *

I chose for Loki not to see me.

I closed my eyes and thought about being invisible, and when I opened them, there was a guard approaching the honeybee hive looking boundary.

"Odin has sent me with news," the man started, "the Queen on Asgard has passed. I'm so sorry."

He stood there and waited for Loki to process the news.

Loki nodded his head and waved him off, and the guard left.

I felt hot tears burning the backs of my eyelids.

Loki slowly stood up and started pacing.

I noticed he clenched his fists and bit his bottom lip.

The furniture surrounding him were immediately thrown against the walls, and the electricity flickered.

I closed my eyes, scrunching my nose to suppress my tears.

Should I stay and witness?

I have no way of comforting him, because I'm out here and I don't think I have the strength to go to Frigga's room and retrieve the device that would project my body into his cell.

Besides, that's a stupid plan because I wouldn't be able to comfort him physically.

I wouldn't be able to do it mentally either because I'm a wreck myself too.

My ears caught the sound of sniffling, and then a loud sob.

"My last words just HAD to be those?!" I heard him shout. "You're not. WHY?!"

Loki grabbed a chair and started yanking the legs off angrily.

He threw them across the cell and they hit the boundary, making a buzzing sort of sound radiate off.

"Loki," I murmured.

His eyes traveled to the walls.

Great idea, Tessa. Now he thinks he's hearing voices.

I then realized that I shouldn't watch, because Loki deserves some time alone to process, and I wouldn't want to annoy and be a pest to him, even if I am invisible.

I turned my back and slowly walked away.

* * *

I heard something about a meeting.

Fandral was the one who approached Odin and asked about it.

Me being my curious self decided to stay invisible and follow.

Probably wasn't very smart of me because the first time I tried to stay invisible around Odin, he knew I was there.

Or maybe he wants me to hear it, because he thinks it's all my fault Malekith decided to show up.

"We are still unable to restore the palace shields. Our artillery cannot detect them, even Heimdall cannot see them." Fandral sadly stated.

He looked around at everyone's faces before turning to Odin.

"My King, we are all but defenseless."

I stood behind a pillar once again, just incase someone decided to like dramatically throw their cape around or something.

It would be kind of freaky to see someone's cape floating in mid air in the shape of a person.

There was a giant hologram of the palace, and Odin gave a sad glance to the floor, thinking.

I heard Thor's pained voice enter the room.

"She's your prisoner now?"

He strode towards the circle before stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Leave us," Thor demanded.

His wish was granted as everyone bowed to Odin and walked away.

Fandral walked through the hologram of the castle and it disappeared at his touch.

Thor watched them leave before approaching Odin.

Oh, shit.

They took Jane prisoner? Like, I know this is bad, but it took Odin this long to do something about that?

A bad thing is, though, is that he probably did that out of spite for Jane.

He probably would do the same thing to me.

But, if he knows I'm in here, why not send me to the prison?

Because you cna teleport through the walls, you idiot!

Oh, right.

"I do not wish to fight with you," Odin murmured as he walked down the steps.

"Nor I with you," Thor stated as Odin passed him. "But I intend to pursure Malekith-"

"We posses the Aether," Odin interrupted, "Malekith will come to us."

"Yes, and he will destroy us."

"You overestimate the power of these creatures-"

"No I value our people's lives." Thor interrupted. "I'll take Jane and Tessa to the Dark World and draw the enemy away from Asgard. When Malekith pulls the Aether from Jane, it will be exposed and vulnerable. Azeli and I will destroy it and him."

I have to admit, Thor's plan is good.

Although, this is life we're talking about. And reality always finds a way to kick us in the ass, so something would definitely go wrong.

And I have to say that I am flattered that Thor would want me to tag along and help him destroy the Aether and Malekith.

It either means that he just wants me there for some reason or he thinks I'm powerful enough to help him destroy them.

Odin thought for a moment before turning to face his son. "If you fail, we risk this weapon falling into the hands of our enemies." Odin lightly tapped his staff against the floor, loud enough for a small thud to be heard.

"The risk is far greater if we do nothing." Thor shot back. "His ship could be over our heads right now and we would never even know it."

"When he comes, his men will fall on ten thousand Asgardian blades." Odin lightly said.

He looked defeated.

"And how many of our men shall fall on theirs?" Thor squinted his eyes, looking angry.

"As many as are needed!" Odin shouted.

"Gah!" Odin exclaimed.

"If you think I am going to ask for help, I am not. That is far too dangerous." Odin looked up.

Thor took a step forward.

"We obviously need her! King Bor used her and her army to push them away for thousands of years! Why not this time actually finish them off together?" Thor suggested.

Odin shook his head.

"We both know how powerful she actually is. Besides, my father was the one to seal her back into Natenheim. I do not think I am strong enough to do that alone. Ever since she's been gathering up her powers for thousands of years, there would be no way to safely use her this time. We are defenseless."

"I could help you! All of the former Allfathers could help from Asgardia. Weren't they the ones who sealed her away there the first time?"

"You are correct, but, why do you think they are now in Asgardia? They used up all of their powers to keep her there. I am telling you, she is dangerous, and we are not going to make a deal with her."

"But if we tell her the situation, we might be able to get her on our side. She could help us kill them all for good this time. Especially if she's been gathering power for all of these years."

"We will not!" Odin exclaimed. "And we will fight! To the last Asgardian breath... to the last drop of Asgardian blood."

Thor's face looked pained as Odin admitted what would definitely happen.

Their idea is smart about Edna.

But there is no telling what she will do if she destroys Malekith alongside Odin.

She is unpredictable.

No one knows how cunning or mischevious she actually is because she's been locked away all these thousands of years.

"Then how... are you different from Malekith?" Thor softly questioned.

Odin snickered sarcastically.

"The difference, my son, is that I will win."

Odin tapped his staff against the ground before walking away, the two guards following quickly behind him.

Thor had a questionable look on his face before taking a few steps forward.

I stepped out from behind the pillar, my kead hurting from the concentrating I had to be doing to keep myself invisible.

"Please don't tell me you have an idea," I walked up behind Thor before standing on his right.

"Oh, I do." He smiled. "And you're just going to love it."

* * *

Heyyyy guys o.o

I dont want to apologize for this extremely late update even though I said Id explain on my message board (if anyone even reads that anymore)

Anyways, high school volleyball has started off extremely well, I love it so much. Im going to Lake of the Ozarks next week for a tournament with JV and Varsity !! (I also ran my first mile Wednesday afternoon)

That has literally been the only thing in my life right now.

My dogs doing real well by the way 😂

Ill see you guys in the next chapter :)

Written: 06-11-16, 06-12-16, 06-24-16, 07-16-16

Vote, comment, and read :)


P.S. Im also sorry for all of the different scenes in this chapter , I should probably start REALLY planning out this book

I love you guys !

-gray xx

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