
بواسطة Zummer358

395 2 5

"It's just you and me now Carter." المزيد

1b {Food Eating Contests}
1c {Jail}
1d {Months and Months/Kevin }
1e {Happy Birthday Carter pt.1}
2a {Happy Birthday Carter pt.2}
2b {School/Jaylen?}
2c {How Long? / Ashton}
2d {Peter Piper}
2e {The Boy With Black Hair and Green Eyes}
3a {Making up and Management}
3b {Goodbye.}

1a {Shit Eli}

58 0 0
بواسطة Zummer358

Carter Above ^

"It's just you and me now Carter." Luke said holding onto my stuffed penguin named Gray.

"But I don't want to go." I told him sniffing.

"Flight 14b to California now boarding."

"Now it's just you, goodbye Carter." Luke said handing me Gray and walking away.

"No I don't want to go Luke! Luke please!" I cried out, my voice cracking at the last two words I ever said to Luke. A flight attendant came to take the six year old me to board the plane.

I watched as his lanky body slowly blended with the crowd in the airport.

I felt a hot, wet tear slide down my face. The flight attendant gently grasped my hand and lead me onto the airplane.

"Where am I going?" I ask the flight attendant. She wouldn't answer. She just gave me a sympathetic smile and brought me to my seat. At that moment I knew, I would hate that smile forever.

I soon dosed off into a dreamland where I was still with Luke, Michael, Calum, and Ashton eating pizza and playing video games.

I woke up and the flight attendant led me off the plane. She took me to an old lady and the old lady led me to the car.

"Where are we going?" I ask her.

"A very special place called an orphanage." She answers cheerfully giving me a smile, that same smile. The smile I hate.

But I don't want to go to an orphanage I want to see Mickey and Luke. They're probably going on tour again, they'll pick me up when tour is done. I thought with my lip trembling and eyes puffy as I placed my head against the cold car window and fell asleep.

10 Years Later


"Carter wake up!"

I opened my eyes and saw Eli shaking me awake.

"What the hell Eli? Who wakes someone up at this ungodly hour." I ask.

"You mean twelve in the afternoon?" He asks.

"Twelve? Shit Eli why didn't you wake me up earlier?" He just rolled his eyes in response and closed the door.

I got up from my bed and hugged Gray my penguin, the only thing I had left of them. I put on my glasses and my bracelets.

As I stared into the mirror I took in my image. Brown curly hair, greenish brown eyes, and my mixed skin that resembled the kind of coffee I got, not too much cream but not too little either.

My mom was white and my dad was black so I came out like a mess. I just wished I had my moms hair.

I remember when I was younger everyone used to stare at me when Luke and I went out in public together. Because we weren't the same skin color. Not everyone has to be blonde with blue eyes.

I decide not to wear makeup. Too much energy, time, and money. All things I didn't have. I go to my closet and pick out a shirt and some jeans. It's not that hard to find an outfit.

I brushed my teeth, took a shower, and used the bathroom.

I put on my favorite Pokémon shirt, along with a black hoodie, skinny jeans, and my black and white converse. I walked downstairs and lined up with everyone else waiting to be adopted.

Suddenly all the girls started squealing with delight. "OMG IT'S FIVE SECONDS OF SUMMER!" A girl yelled. I just rolled my eyes. I didn't really like their music. I only liked the song She's Kinda Hot.

I wonder what they look like. I've never seen them, but apparently girls say their drool worthy.

"We're here to adopt a girl and a boy twelve to fifteen years old." I heard an Aussie accent say.

"Everyone twelve to fifteen years old step forward and girls please move away from the poor boys." Mrs. Colby said.

Boys? As in plural? I stepped forward to get a good look at the guy only to pause. There wasn't one guy there were four guys. And their names were Michael, Calum, Ashton and.

I laugh humorlessly to myself. I couldn't believe it. He was actually here. That bastard decided to actually show up. It's was -


I whispered. He looked at me. His eyes widened. He whispered something to the boys. They all looked at me and their eyes widened.

They all huddled and talked some more. "We want her." Luke said pointing at me. My eyes widened.

Why would he want me? So he can do what he did last time and send me back here? I hate him.

I hate him for what he did. I hate every single one of them except Michael. Michael he tried to stop Luke. Michael he was my best friend.

"Okay and what boy would you like to take?" Mrs. Colby asked. I looked at Michael nodding my head towards Eli.

"We want him." Michael said pointing to Elijah. "Okay let me just get the papers and you'll be ready to go." Smiled Mrs. Colby. All the girls left the room.

I frowned deeply. Why couldn't I just have said no?

"Because Mrs. Colby's second rule to getting adopted is to not oppose it. That's why." I mock to myself under my breath in a high pitched voice.

I sigh and run my hand through my untamable hair. Blowing out air of frustration. Luke walked up to hug me with his arms wide open and a big smile on his face.

I wasn't going to let that happen so I did the most reasonable thing. I kneed him in the balls. Like what the fudge! Did he think he could just abandon me and then ten years later try to hug me? Hell no.

"Ow! What the fu-."

"No swearing." Said Ashton. I snicker quietly. This is why Ben is the better Hemmings. Yes, I said Ben. Not Jack. Jack is over rated. Now that I think about it Liz is the best to be honest.

I smiled proud of my work and walked over to Michael. He looked at me with uncertain wide eyes probably thinking I would knee him in the balls too.

"Michaelangelo!" I yelled jumping up and hugging him as I wrapped my legs around him.

"Cartersause!" He yelled as he caught me and hugged me back.

"I missed you so much." I whispered with tears falling down my face.

"I missed you too." He whispered back.

Mikey put me down and I walked over to Calum. As soon as I saw him I forgave him. With his squishy face how could I not forgive him.

"Cal." I said with a wide smile while hugging him.

"Cuddly Carter." He smiled giving me a tight squeeze.

I moved on to Ashton. He greeted me with a smile that I didn't return.

"A-ashton." I say scared and stuttering.

"Carter." He says smiling. He raises his arm and I wince. He seems to notice and frowns putting his arm down.

I walked over to Luke who was hunched over in pain. Heh pussy. I went near him and whispered something I've wanted to say ever since he left me.

"I hate you Luke Robert Hemmings."

I looked over and see Eli standing there akwardly.

"Guys this is Elijah or Eli. Eli this is Michael, Calum, Ashton, and Luke." I told them as they all shook hands. Except for Luke who was still on the floor.

"Come on Eli lets get our stuff." Eli nodded and we went upstairs.

Eli stared at me as we walked to my room.

"What?" I asked.

"Cut the bull how do you know them." Eli could see right through me.

I gave him a short summary of how I was happy with them and how Luke sent me on an airplane and never looked back but now they wanted me back.

"Wow." He said closing his hazel brown eyes and laying on my bed, putting his head on my lap.

"I know." I replied sighing and running my hand through his hair.

I heard soft snores coming from the well built body. He fell asleep that easily? I looked at his jet black hair and patted it. It was really soft. 1... 2... 3...! I pushed the heavy body off my bed and he landed with a loud thump.

I doubled over in laughter as I caught sight of the brown eyed boy rubbing his head.

"Ow what the hell Carter." Eli muttered as few colorful words came from under his breath as well.

"Now is not the time to sleep. Your supposed to be packing." I told him laughing shaking my head.

"Fine." He groaned.

I packed up all my clothes and posters. I grabbed my penny board and Gray then I walked out the door along with Eli.

"What took you two so long?" Calum asked.

"A lot of stuff." I said simply shrugging.

"So what house are we living in?" I ask.

"We all got a house together." Answered Michael. I nodded.

We got to the car. There were 4 seats in the back. I sat next to Michael. Him being on my left. Behind me was Calum. I didn't mind that much because I forgave him and Michael. Sitting next to Calum on his left side was Eli.

In the front seat was Luke who was driving and sitting next to him was Ashton. I don't like either of them. Ashton... he did something and I haven't forgiven him, nor has he asked to be forgiven.

I snuggle into Mikey's shoulder like I always did and he started playing with my hair like he always did all those years ago. I soon dose off into dream land.


"Carter wake up."
Michael shook me awake.

"W-what?" I groaned.

"We're here."

I lifted my head off of Mikey's shoulder.

"Come and see the house! You'll love it." Michael gushed.


I got out of the car and held onto Eli's hand putting my head on his shoulder. We walked towards the big house.

"Woah." Me and Eli said at the same time.

"I know right!" Michael gushed again.

We walked to the front door and Ashton opened the door. We put down our suitcases to admire the place.

"Woah." I whispered.

"Let's go upstairs, yeah?" Michael said grabbing my other hand.

We walked upstairs and looked down the long hall.

"Okay so the first room to the right is Luke's, the second one is Ashton's and the third one is Eli's.The first room on the left is Calum's, the second one is mine, and the third one is yours." Michael explained.

"Got it." I answered.

Me and Eli walked down to the end of the hall and went to the opposite side into our rooms to start unpacking.

I walked into my room and stopped in my tracks. It was really big. I had a walk in closet and a desk.

I unpacked my clothes and put them in my closet. I put Gray on my baby blue comforter and set my iPod on my desk.

I walked across the hall and went into Eli's room. Eli was still unpacking and had a dark blue comforter on his king size bed.

"Eli want to ask if we could go to the park later? I miss Jaylen and I'm petty sure you probably miss Summer." I asked nudging him in the side with my elbow. Eli blushed.

"Sure, and by the way I don't like Summer we're just friends." He answered.

"Okay, whatever you say." I shrug.

"No seriously, I don't."

"Eli and Summer, sitting in a tree, f-u-c-k-i-n-g." I sing walking out the door.

I walk across the hall back to my room and find a note on my desk.


Check the side of the desk. I'm sure you'll like it. ;)


I smiled and walked over to the side of the desk and opened it.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!" I screamed with a huge grin on my face.

"Michael Gordon Clifford!"

I ran to his room to see him playing his guitar. He saw what I had it my hands and a big grin spread across his face. I threw my arms around his neck and squeezed him tight.


"I'm glad to see you still like Skittles." He chuckled.

"No Michael one does not simply like Skittles one loves Skittles." I correct him.

"Oh! I just remembered. Can Eli and I go the the park after dinner?" I asked.

"You'll have to ask Luke." He replied.

"You want me to talk to him?" I ask frowning. Michael thought about it.

"Okay fine you can go." He says.

"Yes!" I say pumping my fist in the air. Achievement unlocked: park. Success! Ughh I hate myself for thinking that. That was a whole sentence of lame.

"But, you have to talk to Luke during dinner." He says smirking. That ninja funking idiot. I'm going to get a butter knife, remove those dang smirking lips, and personally show them the way and shove them up his a-

"Is that a yes or a no?" Michael asks raising one of his mother trucking eyebrows. I groan.

"Fine." I grumble huffing and crossing my arms. Boo you whore. 1 cent in the swear jar. I would make it 1 dollar but I'm broke and I don't have that much money to be throwing around. It was totally worth it though.

"Guys we have pizza!" I hear Ashton yell.

"Come on let's go eat and so you can talk to Luke." He said grabbing my hand. His grip on my had tightens and he starts to go down that hall skipping and swinging our arms in sync as if we're going to see the wizard of Oz or some shiz. But I just go with it.

"Come on Eli!" I yell.

"Okay!" He yells back coming from his room walking next to us.

We walked to the dining room downstairs and sit. I sit in between Calum and Eli. I grabbing two slices of pizza I start stuffing my mouth.

They all looked at me in shock as I grabbed my fourth slice of pizza.

"What?" I ask with my mouth full. Michael grabs two slices of pizza.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm going to get another slice because I think Carter might eat them all." Michael admitted.

"Same." Calum says grabbing two slices.

"Remember the park deal, you have to talk to Luke." Michael whispers in my ear. I nod gritting my teeth. That little fuc-. I put on a fake smile.

"So Luke. How's your um life going?" I ask awkwardly.

"U-um good I guess." Luke replied awkwardly looking away to Michael shocked by me talking to him.

"Good, good." I replied. I close my eyes for a second and images flash into my mind. Luke leaving me. The car ride to the airport. Him not telling me why only my bag was packed. No sympathy in his eyes. Not a regret in the world. He even looked a little happy. My eyes start to water, lip trembling.

"May I be excused?" I ask trying to hold in my tears.

"Um sure." Luke answers scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

I stand up and go back to my room. I fall onto my bed and start crying. Oh gosh could that have been any less awkward?

I wrap a blanket around me and open the Skittles Mikey bought for me. King size. I eat them. Red, yellow, and purple. I don't like the green or orange ones. I always save them for Mikey, he knows that.

"Smooth talking, so rockin', he's got everything that a girl's wanting"

I laugh at my ringtone my boyfriend Jaylen made for me. Of course only he would make his ringtone a Hannah Montana song. I answer the phone.

"Hey Jaylen I can't talk only text."


Jaylen hangs up and starts texting me.

JJ: Hey Babe

Me: Sup

JJ: I came by the house today and you weren't there

Me: Oh yeah I got adopted again😑

JJ: Do you think it will last

Me: I don't know this time it's a 50/50 chance

JJ: Who were you adopted by

Me: Luke Fucking Hemmings

JJ: Are you shitting me btw swear jar

Me: Not even and thanks 🙄

JJ: Damn good luck😂

Me: Believe me I need it

JJ: Want to meet up at the park you can bring Eli

Me: Yeah I was gonna ask you See you in 20

JJ: Love you

Me: Love you too❤️

Me: Can you bring Summer

JJ: Of course we can't just leave Eli alone

Me: Okay see you

JJ: K Bye

Me: Bye

I pray to God that he will forgive me for cursing so much. I need some holy water. I smiled at my phone and went downstairs.

"Michael can we go now?" I ask referring to me and Eli. Everyone at the table looks at me. I look at my fingers as Michael says silent for a while. Ugh I hate having everyone staring at me. I'm too awkward for this. I play with my glasses. MICHAEL YOU DUMB FUC-.

"Um sure." He says. I exhale. Finally.

"Eli are you done?" I ask.

"Yeah, let's go." He answers standing up.

We walk out the front door and walk to the park.


Hey guys, this is my first book on Wattpad that I'm doing and I want to know what you think about it. So make sure to vote and comment and stuff.


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