The New Girl

By Werewolf_teen08

265K 8.2K 690

~~~Completed~~~ Tori william moves to a new school.... Bell creek high school.. At her old school she was the... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
Chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 17
Chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
Chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (Ending)

chapter 16

5.6K 186 5
By Werewolf_teen08

Hey remember to
Pic of her picked outfit

*toir pov*

"wake up tori..wake up!" kyliee screams into my ear

I shot up and looked at her annoyed..."thanks kyliee, thats very helpful" i got up and i see that we are at a hotel

///Im Hotel Room///

"i told him that you were coming and he wants you to put on the outfit" she said handing me 2 bags

"ok, im going to and get ready..." i said and headed into the batheroon

I look at what he got me and there is no way im wearing that?!

I walk out and hand kyliee back the box and she looks at me like im stuiped

"umm? Why dont you have it on?" she said looking into the box and the outfit still in there

"im not wearing a long dress with heels" i said crossing my arms

"if hes going to pick that, than im picking my own outfit" i said furing and going to my suitcase

"he doesnt like when you dont listen to know that" kyliee said and her voice sounded worried

"dont act like you care kyliee, if you didnt figure it out i dont listen to him anymore.." i said and finally finding a outfit

"im just warning you know, after you left he got more strict with the gang..." she said

Yea, my dads in a gang...well, he the leader of the gang...

"...i dont care, im going to go and get ready" i said going back into the batheroom and putting a comfortable outfit

Its not like i care what he think of me, plus if i want to get payback...

Than i need to get comfortable

Now that were here at my past and were talking about it, im just going to tell you...

I can fight, im really good at it...but my dad is a little better

"come on tori we got to go!" kyliee said bagging on my door

"coming" i said snapping out of my thoughts...

"finally, lets go. Dont want to keep him waiting" she said smirking and headed to her car...

"so whats your plan" she said looking at me

"like i said im going to just tell him im not his daughter" i said shrugging and looking through the window

"you did not come ALL this way to to him that, and we both know that hes perpared when you whatever your plan is, i hope it doesnt get you killed" she said and there was a little worry in her voice

While we were driving i started to think about cameron and school and etc.

If cameron didnt say anything then who would say something, no one knew except him and...

"YOU LITTLE-- YOUR THE ONE WHO TOLD EVERYONE ABOUT ZACKERY!!!" i scream realizing that cameron was telling the truth...he didnt tell anyone...

"You finally figured out...i guess you cant be smart and strong at the same time" she said


"zackery put you to this, he wanted you to make me misrable and lose my friends, happeniss, my LIFE!!" i said tearing up

"zackery didnt put me up to it. You should thank me, he was going to come down there..." she said

"jus wa-" i got cut off by her

"ahhh, we're here" she said and i look in front of me to see the hell

*Camerom pov* ooohhh!!!

Something about tori going to see her dad his just not right...

Today is Saturay and im in my room on my bed just thinking...

*riinnggg* *rriinnggg*

I look at my phone and see that it was a unknown number

"hello?" i said "cameron! Have you seen tori, i havent seen here since last night" tori mom frantices

"i thought that you and her went and visted her dad?" i said getting off my bed

"no! Please tell me she di-" i cut her off by hanging out

I swear tori, dont do anything stuiped until i get there...

I cant lose someone i love again...

*Authors Note*

That ending thou.

Things are getting intense. Lets just hope that nothing happens until cameron gets there ;-) ;-)

But yea, thank you guys for the support!

Love you! byee

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