Stolen - Bleach Fanfiction ~E...

By SilentInnocence

100K 1.8K 134

*EDITED UP TO CHAPTER 9. READ PAST THAT AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.* Keeping a secret from the world is hard. Kir... More

Character Profile
Chapter 1: New students
Chapter 2: Partners and Tag
Chapter 3: Memories
Chapter 4: Late
Chapter 5: Revealed
Chapter 6: Telling the truth
Chapter 7: Say Goodbye, Say Hello
Chapter 8: Pink
Chapter 9: Trust
Chapter 10: Suprises and Shocks
Chapter 11: Escort
Chapter 12: Dinner
Chapter 13: Trainer
Chapter 14: Are you trying to kill me?!
Chapter 15: Bring me back
Chapter 16: Waking up
Chapter 17: Get ready
Chapter 18: Battle
Chapter 19: Second Chance
Chapter 20: Assignment
Chapter 21: Encounter
Chapter 22: Why?
Chapter 23: I promise
Chapter 24: Ghosts
Chapter 25: Man in black and going back?
Chapter 27: Back in town
Chapter 28: Curse
Chapter 29: Let me in
Chapter 30: Party
Chapter 31: Believing
Chapter 32: Falling apart
Chapter 33: No regrets
Chapter 34: Feelings
Chapter 35: War plans
Chapter 36: Gone
Chapter 37: Catching up
Chapter 38: Surprise visit
Chapter 39: Say goodbye
Chapter 40: Dream or Reality?
Chapter 41: Welcome
Chapter 42: Complications
Chapter 43: Change
Chapter 44: Reuniting
Chapter 45: Breaking the promise
Chapter 46: Saviour
Chapter 47: Till Death Do Us Part

Chapter 26: Im back!

1.5K 26 1
By SilentInnocence

Chapter 26: Im back!

‘Guess we’re going back to the shit hole.’ I smirk as I walk to Grimmjow’s room. I was sort of excited to go back but also not.

‘Yup we are. Wonder what’s gonna happen. Do you think Ichigo told anyone about you?’ Fiera wonders, her voice amused.

‘Don’t know, but if he did, well then, I’ll just have to threaten him a lil’ bit.’ My smirk grows bigger as I come to Grimmjow’s room. I knock on the door and wait for an answer but none come. Odd.

I push open the door and peek inside to see Grimmjow, sleeping. He was sprawled out on his bed with his blankets entangling with him, his hair was a mess and he had no shirt on.

A smile broke out on my face as I glide over to Grimmjow. My gaze travels down to his stomach which is where a yummy eight pack was. I trail my fingers over his stomach and chest before I climb onto his abdomen and sit there, my fingers tracing shapes on his bare skin.

“Mm.” A loan moan came from Grimmjow’s throat as I traced a circle around the center of his stomach. Deciding to tease him, I bent over, trailing my hands up his chest as I did, and held my face inches from his. I move my lips so there a mere centimetres away from each other.

“Wake up babe.” I whisper, my lips brushing his. Grimmjow stirs, but doesn’t make any attempt to get up. I start to sit up but Grimmjow’s hands snake there way around my waist and into my hair, pulling me back down. I smile just as his lips touch mine.

We kiss for a few more minutes until I pull away to see Grimmjow smirking at me. “If this keeps happening, I don’t know what I’ll do.” Grimmjow snickers, his hands resting on my hips.

“Come on sleepy, we’re going on a mission today. So, get up!” I smile, peck him on the lips before jumping off of him and walking over to his bathroom. “Shower time.” I giggle and point to the bathroom.

Grimmjow groans and pulls himself out of bed, trudging over to me. He reaches me and wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. “Only if you join me.” Grimmjow whispers suggestively.

“Next time Hun. We gotta get a move on, so chop chop!” I smirk and Grimmjow frowns.

“Please?” Grimmjow whines, giving me his best innocent eyes.

“Later, I promise.” I smile and stand up on my tip-toes, pecking his lips. I pull away and walk away from him before turning around and smacking him on the ass. “Hurry up!” I laugh.

Grimmjow obliges, and walks into the bathroom. I walk over to his couch and sit down just as the water starts running. After waiting for 10 minutes Grimmjow comes out of the bathroom fully clothed and ready. “If your in such a hurry, let’s go.” Grimmjow complains as we walk out of his room to the training field where we would meet the other people coming with us.

We reach the training fields in record time and I see our team mates already there. Luppi and Zomarri were standing there, waiting for us. I see them and run over to Luppi, jumping onto his back. “Guess who!” I say excitedly.

Luppi laughs and reaches up to were my hollow mask was located on my head. “Kira, hello.” Luppi laughs, causing me to jump off of his back and cross my arms and pout.

“You cheater.” I pout, and angry and sad look on my face.

“Nope.” Luppi laughs again. “Come on, let’s go. We’ll be staying in the World of the Living for 5 days. I’ll explain the rest when we get there.” Luppi says as he opens the portal.

Smiling, I walk into it, giddy with excitement. This is going to be fun!


20 minutes later I was standing in a park close to the high school. School was starting in 5 minutes and I had to go to keep cover, so I was making my way there when I saw Ichigo and Rukia walking to school. I miss them.

Sighing, I sonidoed past them and into the office of the school. The secretary was sitting at her desk, playing on her computer. I clear my throat which causes her to look up and smile at me.

“Ms. Hiraki, your back. Where were you?” Mrs. Koto asks, her glasses sliding off the bridge of her nose.

“Family issues. My uncle passed away so I was gone for a while. Sorry for my absence.” I apologize.

“No need to apologize dear. I am sorry for your lose. Just go to your next class and I will inform the teachers of this.” Mrs. Koto smiles at me. I turn and walk to my next class, a smirk on my face. I make it to my class just as the bell rings. Pushing the door open, I step inside and see everyone talking and the teacher no where in sight. Let’s make a grand entrance.

I clear my throat slightly and everyone turns. People's eyes widen and boys mouth's drop. A smirk crawls onto my lips as I stand there, letting people take in my appearance.

"What are you all staring at?" Ichigo turns and his eyes widen. "Kira."

"Hello boys, I'm back." I smirk.

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