A Tobelaide tale!

De randomfanficdownton

17.1K 442 122

Once upon a time, the cameras turned off, the characters stopped acting, and their real lives became a perfor... Mais

Tobelaide reaches england..
"Ditching the car."
Lagoon? Check.
'Watched it begin again'
In the morning, dear.
Climbing cuts
Toblerone talk.
Falling Star
Friend zone?
Back home
Authors note

Cinderella and the hiker.

925 27 7
De randomfanficdownton

Toby yelled over the deafening sound of rushing wind as they sped through the British countryside in their duck egg blue Land Rover.
She replied, raising her arms in the air and trying to catch some of the leaves shooting past.

Toby chuckled to himself as he glanced from the road to her, what an excitable little puppy she was.
Her messy bun was now more on the side of half bun half crazy flying strands, but she still looked amazing! She thought they were going to go back to the car hire and then jump on a plane back to Toronto where they filmed; but how wrong she was.
"So I was wondering.."
Toby began, taking a left turn onto another country road.
Adelaide listened but had her eyes fixed on the blur of countryside shooting by.. Was that a deer?!
"You know how you love TROYE SIVAN?"
He asked. He wasn't focused on her but could feel the smile creeping across her cute little face.
She said excitedly, now paying her full attention to Toby who was grinning himself.
"Well there's a ball in London, one of these fancy buildings, VIP passes only. It's more of a ball than a concert, as there's a posh ball room.
And you can guess who is singing..."
Adelaide screamed in a fangirl way, almost jumping out of her seat and waved her hands about crazily.
"Do you mean?"
She asked quickly before exploding into fireworks and butterflies.
"Yes I mean were soooooo going."
Toby mimicked her fangirling, displaying his white teeth in a wide grin.
She squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting about fifty quick kisses on his cheek.
Toby just grinned away and only turned very quickly for a peck on the lips before focusing on the road again.
They sped through hills, grass, trees, forests, petals and leaves, all the way down south to the great capital of England; London!

On the way down they made a few stops.
(Mainly to get food. (Ice cream.))
Adelaide hopped back into their car, not bothering to open the door and merely jumping over it into her seat.
"Toffee and chocolate scoop for you," she passed his sticky, dripping cone over to him.
"Double chocolate for me!"
She immediately started to attack her ice cream while Toby manoeuvred the car out of the weird way he parked.
"Wait don't drive yet; eat Ice cream." Adelaide demanded, keeping his priorities right and putting a hand on the wheel.
"Priorities much."
Toby said laughing to himself and applying the breaks.
Adelaide resumed to attacking her ice cream and when she had finished she had some on her nose and upper lip.
"Ade babe, you're a very messy pup." Toby observed, coming closer to attempt to clean her up.
He kissed her nose first, wiping off the chocolate smudge and then put one hand around her waist.
"Oops sorry.."
She said, about to wipe her mouth but Toby caught her hand before it got there and held it.
He leaned in and kissed her.
"All better little bear."
Toby said as he pulled away a tiny bit so that their noses were touching.
"Are you sure there's no Ice cream left?" She asked sounding hopeful.
"None at all." He replied, brushing a stray hair off her face.
"Shame, I could swear there is..." She flirted, leaning in for another kiss and they broke off giggling.

"C'mon then Ade, get out the British Maps!"
He said, leaning back into his leather seat. He liked to pretend they were on an adventure and 'British Maps' sounded way better than 'I don't know where the hell I am except the fact I'm in England.'
Soon Ade was blanketed in a gigantic map which covered the whole of her lower body, there were lots of squiggly lines and it made her feel a little bit sick even looking at it.
Toby looked back with his hand around the back of Ade's chair as he reversed ever so carefully and then sped off in the approximate direction of the motorway.
"Toby how the hell do people navigate maps..."
She asked, turning it this way and that and tracing various lines that looked like they were more in Wales than England.
"Find the M1.." He said as they shot down the motor way alongside many other snazzy cars ( theirs was obviously the best ).
Adelaide's map was wriggling about like a little child in the wind and all Toby could see in the corner of his eye was the map devouring her.

Devouring his girlfriend.

Oh god did he love life right now.

Quite a few hours and Ice creams later, Toby pulled up outside a vintage dress shop and woke Adelaide who was sweetly dreaming away under her map duvet.
She rubbed her eyes and couldn't for the life of her work out where they were.
"Babe wake up,"
Toby said, stroking her cheek and kissing her forehead as she sleepily came to.
She yawned and then collapsed tiredly into his open arms.
He gave her a cuddle and then got out of the car and offered her a hand.
She slipped out, rubbing her eyes and straightening out her crumpled shorts and tshirt.
"Where are we?"
She asked, looking around in utter confusion while Toby held her hand and lead her in the direction of a particular dress shop.
"Toby what are you doing?"
She asked when he walked through the shop door, wallet in pocket and her hand in his.
"Cinderella can't go to the ball without a dress."
He explained, watching Adelaide suddenly wake up and beam at him.

Then she realised they were already in London.

That this was more or less the most expensive shop in London.
And that he was paying.

Five or six dress fittings later, Adelaide strolled out of the changing room in the most elegant, rich purple dress.
It clung to her bust until it reached her hips at which it sprung outward and then cascaded in tousles to the floor.
Her shins up to her knees were exposed, the back of the dress trailing to the bottom of her legs and the hem of the dress was ruffled like the curls at the bottom of Adelaide's hair.
Toby stood up slowly, gaping at.. The beauty before him.
He circled her before tracing her jawline with his forefinger and kissing her lips sweetly.
"Not bad for a bear." He whispered fondly in her ear, handing over his card to the assistant waiting beside Adelaide.
They got Adelaide's dress in a large plastic dress bag, laying it down evenly in the back and Adelaide took over the wheel.
Toby sat in the passenger seat confused as to where she was going to drive to since she totally had no sense of direction in Toronto never mind the one of the seven mega cities..
"We are going to.."
She turned the ignition and pressed her foot on the acceleration pedal instantly.
"A suit shop."
She finished as the wind picked up their hair and danced around with it.

Toby glanced at his watch; 5:15pm.
They had two hours.

"Why?" He asked lousily, leaning his arm along the rim of the car door and watching Cars beep in front of them.

"Cinderella doesn't dance with sweaty hikers."

She answered, sticking her tongue out at him and scrunching up her nose cheekily.

It was a dark evening and the sun's glow had left London's busy streets. London however was not quite sleepy enough to go to sleep and so it's cars still beeped and it's lights still shone brightly as if protesting against it's natural bedtime.
Big Ben struck 10 pm as rain began to splash down heavy in the Thames and upon the windscreen of a particular Duck egg blue Land rover which was trundling through all the traffic to get to a concert which was to be performed by Troye Sivan.
They were almost late, but fashionably so, as Toby and Adelaide looked stunning in their colour matching gear.
Toby parked neatly beside the limousines and posh Porsches in their muddy Land Rover and then smartly jumped over the car door and ran to Adelaide's as the rain drops made dark splashes on his black satin suit.
He opened the door like a chauffeur and offered a hand to his princess, Adelaide, and she took it in the most ladylike manner.
They ran squealing in the rain to the warmly lit building, in all it's grandeur, which was reflected in the
Mirroring pavement.
A footman smartly opened the oak double doors into the grand hall and there before them was about fifty large round tables scattered in a circular way around a large marble ball room dance floor.
Jazzy background music, clinking of glasses, rattling of silver trollies, posh small talk, long tailcoats and elegant dresses surrounded them in an instant and Toby's grin widened.
Adelaide looked slightly overwhelmed by the sight and her grip on Toby's arm tightened ever so slightly.
"You okay Ade?" He asked, still gleaming at her as they walked slowly down the stairs to the grand floor below.
"Quite so, I'm only glad we didn't come in hiking gear.." She joked, flashing a smile to reassure her concerned squire.
"You'd still look pretty." He flirted, patting her hand resting on his arm.
"I wouldn't."
"You would."

They had barely sat down when Troye Sivan himself strode Into the room wearing a crisp clean white shirt with a contrasting black satin bow tie and of course, a charming smile for his upper class audience.
The lights slightly dimmed as he took his stand by the microphone and the orchestra of a band behind him.
The audience clapped politely and a few younger girls among them beamed; they must be more of a fan than their folks.
Toby glanced over to Adelaide who was on the edge of her seat staring at Sivan absolutely ecstatic.
He hoped he hadn't lost his charm to a slightly younger boy.

Troye sang 'for him' first and a few couples got up and danced on the marble dance floor quite elegantly.
One couldn't deny that it was quite a strange picture, Troye Sivan singing and a waltz in the background but no one seemed to mind.
Toby felt for Adelaide's Hand and stood up, tucking his white handkerchief into his front jacket pocket.
"May I have this dance?" He asked and of course was not refused.

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