Climbing cuts

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"Okay so,"
They were both back at camp now, back in their climbing gear with their tents messily packed back up in the bags.
It's ridiculous; as soon as the tent is out the bag it's as if it will never fit back in again even though that's where it had been only the night before.
The fire had been put out and small groups of clouds were beginning to gather in the previously clear sky.
Toby and Adelaide were sat cross legged where their tents had been, studying a rough map of the mountain they were on.

"There's like.. A cliff descent into this ditch thing and then you have to climb up it again on the other side to continue the trek."
Toby explained rather roughly to Adelaide who just stared at him blankly in reply.
"Basically we gotta go down to go up." He clarified, folding up the map and tucking it into the side compartment of his rucksack.
"Your legs are so hairy."
Adelaide observed randomly, seeing the bottom quarter of his legs since he was wearing three quarter length climbing trousers.
"Get lost."
He said, jumping up, throwing his rucksack into his back and tightening the straps around his waist.
"Probably will as well with you navigating today."
She replied cheekily.
She rested her gaze on the sky behind them one last time before they left, seeing the jumble of clouds just north of the mountain, casting shadows over the bumpy fields of the countryside below.

She asked as they began to plod on.
"Yeah?" He noticed the stick and twine bracelet secured on Adelaide's wrist as they ascended.

"Do you think it's going to rain?"


"Mm.. Nope."


"Do you trust me?"
He asked with a slight mischievous smirk on his face. Adelaide did not trust this bloody bear one little bit; after all she had absolutely no reason to! He was constantly flirting and constantly risking his life. He played through his life like roulette and repeatedly gambled his safety away. Right now they were alone in the middle of no where about to absail down the side of a rather risqué looking cliff to the bottom of the valley where they'd rest a while and then climb up the other cliff face and continue their trek.
"Do you want the truth or a lie?"
She asked as he tightened the rope around her waist and put the end of it in his mouth.
"I don't want your lies nor your truths, I want your trust."
He answered in a muffled voice before removing the rope from his mouth and getting her to hold onto it.
"EW. Ok that's gross."
She commented, trying not to hold onto the bit that had been in his mouth.
"Scared of a little saliva little bear?" Toby teased as he tied a big knot around his own waist and tugged on it to check the sturdiness.

Adelaide: "Why am I trusting a man with my life?"

Toby: "Because I'm devilishly handsome."

Adelaide: "Trust you to say that."

Toby: "AH! I finally have your trust."

And with that, Toby tied the end of the rope around a stable rock and practically jumped off the edge of the cliff.

"Oh my gosh do you have a death wish?!"
Adelaide shouted down to him as she peered over the edge.
There he was, slowly walking down the cliff, perfectly fine. Thank god.

"Nope. Just ambition and daring plans,"
He answered and nodded his head, "Come on then Kane, let's see you climbing."

To be fair, she didn't feel safe climbing with a contraption that Toby had made and also, he'd probably be staring up at her...
"Ade!" He called again whilst she just gazed down at the terrifying drop.
"Yeah yeah Regbo, hold your horses or bear cubs whatever."
Slowly she began to descend after him, holding the rope with both hands and looking for a safe place to put her feet.

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