Tobelaide reaches england..

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They'd got off the plane a few hours ago and now they were in a taxi to the nearest car garage.
"How cool is this though?" Adelaide grinned holding up her little blue plane blanket that the crew had let her keep.
"Adelaide... You get those every time we fly to Toronto for filming." Toby said laughing, staring out the window onto this strange English land that he'd never visited before.
"Yes. And now I have 13!" She said proudly, leaning over Toby to look out the window too.
"Adelaide owww!" Toby groaned when she elbowed him in the ribs.
"Shhh Toby honestly the driver can't concentrate with such a beautiful lady in the back of the car never mind you going and yelling." Adelaide joked, still practically lying on him to watch the British scenery pass at 60 MPH. It was all a blur to Adelaide. But it was an English blur. And that was cool.

Adelaide would have been looking out her own window but she had been put in the middle seat because their suitcases and various camping equipment took up the seat next to them and the boot.
All Adelaide could see at the left of her was a black mountain of luggage with the occasional peep of white which were the luggage tags.
"True.. I mean I am a very very beautiful lady." Toby replied sarcastically, posing like he'd leapt off a page of vogue.
"Extremely beautiful." Adelaide confirmed, looking up at him from her almost lying down position on his knee.
She still had her hair in a messy bun and her sunglasses were hanging off her owl tee.

Later on the driver turned on the radio and Taylor Swift came on.
"Everything will be alright if we keep dancing like were twenty two..."
The catchy tune drifted into the previously silent atmosphere and Adelaide started to bob her head and then she looked over to Toby who looked back at her grinning.
"Would you mind if we... Sang?" Toby's request reached the driver's ears and the taxi driver smiled, nodded his head and turned up the volume.

"This one." Adelaide demanded, holding Toby's shirt and trying to take the wallet out of his back pocket.
"Adelaide we're camping! We can't go up the side of a mountain in an Audi." Toby replied firmly, keeping his eye on a Land Rover at the far end that looked much like his own in Toronto.
"Maybe not but we can get to the foot of the mountain in style." Adelaide said, opening the door and looking inside at all the fancy buttons.
"True though." Toby agreed, laughing and catching his suitcase before it fell over.

He wandered over to an open topped car.. It looked robust but still quite 'fancy' as Ade would say.
He held onto the top of the windscreen and jumped over the doors into the driving seat.
It was a light blue with reasonably large wheels and cream seats.
It had practical boot space and three seats in the back that they could put the rest of the luggage in.

"Ade.." Toby called her over, flicking a few switches and checking the car's dashboard out.
"Oh my gosh." Adelaide said, giggling and coming over to the car Toby had supposedly fell in love with.
"This one?"

They only needed a temporary car to rent out for the week they were away, it needed to be practical but pretty. The car Toby had jumped into was... A strange find.
Toby looked up at Adelaide with an excited expression, almost like a child begging their mum to buy them a new toy.
Adelaide put her hands on her hips and then judgementally stared at the car..
It was a strange sort of abstract, forced mix of an elegant car and a robust, practical one.
The wheels, for example, were robust but the actual interior was elegant and fancy.
"Pleasseeee!" Toby pleaded, looking up at Adelaide and putting his most innocent expression on, a begging ,puppy eyed face.
"Toby.." Adelaide said slowly, looking at the stereo player inside the car.
"Yes?" Toby looked up at her hopefully as he saw a thoughtful expression pass her face.
"Move along!" She said, a wide smile spreading on her face and jumping in next to Toby, again not bothering to use the door.
"YESSS! I LOVE YOU!" Toby cried excitedly, shuffling over to the next seat and feeling Adelaide slide in next to him.

A Tobelaide tale!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat