In the morning, dear.

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Toby awoke early, at the literal crack of dawn, to music playing outside, performed by the shadow of a cuddly bear playing the guitar sweetly.
He yawned and turned over in bed, smiling to himself.
He listened to her sweet voice filling the air as the sun's rays fell upon his face.

"And baby I will
Be loving you till
Were seventy.."
She sang quietly outside.

Over the night, the sun had revealed the view and the darkness had crept back into the shadows.
They had managed to camp in a clearing in the forest, quite high up so they could see most of the tree tops below.
She felt like she was on top of the world, even though she was only a third way up this massive rock.
Not even past the tree line!
Then again, she tended to feel that way with Toby.

Like the darkness, he seemed to make everything go away.
Earlier that month, when they'd both broken up with their partners, they'd both helped each other and that had made them stronger friends.
Such strong friends who needed each other.

If she was with Toby, who would be there for her when they broke up like he was before?
She didn't know, she never knew.
She focused more on the view, knowing it was a lot more beautiful than her messy thoughts in her mind.
Her very confused mind.

She looked back down at the guitar and kept singing as the sun painted the scenery a beautiful light shade of yellow.
The sun had painted the sky a lovely autumn colour, reds and oranges colliding together to enhance the picture.
Dotted clouds floated up there, also painted a faint red against the sun.
All together they looked beautiful.
Near their spot, a river trickled quietly and a slight breeze rustled the leaves ever so gently.
All together, it was a beautiful beautiful camping trip.

Toby sat up in his tent and put a blue thermal jumper on, he rubbed his eyes and remembered last night.
He zipped open his tent and Adelaide didn't even stop singing or turn around.
She was so carefree and lost in her own world.
He came closer to her ear behind her and sensed a smile forming on her face as she sang.

"Your voice was a beautiful thing to wake up to Ade, my turn to get a serenade?"
He whispered in her ear sweetly and listened to her continue to sing away.

"Well people fall in love in mysterious ways,
Maybe at the touch of a hand,
Me, I fall in love with you every single day-"
"Why thankyou."
Toby popped into the line, making Adelaide laugh while she sang.
She sang away in her rilakuma onsie while Toby cooked breakfast and everything was so calm and relaxed.
It made Adelaide never want to return to work.

"Right that's enough of me!" Adelaide declared, standing up and putting the guitar on the ground.
She stretched, which looked more like a yoga position to Toby, and then ran up and hugged Toby from behind.
In a friendly way, in a relationship way; that she did not know.
A touched smile spread across Toby's cute little face as he felt her arms wrap around his waist.

"Why hello there little bear!"
He said cheerfully, keeping an eye upon the almost burning food on the makeshift stove In front of him.
"Little bear thinks the scenery looks beautiful."
Adelaide said, resting her head on his back.
"Big bear thinks little bear looks beautiful."
Toby said cheekily but honestly.
"Honestly Toby you're such a flirt!" Adelaide said giggling and popping off to her tent to get clothes for when she washed.
"I mean it!"
He shouted after her, slightly feeling upset that she never realised he meant all these things he said.
"How can someone look good with bed hair and a bear onsie?"
She questioned him, looking behind her and raising an eyebrow quizzically.
"I don't know... You just.. Do."
Toby said feebly, blushing and smiling at the same time.

Adelaide just laughed awkwardly in reply and then gathered her things together.

Toby watched her silhouette shuffling about inside the tent with a sad smile.
A Sad, admiring smile.
Oh Adelaide.

She popped her head out of the tent and he quickly averted his gaze.
"I'm gonna go find this river."
She said before disappearing through the near trees and beyond Toby's sight.
She gained distance from their camp, snapping twigs and pushing others out of her way, her only compass was the slight Running water sound.
She could sense it was reasonably near and so she just plodded onwards, in the approximate direction of the river.

Toby flopped down at the foot of the fire, staring at the food which was taking forever to cook.
He drew pictures in the dirt and made various sounds with his mouth.

So bored.

Then it occurred to him that Adelaide wasn't the only one who needed to wash this morning; he too would need some form of hygienic appearance.
He gathered his things and set off in the same direction Adelaide had.
More or less the same journey except he completed it in hiking boots rather than flip flops.

Adelaide jumped into the deeper end of the river and dipped her head under quickly.
There was a little waterfall just up the river sending little droplets onto Adelaide.
She shivered and then swam about to try and get warmer in the icy water.
She then lay her head back and lifted her legs up to the surface, floating like a starfish; a trick she learnt in swimming lessons when she were a child.
She stared up at the sky, red and yellow and orange.
No stars though.
She thought about what Toby had said the other night, that the sky admired her back.
But that's silly.
Even men didn't admire her so why should the sky.

Meanwhile Toby crept to the edge of the river in some nearby bushes.
He didn't want to disturb Adelaide or seem like a creep so he simply sat down behind the bush and waited for her to leave.
She was so peaceful and elegant until she turned the speaker on.


Peaceful Adelaide turned into a partying fish in the water.
Uptown funk by Bruno Mars came on and Adelaide sprang into dance and theatre; a performance young Toby would never forget.

She snapped a stick off the near by draping tree and turned it into a microphone.
That's when the awful but hilarious shout singing started.
"IM TOO HOT, HOT DAMN" she yelled at the top of her lungs as she thrashed about in the water wildly.

Toby sat literally out of breath from laughing from the side, his knees tucked up to his chest.
He fell about on the floor, his vision blurred by humoured tears.
She turned her head this way and that dramatically as the lyrics changed.

Then the dancing kicked in.

Her legs kicked out of the water; surprisingly high at certain intervals, sending a spray of water in every direction.
What a peculiar sight! An Australian actor frolicking about in a British river which was undoubtedly freezing.
A gentle breeze picked up and Toby began to fall more and more in love with this wild Adelaide Kane.
The way she was so carefree and lively when she thought she were alone.

"Up town funk you up, up town funk you up..
Dance, jump on me-"
She shouted into the open atmosphere when suddenly Toby cut in.
"Maybe I will!" He shouted as he revealed himself from behind the bush.
Adelaide literally fell back Into the water as she gasped, the water engulfing her shocked expression.
Her head popped back up above the water but she kept her cleavage hidden by the river's ripples.
"Oh my god how long have you been there?" She yelled over to him, trying to be heard above the music she was blasting.
"Long enough to admire your talent for singing." He replied chucking as he meandered down the river towards her.
Adelaide blushed a deep red and covered her mouth with her hands.

How bloody embarrassing.

"No wonder you got the part for queen Mary over me." He pouted, sitting down on the rocks nearby where Adelaide was bobbing about.
"I apologise for what you've just witnessed." She said as he threw her a towel and she caught it.
She wrapped it tightly around her dripping figure so that it circled just above her chest and down to her knees.
Her hair looked rather bedraggled, hanging limply around her face.
"Apologise to the fish." Toby replied, watching her come out of the river and shove her flip flops on.
"The fish loved it." Adelaide claimed, grinning back at the river cheekily.
"Well the only bear in England loved it too." Toby complimented her, picking up the speaker, turning it down and handing it over to her.
"Oh shut up." She giggled, padding back through the forest to camp.

A Tobelaide tale!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang